Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

For sure lets EXCUSE the bad behavior of the childreeeeeen, criminals, etc

and from on just blame any police around. It give the criminals FREE REIN because they know they won't GET BLAMMED

What a peaceful country this will make. can't wait
this is where ALL THIS BS is taking us. he just spoke what he saw and these BLACK ACTIVIST want his head on pole. people better start waking up to what's going on
VIDEO at the site

VIDEO=> Black McKinney Resident Blames Teens for Pool Fight – ACTIVISTS WANT HIM FIRED

June 8, 2015 by Jim Hoft 9 Comments

Benet Embry, a resident of McKinney, Texas, told Sean Hannity on Monday that the incident at the pool party “had nothing to do with race.”

“Let me be clear. The subdivision I live in is not a racist community. It is a diverse subdivision, black, white, Hispanic, East Indian, American Indian, all living together in friendship… Going back to the incident at the pool. It was a pool party out of control there. Out of 130 kids only seven caused a whole bunch of confusion.”

Via Hannity:

After Benet Embry spoke blamed the teens for the McKinney pool fight black activists called for him to be fired.

all of it here:
VIDEO Black McKinney Resident Blames Teens for Pool Fight - ACTIVISTS WANT HIM FIRED - The Gateway Pundit
For sure lets EXCUSE the bad behavior of the childreeeeeen, criminals, etc

and from on just blame any police around. It give the criminals FREE REIN because they know they won't GET BLAMMED

What a peaceful country this will make. can't wait
Its alrdy happening. Customer and I were discussing the this incident when he informed me the Holiday gas station down the street was Mike Browned. Another customer had called cops they show up and wanted no part of the situation. So in that town they are free to take what they want cause ,....black
More THREATS: good job playing into all this. TWEET at the site
Obama’s Spiritual Advisor Issues Veiled Threat on #McKinney: “You Will Not Do This to Our Girls”

June 8, 2015 by Kristinn Taylor 35 Comments

Joshua Dubois, source: The White House

Joshua Dubois, one of President Barack Obama’s two closest spiritual advisors and a former high ranking Obama administration official, posted a veiled threat on Twitter Sunday night about the police response to allegedly rowdy Black teenagers at a pool party in McKinney, Texas on Friday.

all of it here:
Obama s Spiritual Advisor Issues Veiled Threat on McKinney You Will Not Do This to Our Girls - The Gateway Pundit
This is how We The People have set the system up to work.

We give our police the power to utilize force, when they are obstructed or resisted during the course of the exercise of their law enforcement duties.

okay. We also expect them to exercise i wisely. That means you don't take an unarmed child and push her face into the grass because she was crying for her mother.

She got her face pushed into the grass because she was repeatedly ordered to leave the area and repeatedly refused to obey the order and therefore earned herself a detaining exercise until the police could decide what to do with her.

When she resisted the detaining exercise she crossed a line which allowed the cop to do what he did.

Once you have multiple 'suspects' engaged in refusal to obey orders or actively antagonizing police or even making threatening moves (as those two boys did while the girl was being put down), the cops haven't got time for that touchy-feely shit... and if they make the wrong choice, they die.

We don't pay our police enough to die.
They make more than our soldiers who we do pay to sometimes die...
Yep. And that's a goddamned shame, too. We really should do something about that.

...Diplomacy works wonders as does common sense...
Nolo contendere.

...However, the impression that Blacks are just all violent welfare thugs is pervasive throughout the country. That stereotypical view is caused by media and race based proportional statistics...
Many stereotypes have at least some basis in truth - historical or otherwise - as distasteful as that is to say or to hear.

As to the underlying causes, they are myriad.. preexisting bias, Blacks' own behaviors in an inner-city ghetto-like context, etc., although I disagree that the media is feeding that stereotype; on the contrary, they seem to be going out of their way to avoid being seen in just that vein. Perhaps I'm wrong.

... So, when Black kids act like normal teens and sometimes get a little cocky or resentful of authority, the cop sees 'feral negroes" who need to be put down and taught respect, regardless of any constitutional freedoms they might be aware of and are standing up for..
That's a fine speech, and, I'm sure, there's a modicum of truth in there somewhere, but I seriously doubt that you have nailed THE primary cause here.
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I think it all begins with kids that act like bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a white man.....much less a cop.

Are White kids bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a black man... much less a cop? I think you are putting too much emphasis on race here. Teenagers are naturally rebellious no matter what race. Remember James Dean in rebel Without a Cause?
Seems to me the number of white kids that act like this is dwarfed by black kids acting like this. In White Society we are taught to respect authority whereas in Black Society they're taught to think about number one and not listen to authority.

This comes from the President no less. He's setting the example for them.
What sheer duplicity on your part. Obama, as president, is 1/3 of the ultimate authority in the USA; yet, YOU and your ilk SHOW NO RESPECT FOR HIM. Black AND White kids see and hear this every day...it is YOU and people like YOU who are setting the stage for rejection of authority by our youth!
Presidents aren't entitled to respect.

Especially Bucky.
Are you speaking for mudwhistle? My reply was intended to expose him for pretending he is a proponent for authority while constantly attacking the elected leader of the Free world, President Barrack H. Obama. Don't ruin it for me! This is one of my finest moments!

Pretty pathetic.....if you think this is your best. What you're saying amounts to a mouse fart in a hurricane.

The facts of this case are against you and so are the statistics. You have to operate in a complete vacuum for what you claim to be true.
The community where this happened is mixed. On the surface successfully diverse. The takeaway is, it doesn't work.

Here come white people camp fire stories. "they were drinking and smoking and raping and robbing...sure no one was arrested for anything but ITS TRUUUUUUE"

Reminds me of the White people camp fire stories about the SuperDome in Louisiana....They're a raping and a killing everybody"

Then when the dust settles no one could find all those bodies. Oops.
The community where this happened is mixed. On the surface successfully diverse. The takeaway is, it doesn't work.

I guess that's the conclusion we should take away from all this.
I mean some are more important than others it seems

Here come white people camp fire stories. "they were drinking and smoking and raping and robbing...sure no one was arrested for anything but ITS TRUUUUUUE"

Reminds me of the White people camp fire stories about the SuperDome in Louisiana....They're a raping and a killing everybody"

Then when the dust settles no one could find all those bodies. Oops.

I remember this one time at Band Camp.
The girl was told several times to move along, she stayed and argued with the cop thus hindering the police officer. He then ordered her to the ground and she resisted so he PUT her on the ground. In cases like these where the cops are greatly outnumbered the more need for them to gain control, handcuffing and seating people is for their own safety and the safety of the cops. The girl should have walked away when told to.

Watch the video you moron, the girl, along with a group WAS WALKING AWAY.....PAY THE EFF ATTENTION OR GO TO BED!!
You'd get your point across better without all the yelling, sparky. Seems to be the same condition that affects many, hence arrests, riots, mayhem.

Put it this way and I will say this as calmly as I can.....you and the rest of the white people here, come talk to me, when they start fucking over your damned children, murdering your white sons, lying to grand juries and never spending one damn day in jail...then we can talk. Please allow us the anger and get off this cum by ya bullshit you white people get to enjoy in this fuckin life.....be a black person someday and then lets fuckin talk!!
She didnt get fucked over...she asked for it.White kids do get killed by cops unjustly.......more ignorance on parade you filthy racist

One more time you diaper wearing shit for brains lice infected fuck.....the guy is blue is paid to protect all citizens and serve them and if they can't do their jobs, they need to be serving burgers at McDonalds and I don't give a shit what color they are and I hurt more when any kid is murdered by these bastards, you racist lice ball!!

He was protecting the citizens. Not their fault they were protecting them from a bunch of out of control wanna be thugs who happen to be black.
this damn MEDIA isn't helping any either

they just pick up anything and run with it

National enquire seems to be what they've all become. but they are also Helping with Unleashing these OUTSIDE haters to flood into our towns and cities

We give our police the power to utilize force, when they are obstructed or resisted during the course of the exercise of their law enforcement duties.

Society shakes apart without that.
I agree.

However there is such a thing as provocative excess and this cop has provided a textbook example of it. In fact, this video should be a part of police training programs.

Would you have behaved in the same manner as this loose cannon?

The question should be....would you act like those kids?
I think it all begins with kids that act like bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a white man.....much less a cop.

Are White kids bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a black man... much less a cop? I think you are putting too much emphasis on race here. Teenagers are naturally rebellious no matter what race. Remember James Dean in rebel Without a Cause?
Seems to me the number of white kids that act like this is dwarfed by black kids acting like this. In White Society we are taught to respect authority whereas in Black Society they're taught to think about number one and not listen to authority.

This comes from the President no less. He's setting the example for them.
What sheer duplicity on your part. Obama, as president, is 1/3 of the ultimate authority in the USA; yet, YOU and your ilk SHOW NO RESPECT FOR HIM. Black AND White kids see and hear this every day...it is YOU and people like YOU who are setting the stage for rejection of authority by our youth!
Presidents aren't entitled to respect.

Especially Bucky.
Are you speaking for mudwhistle? My reply was intended to expose him for pretending he is a proponent for authority while constantly attacking the elected leader of the Free world, President Barrack H. Obama. Don't ruin it for me! This is one of my finest moments!

You need to get some better moments.
Disagreeing with a political view point is far different than what these little shits did.
We used to teach our children how to act when a police officer was there

NOT that you need to give up your rights. but if you haven't done a crime you don't go acting a freaking fool. unless someone is high or been drinking, committed a crime, etc then you see type of behavior

but not now. they think they CAN DO whatever they want because they won't BE blammed

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