Texas or “TAXas”? Texas taxes more than Cali (except wealthy.)

They sure love their taxes in Texas.
You can tell by this thread the average Joe is just not that smart. It’s not that they love it, it’s that they are not aware of it.
Definitely, everyone in Texas should move to Cali.


Careful of the shit in the streets.
And the state that has the highest number of SNAP recipients as well. California is what we typically call a "liberal shithole."
They have 13% of population and 11% of Snap recipients. That’s better than most states and almost every red state.
How so? No one has intelligently disputed the facts. The comments have mostly been about misunderstanding Texas’ tax structure and a total abdication of understanding Math.
Why don't you go to the two Digital Drifter posts and respond to his linked sources?
Quit avoiding them. You just ignore the reality :eusa_whistle:
They have 13% of population and 11% of Snap recipients. That’s better than most states and almost every red state.
California's still a suck-ass state to live in: Gangs, homeless, needles all over the curbs, Sodomites, liberal wackos, illegals out the wazoo, drug cartels, fires every year, electrical brownouts, drought...

Who in their right mind would even want to live there?
Guess the tax #'s can be subjective :laugh:

That study is flawed. It doesn’t include all taxes. It specifically points out California has freeways and Texas toll roads. When you put in all taxes that’s when it flips. Also it’s based on -0 year old data from 2012 published over 4 years ago.
That article is misleading as fuck.

All taxes are based on ad valorem or sales tax.

Crying that the bottom 20% pay 13% taxes is nothing more than bitch about sales tax. NOW show HOW MUCH they actually pay., you lying motherfuckers.

Fucking lies

But you know....I am glad that the word is out. I don't want any of you motherfucking pieces of shit commie twats to illegally immigrate here. STAY THE FUCK OUT!!!
It's not misleading. It's lying.
California's still a suck-ass state to live in: Gangs, homeless, needles all over the curbs, Sodomites, liberal wackos, illegals out the wazoo, drug cartels, fires every year, electrical brownouts, drought...

Who in their right mind would even want to live there?
No one wants to live there anymore except for more people than any other state by far. Yea. Ok Yogi Bera

That study is flawed. It doesn’t include all taxes. It specifically points out California has freeways and Texas toll roads. When you put in all taxes that’s when it flips. Also it’s based on -0 year old data from 2012 published over 4 years ago.
Wait? Your source used toll roads as part of the taxes? Show how they calculated that figure for each income group.

Did they take gas taxes into account?

KKKalifornia charges 53.9 cents per gallon, Texas charges 20 cents a gallon.

Did your shit source include that? Who do you think gets hit hardest by a tax on gas, Simp?
That study is flawed. It doesn’t include all taxes. It specifically points out California has freeways and Texas toll roads. When you put in all taxes that’s when it flips. Also it’s based on -0 year old data from 2012 published over 4 years ago.

So are you seeing an exodus of people moving from Texas to California?

I thought not. The truth is, if you're a white male in California, you will soon be replaced by your illegal counterpart from South of the US border.

Bye bye.
It's not misleading. It's lying.
Same amount of people leaving as almost any other year. No change. There are fewer people moving there than usual due to home prices. Home prices are high because everyone wants to live there but now some can’t afford it. If Cali were a shithole like Texas they’d have cheaper land and houses. It’s a desert.
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