Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute REJECTION Of Democrat Leadership!

Only an SJW NAZI moron uses terms like "QAnon follower."
Oh? What do you call them? Trump supporters?

I believe that's the polite term.

I have no interest in being polite to them.
What do you call convicted felons and child molesters?

Answer: Biden supporters.
I call him Twice Impeached Trump...

No body cares what you call him, you NAZI psycho. The fact that Demoract NAZIs impeached him twice says more about them than it says about Trump.
What is already engraved in history books to come is Loser Trump is the only U.S. president to be impeached Twice.

You idiots got people to tax themselves $2 trillion to pay for a hoax, and you're asking me?
I thought maybe you knew. I was wrong.
One way is to elect a senile child molester.
Are you referring to that picture of Ivanka sitting on her daddy's lap?

That's a doctored photograph.
It's a still from a video, you fucking moron.
Yeah, where the girl's parents are standing right there and said Biden is a family friend, is like a grandfather to that girl and that he acted completely appropriately.
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.

But why should they have to give up their homes because they don't agree with the majority? That's the irony of this issue, and the point of my comment above. Presumably, the secessionists in Texas want to leave the union because they don't like being bullied by majority rule. Yet they are fine with bullying their neighbors in the same way.
You're the assholes who believe it's perfectly fine to ram your preferences down the throats of the minority.

Nope. :)
Of course you do, NAZI.

Yes, yes I know. And I voted for Biden. And I'm Democrat. And a socialist. Whatever it takes to squeeze me into your moronic stereotype - the one that tells you that everyone who opposes your hero is an evil monster. Simple minds ...
You fit the "stereotype" every time you post.

Only in your mind. That's why when I challenge to support your lurid fantasies with quotes, you never can.
You defended the Biden Swindle 10,000 ties, NAZI.

I'm not a qanon follower. You'll have to explain in rational terms. Which you can't. Sorry.

Only an SJW NAZI moron uses terms like "QAnon follower."
Oh? What do you call them? Trump supporters?
How do you know they're Trump supporters? Do you get mail from them?

Here's their Shaman...



Never heard of him until the riot, and neither did you. Wanna see some photos of Democrat NAZIs?




Only an SJW NAZI moron uses terms like "QAnon follower."
Oh? What do you call them? Trump supporters?

I believe that's the polite term.

I have no interest in being polite to them.
What do you call convicted felons and child molesters?

Answer: Biden supporters.
I call him Twice Impeached Trump...

No body cares what you call him, you NAZI psycho. The fact that Demoract NAZIs impeached him twice says more about them than it says about Trump.
What is already engraved in history books to come is Loser Trump is the only U.S. president to be impeached Twice.

All that means is that Pelosi disgraced herself twice.
You idiots got people to tax themselves $2 trillion to pay for a hoax, and you're asking me?
I thought maybe you knew. I was wrong.
One way is to elect a senile child molester.
Are you referring to that picture of Ivanka sitting on her daddy's lap?

That's a doctored photograph.
It's a still from a video, you fucking moron.
Yeah, where the girl's parents are standing right there and said Biden is a family friend, is like a grandfather to that girl and that he acted completely appropriately.
The parents are a couple of slimy minions sucking up to Fuhrer Biden to get power. All that shows is that there is no bar so low that some Dim apparatchik isn't eager to slither under it.
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.
How does that alter the fact that you're a giant hypocrite?
oh? Where's the hypocrisy? I didn't want another wall built on our current southern border because much of it already had walls or fences. Our new southern border, should Texas secede, will have no barriers at all. So yes, we need to build it.
We all know that's utter horseshit. You don't want the wall on our Southern border so new Democrats can flood into the country. It's purely about power.
Nope, you're just a fucking moron. I was all for the wall down there when Bush signed it. I was against rebuilding it.
When Bush signed it? When was that, 30 fucking years ago?
Fucking moron, 2006 was not '30 fucking years ago.'

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
I assumed you were talking about Bush I. Bush II may have signed it, but Congress never funded it. You claim you supported it, but there's no evidence of that. Why would you support it one year and oppose it another year? Because you're a lying NAZI moron. Do you actually expect anyone to believe that story?
You're lying again, fucking moron. Congress funded $2.4 billion and 670 miles of walls and fences were built by 2009.
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.

But why should they have to give up their homes because they don't agree with the majority? That's the irony of this issue, and the point of my comment above. Presumably, the secessionists in Texas want to leave the union because they don't like being bullied by majority rule. Yet they are fine with bullying their neighbors in the same way.
You're the assholes who believe it's perfectly fine to ram your preferences down the throats of the minority.

Nope. :)
Of course you do, NAZI.

Yes, yes I know. And I voted for Biden. And I'm Democrat. And a socialist. Whatever it takes to squeeze me into your moronic stereotype - the one that tells you that everyone who opposes your hero is an evil monster. Simple minds ...
You fit the "stereotype" every time you post.

Only in your mind. That's why when I challenge to support your lurid fantasies with quotes, you never can.
You defended the Biden Swindle 10,000 ties, NAZI.

I'm not a qanon follower. You'll have to explain in rational terms. Which you can't. Sorry.

Only an SJW NAZI moron uses terms like "QAnon follower."
Oh? What do you call them? Trump supporters?
How do you know they're Trump supporters? Do you get mail from them?

Here's their Shaman...



Never heard of him until the riot, and neither did you. Wanna see some photos of Democrat NAZIs?




Your shaman is just one of many QTrump supporters.
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of millions $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents next.
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Only an SJW NAZI moron uses terms like "QAnon follower."
Oh? What do you call them? Trump supporters?

I believe that's the polite term.

I have no interest in being polite to them.
What do you call convicted felons and child molesters?

Answer: Biden supporters.
I call him Twice Impeached Trump...

No body cares what you call him, you NAZI psycho. The fact that Demoract NAZIs impeached him twice says more about them than it says about Trump.
What is already engraved in history books to come is Loser Trump is the only U.S. president to be impeached Twice.

All that means is that Pelosi disgraced herself twice.

Maybe to fucking morons like you -- not in recorded history, which like Nixon, will record the crimes he committed.
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.
If you’re a foreign country....
You idiots got people to tax themselves $2 trillion to pay for a hoax, and you're asking me?
I thought maybe you knew. I was wrong.
One way is to elect a senile child molester.
Are you referring to that picture of Ivanka sitting on her daddy's lap?

That's a doctored photograph.
It's a still from a video, you fucking moron.
Yeah, where the girl's parents are standing right there and said Biden is a family friend, is like a grandfather to that girl and that he acted completely appropriately.
The parents are a couple of slimy minions sucking up to Fuhrer Biden to get power. All that shows is that there is no bar so low that some Dim apparatchik isn't eager to slither under it.

Who's dumb enough to believe a fucking moron like you who admits he lies on this forum for no reason other than to trigger Liberals?

Over the parents who were right there... along with other family members... along with dozens of other family members with dozens of Senators being sworn in; many of whom were Republican... along with the press... and not a single person among those hundreds of people said Biden acted inappropriately.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
Texas Cannot Secede From The United States Despite Wet Dreams of Certain Cons.

Try to stop us, butt plug.

The law of "fuck you, we do what we want" will apply.

It was illegal for the U.S. to secede from Great Briton. You seem okay with that treason.

Our break from England to become the great country we have become and now Texas wants to break away from that great country - wow ... hardly a comparison ... you really ought to move beyond that K-6 education level. It is showing.

Scurry on now.

The American Revolution was the result of a myriad of reasons, NOT because the person the RW wanted to be Prez had his ass handed to him on gold-plated latinum platter. The Traitor LOST the Popular Vote TWICE. He Lost the Electoral College by 74-Votes. He LIED about Election/Voter Fraud. The Traitor LOST over 60-Lawsuits trying save his miserable Ru ssian Loving Ass. Fraud requires the element of proof and no such proof exists. Get the Fuck Over It!!!

Great Britain made the His Most Britannic Majesty's Colonies a dumping ground for criminals, kinda they did Australia.

The Traitor and his supporters engaged in an attempted Coup.

The idea that Tex-Ass would secede because a Democrat was freely and fairly elected is beyond stupid. To call it a pipe dream is an insult to pipe dreams.

Texas cannot afford to pay for a standing Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. All those anti-taxers in Texas would be paying through their fucking ass in taxes.

The simple, plain reality of the matter is that there is no way Tex-ASS will ever secede.
He didn't lie--------atleast this is what the american people think and perception is everything.

No one was supporting Biden-------NO ONE---While Trump was even more popular now by far than last time. LOGIC dictates that Trump won ---------and this is what people feel in their heart.

AS biden crashes the economy which is what the pos is doing, instead of allowing the communist to corrupt more, the american people may yet rise up together-------and take out not just bribe taking Biden---but corrupt bribe taking pelosi---the bribe taking and pedo and mobsters clintons and many many many other of our swamp.
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.
How does that alter the fact that you're a giant hypocrite?
oh? Where's the hypocrisy? I didn't want another wall built on our current southern border because much of it already had walls or fences. Our new southern border, should Texas secede, will have no barriers at all. So yes, we need to build it.
We all know that's utter horseshit. You don't want the wall on our Southern border so new Democrats can flood into the country. It's purely about power.
Nope, you're just a fucking moron. I was all for the wall down there when Bush signed it. I was against rebuilding it.
When Bush signed it? When was that, 30 fucking years ago?
Fucking moron, 2006 was not '30 fucking years ago.'

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
I assumed you were talking about Bush I. Bush II may have signed it, but Congress never funded it. You claim you supported it, but there's no evidence of that. Why would you support it one year and oppose it another year? Because you're a lying NAZI moron. Do you actually expect anyone to believe that story?
You're lying again, fucking moron. Congress funded $2.4 billion and 670 miles of walls and fences were built by 2009.
You turds have said that length of wall would cost $70 billion, dumbfuck. Here's the wall they built with it:


Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.

Texans will not be voting on secession.
You idiots got people to tax themselves $2 trillion to pay for a hoax, and you're asking me?
I thought maybe you knew. I was wrong.
One way is to elect a senile child molester.
Are you referring to that picture of Ivanka sitting on her daddy's lap?

That's a doctored photograph.
It's a still from a video, you fucking moron.
Yeah, where the girl's parents are standing right there and said Biden is a family friend, is like a grandfather to that girl and that he acted completely appropriately.
The parents are a couple of slimy minions sucking up to Fuhrer Biden to get power. All that shows is that there is no bar so low that some Dim apparatchik isn't eager to slither under it.

Who's dumb enough to believe a fucking moron like you who admits he lies on this forum for no reason other than to trigger Liberals?

Over the parents who were right there... along with other family members... along with dozens of other family members with dozens of Senators being sworn in; many of whom were Republican... along with the press... and not a single person among those hundreds of people said Biden acted inappropriately.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
Her parents are obvious bootlicking douchebags. Child Services should intervene. They sacrificed their daughter's welfare to gain political power. Who cares what they say? They are allowing someone to abuse their child right on camera.
I say move all military installations out of Texas and see how they like a lack of funds.
What makes you think that the military doesn't want to stay in texas instead of being with our corrupt abusive DC congress?

Bidens group is going to kill the US economy with the OIL states being hit the hardest. Texas is likely to vote to leave----but it will be painful for them but in the long run a better choice than staying in the UNION with Biden's group killing the oil industry, probably outlaw cows because thye fart releasing O2, will start arresting people for being texans and speaking their minds and holding onto their guns. The US dollar is going to be worth chit-------------Texas has it grandfather in that they can leave the union whenever they want (although biden and crew will still try to strong arm Texas)...........Bad to leave, worse to stay in the UNION. Best to leave make their own currency------------and go back to the old Texas ways.

Texans see the big picture and know that leaving will create alot of hardache---but staying because of what the globalist communists are doing will be worse. it's going to be a close vote...but pain and sufferening is going to motivate a lot of texans this time. If texas leaves---they keep their guns, cows, bbq, oil, and probably attrack a new Texas Wall street and host of other business fleeing the communists. I'm hoping that initially the housing market shoots down---so I can pick up a house cheap getting both Texas and US citizenship up till well other states like florida decide to join Texas.

What makes you think it matters what the military thinks about deployment locations?

I can imagine troops deployed to Afghanistan would much rather be in Colorado Springs, San Diego, San Francisco, Miami, and other but, you know who cares about their "druthers?" NOONE!

When I was deployed to the ME my choices were to go to the ME or to go to the brig.

As for the rest of your crap pile...
You obviously know as much about the economics and politics, as you do about military deployments.
Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I am with you, I would love to see Texas secede. They should be part of Mexico. We can send QAnon, Proud Boys, White Supremacist, Nazis, the the true Trumpists to Texas. It would make America so much better.

If TX does secede I would probably change my mind about the wall.
I mean, at that point we'd be keeping out real terrorists so...
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents.

Texans will not be voting on secession.
Its going up for a vote this year. And the more the dems fight to delay it, the worse the Texas economy will become with Bidens policies, making more people in Texas vote to leave...and oh, Texas is going to crack down on fraudulent votes especially the dem stunt of dem operatives giving other dems their address to use as their fake residence in Texas.
Texas doesn't need to get permission to leave. Nothing in the Constitution says it does.
My question was: How do you get the voters in Texas to choose secession? Can one idiot state legislator simply make the decision for all of us? None of the other legislators (both sides) want anything to do with him.
Texans get to vote-----you know the "democracy" that the crazy libs and foreigners keep screaming that they are for..........

Texas wouldn't have voted to go -------------till Biden just attacked the oil and gas energy. Shocking because the lib communists know that causing suffering and chaos is a sure way to get people to vote for "change", but I guess the bribe money from soros, buffet, and the chinese who will all make hundreds of millions $$$ to billions $$$$ off this was to good.

Even my elderly easily scared of change mother is now supporting the escape of texas where she didn't at all last month.

Crashing the Texas economy will do it.

so Biden and the chinese being the corrupt communists that they are will probably attack Social security and pensions for Texas residents next.
OK, so your Mom is now voting to secede. Just 14.5 million more votes and I guess we're out of here.

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