Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute REJECTION Of Democrat Leadership!

Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

What WILL those Silly Secessionist Bitches think of NEXT to make us all laugh? !!!

Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.

Texans will not be voting on secession.
Its going up for a vote this year. And the more the dems fight to delay it, the worse the Texas economy will become with Bidens policies, making more people in Texas vote to leave...and oh, Texas is going to crack down on fraudulent votes especially the dem stunt of dem operatives giving other dems their address to use as their fake residence in Texas.

No it's not, fruitcake. A bill was submitted to let Texans discuss secession. a) it's not up for a vote. Texas' legislature has to vote just to add this proposition to the November election; b) even if Texas's legislature adds it to the ballot, it's not gonna pass, no such bill ever has; and c) it's not even a vote to secede. It's a vote to authorize a committee to consider what changes to make to their state constitution to move in the direction of secession -- which would then require another state-wide vote to amend their constitution.

I doubt any of you yahoos even bothered to read the bill.

Your mistake was falling for fake news posted here by the USMB's fucking moron who virtually never gets anything right.

Its going up for a vote this year pumpkin--------------the bill will get voted on-------there are to many people in texas supporting it and two it provides leverage against the evil Biden regime.

You understand that Trump barely won Texas, right?
You understand that AOC is a certified moron, right?
I bet you think MTG and Louie Gohmert are geniuses.
I'll bet you believe you're a genius. Do you have anything to post other than trolling, eh, asshole?
Still trolling instead of providing any intelligent content, I see.
Sorry bout that,

1. We must secede, and when we do, the rest of the country will need to scramble to stay afloat.
2. Our oil industry will propel us into the lead on every front.
3. Elon's electric vehicles will be another avenue for producing great GDP numbers.
4. We have the F-35 War Bird, best fighting aircraft on planet, and why would it leave Lockheed/Martin may even sell some to whats left of USA after we leave?
5. NASA isn't going anywhere, we got the new guy Elon Musk to help them now.
6. We got AT&T, the best telephone company on planet, and they ain't going anywhere.
7. There is no reason we should remain in the mire of DC.
8. We deserve to be free of the muck in DC.

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He's only his own Shaman, NAZI. You harp on that guy over and over because he's all you've got. Meanwhile, you have to take responsibility for the following:






When you have nothing but whataboutisms, you tacitly admit you have no defense for the seditious insurrection your fellow rightards committed. Which is good for America. That means they all get locked up. Hopefully, also charged with felony murder and treason.
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.

Texans will not be voting on secession.
Its going up for a vote this year. And the more the dems fight to delay it, the worse the Texas economy will become with Bidens policies, making more people in Texas vote to leave...and oh, Texas is going to crack down on fraudulent votes especially the dem stunt of dem operatives giving other dems their address to use as their fake residence in Texas.

No it's not, fruitcake. A bill was submitted to let Texans discuss secession. a) it's not up for a vote. Texas' legislature has to vote just to add this proposition to the November election; b) even if Texas's legislature adds it to the ballot, it's not gonna pass, no such bill ever has; and c) it's not even a vote to secede. It's a vote to authorize a committee to consider what changes to make to their state constitution to move in the direction of secession -- which would then require another state-wide vote to amend their constitution.

I doubt any of you yahoos even bothered to read the bill.

Your mistake was falling for fake news posted here by the USMB's fucking moron who virtually never gets anything right.

Its going up for a vote this year pumpkin--------------the bill will get voted on-------there are to many people in texas supporting it and two it provides leverage against the evil Biden regime.

You understand that Trump barely won Texas, right?
You understand that AOC is a certified moron, right?
I bet you think MTG and Louie Gohmert are geniuses.
I'll bet you believe you're a genius. Do you have anything to post other than trolling, eh, asshole?
Still trolling instead of providing any intelligent content, I see.
That's your trade, not mine.
He's only his own Shaman, NAZI. You harp on that guy over and over because he's all you've got. Meanwhile, you have to take responsibility for the following:






When you have nothing but whataboutisms, you tacitly admit you have no defense for the seditious insurrection your fellow rightards committed. Which is good for America. That means they all get locked up. Hopefully, also charged with felony murder and treason.
I posted pics of genuine insurrection, you fucking NAZI. Is your photo your way of saying the Democrat Reich intends to nuke Texas?

The Democrat Reich uses the term "whataboutism" to say they are proud to be hypocrites.
Sorry bout that,

1. When we go the rest of the country goes to hell!
2. Why should we stick around?
3. I see it going to happen, and it will be MEGA GREAT, maybe we get Trump to be First President.
That might make driving cross-country on Hwy 40 a bit problematic.

But, California has border checkpoints on their highways, why not Texas?
We don't like taxes to go any higher unless we have to do it, Mr CEO. But at least we wouldn't make paying for abortions a requirement for citizenship. :tongue:
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.

Texans will not be voting on secession.
Its going up for a vote this year. And the more the dems fight to delay it, the worse the Texas economy will become with Bidens policies, making more people in Texas vote to leave...and oh, Texas is going to crack down on fraudulent votes especially the dem stunt of dem operatives giving other dems their address to use as their fake residence in Texas.

No it's not, fruitcake. A bill was submitted to let Texans discuss secession. a) it's not up for a vote. Texas' legislature has to vote just to add this proposition to the November election; b) even if Texas's legislature adds it to the ballot, it's not gonna pass, no such bill ever has; and c) it's not even a vote to secede. It's a vote to authorize a committee to consider what changes to make to their state constitution to move in the direction of secession -- which would then require another state-wide vote to amend their constitution.

I doubt any of you yahoos even bothered to read the bill.

Your mistake was falling for fake news posted here by the USMB's fucking moron who virtually never gets anything right.

Its going up for a vote this year pumpkin--------------the bill will get voted on-------there are to many people in texas supporting it and two it provides leverage against the evil Biden regime.

You understand that Trump barely won Texas, right?
You're talking to people who don't even know how to tie their own shoe laces. They're not even pottie-trained yet.

- These idiots don't understand that first, this bill has to pass in their state legislator.

- Even if that happens and it becomes a proposition added to the ballot in November, then it needs a majority of Texans to vote for it.

- Even if that happens, this bill only authorized a committee to contemplate secession.

- Even if that happens and they decide to secede, that committee has to sponsor a bill to amend their state's Constitution.

- Even if that happens, the Constitutional amendment they propose has to pass 67% of both state houses, and Republicans lead their state Senate by only 58% and their state House by only 55%.

Only then would secession become a measure to vote on during some future election after November. These rubes, who are the same morons who still believe Trump won the election, are not capable of understanding Texas is not seceding.
You assume that dems aren't voting for succession in TEXAS...........
Crooked Biden and his adminstration are raising taxes, causing inflation, and killing the oil industry along with bankrupting the country------people in both parties and libertarian/indies will be voting to leave.
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.

Texans will not be voting on secession.
Its going up for a vote this year. And the more the dems fight to delay it, the worse the Texas economy will become with Bidens policies, making more people in Texas vote to leave...and oh, Texas is going to crack down on fraudulent votes especially the dem stunt of dem operatives giving other dems their address to use as their fake residence in Texas.

No it's not, fruitcake. A bill was submitted to let Texans discuss secession. a) it's not up for a vote. Texas' legislature has to vote just to add this proposition to the November election; b) even if Texas's legislature adds it to the ballot, it's not gonna pass, no such bill ever has; and c) it's not even a vote to secede. It's a vote to authorize a committee to consider what changes to make to their state constitution to move in the direction of secession -- which would then require another state-wide vote to amend their constitution.

I doubt any of you yahoos even bothered to read the bill.

Your mistake was falling for fake news posted here by the USMB's fucking moron who virtually never gets anything right.

Its going up for a vote this year pumpkin--------------the bill will get voted on-------there are to many people in texas supporting it and two it provides leverage against the evil Biden regime.

You understand that Trump barely won Texas, right?
You're talking to people who don't even know how to tie their own shoe laces. They're not even pottie-trained yet.

- These idiots don't understand that first, this bill has to pass in their state legislator.

- Even if that happens and it becomes a proposition added to the ballot in November, then it needs a majority of Texans to vote for it.

- Even if that happens, this bill only authorized a committee to contemplate secession.

- Even if that happens and they decide to secede, that committee has to sponsor a bill to amend their state's Constitution.

- Even if that happens, the Constitutional amendment they propose has to pass 67% of both state houses, and Republicans lead their state Senate by only 58% and their state House by only 55%.

Only then would secession become a measure to vote on during some future election after November. These rubes, who are the same morons who still believe Trump won the election, are not capable of understanding Texas is not seceding.
You assume that dems aren't voting for succession in TEXAS...........
Crooked Biden and his adminstration are raising taxes, causing inflation, and killing the oil industry along with bankrupting the country------people in both parties and libertarian/indies will be voting to leave.
Dumbfuck ... again ... there is no vote coming up to secede.

Do yourself a favor and read the fucking bill.
Maybe Texas can make buffalo head guy president of their new little country. haha
Sorry bout that,

1. We must secede, and when we do, the rest of the country will need to scramble to stay afloat.
2. Our oil industry will propel us into the lead on every front.
3. Elon's electric vehicles will be another avenue for producing great GDP numbers.
4. We have the F-35 War Bird, best fighting aircraft on planet, and why would it leave Lockheed/Martin may even sell some to whats left of USA after we leave?
5. NASA isn't going anywhere, we got the new guy Elon Musk to help them now.
6. We got AT&T, the best telephone company on planet, and they ain't going anywhere.
7. There is no reason we should remain in the mire of DC.
8. We deserve to be free of the muck in DC.

We also have Bell Helicopter. Can't forget that one.

Also, a HUGE deep-water port (and 2 more minimum), our own gold repository, and an independent power grid..
Are the Trumpsters still fantasizing about seceding?

Quite the imagination they have. That’s adorable.

Texas is part of the United States of America. When you don't get your own way its not ok to act like a 6 year old & say your going to take your toys and go home.
Sure it is... The other states don't OWN TEXAS........
"Home is where the heart is", and if you were a Frank Zappa groupie, that would have been on his tour bus. Willie's tour bus would be much cooler to be on IMO.

So who's tour bus you going to live on, Frank Zappa's or Willie Nelson's? (I understand Frank has passed away, just a comparison). What's it going to be, California commie-land or Texas country? One side or the other must break away, or the commies will take it all and then the only places left to escape will be somewhere outside of the states.

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