Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

The boys got up that pissed the cop off... then while he was yelling and cursing at them the girls started getting irate... then when he went over to yell and curse at the girls the boys started getting irate..

Maybe yelling, cursing, and escalating situations doesn't work so well.

Maybe...talking calmly to them and treating the kids like kids vs. hardened criminals that have been arrested before would work better.
Maybe if they started acting like law-abiding citizens instead of spoiled brats looking for trouble....the cops would leave them alone.

I wonder if the white adult who slapped the 19 year old was ever charged with assault? Did everyone forget about her entirely? The "slapper" woman actually started the entire melee with HER BIG MOUTH followed by putting her hands on someone! Was she arrested?

Didnt you read the guys Twittter message?
They do that shit because they were taught that they CAN. If anyone complains, they get labeled with the racist card. Hell, quite a few here think I'm racist. Maybe I am. *shrug*. Is there a label where there is non tolerance for assholes....regardless of race? That would be me.
Yo ought to try reading the Constitution. People have a RIGHT to be assholes as log as being one doesn't infringe on the rights of another person.

Not on private property they dont.
This is what happens when parents teach thier kids to be thugs

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Yep and we are seeing it from ALL colors, race, etc
but why not they'll get people stroking them for being CHILDREEEEEEEEN.

We are heading into the gutter I don't see us getting out of
The girl was told several times to move along, she stayed and argued with the cop thus hindering the police officer. He then ordered her to the ground and she resisted so he PUT her on the ground. In cases like these where the cops are greatly outnumbered the more need for them to gain control, handcuffing and seating people is for their own safety and the safety of the cops. The girl should have walked away when told to.

Watch the video you moron, the girl, along with a group WAS WALKING AWAY.....PAY THE EFF ATTENTION OR GO TO BED!!
You'd get your point across better without all the yelling, sparky. Seems to be the same condition that affects many, hence arrests, riots, mayhem.

Put it this way and I will say this as calmly as I can.....you and the rest of the white people here, come talk to me, when they start fucking over your damned children, murdering your white sons, lying to grand juries and never spending one damn day in jail...then we can talk. Please allow us the anger and get off this cum by ya bullshit you white people get to enjoy in this fuckin life.....be a black person someday and then lets fuckin talk!!

If I had kids and they acted like a bunch immature thugs. When the police ordered everyone to leave....YOU LEAVE! You don't stick around. Also many of those teens do not live there. They all went to that home become some moron invited everyone on social media. These "children" were going into other people's private property. So yes, that cop did the best he could as he wait for backup.

When you are invited onto private property as a guest in a common area that isn't a crime. It had been done before by this teen and her mom with no incident. The difference this tine is that a white female tenant took matters into her own hands to enforce the guest policy. She insulted people and assaulted someone without any consequence whatsoever!

So I guess the security guards efforts dont matter?
too many savages around

to throw a public party LOL

these are dangerous times
Kids having good clean fun is savagery? Everything was OK until a white gal decided she was going to enforce the guest rules by directing epithets at and striking a teen-ager... allegedly!

You call smoking weed and drinking by a bunch of minors good clean fun?
This is what happens when parents teach thier kids to be thugs

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Geez, even when no law is broken pre-teens and teens are labeled "thugs"?

Cant a black kid be a kid anymore? Oh, right...black kids are never kids. Steph keeps talking about how "big" they are. Wink Wink
too many savages around

to throw a public party LOL

these are dangerous times
Kids having good clean fun is savagery? Everything was OK until a white gal decided she was going to enforce the guest rules by directing epithets at and striking a teen-ager... allegedly!

You call smoking weed and drinking by a bunch of minors good clean fun?

Why are you lying? Because Obama is driving a wedge between the races?

There hasnt been one report of anyone smoking or drinking except one FB guy. LOL
No one was arrested, no one was charged. There cant be criminal behavior there unless the cops let it slide.

Thats funny
Electing a black President did us a HELL of lot of good. way to go. I haven't seen things this bad since the 60s. video at the site


WTF!?! Black activist threatens acts of TERRORISM AGAINST COPS because of McKinney racism

Sweet Jesus this escalated quickly. MSNBC went away from a black activist press conference when the guy made a threat against America saying that they would commit ISIS-style acts of terrorism if racism wasn’t fixed.

Watch below:


Wow that dude needs to stay the hell away from microphones. More about McKinney here and here.

all of it here:

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/wtf-black-activist-threatens-acts-of-terrorism-against-america-because-of-mckinney-racism/#ixzz3cZZUFsWn
Electing a black President did us a HELL of lot of good. way to go. I haven't seen things this bad since the 60s. video at the site


WTF!?! Black activist threatens acts of TERRORISM AGAINST COPS because of McKinney racism

Sweet Jesus this escalated quickly. MSNBC went away from a black activist press conference when the guy made a threat against America saying that they would commit ISIS-style acts of terrorism if racism wasn’t fixed.

Watch below:


Wow that dude needs to stay the hell away from microphones. More about McKinney here and here.

all of it here:

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/wtf-black-activist-threatens-acts-of-terrorism-against-america-because-of-mckinney-racism/#ixzz3cZZUFsWn

WOW. A black community activist literally threatening ISIS style attacks on law enforcement.


Wonder if Obamas admin will label black activists as "possible domestic terrorists" like they did our returning vets who fought ISIS?
It did escalate quickly. The left desperately WANTS a war with white cops. Badly. They're just flaming this one up until the inevitable occurs....another video of a worse incident. And with 1, 000, 000 cops policing violent neighborhoods in a country of 340, 000, 000...all with easy access to guns and drugs...another contraversial video is inevitable.

But this will have to do for now.
too many savages around

to throw a public party LOL

these are dangerous times
Kids having good clean fun is savagery? Everything was OK until a white gal decided she was going to enforce the guest rules by directing epithets at and striking a teen-ager... allegedly!

You call smoking weed and drinking by a bunch of minors good clean fun?

Why are you lying? Because Obama is driving a wedge between the races?

There hasnt been one report of anyone smoking or drinking except one FB guy. LOL

So you find it hard to believe a bunch of teenagers were smoking pot and drinking?:lmao:
MSNBC is lying about this.

Their opinion headlines on msnbc.com:

"Joe: Dont pull a gun on teens in bathing suits."
Truth: He didnt. He pulled a gun on the two fully clothed males who tried to swarm him as he made an arrest.

"Cop pulled gun to break up pool party"
Truth: No...he was using voice commands and physical detention to break up a FIGHT at a pool. He was about to be swarmed by two men while making an arrest...and used his gun to back the hooligans off.

God damn lying fucking liberals trying to spark more racial unrest.
No one was arrested, no one was charged. There cant be criminal behavior there unless the cops let it slide.

Thats funny

So how do you arrest the trouble makers when they ran off you simple minded fool!

Haha hes an idiot. Yes...you cant arrest the trouble makers when they run and disobey orders unless...well...you grab them and detain them. Maybe even have to put a few onto the ground. GOD FORBID any be black females. If so....you may lose your career.
No one was arrested, no one was charged. There cant be criminal behavior there unless the cops let it slide.

Thats funny

So how do you arrest the trouble makers when they ran off you simple minded fool!

Better question is: How do you arrest them when they dont exist?

The cops, neighbors, police report nothing says anything about smoking and drinking. Did the bottles run away too?

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