Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute REJECTION Of Democrat Leadership!

Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.

Texans will not be voting on secession.
Its going up for a vote this year. And the more the dems fight to delay it, the worse the Texas economy will become with Bidens policies, making more people in Texas vote to leave...and oh, Texas is going to crack down on fraudulent votes especially the dem stunt of dem operatives giving other dems their address to use as their fake residence in Texas.

No it's not, fruitcake. A bill was submitted to let Texans discuss secession. a) it's not up for a vote. Texas' legislature has to vote just to add this proposition to the November election; b) even if Texas's legislature adds it to the ballot, it's not gonna pass, no such bill ever has; and c) it's not even a vote to secede. It's a vote to authorize a committee to consider what changes to make to their state constitution to move in the direction of secession -- which would then require another state-wide vote to amend their constitution.

I doubt any of you yahoos even bothered to read the bill.

Your mistake was falling for fake news posted here by the USMB's fucking moron who virtually never gets anything right.

Its going up for a vote this year pumpkin--------------the bill will get voted on-------there are to many people in texas supporting it and two it provides leverage against the evil Biden regime.

No, it's not. You clearly didn't even read the bill if that's what you believe. Of course, you struggle spelling 3-letter words so you probably need someone to explain the bill to you.


The bill is only about having a committee contemplate secession. It's not a secession bill.
Oh there it is---the grammar police.
I'm trying to educate you. A daunting task, I know.
Texas Cannot Secede From The United States Despite Wet Dreams of Certain Cons.

Try to stop us, butt plug.

The law of "fuck you, we do what we want" will apply.

It was illegal for the U.S. to secede from Great Briton. You seem okay with that treason.
It would have been treason....if we hadn't won. You think Texas will start a war against the U.S.? Please do.

This will give Biden a great excuse to install a permanent Democratic government down there in Texas. I'm all for it.
I'm sure you are. That's why the Biden regime is called the Democrat Reich. It's totally infested with NAZIs like you.
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.

Texans will not be voting on secession.
Its going up for a vote this year. And the more the dems fight to delay it, the worse the Texas economy will become with Bidens policies, making more people in Texas vote to leave...and oh, Texas is going to crack down on fraudulent votes especially the dem stunt of dem operatives giving other dems their address to use as their fake residence in Texas.

No it's not, fruitcake. A bill was submitted to let Texans discuss secession. a) it's not up for a vote. Texas' legislature has to vote just to add this proposition to the November election; b) even if Texas's legislature adds it to the ballot, it's not gonna pass, no such bill ever has; and c) it's not even a vote to secede. It's a vote to authorize a committee to consider what changes to make to their state constitution to move in the direction of secession -- which would then require another state-wide vote to amend their constitution.

I doubt any of you yahoos even bothered to read the bill.

Your mistake was falling for fake news posted here by the USMB's fucking moron who virtually never gets anything right.

Its going up for a vote this year pumpkin--------------the bill will get voted on-------there are to many people in texas supporting it and two it provides leverage against the evil Biden regime.

You understand that Trump barely won Texas, right?
You understand that AOC is a certified moron, right?

Slobbers the USMB's fucking moron.

Fucking moron, she's won two elections so far to our House of Representatives. What have you accomplished beyond learning how to buzz your nurse when you need your drool cup cleaned and your diaper changed?
She won two election in a district overpopulated with morons.
Texas is part of the United States of America. When you don't get your own way its not ok to act like a 6 year old & say your going to take your toys and go home.
Speaking of...just for funzies...what color will Texas adopt? Red is GOP and they are wimps now. Blue is dem. Purple is gay as well as pink. So....whatcher color?

If Texas does secede, they don't have to choose Red or Blue. Perhaps, they could become a Libertarian state.
Speaking of...just for funzies...what color will Texas adopt? Red is GOP and they are wimps now. Blue is dem. Purple is gay as well as pink. So....whatcher color?

If Texas does secede, they don't have to choose Red or Blue. Perhaps, they could become a Libertarian state.
From a political science point of view, it would be fascinating to see. We currently have 538 electoral votes. Texas leaving puts it down to 500 with 251 being the number needed to win.

With the usual suspects... CA, WA, OR, NY, VT, MD, CT, RI, MA, NJ, HI, IL, NM, DE, DC, the Democrats have 187 before they start campaigning.

And you can have the commie utopia you always wanted. Win Win.

You've already got your white supremacist and mentally disturbed QAnon utopia in the Republican Party.

You all successfully rebuilt the Republican Party in your image. You should be happy!
You use the terms "white supramacist" and "QAnon" in every post. That must be the new leftwing substitute for an argument. It's an indicator of a sever lack of brains.

With good reason. That is what the Republican Party now is.

A decent Republican would be concerned about that, but obviously that doesn't include you.
Texas Cannot Secede From The United States Despite Wet Dreams of Certain Cons.

Try to stop us, butt plug.

The law of "fuck you, we do what we want" will apply.

It was illegal for the U.S. to secede from Great Briton. You seem okay with that treason.
It would have been treason....if we hadn't won. You think Texas will start a war against the U.S.? Please do.
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.

Texans will not be voting on secession.
Its going up for a vote this year. And the more the dems fight to delay it, the worse the Texas economy will become with Bidens policies, making more people in Texas vote to leave...and oh, Texas is going to crack down on fraudulent votes especially the dem stunt of dem operatives giving other dems their address to use as their fake residence in Texas.

No it's not, fruitcake. A bill was submitted to let Texans discuss secession. a) it's not up for a vote. Texas' legislature has to vote just to add this proposition to the November election; b) even if Texas's legislature adds it to the ballot, it's not gonna pass, no such bill ever has; and c) it's not even a vote to secede. It's a vote to authorize a committee to consider what changes to make to their state constitution to move in the direction of secession -- which would then require another state-wide vote to amend their constitution.

I doubt any of you yahoos even bothered to read the bill.

Your mistake was falling for fake news posted here by the USMB's fucking moron who virtually never gets anything right.

Its going up for a vote this year pumpkin--------------the bill will get voted on-------there are to many people in texas supporting it and two it provides leverage against the evil Biden regime.

You understand that Trump barely won Texas, right?
You understand that AOC is a certified moron, right?

Slobbers the USMB's fucking moron.

Fucking moron, she's won two elections so far to our House of Representatives. What have you accomplished beyond learning how to buzz your nurse when you need your drool cup cleaned and your diaper changed?
She won two election in a district overpopulated with morons.
<buzzzzz> nurse!!

Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.

Texans will not be voting on secession.
Its going up for a vote this year. And the more the dems fight to delay it, the worse the Texas economy will become with Bidens policies, making more people in Texas vote to leave...and oh, Texas is going to crack down on fraudulent votes especially the dem stunt of dem operatives giving other dems their address to use as their fake residence in Texas.

No it's not, fruitcake. A bill was submitted to let Texans discuss secession. a) it's not up for a vote. Texas' legislature has to vote just to add this proposition to the November election; b) even if Texas's legislature adds it to the ballot, it's not gonna pass, no such bill ever has; and c) it's not even a vote to secede. It's a vote to authorize a committee to consider what changes to make to their state constitution to move in the direction of secession -- which would then require another state-wide vote to amend their constitution.

I doubt any of you yahoos even bothered to read the bill.

Your mistake was falling for fake news posted here by the USMB's fucking moron who virtually never gets anything right.

Its going up for a vote this year pumpkin--------------the bill will get voted on-------there are to many people in texas supporting it and two it provides leverage against the evil Biden regime.

You understand that Trump barely won Texas, right?
You're talking to people who don't even know how to tie their own shoe laces. They're not even pottie-trained yet.

- These idiots don't understand that first, this bill has to pass in their state legislator.

- Even if that happens and it becomes a proposition added to the ballot in November, then it needs a majority of Texans to vote for it.

- Even if that happens, this bill only authorized a committee to contemplate secession.

- Even if that happens and they decide to secede, that committee has to sponsor a bill to amend their state's Constitution.

- Even if that happens, the Constitutional amendment they propose has to pass 67% of both state houses, and Republicans lead their state Senate by only 58% and their state House by only 55%.

Only then would secession become a measure to vote on during some future election after November. These rubes, who are the same morons who still believe Trump won the election, are not capable of understanding Texas is not seceding.

I still think they should go for it. I don't mind a second Reconstruction in Texas.

Maybe Biden can hunt down QAnon members, the way Ulysses S. Grant hunted down the KKK after the Civil War.
Texas Cannot Secede From The United States Despite Wet Dreams of Certain Cons.

Try to stop us, butt plug.

The law of "fuck you, we do what we want" will apply.

It was illegal for the U.S. to secede from Great Briton. You seem okay with that treason.I
It would have been treason....if we hadn't won. You think Texas will start a war against the U.S.? Please do.

It would the shortest "War" in U.S. History. Or maybe Tex-Ass would ask for Mexican Assistance...which in and of it self be totally hilarious.
Texas Cannot Secede From The United States Despite Wet Dreams of Certain Cons.

Try to stop us, butt plug.

The law of "fuck you, we do what we want" will apply.

It was illegal for the U.S. to secede from Great Briton. You seem okay with that treason.I
It would have been treason....if we hadn't won. You think Texas will start a war against the U.S.? Please do.

It would the shortest "War" in U.S. History. Or maybe Tex-Ass would ask for Mexican Assistance...which in and of it self be totally hilarious.

Ironically, you might see a second Mexican-American War. Mexico might have their drug cartels execute all of the QAnon whack jobs down there and take over the state.

Although I don't know why Mexico would want Texas back. They got the better end of the deal 180 years ago.
Texas Cannot Secede From The United States Despite Wet Dreams of Certain Cons.

Try to stop us, butt plug.

The law of "fuck you, we do what we want" will apply.

It was illegal for the U.S. to secede from Great Briton. You seem okay with that treason.I
It would have been treason....if we hadn't won. You think Texas will start a war against the U.S.? Please do.

It would the shortest "War" in U.S. History. Or maybe Tex-Ass would ask for Mexican Assistance...which in and of it self be totally hilarious.

Ironically, you might see a second Mexican-American War. Mexico might have their drug cartels execute all of the QAnon whack jobs down there and take over the state.

Although I don't know why Mexico would want Texas back. They got the better end of the deal 180 years ago.

Mexico has always held that Tex-Ass is part of Mexico. With no real standing Army after secession and the U.S. sure as shit would NOT lift a finger to prevent it, Mexico would invade and Tex-Ass would again the a Mexican State.....just think of all those former U.S. Citizen rushing to new border and NOT being allowed back....
Texas Cannot Secede From The United States Despite Wet Dreams of Certain Cons.

Try to stop us, butt plug.

The law of "fuck you, we do what we want" will apply.

It was illegal for the U.S. to secede from Great Briton. You seem okay with that treason.I
It would have been treason....if we hadn't won. You think Texas will start a war against the U.S.? Please do.

It would the shortest "War" in U.S. History. Or maybe Tex-Ass would ask for Mexican Assistance...which in and of it self be totally hilarious.

Ironically, you might see a second Mexican-American War. Mexico might have their drug cartels execute all of the QAnon whack jobs down there and take over the state.

Although I don't know why Mexico would want Texas back. They got the better end of the deal 180 years ago.

Mexico has always held that Tex-Ass is part of Mexico. With no real standing Army after secession and the U.S. sure as shit would NOT lift a finger to prevent it, Mexico would invade and Tex-Ass would again the a Mexican State.....just think of all those former U.S. Citizen rushing to new border and NOT being allowed back....

If it comes down to a war between Mexico and the new Texas Republic of QAnon, I'm rooting for Mexico!!
You idiots got people to tax themselves $2 trillion to pay for a hoax, and you're asking me?
I thought maybe you knew. I was wrong.
One way is to elect a senile child molester.
Are you referring to that picture of Ivanka sitting on her daddy's lap?

It's interesting what trumpanzees think IS pedophilia when they elected trump and had Pedo Hastert as their Speaker of the House and support pedo enabler Gym Jordan......just for starters.
Only an SJW NAZI moron uses terms like "QAnon follower."
Oh? What do you call them? Trump supporters?

I believe that's the polite term.

I have no interest in being polite to them.
What do you call convicted felons and child molesters?

Answer: Biden supporters.
I call him Twice Impeached Trump...

Nobody cares what you call him, you NAZI psycho. The fact that Demoract NAZIs impeached him twice says more about them than it says about Trump.
Ah trolling again by just calling your fellow posters NAZIs?
You idiots got people to tax themselves $2 trillion to pay for a hoax, and you're asking me?
I thought maybe you knew. I was wrong.
One way is to elect a senile child molester.
Are you referring to that picture of Ivanka sitting on her daddy's lap?

It's interesting what trumpanzees think IS pedophilia when they elected trump and had Pedo Hastert as their Speaker of the House and support pedo enabler Gym Jordan......just for starters.

"Dennis Hastert?? Who's that??" says every worthless idiot who still votes Republican.
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.

But why should they have to give up their homes because they don't agree with the majority? That's the irony of this issue, and the point of my comment above. Presumably, the secessionists in Texas want to leave the union because they don't like being bullied by majority rule. Yet they are fine with bullying their neighbors in the same way.
You're the assholes who believe it's perfectly fine to ram your preferences down the throats of the minority.

Nope. :)
Of course you do, NAZI.

Yes, yes I know. And I voted for Biden. And I'm Democrat. And a socialist. Whatever it takes to squeeze me into your moronic stereotype - the one that tells you that everyone who opposes your hero is an evil monster. Simple minds ...
You fit the "stereotype" every time you post.

Only in your mind. That's why when I challenge to support your lurid fantasies with quotes, you never can.
You defended the Biden Swindle 10,000 ties, NAZI.

I'm not a qanon follower. You'll have to explain in rational terms. Which you can't. Sorry.

Only an SJW NAZI moron uses terms like "QAnon follower."
Oh? What do you call them? Trump supporters?
How do you know they're Trump supporters? Do you get mail from them?

Here's their Shaman...



Never heard of him until the riot, and neither did you. Wanna see some photos of Democrat NAZIs?




Friends of yours?
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.

But why should they have to give up their homes because they don't agree with the majority? That's the irony of this issue, and the point of my comment above. Presumably, the secessionists in Texas want to leave the union because they don't like being bullied by majority rule. Yet they are fine with bullying their neighbors in the same way.
You're the assholes who believe it's perfectly fine to ram your preferences down the throats of the minority.

Nope. :)
Of course you do, NAZI.

Yes, yes I know. And I voted for Biden. And I'm Democrat. And a socialist. Whatever it takes to squeeze me into your moronic stereotype - the one that tells you that everyone who opposes your hero is an evil monster. Simple minds ...
You fit the "stereotype" every time you post.

Only in your mind. That's why when I challenge to support your lurid fantasies with quotes, you never can.
You defended the Biden Swindle 10,000 ties, NAZI.

I'm not a qanon follower. You'll have to explain in rational terms. Which you can't. Sorry.

Only an SJW NAZI moron uses terms like "QAnon follower."
Oh? What do you call them? Trump supporters?
How do you know they're Trump supporters? Do you get mail from them?

Here's their Shaman...



Never heard of him until the riot, and neither did you. Wanna see some photos of Democrat NAZIs?




Friends of yours?
They're minions of the Democrat Reich, just like you.

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