Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute REJECTION Of Democrat Leadership!

Texas Cannot Secede From The United States Despite Wet Dreams of Certain Cons.

Try to stop us, butt plug.

The law of "fuck you, we do what we want" will apply.

It was illegal for the U.S. to secede from Great Briton. You seem okay with that treason.

Our break from England to become the great country we have become and now Texas wants to break away from that great country - wow ... hardly a comparison ... you really ought to move beyond that K-6 education level. It is showing.

Scurry on now.

The American Revolution was the result of a myriad of reasons, NOT because the person the RW wanted to be Prez had his ass handed to him on gold-plated latinum platter. The Traitor LOST the Popular Vote TWICE. He Lost the Electoral College by 74-Votes. He LIED about Election/Voter Fraud. The Traitor LOST over 60-Lawsuits trying save his miserable Ru ssian Loving Ass. Fraud requires the element of proof and no such proof exists. Get the Fuck Over It!!!

Great Britain made the His Most Britannic Majesty's Colonies a dumping ground for criminals, kinda they did Australia.

The Traitor and his supporters engaged in an attempted Coup.

The idea that Tex-Ass would secede because a Democrat was freely and fairly elected is beyond stupid. To call it a pipe dream is an insult to pipe dreams.

Texas cannot afford to pay for a standing Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. All those anti-taxers in Texas would be paying through their fucking ass in taxes.

The simple, plain reality of the matter is that there is no way Tex-ASS will ever secede.
He didn't lie--------atleast this is what the american people think and perception is everything.

No one was supporting Biden-------NO ONE---While Trump was even more popular now by far than last time. LOGIC dictates that Trump won ---------and this is what people feel in their heart.

AS biden crashes the economy which is what the pos is doing, instead of allowing the communist to corrupt more, the american people may yet rise up together-------and take out not just bribe taking Biden---but corrupt bribe taking pelosi---the bribe taking and pedo and mobsters clintons and many many many other of our swamp.
Cry for me....little baby.
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.
How does that alter the fact that you're a giant hypocrite?
oh? Where's the hypocrisy? I didn't want another wall built on our current southern border because much of it already had walls or fences. Our new southern border, should Texas secede, will have no barriers at all. So yes, we need to build it.
We all know that's utter horseshit. You don't want the wall on our Southern border so new Democrats can flood into the country. It's purely about power.
Nope, you're just a fucking moron. I was all for the wall down there when Bush signed it. I was against rebuilding it.
When Bush signed it? When was that, 30 fucking years ago?
Fucking moron, 2006 was not '30 fucking years ago.'

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
I assumed you were talking about Bush I. Bush II may have signed it, but Congress never funded it. You claim you supported it, but there's no evidence of that. Why would you support it one year and oppose it another year? Because you're a lying NAZI moron. Do you actually expect anyone to believe that story?
You're lying again, fucking moron. Congress funded $2.4 billion and 670 miles of walls and fences were built by 2009.
You turds have said that length of wall would cost $70 billion, dumbfuck. Here's the wall they built with it:



You got caught lying again, fucking moron. You said Congress never funded it. I showed they did. You said it was never built. I showed it was.

Do you ever stop lying?

Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of millions $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents next.
OK, so your Mom is now voting to secede. Just 14.5 million more votes and I guess we're out of here.

She is just one of millions of texans who would not have voted to leave last year-------------but will this as Biden's policies create joblessness and terror in Texas. Typically, fascists and communists use the destruction of economies to scare people into allowing "change" which allows communism and dictatorships in. Texans are quirky and bit more rebellious though-------but they don't jump blindly in and tend to try to say in the "safe" lane. My family has been in Texas for generations--my great great whatever was a wagon train master that brought people to texas--------I'm the only one in my generation of my family to ever leave and stay gone from Texas------my mother is a good bell weather---someone given her age who would be more hesitant to leave US because she fears change but now willing is a reflection of seeing more fear with the communist change that Biden is implementing. When Texas votes to go---other states will follow assuming Texas can navigate the punishment that the communists are going to TRY to impose.

Yes, the military will side with Texas--with the exception of the army--------------so the libs will target funding----social security and federal tax dollars for schools and etc. Think this one of the reason why biden's puppet masters are trying to crash the economy so quickly--------they need to act fast hoping that Texas won't have the funds to feed its people or hold off the feds. And since Texas has retained the right to leave since they join------------attacking Texas with the military would be seen as a human rights violation around the world. Bad optics.
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.

Texans will not be voting on secession.
Its going up for a vote this year. And the more the dems fight to delay it, the worse the Texas economy will become with Bidens policies, making more people in Texas vote to leave...and oh, Texas is going to crack down on fraudulent votes especially the dem stunt of dem operatives giving other dems their address to use as their fake residence in Texas.

No it's not, fruitcake. A bill was submitted to let Texans discuss secession. a) it's not up for a vote. Texas' legislature has to vote just to add this proposition to the November election; b) even if Texas's legislature adds it to the ballot, it's not gonna pass, no such bill ever has; and c) it's not even a vote to secede. It's a vote to authorize a committee to consider what changes to make to their state constitution to move in the direction of secession -- which would then require another state-wide vote to amend their constitution.

I doubt any of you yahoos even bothered to read the bill.

Your mistake was falling for fake news posted here by the USMB's fucking moron who virtually never gets anything right.

Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of millions $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents next.
OK, so your Mom is now voting to secede. Just 14.5 million more votes and I guess we're out of here.

She is just one of millions of texans who would not have voted to leave last year-------------but will this as Biden's policies create joblessness and terror in Texas. Typically, fascists and communists use the destruction of economies to scare people into allowing "change" which allows communism and dictatorships in. Texans are quirky and bit more rebellious though-------but they don't jump blindly in and tend to try to say in the "safe" lane. My family has been in Texas for generations--my great great whatever was a wagon train master that brought people to texas--------I'm the only one in my generation of my family to ever leave and stay gone from Texas------my mother is a good bell weather---someone given her age who would be more hesitant to leave US because she fears change but now willing is a reflection of seeing more fear with the communist change that Biden is implementing. When Texas votes to go---other states will follow assuming Texas can navigate the punishment that the communists are going to TRY to impose.

Yes, the military will side with Texas--with the exception of the army--------------so the libs will target funding----social security and federal tax dollars for schools and etc. Think this one of the reason why biden's puppet masters are trying to crash the economy so quickly--------they need to act fast hoping that Texas won't have the funds to feed its people or hold off the feds. And since Texas has retained the right to leave since they join------------attacking Texas with the military would be seen as a human rights violation around the world. Bad optics.
You aren't in Texas. Your Mom is, so she has a dog in the hunt. I'd much prefer to hear your Mom say that she would vote for secession, than just read your hearsay.
Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Don't ask for US help when Mexico invades Texas. And don't send your refugees here either!

The Mexican Army will role whatever meager forces Tex-Ass might have.

No Border Security. No Air Force. No Navy. No Army. Tex-Ass cannot possibly afford those. All the U.S. Military Equipment will go Bye-Bye. No Tanks. No Aircraft. No Ships. Just shit kickers will dreams of Ronnie Rambo.
Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Don't ask for US help when Mexico invades Texas. And don't send your refugees here either!

The Mexican Army will role whatever meager forces Tex-Ass might have.

No Border Security. No Air Force. No Navy. No Army. Tex-Ass cannot possibly afford those. All the U.S. Military Equipment will go Bye-Bye. No Tanks. No Aircraft. No Ships. Just shit kickers will dreams of Ronnie Rambo.

Yeah, Texans (or maybe they'll decide to be called Texicans again) will get a REAL shock when their taxes go WAY up because they would need a military, and all their borders would be international borders. Yeah, no subsidies coming from CA and NY anymore. That giant sucking sound that Ross Perot used to talk about would be our military leaving along with American-based companies and major employers (like the Johnson Space Center) relocating back in the US, probably in FL.
Please take the insults, food fighting, and trolling down a notch.
Sorry bout that,

1. Everyday we in Texas, are a little closer to being out of the mire you created in DC.
2.If it wasn't so damnedable in corruption, we could handle staying.
3. But its bad and not salvageable, I'm thinking it needs to be taken out to 40' below grade.
4. There is not one thing other than a few monuments worth saving.
5. And they are less worth saving than, cleaning off the dirt and how good that will be.
6. I say there should not be one stone in DC, that should not be thrown down.
7. Its worse than the worst sewer on earth.
8. Its time.

Stop with the Texas secession plan ... it ain't gonna happen ... been ruled on before:

Cite White v. Texas (1869) and this updated quote, too

Former and now deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia stated: "If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede."
State secession movements - all failures: Some state movements seek secession from the United States itself and the formation of a nation from one or more states:
  • Alaska: In November 2006, the Alaska Supreme Court held in the case Kohlhaas v. State that secession was illegal and refused to permit an initiative to be presented to the people of Alaska for a vote. The Alaskan Independence Party remains a factor in state politics, and Walter Hickel, a member of the party, was Governor from 1990 to 1994.
  • California: California secession, known as #CALEXIT, was discussed by grassroots movement parties and small activist groups calling for the state to secede from the union in a pro-secessionist meeting in Sacramento on April 15, 2010. In 2015, a political action committee called Yes California Independence Committee formed to advocate California's independence from the United States. On January 8, 2016, the California Secretary of State's office confirmed that a political body called the California National Party filed the appropriate paperwork to begin qualifying as a political party. The California National Party, whose primary objective is California independence, ran a candidate for State Assembly in the June 7, 2016 primary.
  • On November 9, 2016, after Donald Trump won the presidential election, residents of the state caused #calexit to trend on Twitter, wanting out of the country due to his win; they argue that they have the 6th largest economy in the world, and more residents than any other state in the union. 32% of Californians, and 44% of California Democrats were in favor of California secession in a March 2017 poll. The Attorney General of California approved applications by the California Freedom Coalition and others to gather signatures to put #CALEXIT on the 2018 ballot. In July 2018, the objectives of the Calexit initiative were expanded upon by including a plan to carve out an "autonomous Native American nation" that would take up the eastern part of California, and "postponing its ballot referendum approach in favor of convincing Republican states to support their breakaway efforts."
  • Florida: The mock 1982 secessionist protest by the Conch Republic in the Florida Keys resulted in an ongoing source of local pride and tourist amusement. In 2015, right-wing activist Jason Patrick Sager called for Florida to secede.
  • Georgia: On April 1, 2009, the Georgia State Senate passed a resolution, 43–1, that asserted the right of states to nullify federal laws under some circumstances. The resolution also asserted that if Congress, the president, or the federal judiciary took certain steps, such as establishing martial law without state consent, requiring some types of involuntary servitude, taking any action regarding religion or restricting freedom of political speech, or establishing further prohibitions of types or quantities of firearms or ammunition, the constitution establishing the United States government would be considered nullified and the union would be dissolved.
  • Hawaii: The Hawaiian sovereignty movement has a number of active groups that have won some concessions from the state of Hawaii, including the offering of H.R. 258 in March 2011, which removes the words "Treaty of Annexation" from a statute. As of 2011, it had passed a committee recommendation 6–0.
  • Minnesota: The Northwest Angle is a small exclave of Minnesota jutting north into Canada due to a quirk in the definitions of the US-Canada border. Because of laws restricting fishing, some residents of the Northwest Angle suggested leaving the United States and joining Canada in 1997. The following year, U.S. Representative Collin Peterson of Minnesota proposed legislation to allow the residents of the Northwest Angle, which is part of his district, to vote on seceding from the United States and joining Canada. This action succeeded in getting fishing regulations better synchronized across these international (fresh) waters.
  • Montana: With the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to hear District of Columbia v. Heller in late 2007, an early 2008 movement began in Montana involving at least 60 elected officials addressing potential secession if the Second Amendment were interpreted not to grant an individual right, citing its compact with the United States of America.
  • New Hampshire: On September 1, 2012, "The New Hampshire Liberty Party was formed to promote independence from the federal government and for the individual." The Free State Project is another NH based movement that has considered secession to increase liberty. On July 23, 2001, founder of the FSP, Jason Sorens, published "Announcement: The Free State Project," in The Libertarian Enterprise, stating, "Even if we don't actually secede, we can force the federal government to compromise with us and grant us substantial liberties. Scotland and Quebec have both used the threat of secession to get large subsidies and concessions from their respective national governments. We could use our leverage for liberty."
  • Oregon: Following the 2016 presidential election, Portland residents Christian Trejbal and Jennifer Rollins submitted a petition for a ballot measure relating to secession from the United States; the petitioners withdrew the measure shortly afterward, citing recent riots and death threats.
  • South Carolina: In May 2010 a group formed that called itself the Third Palmetto Republic, a reference to the fact that the state claimed to be an independent republic twice before: once in 1776 and again in 1860. The group models itself after the Second Vermont Republic, and says its aims are for a free and independent South Carolina, and to abstain from any further federations.
  • Texas Secession Movement: The group Republic of Texas generated national publicity for its controversial actions in the late 1990s. A small group still meets. In April 2009, Rick Perry, the Governor of Texas, raised the issue of secession in disputed comments during a speech at a Tea Party protest saying "Texas is a unique place. When we came into the union in 1845, one of the issues was that we would be able to leave if we decided to do that ... My hope is that America and Washington in particular pays attention. We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, who knows what may come of that." Another group, the Texas Nationalist Movement, also seeks Texas' independence from the United States, but its methodology is to have the Texas Legislature call for a state-wide referendum on the issue (similar to the Scottish Independence vote of 2014).
  • Vermont: The Second Vermont Republic, founded in 2003, is a loose network of several groups that describes itself as "a nonviolent citizens' network and think tank opposed to the tyranny of Corporate America and the U.S. government, and committed to the peaceful return of Vermont to its status as an independent republic and more broadly the dissolution of the Union." Its "primary objective is to extricate Vermont peacefully from the United States as soon as possible". They have worked closely with the Middlebury Institute created from a meeting sponsored in Vermont in 2004. On October 28, 2005, activists held the Vermont Independence Conference, "the first statewide convention on secession in the United States since North Carolina voted to secede from the Union on May 20, 1861." They also participated in the 2006 and 2007 Middlebury-organized national secessionist meetings that brought delegates from over a dozen groups.
  • After Barack Obama won the 2012 presidential election, secession petitions pertaining to all fifty states were filed through the White House We the People petition website.
  • After the Supreme Court of the United States rejected Texas v. Pennsylvania, Texas' attempt to invalidate 2020 election results from four states, Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, Allen West said "Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the Constitution." Some have interpreted this as an encouragement of secession from the United States.
Sorry bout that,

1. Everyday we get a little bit closer, higher than a roller coaster.
2. Buddy Holly spoke true words, and we are headed towards his truth, breaking away from the clutches of pure evil.
3. DC is evil, no one with half a brain can disagree.
4. Its time.
5. When DC steals elections in open public and the Supreme Court puts its stamp of approval on it.
6. Sadly its, THE END.
7. Something better shall rise from its ashes.
8. Something with the Indians higher up in its places of power.
9. So good bye USA, you had a long run, time to end you forever.
10. Gone and into the history books, the liberals did it to themselves.

Sorry bout that,

1. Everyday we get a little bit closer, higher than a roller coaster.
2. Buddy Holly spoke true words, and we are headed towards his truth, breaking away from the clutches of pure evil.
3. DC is evil, no one with half a brain can disagree.
4. Its time.
5. When DC steals elections in open public and the Supreme Court puts its stamp of approval on it.
6. Sadly its, THE END.
7. Something better shall rise from its ashes.
8. Something with the Indians higher up in its places of power.
9. So good bye USA, you had a long run, time to end you forever.
10. Gone and into the history books, the liberals did it to themselves.

You're still here? I thought/hoped ya'll would be gone by now.
Sorry bout that,

1. Everyday we get a little bit closer, higher than a roller coaster.
2. Buddy Holly spoke true words, and we are headed towards his truth, breaking away from the clutches of pure evil.
3. DC is evil, no one with half a brain can disagree.
4. Its time.
5. When DC steals elections in open public and the Supreme Court puts its stamp of approval on it.
6. Sadly its, THE END.
7. Something better shall rise from its ashes.
8. Something with the Indians higher up in its places of power.
9. So good bye USA, you had a long run, time to end you forever.
10. Gone and into the history books, the liberals did it to themselves.


The UNITED States of America will be here long after anyone reading this is anything more than bones and ashes. You drama queens need to get ahold of yourselves.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia stated, "If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede."
Sorry bout that,

1. Everyday we get a little bit closer, higher than a roller coaster.
2. Buddy Holly spoke true words, and we are headed towards his truth, breaking away from the clutches of pure evil.
3. DC is evil, no one with half a brain can disagree.
4. Its time.
5. When DC steals elections in open public and the Supreme Court puts its stamp of approval on it.
6. Sadly its, THE END.
7. Something better shall rise from its ashes.
8. Something with the Indians higher up in its places of power.
9. So good bye USA, you had a long run, time to end you forever.
10. Gone and into the history books, the liberals did it to themselves.

You're still here? I thought/hoped ya'll would be gone by now.
His brain left a long time ago. That's prolly why he thinks Texas is seceding.

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