Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute REJECTION Of Democrat Leadership!

You idiots got people to tax themselves $2 trillion to pay for a hoax, and you're asking me?
I thought maybe you knew. I was wrong.
One way is to elect a senile child molester.
Are you referring to that picture of Ivanka sitting on her daddy's lap?

Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Don't ask for US help when Mexico invades Texas. And don't send your refugees here either!

Has Mexico invaded Guatamala? Then why would it invade Texas? The later has a bigger GDP than Mexico.

You just answered your own question!

So Afghanistan invaded the USSR?

You really are a king sized imbecile, ya know it?
Texas Cannot Secede From The United States Despite Wet Dreams of Certain Cons.

Try to stop us, butt plug.

The law of "fuck you, we do what we want" will apply.

It was illegal for the U.S. to secede from Great Briton. You seem okay with that treason.

Our break from England to become the great country we have become and now Texas wants to break away from that great country - wow ... hardly a comparison ... you really ought to move beyond that K-6 education level. It is showing.

Scurry on now.

The American Revolution was the result of a myriad of reasons, NOT because the person the RW wanted to be Prez had his ass handed to him on gold-plated latinum platter. The Traitor LOST the Popular Vote TWICE. He Lost the Electoral College by 74-Votes. He LIED about Election/Voter Fraud. The Traitor LOST over 60-Lawsuits trying save his miserable Ru ssian Loving Ass. Fraud requires the element of proof and no such proof exists. Get the Fuck Over It!!!

Great Britain made the His Most Britannic Majesty's Colonies a dumping ground for criminals, kinda they did Australia.

The Traitor and his supporters engaged in an attempted Coup.

The idea that Tex-Ass would secede because a Democrat was freely and fairly elected is beyond stupid. To call it a pipe dream is an insult to pipe dreams.

Texas cannot afford to pay for a standing Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. All those anti-taxers in Texas would be paying through their fucking ass in taxes.

The simple, plain reality of the matter is that there is no way Tex-ASS will ever secede.
Sorry bout that,

But why should they have to give up their homes because they don't agree with the majority? That's the irony of this issue, and the point of my comment above. Presumably, the secessionists in Texas want to leave the union because they don't like being bullied by majority rule. Yet they are fine with bullying their neighbors in the same way.
Why shoud we have to pay trillions of dollars in taxes because of you SJW morons? If you don't like what the majority approves, tough shit for you. That's one of the fundamental problems with democracy.
The irony of majority rule, is bripat believs in it, only when a minority wants to use it. In order for Texas, or any other state to secede, they have to get the approval of the majority (actually super majority) of the states. So even if a majority of Texans want to secede, they have to bow to the control of the majority of the USA.

1. Soon very soon as many as 30 states will want to secede.
2. We in Texas have it as our right to secede.
3. Once we get the voters to chose secession, getting the other states to allow us out will be easy.
4. They will then want our support before they allow our secession.
5. I say let any and all states secede.
6. DC is the asshole of America, and it hasn't be wiped for 65 years, its a stinky ole swamp.
7. For humanities sake we must secede.
8. For self respect of the human condition, secede.
9. To do anything else is unacceptable.
10. We here in Texas have to start the whole secession movement.

"Soon very soon as many as 30 states will want to secede."


So you say, but you also say the election was stolen from Twice Impeached Trump, so you're not exactly playing with a full deck, if ya know what I mean.
Only an SJW NAZI moron uses terms like "QAnon follower."
Oh? What do you call them? Trump supporters?

I believe that's the polite term.

I have no interest in being polite to them.
What do you call convicted felons and child molesters?

Answer: Biden supporters.
I call him Twice Impeached Trump...

Only an SJW NAZI moron uses terms like "QAnon follower."
Oh? What do you call them? Trump supporters?

I believe that's the polite term.

I have no interest in being polite to them.
What do you call convicted felons and child molesters?

Answer: Biden supporters.
I call him Twice Impeached Trump...

Nobody cares what you call him, you NAZI psycho. The fact that Demoract NAZIs impeached him twice says more about them than it says about Trump.
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You idiots got people to tax themselves $2 trillion to pay for a hoax, and you're asking me?
I thought maybe you knew. I was wrong.
One way is to elect a senile child molester.
Are you referring to that picture of Ivanka sitting on her daddy's lap?

That's a doctored photograph.
It's a still from a video, you fucking moron.
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.
How does that alter the fact that you're a giant hypocrite?
oh? Where's the hypocrisy? I didn't want another wall built on our current southern border because much of it already had walls or fences. Our new southern border, should Texas secede, will have no barriers at all. So yes, we need to build it.
We all know that's utter horseshit. You don't want the wall on our Southern border so new Democrats can flood into the country. It's purely about power.
Nope, you're just a fucking moron. I was all for the wall down there when Bush signed it. I was against rebuilding it.
When Bush signed it? When was that, 30 fucking years ago?
Fucking moron, 2006 was not '30 fucking years ago.'

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
Texas Cannot Secede From The United States Despite Wet Dreams of Certain Cons.

Try to stop us, butt plug.

The law of "fuck you, we do what we want" will apply.

It was illegal for the U.S. to secede from Great Briton. You seem okay with that treason.

Our break from England to become the great country we have become and now Texas wants to break away from that great country - wow ... hardly a comparison ... you really ought to move beyond that K-6 education level. It is showing.

Scurry on now.

The American Revolution was the result of a myriad of reasons, NOT because the person the RW wanted to be Prez had his ass handed to him on gold-plated latinum platter. The Traitor LOST the Popular Vote TWICE. He Lost the Electoral College by 74-Votes. He LIED about Election/Voter Fraud. The Traitor LOST over 60-Lawsuits trying save his miserable Ru ssian Loving Ass. Fraud requires the element of proof and no such proof exists. Get the Fuck Over It!!!

Great Britain made the His Most Britannic Majesty's Colonies a dumping ground for criminals, kinda they did Australia.

The Traitor and his supporters engaged in an attempted Coup.

The idea that Tex-Ass would secede because a Democrat was freely and fairly elected is beyond stupid. To call it a pipe dream is an insult to pipe dreams.

Texas cannot afford to pay for a standing Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. All those anti-taxers in Texas would be paying through their fucking ass in taxes.

The simple, plain reality of the matter is that there is no way Tex-ASS will ever secede.

Do minions of the Democrat Reich ever post anything besides debunked talking points?
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.
How does that alter the fact that you're a giant hypocrite?
oh? Where's the hypocrisy? I didn't want another wall built on our current southern border because much of it already had walls or fences. Our new southern border, should Texas secede, will have no barriers at all. So yes, we need to build it.
We all know that's utter horseshit. You don't want the wall on our Southern border so new Democrats can flood into the country. It's purely about power.
Nope, you're just a fucking moron. I was all for the wall down there when Bush signed it. I was against rebuilding it.
When Bush signed it? When was that, 30 fucking years ago?
Fucking moron, 2006 was not '30 fucking years ago.'

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
I assumed you were talking about Bush I. Bush II may have signed it, but Congress never funded it. You claim you supported it, but there's no evidence of that. Why would you support it one year and oppose it another year? Because you're a lying NAZI moron. Do you actually expect anyone to believe that story?
Let's be clear on this. A Bill supporting Texas Secession was introduced. That by no means that such secession is going to happen.

Can Texas afford it's own Army, Navy, Air Force AND Coast Guard?

The short answer is no. Nor can Texas afford the military hardware. All the U.S. Government equipment would disappear quickly. There is also the cost Law Enforcement, Education, Medical and other state requirements. Taxes in Texas would go through the roof.

Texas will NOT secede, the cost alone is prohibitive.

I want some of what the OP is smoking, sounds like good shit....
Dumb as fuck. We already covers all those topics and your post is 10000% wrong and fucking stupid.

Read the thread and shut the fuck up.
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.

But why should they have to give up their homes because they don't agree with the majority? That's the irony of this issue, and the point of my comment above. Presumably, the secessionists in Texas want to leave the union because they don't like being bullied by majority rule. Yet they are fine with bullying their neighbors in the same way.
You're the assholes who believe it's perfectly fine to ram your preferences down the throats of the minority.

Nope. :)
Of course you do, NAZI.

Yes, yes I know. And I voted for Biden. And I'm Democrat. And a socialist. Whatever it takes to squeeze me into your moronic stereotype - the one that tells you that everyone who opposes your hero is an evil monster. Simple minds ...
You fit the "stereotype" every time you post.

Only in your mind. That's why when I challenge to support your lurid fantasies with quotes, you never can.
You defended the Biden Swindle 10,000 ties, NAZI.

I'm not a qanon follower. You'll have to explain in rational terms. Which you can't. Sorry.

Only an SJW NAZI moron uses terms like "QAnon follower."
Oh? What do you call them? Trump supporters?
How do you know they're Trump supporters? Do you get mail from them?

Here's their Shaman...




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