Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

too many savages around

to throw a public party LOL

these are dangerous times
too many savages around

to throw a public party LOL

these are dangerous times
Kids having good clean fun is savagery? Everything was OK until a white gal decided she was going to enforce the guest rules by directing epithets at and striking a teen-ager... allegedly!

make it private

close the doors to

the non invited

good night
Put it this way and I will say this as calmly as I can.....you and the rest of the white people here, come talk to me, when they start fucking over your damned children, murdering your white sons, lying to grand juries and never spending one damn day in jail...then we can talk. Please allow us the anger and get off this cum by ya bullshit you white people get to enjoy in this fuckin life.....be a black person someday and then lets fuckin talk!!
When our children start acting like yours, then we can talk. Right now,we can only address the issues at hand, but then the violence of young blacks is of course racist.
So...were they trespassing at an HOA private pool? Or...were they invited guests of the white kids? OR...were they residents...much to the surprise of white homeowners who assumed no black kids lived there but actually did? All answers an INVESTIGATION would've produced...if everyone was just calm and answered these questions.

See...when cops show up...thats when the black kids say "Sir..our friend John over there invited us." Or..."I live here sir." And provide address. End of incident. White homeowners can suck it if the black kids live there or are invited guests. If not...an HOA rep needs to show up and put his name on the trespass notice.

Ive responded to these bullshit HOA pool calls where HOA members say all these teens dont live here. They say they're trespassing.

Puts cops in a shit sandwich. They have to investigate whether they are trespassing or not. But how do you do so when they people in question immediately become uncooperative and unruly?

I bet now...cops wont even show up there anymore. And that neighborhoods pool will become a free for all.
The issue here is not whether cops should show up or not, or whether or not every one of those kids deserved to be arrested. The bottom line is the situation was grossly mishandled by a loose-cannon cop whose behavior is best described as that of an enraged authoritarian personality.

To defend Eric Casebolt's behavior is a tacit admission to having equally bad judgment and authoritarian inclination.
Entirely understandable actions by the cop, insofar as can be discerned.
In spite of the actions and behavior of the teen-age subjects, you believe the way Ptl. Casebolt handled the situation was okay?

Would you have handled it in the same way? If not, why not?
the cops should just go home and say "fuck it"

let the gated community deal with it in their own
So...were they trespassing at an HOA private pool? Or...were they invited guests of the white kids? OR...were they residents...much to the surprise of white homeowners who assumed no black kids lived there but actually did? All answers an INVESTIGATION would've produced...if everyone was just calm and answered these questions.

See...when cops show up...thats when the black kids say "Sir..our friend John over there invited us." Or..."I live here sir." And provide address. End of incident. White homeowners can suck it if the black kids live there or are invited guests. If not...an HOA rep needs to show up and put his name on the trespass notice.

Ive responded to these bullshit HOA pool calls where HOA members say all these teens dont live here. They say they're trespassing.

Puts cops in a shit sandwich. They have to investigate whether they are trespassing or not. But how do you do so when they people in question immediately become uncooperative and unruly?

I bet now...cops wont even show up there anymore. And that neighborhoods pool will become a free for all.
The issue here is not whether cops should show up or not, or whether or not every one of those kids deserved to be arrested. The bottom line is the situation was grossly mishandled by a loose-cannon cop whose behavior is best described as that of an enraged authoritarian personality.

To defend Eric Casebolt's behavior is a tacit admission to having equally bad judgment and authoritarian inclination.
Derp. No they have to show up when they are called. I am amazed he didn't at least taze one of them.

make it private

close the doors to

the non invited

good night

That would have a been a great idea,

if they weren't jumping over the fence after they couldn't get in the gate.
People certainly rile themselves up.

Mmm, so you admit that there was real danger to the Officer from the various detained families and friends?

After all, if you would have resorted to violence, then it was reasonable of him to fear violence from the crowd, wasn't it?

Anybody who stirs up shit anywhere treating people as sub-human, should reasonably expect a blowback.
The thing is, this is a police officer. He's not supposed to be stirring up shit. That's the opposite of what he's supposed to be doing. This guy owes a lot of apologies.

THere was mass trespassing and violence. People were going to be detained and questioned.

YOu have stated that if you were there you would have resorted to violence against cops.

As there was, for much of the video, one cop and an unruly crowd, that would be very dangerous to the cop.

Where do you see this "mass trespassing and violence"??
Where do you see ANY of either?
Once again, "trespassing" has yet to appear anywhere except in the imagination of posters here. It's not in the articles. And I don't even remember anyone suggesting "violence". I remember posters imagining "drug dealers" and "people carrying something" and two have even suggested Barack O'bama set this up. That however is entirely perverted fantasy.

The only violence evident, other than the cat fight in the Facebook video, is clearly being committed by one Eric Casebolt. That assault is why they have an investigation going on. We wouldn't even have that if it weren't for a citizen kid taking video. They were forced into it.

But thanks for standing up for your fellow citizens as they get brutalized by out of control polizei. Real courageous of you.

From one of the links on page one.

"Officers were called to a local community pool around 7:15 p.m. local time to respond to a “disturbance involving multiple juveniles at the location, who do not live in the area or have permission to be there, refusing to leave,” the McKinney Police Department said in a post on its Facebook page. Other calls also advised that the teens were “actively fighting,” police said.

“First responding officers encountered a large crowd that refused to comply with police commands. Nine additional units responded to the scene. Officers were eventually able to gain control of the situation,” police said."

People were going to be detained. You would have resorted to violence.

What, you're a fucking mindreader now?
Again, the only "violence" evident in the video evidence is the assault being committed by Eric Casebolt. And it's not "mass" -- it's one guy who's clearly off his nut. EVEN HIS FELLOW OFFICERS can see that; their stepping in to restrain him, however milquetoastedly, is the ONLY time where anybody is trying to calm a potetially explosive situation.

When you see police officers judging that a cop has gone too far, that cop off his nut simply has no basis left.

Were they wrong? Were they interfering with a police officer in the performance of his "duty"? After all, in defending innocent unarmed teens in bathing suits from a nut with a gun, they were doing the same thing the people around the girl wanted to do in defending her from assault. How is it the cops can do that, and her family can't?

Rationalize much?

You complained that the cops were grabbing and detaining people.

I pointed out, from a link on PAGE ONE of this thread, that the police were called due to “disturbance involving multiple juveniles at the location, who do not live in the area or have permission to be there, refusing to leave," AND "Other calls also advised that the teens were “actively fighting,” police said."”

With that information, cops showing up would start detaining and questioning people.

ESPECIALLY, AGAIN FROM THE LINK, “First responding officers encountered a large crowd that refused to comply with police commands. Nine additional units responded to the scene."

This isn't me being a mind reader. This is me being a reader.
If there was mass trespassing and fighting and everyone ran when the cops showed, what exactly were the cops to do except grab people and hold them until questions could be asked?

Yes, that's exactly what he was thinking. That explains why the cop is seen on video, yelling profanities to the kids to leave.

How about you stop being a fucking idiot, and stop defending this bullshit?

Because he had some people detained and he didn't want a mob to gather. D'uh.
I had to deal with something similar to the video with a bunch of black kids in one of the barracks in 94'. Junior Enlisted. They were playing their music so loud that it was shaking the paint off the walls. They were smoking pot. I asked them to turn the music down and they all started mouthing off just like those fucking kids in the video. Didn't matter that I outranked everyone in the building. I was white and they were black and so they don't like listening to crazy-assed Crackers. So I called the MPs and the fuckers scattered like cockroaches.

So why were you still an NCO after you couldn't get enlisted men to listen to you?
"Brooks, the 15-year-old who shot the YouTube video, told BuzzFeed News many students had arrived at the end-of-school celebration at the pool on guest passes. Some had also jumped over the fence.

“I think a bunch of white parents were angry that a bunch of black kids who don’t live in the neighborhood were in the pool,” said Brooks, who is white.

Grace Stone, a white 14-year-old, told BuzzFeed News that when she and her friends objected to the racist comments about public housing an adult woman then became violent."
It would have been easy enough to produce guest passes. Those without passes have to leave.

Is that what the cop was doing throwing the girl down by her hair? She musta had her guest pass lodged in her ear and he was helping her get it out, right?

What if the first interaction between her and the cop...was just her saying "Im a guest sir" as she shows her guest pass?? May have gone different?

Most people in bathing suits keep such identification on them. She should have kept it lodged in her ass just in case a cop may have slammed her on the ground, and pulled a gun on her.

Do you even thing before you post anymore?
That bastard is nothing but a far rightwing radical reactionary.

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Funny stuff, in those videos.

The police-hating spin-doctors working overtime to try to make something out of this, is even funnier.

Resist arrest and you're beggin' for a busted skull, or even a toe-tag.

Jawohl! Let me scheee your paperss....


Always good to know who's got your back
---- and who doesn't.

So what should a cop do when someone resists arrest? Blow a whistle and yellow card them?

No one "resisted arrest" in that video, because no one was arrested.

You can even see the cop's partners trying to pull him back after he pulls the gun.

Bucs believes that whenever a cop is around you're under mental arrest. No one tells you, or charges you, you just are.

...except you arent
LoL @ "mental arrest "

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Seems to me like a party when one group started to in the local public pool or whatever - cops came in the middle of it which explains why the video is modified, why some people are calm and some freaks out yelling, I guess some of the local toy gangsters probably had some drugs or alcohol so when the cops came they tried to take off..

not even close to reality.

nice try bigot.
Why so? If the suspects resist arrest it doesn't mean they're innocent by default even if they simply panicked - which is why they are still considered suspects, I noticed at least two being chased by the cops, if only one got arrested out of at least two fighting - as reported later it means it didn't over yet, now quit calling me racist or bigot I really don't care for who did what or what is their skin color , if you are talking about police brutality that is a whole different subject and I'm not deeming to judge any of the people in the video simply because I can't - the girl in the video did seem to resist arrest and assisting a suspect to resist arrest that is the law nothing can change that and in this case the cop decided to arrest her - the way he did and for the proportion of the power he used that is what I can't determine.
So how does it makes me a bigot? because I simply assumed it has something to do which the timing of which the fled suspects would be arrested?

We give our police the power to utilize force, when they are obstructed or resisted during the course of the exercise of their law enforcement duties.

Society shakes apart without that.
I agree...
Glad to see I didn't get beat-up for restating the obvious here.

...However there is such a thing as provocative excess and this cop has provided a textbook example of it. In fact, this video should be a part of police training programs...
Hmmmmm... I see your point... I'm just not sure that I agree with it. When you have a dozen or more teens (most of them as large as adults, without the mellowing of age) refusing to obey police orders to stand-down and vacate... the use of force is appropriate. It seems to be more a matter of timing and degree, more than whether force was actually justified.

...Would you have behaved in the same manner as this loose cannon?
I would like to think not, but I honestly don't know.

Given that several other officers were already on-hand, I DO doubt that I would have drawn my gun, as the main cop-in-question ended-up doing.

Then again, it appeared to me as though he was accosted by two big male teens as he was putting the girl down onto the ground, and, although the video is blurry at this junction, it seemed to me as though the Black male teen actually struck or otherwise made aggressive contact with that same cop, so, the cop may have gotten skittish and reacted instinctively.

The cop was well within his rights to order those kids to stand-down and vacate the premises or otherwise disengage and back off, and, when some of them (like the mouthy little 14-year-old female brat) refused, the officer was within his rights and the boundaries of acceptable conduct, to apply force to detain her, and to increase that force as she resisted.

From what I understand (I've never experienced this myself), such law-enforcement scuffles between police and large groups of teens or young adults, can turn dangerous for both sides of such confrontations, and, as the adrenaline gets cranked-up, cops - who are also entirely human and capable of fear and overreaction - can do things instinctively that they probably would not do outside the heat-of-the-moment, with the luxury of time to think things through.

That's why cops usually get a really good-sized dose of Benefit-of-a-Doubt, in such matters; otherwise, we couldn't get folks to put on a uniform, to protect us and our property.

Then again, cops, too, have boundaries that they have to observe, and this particular copy seems to have gone a little bonkers - almost certainly, with respect to pulling a gun on those little wankers, rather than his baton-truncheon - and his running-around like a chicken with his head cut off seems to indicate high stress or anxiety or even rising fear.

We (or, at least, I) don't know the whole story yet - and we don't know what was happening off-camera or in the lead-up to the start of filming.

This looks bad for the cop - but, with the caveat that I haven't 'walked a mile in his shoes' - I'll withhold condemnation until we know more - trying to defend Law Enforcement in general while remaining skeptical and keeping an open mind about this increasingly bad-looking incident.

That's about as far as my tiny little brain takes me on this one, at the moment.

Gotta run.
If there was mass trespassing and fighting and everyone ran when the cops showed, what exactly were the cops to do except grab people and hold them until questions could be asked?

Yes, that's exactly what he was thinking. That explains why the cop is seen on video, yelling profanities to the kids to leave.

How about you stop being a fucking idiot, and stop defending this bullshit?

Because he had some people detained and he didn't want a mob to gather. D'uh.

You actually think that post hoc bullshit makes sense, don't you?
Texas police officer suspended after chaotic pool party incident

Guess a white person actually had a problem with the Black Kids being INVITED to the pool...

Nah,only the uninvited one's who wouldnt leave when asked by the security guard.

And yet another link that says absolutely NOTHING about any "security guard" or "trespassers".

But that's OK, it's a "facts optional" story with you people, right?

Here ya go,since you seem to be Google impaired.

He said three officers responded after residents and a private security officer called police to complain that several teenagers did not have permission to use the pool and had refused to leave. The homeowners association limits pool use to Craig Ranch residents and two guests per household. Several people complained that the teenagers had started fighting.

It's all here. Let me know if you need help reading it.
McKinney police officer on leave after video shows him pushing teen to the ground Friday night Dallas Morning News

If that is the case, Perry Mason, than arrests should have been made and all should be well in Mayberry, correct? Instead, what we all saw were innocent teens being harrassed by a lazy good for nothing redneck Texas fuck.

So you wanted the little thug wanna be's to get arrested?

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