Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute REJECTION Of Democrat Leadership!

What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.
How does that alter the fact that you're a giant hypocrite?
oh? Where's the hypocrisy? I didn't want another wall built on our current southern border because much of it already had walls or fences. Our new southern border, should Texas secede, will have no barriers at all. So yes, we need to build it.
We all know that's utter horseshit. You don't want the wall on our Southern border so new Democrats can flood into the country. It's purely about power.
Nope, you're just a fucking moron. I was all for the wall down there when Bush signed it. I was against rebuilding it.
When Bush signed it? When was that, 30 fucking years ago?
Fucking moron, 2006 was not '30 fucking years ago.'

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
I assumed you were talking about Bush I. Bush II may have signed it, but Congress never funded it. You claim you supported it, but there's no evidence of that. Why would you support it one year and oppose it another year? Because you're a lying NAZI moron. Do you actually expect anyone to believe that story?
You're lying again, fucking moron. Congress funded $2.4 billion and 670 miles of walls and fences were built by 2009.
Those of us who live near the Southern Border KNOW that fence has been there pre-trump.
You idiots got people to tax themselves $2 trillion to pay for a hoax, and you're asking me?
I thought maybe you knew. I was wrong.
One way is to elect a senile child molester.
Are you referring to that picture of Ivanka sitting on her daddy's lap?

That's a doctored photograph.
It's a still from a video, you fucking moron.
Yeah, where the girl's parents are standing right there and said Biden is a family friend, is like a grandfather to that girl and that he acted completely appropriately.
The parents are a couple of slimy minions sucking up to Fuhrer Biden to get power. All that shows is that there is no bar so low that some Dim apparatchik isn't eager to slither under it.

Who's dumb enough to believe a fucking moron like you who admits he lies on this forum for no reason other than to trigger Liberals?

Over the parents who were right there... along with other family members... along with dozens of other family members with dozens of Senators being sworn in; many of whom were Republican... along with the press... and not a single person among those hundreds of people said Biden acted inappropriately.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
Her parents are obvious bootlicking douchebags. Child Services should intervene. They sacrificed their daughter's welfare to gain political power. Who cares what they say? They are allowing someone to abuse their child right on camera.
Ah....a member of the trump party is talking about taking children away........again.....all part of their child trafficking support.
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.

But why should they have to give up their homes because they don't agree with the majority? That's the irony of this issue, and the point of my comment above. Presumably, the secessionists in Texas want to leave the union because they don't like being bullied by majority rule. Yet they are fine with bullying their neighbors in the same way.
You're the assholes who believe it's perfectly fine to ram your preferences down the throats of the minority.

Nope. :)
Of course you do, NAZI.

Yes, yes I know. And I voted for Biden. And I'm Democrat. And a socialist. Whatever it takes to squeeze me into your moronic stereotype - the one that tells you that everyone who opposes your hero is an evil monster. Simple minds ...
You fit the "stereotype" every time you post.

Only in your mind. That's why when I challenge to support your lurid fantasies with quotes, you never can.
You defended the Biden Swindle 10,000 ties, NAZI.

I'm not a qanon follower. You'll have to explain in rational terms. Which you can't. Sorry.

Only an SJW NAZI moron uses terms like "QAnon follower."
Oh? What do you call them? Trump supporters?
How do you know they're Trump supporters? Do you get mail from them?

Here's their Shaman...



Never heard of him until the riot, and neither did you. Wanna see some photos of Democrat NAZIs?




Friends of yours?

You know, maybe we need to click on your FBI Report button for some of these Republican goons on here.
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.

But why should they have to give up their homes because they don't agree with the majority? That's the irony of this issue, and the point of my comment above. Presumably, the secessionists in Texas want to leave the union because they don't like being bullied by majority rule. Yet they are fine with bullying their neighbors in the same way.
You're the assholes who believe it's perfectly fine to ram your preferences down the throats of the minority.

Nope. :)
Of course you do, NAZI.

Yes, yes I know. And I voted for Biden. And I'm Democrat. And a socialist. Whatever it takes to squeeze me into your moronic stereotype - the one that tells you that everyone who opposes your hero is an evil monster. Simple minds ...
You fit the "stereotype" every time you post.

Only in your mind. That's why when I challenge to support your lurid fantasies with quotes, you never can.
You defended the Biden Swindle 10,000 ties, NAZI.

I'm not a qanon follower. You'll have to explain in rational terms. Which you can't. Sorry.

Only an SJW NAZI moron uses terms like "QAnon follower."
Oh? What do you call them? Trump supporters?
How do you know they're Trump supporters? Do you get mail from them?

Here's their Shaman...



He's only his own Shaman, NAZI. You harp on that guy over and over because he's all you've got. Meanwhile, you have to take responsibility for the following:





You idiots got people to tax themselves $2 trillion to pay for a hoax, and you're asking me?
I thought maybe you knew. I was wrong.
One way is to elect a senile child molester.
Are you referring to that picture of Ivanka sitting on her daddy's lap?

That's a doctored photograph.
It's a still from a video, you fucking moron.
Yeah, where the girl's parents are standing right there and said Biden is a family friend, is like a grandfather to that girl and that he acted completely appropriately.
The parents are a couple of slimy minions sucking up to Fuhrer Biden to get power. All that shows is that there is no bar so low that some Dim apparatchik isn't eager to slither under it.

Who's dumb enough to believe a fucking moron like you who admits he lies on this forum for no reason other than to trigger Liberals?

Over the parents who were right there... along with other family members... along with dozens of other family members with dozens of Senators being sworn in; many of whom were Republican... along with the press... and not a single person among those hundreds of people said Biden acted inappropriately.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
Her parents are obvious bootlicking douchebags. Child Services should intervene. They sacrificed their daughter's welfare to gain political power. Who cares what they say? They are allowing someone to abuse their child right on camera.
Ah....a member of the trump party is talking about taking children away........again.....all part of their child trafficking support.
What the fuck are you taking about?
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.

But why should they have to give up their homes because they don't agree with the majority? That's the irony of this issue, and the point of my comment above. Presumably, the secessionists in Texas want to leave the union because they don't like being bullied by majority rule. Yet they are fine with bullying their neighbors in the same way.
You're the assholes who believe it's perfectly fine to ram your preferences down the throats of the minority.

Nope. :)
Of course you do, NAZI.

Yes, yes I know. And I voted for Biden. And I'm Democrat. And a socialist. Whatever it takes to squeeze me into your moronic stereotype - the one that tells you that everyone who opposes your hero is an evil monster. Simple minds ...
You fit the "stereotype" every time you post.

Only in your mind. That's why when I challenge to support your lurid fantasies with quotes, you never can.
You defended the Biden Swindle 10,000 ties, NAZI.

I'm not a qanon follower. You'll have to explain in rational terms. Which you can't. Sorry.

Only an SJW NAZI moron uses terms like "QAnon follower."
Oh? What do you call them? Trump supporters?
How do you know they're Trump supporters? Do you get mail from them?

Here's their Shaman...



Never heard of him until the riot, and neither did you. Wanna see some photos of Democrat NAZIs?




Friends of yours?

You know, maybe we need to click on your FBI Report button for some of these Republican goons on here.
For what, moron? If anyone has committed any crimes, it's far more likely to be minions of the Democrat Reich.
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of millions $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents next.
OK, so your Mom is now voting to secede. Just 14.5 million more votes and I guess we're out of here.
They'd probably try to disenfranchise the voters in their urban areas....they tried that in 2020.
You idiots got people to tax themselves $2 trillion to pay for a hoax, and you're asking me?
I thought maybe you knew. I was wrong.
One way is to elect a senile child molester.
Are you referring to that picture of Ivanka sitting on her daddy's lap?

That's a doctored photograph.
It's a still from a video, you fucking moron.
Yeah, where the girl's parents are standing right there and said Biden is a family friend, is like a grandfather to that girl and that he acted completely appropriately.
The parents are a couple of slimy minions sucking up to Fuhrer Biden to get power. All that shows is that there is no bar so low that some Dim apparatchik isn't eager to slither under it.

Who's dumb enough to believe a fucking moron like you who admits he lies on this forum for no reason other than to trigger Liberals?

Over the parents who were right there... along with other family members... along with dozens of other family members with dozens of Senators being sworn in; many of whom were Republican... along with the press... and not a single person among those hundreds of people said Biden acted inappropriately.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
Her parents are obvious bootlicking douchebags. Child Services should intervene. They sacrificed their daughter's welfare to gain political power. Who cares what they say? They are allowing someone to abuse their child right on camera.
Ah....a member of the trump party is talking about taking children away........again.....all part of their child trafficking support.
What the fuck are you taking about?
Ah.... ;)
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.

But why should they have to give up their homes because they don't agree with the majority? That's the irony of this issue, and the point of my comment above. Presumably, the secessionists in Texas want to leave the union because they don't like being bullied by majority rule. Yet they are fine with bullying their neighbors in the same way.
You're the assholes who believe it's perfectly fine to ram your preferences down the throats of the minority.

Nope. :)
Of course you do, NAZI.

Yes, yes I know. And I voted for Biden. And I'm Democrat. And a socialist. Whatever it takes to squeeze me into your moronic stereotype - the one that tells you that everyone who opposes your hero is an evil monster. Simple minds ...
You fit the "stereotype" every time you post.

Only in your mind. That's why when I challenge to support your lurid fantasies with quotes, you never can.
You defended the Biden Swindle 10,000 ties, NAZI.

I'm not a qanon follower. You'll have to explain in rational terms. Which you can't. Sorry.

Only an SJW NAZI moron uses terms like "QAnon follower."
Oh? What do you call them? Trump supporters?
How do you know they're Trump supporters? Do you get mail from them?

Here's their Shaman...



Never heard of him until the riot, and neither did you. Wanna see some photos of Democrat NAZIs?




Friends of yours?

You know, maybe we need to click on your FBI Report button for some of these Republican goons on here.
For what, moron? If anyone has committed any crimes, it's far more likely to be minions of the Democrat Reich.
How many are the cops looking for from your little event on Jan 6th?
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of millions $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents next.
OK, so your Mom is now voting to secede. Just 14.5 million more votes and I guess we're out of here.

She is just one of millions of texans who would not have voted to leave last year-------------but will this as Biden's policies create joblessness and terror in Texas. Typically, fascists and communists use the destruction of economies to scare people into allowing "change" which allows communism and dictatorships in. Texans are quirky and bit more rebellious though-------but they don't jump blindly in and tend to try to say in the "safe" lane. My family has been in Texas for generations--my great great whatever was a wagon train master that brought people to texas--------I'm the only one in my generation of my family to ever leave and stay gone from Texas------my mother is a good bell weather---someone given her age who would be more hesitant to leave US because she fears change but now willing is a reflection of seeing more fear with the communist change that Biden is implementing. When Texas votes to go---other states will follow assuming Texas can navigate the punishment that the communists are going to TRY to impose.

Yes, the military will side with Texas--with the exception of the army--------------so the libs will target funding----social security and federal tax dollars for schools and etc. Think this one of the reason why biden's puppet masters are trying to crash the economy so quickly--------they need to act fast hoping that Texas won't have the funds to feed its people or hold off the feds. And since Texas has retained the right to leave since they join------------attacking Texas with the military would be seen as a human rights violation around the world. Bad optics.
Pouty Pout Pout.
Sorry bout that,

1. Everyday we get a little bit closer, higher than a roller coaster.
2. Buddy Holly spoke true words, and we are headed towards his truth, breaking away from the clutches of pure evil.
3. DC is evil, no one with half a brain can disagree.
4. Its time.
5. When DC steals elections in open public and the Supreme Court puts its stamp of approval on it.
6. Sadly its, THE END.
7. Something better shall rise from its ashes.
8. Something with the Indians higher up in its places of power.
9. So good bye USA, you had a long run, time to end you forever.
10. Gone and into the history books, the liberals did it to themselves.

You're still here? I thought/hoped ya'll would be gone by now.
I know, right? How long does it take for those slow poke Texicans to leave? Can't they take a hint?
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.

Texans will not be voting on secession.
Its going up for a vote this year. And the more the dems fight to delay it, the worse the Texas economy will become with Bidens policies, making more people in Texas vote to leave...and oh, Texas is going to crack down on fraudulent votes especially the dem stunt of dem operatives giving other dems their address to use as their fake residence in Texas.

No it's not, fruitcake. A bill was submitted to let Texans discuss secession. a) it's not up for a vote. Texas' legislature has to vote just to add this proposition to the November election; b) even if Texas's legislature adds it to the ballot, it's not gonna pass, no such bill ever has; and c) it's not even a vote to secede. It's a vote to authorize a committee to consider what changes to make to their state constitution to move in the direction of secession -- which would then require another state-wide vote to amend their constitution.

I doubt any of you yahoos even bothered to read the bill.

Your mistake was falling for fake news posted here by the USMB's fucking moron who virtually never gets anything right.

Its going up for a vote this year pumpkin--------------the bill will get voted on-------there are to many people in texas supporting it and two it provides leverage against the evil Biden regime.

You understand that Trump barely won Texas, right?
That's why they tried to disenfranchise the voters of Houston.
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.

Texans will not be voting on secession.
Its going up for a vote this year. And the more the dems fight to delay it, the worse the Texas economy will become with Bidens policies, making more people in Texas vote to leave...and oh, Texas is going to crack down on fraudulent votes especially the dem stunt of dem operatives giving other dems their address to use as their fake residence in Texas.

No it's not, fruitcake. A bill was submitted to let Texans discuss secession. a) it's not up for a vote. Texas' legislature has to vote just to add this proposition to the November election; b) even if Texas's legislature adds it to the ballot, it's not gonna pass, no such bill ever has; and c) it's not even a vote to secede. It's a vote to authorize a committee to consider what changes to make to their state constitution to move in the direction of secession -- which would then require another state-wide vote to amend their constitution.

I doubt any of you yahoos even bothered to read the bill.

Your mistake was falling for fake news posted here by the USMB's fucking moron who virtually never gets anything right.

Its going up for a vote this year pumpkin--------------the bill will get voted on-------there are to many people in texas supporting it and two it provides leverage against the evil Biden regime.

You understand that Trump barely won Texas, right?
You understand that AOC is a certified moron, right?
I bet you think MTG and Louie Gohmert are geniuses.
You idiots got people to tax themselves $2 trillion to pay for a hoax, and you're asking me?
I thought maybe you knew. I was wrong.
One way is to elect a senile child molester.
Are you referring to that picture of Ivanka sitting on her daddy's lap?

That's a doctored photograph.
It's a still from a video, you fucking moron.
Yeah, where the girl's parents are standing right there and said Biden is a family friend, is like a grandfather to that girl and that he acted completely appropriately.
The parents are a couple of slimy minions sucking up to Fuhrer Biden to get power. All that shows is that there is no bar so low that some Dim apparatchik isn't eager to slither under it.

Who's dumb enough to believe a fucking moron like you who admits he lies on this forum for no reason other than to trigger Liberals?

Over the parents who were right there... along with other family members... along with dozens of other family members with dozens of Senators being sworn in; many of whom were Republican... along with the press... and not a single person among those hundreds of people said Biden acted inappropriately.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
Her parents are obvious bootlicking douchebags. Child Services should intervene. They sacrificed their daughter's welfare to gain political power. Who cares what they say? They are allowing someone to abuse their child right on camera.
Ah....a member of the trump party is talking about taking children away........again.....all part of their child trafficking support.
What the fuck are you taking about?
Ah.... ;)
"AH" what, asshole?
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.

Texans will not be voting on secession.
Its going up for a vote this year. And the more the dems fight to delay it, the worse the Texas economy will become with Bidens policies, making more people in Texas vote to leave...and oh, Texas is going to crack down on fraudulent votes especially the dem stunt of dem operatives giving other dems their address to use as their fake residence in Texas.

No it's not, fruitcake. A bill was submitted to let Texans discuss secession. a) it's not up for a vote. Texas' legislature has to vote just to add this proposition to the November election; b) even if Texas's legislature adds it to the ballot, it's not gonna pass, no such bill ever has; and c) it's not even a vote to secede. It's a vote to authorize a committee to consider what changes to make to their state constitution to move in the direction of secession -- which would then require another state-wide vote to amend their constitution.

I doubt any of you yahoos even bothered to read the bill.

Your mistake was falling for fake news posted here by the USMB's fucking moron who virtually never gets anything right.

Its going up for a vote this year pumpkin--------------the bill will get voted on-------there are to many people in texas supporting it and two it provides leverage against the evil Biden regime.

You understand that Trump barely won Texas, right?
That's why they tried to disenfranchise the voters of Houston.
No one tried to disenfranchise anyone except Biden who swindled them out of their votes.
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.

Texans will not be voting on secession.
Its going up for a vote this year. And the more the dems fight to delay it, the worse the Texas economy will become with Bidens policies, making more people in Texas vote to leave...and oh, Texas is going to crack down on fraudulent votes especially the dem stunt of dem operatives giving other dems their address to use as their fake residence in Texas.

No it's not, fruitcake. A bill was submitted to let Texans discuss secession. a) it's not up for a vote. Texas' legislature has to vote just to add this proposition to the November election; b) even if Texas's legislature adds it to the ballot, it's not gonna pass, no such bill ever has; and c) it's not even a vote to secede. It's a vote to authorize a committee to consider what changes to make to their state constitution to move in the direction of secession -- which would then require another state-wide vote to amend their constitution.

I doubt any of you yahoos even bothered to read the bill.

Your mistake was falling for fake news posted here by the USMB's fucking moron who virtually never gets anything right.

Its going up for a vote this year pumpkin--------------the bill will get voted on-------there are to many people in texas supporting it and two it provides leverage against the evil Biden regime.

You understand that Trump barely won Texas, right?
You understand that AOC is a certified moron, right?
I bet you think MTG and Louie Gohmert are geniuses.
I'll bet you believe you're a genius. Do you have anything to post other than trolling, eh, asshole?
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