Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Or maybe they could just, yanno, stop acting like Rambo against 14 year olds as a start
Or better yet the 14 year olds stop acting like they don't have to do what a cop tells them to do.
They can consider themselves lucky they don't live in a country where they lock people up for six months for doing less, like Mexico.

Well sure, I guess it's reasonable to ask 14 year olds to all act a certain way, but I think a police policy would be more effective and reasonable since they are the adults
I think it all begins with kids that act like bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a white man.....much less a cop.

Are White kids bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a black man... much less a cop? I think you are putting too much emphasis on race here. Teenagers are naturally rebellious no matter what race. Remember James Dean in rebel Without a Cause?
Seems to me the number of white kids that act like this is dwarfed by black kids acting like this. In White Society we are taught to respect authority whereas in Black Society they're taught to think about number one and not listen to authority.

This comes from the President no less. He's setting the example for them.
What sheer duplicity on your part. Obama, as president, is 1/3 of the ultimate authority in the USA; yet, YOU and your ilk SHOW NO RESPECT FOR HIM. Black AND White kids see and hear this every day...it is YOU and people like YOU who are setting the stage for rejection of authority by our youth!
Or maybe they could just, yanno, stop acting like Rambo against 14 year olds as a start
Or better yet the 14 year olds stop acting like they don't have to do what a cop tells them to do.
They can consider themselves lucky they don't live in a country where they lock people up for six months for doing less, like Mexico.

Well sure, I guess it's reasonable to ask 14 year olds to all act a certain way, but I think a police policy would be more effective and reasonable since they are the adults
I think it all begins with kids that act like bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a white man.....much less a cop.

Are White kids bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a black man... much less a cop? I think you are putting too much emphasis on race here. Teenagers are naturally rebellious no matter what race. Remember James Dean in rebel Without a Cause?
Seems to me the number of white kids that act like this is dwarfed by black kids acting like this. In White Society we are taught to respect authority whereas in Black Society they're taught to think about number one and not listen to authority.

This comes from the President no less. He's setting the example for them.
What sheer duplicity on your part. Obama, as president, is 1/3 of the ultimate authority in the USA; yet, YOU and your ilk SHOW NO RESPECT FOR HIM. Black AND White kids see and hear this every day...it is YOU and people like YOU who are setting the stage for rejection of authority by our youth!

We give our police the power to utilize force, when they are obstructed or resisted during the course of the exercise of their law enforcement duties.

Society shakes apart without that.
I agree.

However there is such a thing as provocative excess and this cop has provided a textbook example of it. In fact, this video should be a part of police training programs.

Would you have behaved in the same manner as this loose cannon?
Or better yet the 14 year olds stop acting like they don't have to do what a cop tells them to do.
They can consider themselves lucky they don't live in a country where they lock people up for six months for doing less, like Mexico.

Well sure, I guess it's reasonable to ask 14 year olds to all act a certain way, but I think a police policy would be more effective and reasonable since they are the adults
I think it all begins with kids that act like bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a white man.....much less a cop.

Are White kids bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a black man... much less a cop? I think you are putting too much emphasis on race here. Teenagers are naturally rebellious no matter what race. Remember James Dean in rebel Without a Cause?
Seems to me the number of white kids that act like this is dwarfed by black kids acting like this. In White Society we are taught to respect authority whereas in Black Society they're taught to think about number one and not listen to authority.

This comes from the President no less. He's setting the example for them.
What sheer duplicity on your part. Obama, as president, is 1/3 of the ultimate authority in the USA; yet, YOU and your ilk SHOW NO RESPECT FOR HIM. Black AND White kids see and hear this every day...it is YOU and people like YOU who are setting the stage for rejection of authority by our youth!
Presidents aren't entitled to respect.

Especially Bucky.
This is how We The People have set the system up to work.

We give our police the power to utilize force, when they are obstructed or resisted during the course of the exercise of their law enforcement duties.

okay. We also expect them to exercise i wisely. That means you don't take an unarmed child and push her face into the grass because she was crying for her mother.

She got her face pushed into the grass because she was repeatedly ordered to leave the area and repeatedly refused to obey the order and therefore earned herself a detaining exercise until the police could decide what to do with her.

When she resisted the detaining exercise she crossed a line which allowed the cop to do what he did.

Once you have multiple 'suspects' engaged in refusal to obey orders or actively antagonizing police or even making threatening moves (as those two boys did while the girl was being put down), the cops haven't got time for that touchy-feely shit... and if they make the wrong choice, they die.

We don't pay our police enough to die.
They make more than our soldiers who we do pay to sometimes die. Diplomacy works wonders as does common sense.
However, the impression that Blacks are just all violent welfare thugs is pervasive throughout the country. That stereotypical view is caused by media and race based proportional statistics. So, when Black kids act like normal teens and sometimes get a little cocky or resentful of authority, the cop sees 'feral negroes" who need to be put down and taught respect, regardless of any constitutional freedoms they might be aware of and are standing up for..
Well sure, I guess it's reasonable to ask 14 year olds to all act a certain way, but I think a police policy would be more effective and reasonable since they are the adults
I think it all begins with kids that act like bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a white man.....much less a cop.

Are White kids bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a black man... much less a cop? I think you are putting too much emphasis on race here. Teenagers are naturally rebellious no matter what race. Remember James Dean in rebel Without a Cause?
Seems to me the number of white kids that act like this is dwarfed by black kids acting like this. In White Society we are taught to respect authority whereas in Black Society they're taught to think about number one and not listen to authority.

This comes from the President no less. He's setting the example for them.
What sheer duplicity on your part. Obama, as president, is 1/3 of the ultimate authority in the USA; yet, YOU and your ilk SHOW NO RESPECT FOR HIM. Black AND White kids see and hear this every day...it is YOU and people like YOU who are setting the stage for rejection of authority by our youth!
Presidents aren't entitled to respect.

Especially Bucky.
Are you speaking for mudwhistle? My reply was intended to expose him for pretending he is a proponent for authority while constantly attacking the elected leader of the Free world, President Barrack H. Obama. Don't ruin it for me! This is one of my finest moments!
I think it all begins with kids that act like bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a white man.....much less a cop.

Are White kids bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a black man... much less a cop? I think you are putting too much emphasis on race here. Teenagers are naturally rebellious no matter what race. Remember James Dean in rebel Without a Cause?
Seems to me the number of white kids that act like this is dwarfed by black kids acting like this. In White Society we are taught to respect authority whereas in Black Society they're taught to think about number one and not listen to authority.

This comes from the President no less. He's setting the example for them.
What sheer duplicity on your part. Obama, as president, is 1/3 of the ultimate authority in the USA; yet, YOU and your ilk SHOW NO RESPECT FOR HIM. Black AND White kids see and hear this every day...it is YOU and people like YOU who are setting the stage for rejection of authority by our youth!
Presidents aren't entitled to respect.

Especially Bucky.
Are you speaking for mudwhistle? My reply was intended to expose him for pretending he is a proponent for authority while constantly attacking the elected leader of the Free world, President Barrack H. Obama. Don't ruin it for me! This is one of my finest moments!
Sort of reminds me of Bush Derangement Syndrome.
I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

The boys got up that pissed the cop off... then while he was yelling and cursing at them the girls started getting irate... then when he went over to yell and curse at the girls the boys started getting irate..

Maybe yelling, cursing, and escalating situations doesn't work so well.

Maybe...talking calmly to them and treating the kids like kids vs. hardened criminals that have been arrested before would work better.
Maybe if they started acting like law-abiding citizens instead of spoiled brats looking for trouble....the cops would leave them alone.

I wonder if the white adult who slapped the 19 year old was ever charged with assault? Did everyone forget about her entirely? The "slapper" woman actually started the entire melee with HER BIG MOUTH followed by putting her hands on someone! Was she arrested?
I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

The boys got up that pissed the cop off... then while he was yelling and cursing at them the girls started getting irate... then when he went over to yell and curse at the girls the boys started getting irate..

Maybe yelling, cursing, and escalating situations doesn't work so well.

Maybe...talking calmly to them and treating the kids like kids vs. hardened criminals that have been arrested before would work better.
Maybe if they started acting like law-abiding citizens instead of spoiled brats looking for trouble....the cops would leave them alone.

I wonder if the white adult who slapped the 19 year old was ever charged with assault? Did everyone forget about her entirely? The "slapper" woman actually started the entire melee with HER BIG MOUTH followed by putting her hands on someone! Was she arrested?
None of it would have happened if the gal and her mother did not do an open invite via social media to a pool party THEY WERE NOT ALLOWED TO USE for hundreds of attendees. Were they arrested yet for causing a riot, property damage to the residents, etc?
Private parties is the way.

you know like

RSVP like the diplomat invitations

only some are invited not all
They do that shit because they were taught that they CAN. If anyone complains, they get labeled with the racist card. Hell, quite a few here think I'm racist. Maybe I am. *shrug*. Is there a label where there is non tolerance for assholes....regardless of race? That would be me.
Yo ought to try reading the Constitution. People have a RIGHT to be assholes as log as being one doesn't infringe on the rights of another person.
I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

The boys got up that pissed the cop off... then while he was yelling and cursing at them the girls started getting irate... then when he went over to yell and curse at the girls the boys started getting irate..

Maybe yelling, cursing, and escalating situations doesn't work so well.

Maybe...talking calmly to them and treating the kids like kids vs. hardened criminals that have been arrested before would work better.
Maybe if they started acting like law-abiding citizens instead of spoiled brats looking for trouble....the cops would leave them alone.

I wonder if the white adult who slapped the 19 year old was ever charged with assault? Did everyone forget about her entirely? The "slapper" woman actually started the entire melee with HER BIG MOUTH followed by putting her hands on someone! Was she arrested?
None of it would have happened if the gal and her mother did not do an open invite via social media to a pool party THEY WERE NOT ALLOWED TO USE for hundreds of attendees. Were they arrested yet for causing a riot, property damage to the residents, etc?

Nothing the girls and her mother did justified a single white woman acting like and animal and assaulting someone. She should have notified management and let them handle it. Taking matters into your own hands like that was the wrong approach but the instigator got away with assault scot free.
Actually that girl's friend she refers to, 14-year-old Grace Stone, did exactly that. From the BuzzFeed page:

Stone told BuzzFeed News that when she approached the officers to explain what had happened in the pool the cop featured in the video ordered that she be handcuffed. “I asked why I was in handcuffs and he wouldn’t tell me,” she said, adding that she was the only white person handcuffed.

Stone’s father, Donnie, soon arrived on scene and was also not given a reason as to why his 14-year-old daughter was in handcuffs. “All they would say is that she’s not arrested,” he said. “I was fixing to get really irate. I thought they were going to put me in handcuffs. I was shaking. It was very aggravating.”
--- So what's your excuse now? You try to explain the situation, you get handcuffed? What the FUCK?

And once AGAIN -- that's exactly what everybody in the video is clearly doing. Everybody that is, except Eric Casebolt.

The girl was told several times to move along, she stayed and argued with the cop thus hindering the police officer. He then ordered her to the ground and she resisted so he PUT her on the ground. In cases like these where the cops are greatly outnumbered the more need for them to gain control, handcuffing and seating people is for their own safety and the safety of the cops. The girl should have walked away when told to.

Watch the video you moron, the girl, along with a group WAS WALKING AWAY.....PAY THE EFF ATTENTION OR GO TO BED!!
You'd get your point across better without all the yelling, sparky. Seems to be the same condition that affects many, hence arrests, riots, mayhem.

Put it this way and I will say this as calmly as I can.....you and the rest of the white people here, come talk to me, when they start fucking over your damned children, murdering your white sons, lying to grand juries and never spending one damn day in jail...then we can talk. Please allow us the anger and get off this cum by ya bullshit you white people get to enjoy in this fuckin life.....be a black person someday and then lets fuckin talk!!

If I had kids and they acted like a bunch immature thugs. When the police ordered everyone to leave....YOU LEAVE! You don't stick around. Also many of those teens do not live there. They all went to that home become some moron invited everyone on social media. These "children" were going into other people's private property. So yes, that cop did the best he could as he wait for backup.

When you are invited onto private property as a guest in a common area that isn't a crime. It had been done before by this teen and her mom with no incident. The difference this tine is that a white female tenant took matters into her own hands to enforce the guest policy. She insulted people and assaulted someone without any consequence whatsoever!
I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

The boys got up that pissed the cop off... then while he was yelling and cursing at them the girls started getting irate... then when he went over to yell and curse at the girls the boys started getting irate..

Maybe yelling, cursing, and escalating situations doesn't work so well.

Maybe...talking calmly to them and treating the kids like kids vs. hardened criminals that have been arrested before would work better.
Maybe if they started acting like law-abiding citizens instead of spoiled brats looking for trouble....the cops would leave them alone.

I wonder if the white adult who slapped the 19 year old was ever charged with assault? Did everyone forget about her entirely? The "slapper" woman actually started the entire melee with HER BIG MOUTH followed by putting her hands on someone! Was she arrested?
Did you even for a second consider the possibility that the girl lied? If the "slapper" wasnt arrested, that might explain why. Dont you think the cops would arrest someone if a crowd of people pointed and said "she slapped this young girl"? If there arent a bunch of witnesses (who are NOT friends with the girl) that say she was slapped, then it didnt happen. From the sound of it, that place was pretty packed. No one would get slapped during a loud argument, without a bunch of people seeing it happen.

I smell a rat. The truth will come out. You just have to be patient. Putting your faith in a bunch of misbehaving kids is sure to end with disappointment.
So what should a cop do when someone resists arrest? Blow a whistle and yellow card them?
Based on what I've seen in the video I'd say a more experienced cop would have handled that situation more tactfully instead of going off the way Casebolt did, running around shouting commands and ultimately drawing his gun. You stated in an earlier message that having arrived to appraise the situation you would have driven off and somehow flagged the job -- which would have been preferable to what we've seen.

That situation called for the preventive presence of at least six or eight more cops to avoid exactly what did happen. Those other cops who were present had the good sense and proper instinct to know better than to come on like enraged concentration camp guards. What Casebolt did is a perfect example of what is wrong with a critical aspect of police training, which is the universal and all-too-common "Get on the ground!" command. While there are times when this rather extreme assertion of authority is necessary, mainly for the purpose of ensuring officer safety when confronting potentially dangerous subjects, this was not one of those times.
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Nowadays NOBODY should make a party and invite all ....

People should know better

Big Walls ...lots of protection....

Otherwise make no party.

this is the time we are livin in

Sorry. No sympathies for people who act like animals when interacting with law enforcement.
How about some sympathy for a representative of law-enforcement who makes a damn fool of himself when a bunch of teen-agers don't come to attention and quake with fear when he arrives on the scene?

A big problem with contemporary law-enforcement are cops like Eric Casebolt -- who is an embarrassment to his fellow cops.
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