Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Better question is: How do you arrest them when they dont exist?

The cops, neighbors, police report nothing says anything about smoking and drinking. Did the bottles run away too?

You're full of shit.
Use the Google......you might learn something.

Nice try, but thats your tell when you dont have anything. Fortunatley for you I happen to know from experience that a bottle is unable to run.

Getting desperate I see.
Yet another situation with blacks acting badly blows up in the face of liberals.

Just stop lying, I dont think you have to lie to make a point

If black people hate white people so much why dont they have parties in their own neighborhoods?

Yo, didnt I tell you stop the drama queen routine?
The police have got to recognize that any time they are called, there is a good chance that it will be a set up. The job one of black gangs (and they are all a gang) is to eliminate the police, one by one if necessary.

You saw a black gang? I saw kids at a pool party.

You saw someone attack the police? I didnt, I saw kids at a pool party

What else did you see? Demons?

I saw a bunch of teens and a bunch of people running and possibly fighting...all occurring at a pool party with countless uninvited attendees who the property owners wanted to leave.

Cops got called for a fight.
Cops showed up and saw people running everywhere.

Thats a situation you dont solve with hugs.

Kids have been running when police show up to a party since before you and I. But this is the first I'm hearing that they are gang members for doing so.
The police have got to recognize that any time they are called, there is a good chance that it will be a set up. The job one of black gangs (and they are all a gang) is to eliminate the police, one by one if necessary.

Those types should fear an armed public more than the cops.
A thirty round mag is a great equalizer when out numbered.

Unfortunately. ..for the next few years its gonna get to the point that the armed public may have to take the law into their own hands. Police are going to stand down. They almost have to for the sake of the country....the liberals are trying to spark a god damn racial civil war.

Spark? Really. Spark? It's already a fire, and spreading. Every time the police are called, they are surrounded by a mob trying to incite another incident.
The police have got to recognize that any time they are called, there is a good chance that it will be a set up. The job one of black gangs (and they are all a gang) is to eliminate the police, one by one if necessary.

Those types should fear an armed public more than the cops.
A thirty round mag is a great equalizer when out numbered.

Unfortunately. ..for the next few years its gonna get to the point that the armed public may have to take the law into their own hands. Police are going to stand down. They almost have to for the sake of the country....the liberals are trying to spark a god damn racial civil war.

Not worried,they're outnumbered by a large margin and we're better armed.
It did escalate quickly. The left desperately WANTS a war with white cops. Badly. They're just flaming this one up until the inevitable occurs....another video of a worse incident. And with 1, 000, 000 cops policing violent neighborhoods in a country of 340, 000, 000...all with easy access to guns and drugs...another contraversial video is inevitable.

But this will have to do for now.
yeah well this was not a violent neighborhood... this was a cop out of control...
It did escalate quickly. The left desperately WANTS a war with white cops. Badly. They're just flaming this one up until the inevitable occurs....another video of a worse incident. And with 1, 000, 000 cops policing violent neighborhoods in a country of 340, 000, 000...all with easy access to guns and drugs...another contraversial video is inevitable.

But this will have to do for now.
yeah well this was not a violent neighborhood... this was a cop out of control...

Nope..it was a bunch of trespassing punks out of control.
They were told to leave and they refused. What would you expect to happen?
Couldn't help but notice the 14yo black girl from teh video interviewed on CNN admitted she was hollering stuff about free speech while an officer tried subdueing and arresting her.

And before we get distracted by the video, it should b pointed out it took so long to subdue her precisely because the officer was trying not to hurt her. Could have easily overpowered her at the risk of breaking her arms doing so but using literal kid gloves with her shows his restraint.

When officers show up and start giving orders, you obey. Free to exercise your rights at arraignment and fully utilize your rights then. Try doing so on the street at your peril.
Uhmmm he grabbed her by her hair threw her down screamed obscenities shoved her face in to the dirt sat on her pinned her arms drew his gun on children.... little children.
Guess who's hands are in ALL this stirring this up ON US ALL?

Who stated a long time ago the police acted stupidly?

who said if he had a son he could be Trayvon Martin.

who sent the DOD into Ferguson, Baltimore, to act like it' s because of RACE

WHO HAS had Al Sharpton visit our white house more than: 60 TIMES

wake the hell up
Couldn't help but notice the 14yo black girl from teh video interviewed on CNN admitted she was hollering stuff about free speech while an officer tried subdueing and arresting her.

And before we get distracted by the video, it should b pointed out it took so long to subdue her precisely because the officer was trying not to hurt her. Could have easily overpowered her at the risk of breaking her arms doing so but using literal kid gloves with her shows his restraint.

When officers show up and start giving orders, you obey. Free to exercise your rights at arraignment and fully utilize your rights then. Try doing so on the street at your peril.
Uhmmm he grabbed her by her hair threw her down screamed obscenities shoved her face in to the dirt sat on her pinned her arms drew his gun on children....

I guess she should have followed instructions.
I bet she gets a lot of "doesnt work well with others" on her report card.
The police have got to recognize that any time they are called, there is a good chance that it will be a set up. The job one of black gangs (and they are all a gang) is to eliminate the police, one by one if necessary.

Those types should fear an armed public more than the cops.
A thirty round mag is a great equalizer when out numbered.

Unfortunately. ..for the next few years its gonna get to the point that the armed public may have to take the law into their own hands. Police are going to stand down. They almost have to for the sake of the country....the liberals are trying to spark a god damn racial civil war.

Spark? Really. Spark? It's already a fire, and spreading. Every time the police are called, they are surrounded by a mob trying to incite another incident.

This message brought to you by Obama wont let this guy stop being a drama queen
It did escalate quickly. The left desperately WANTS a war with white cops. Badly. They're just flaming this one up until the inevitable occurs....another video of a worse incident. And with 1, 000, 000 cops policing violent neighborhoods in a country of 340, 000, 000...all with easy access to guns and drugs...another contraversial video is inevitable.

But this will have to do for now.
yeah well this was not a violent neighborhood... this was a cop out of control...

Nope..it was a bunch of trespassing punks out of control.
They were told to leave and they refused. What would you expect to happen?
out of control.. ? What did they do "swim" uncontrollably?
The police have got to recognize that any time they are called, there is a good chance that it will be a set up. The job one of black gangs (and they are all a gang) is to eliminate the police, one by one if necessary.

Those types should fear an armed public more than the cops.
A thirty round mag is a great equalizer when out numbered.

Unfortunately. ..for the next few years its gonna get to the point that the armed public may have to take the law into their own hands. Police are going to stand down. They almost have to for the sake of the country....the liberals are trying to spark a god damn racial civil war.

Not worried,they're outnumbered by a large margin and we're better armed.

This message brought to you by OBAMA wants a race war and this guy cant help but bring it up because OBAMA made him...or BLACKS did....

Or something, one things for sure hes not responsible for his words!
It did escalate quickly. The left desperately WANTS a war with white cops. Badly. They're just flaming this one up until the inevitable occurs....another video of a worse incident. And with 1, 000, 000 cops policing violent neighborhoods in a country of 340, 000, 000...all with easy access to guns and drugs...another contraversial video is inevitable.

But this will have to do for now.
yeah well this was not a violent neighborhood... this was a cop out of control...

Nope..it was a bunch of trespassing punks out of control.
They were told to leave and they refused. What would you expect to happen?
out of control.. ? What did they do "swim" uncontrollably?

They dont know, the presence of black faces trigger a response that something must be wrong.

Look at what they said so far, gangs...attacking police....thugs....etc. And they got all that from a bunch of 14 year olds at a pool party
Couldn't help but notice the 14yo black girl from teh video interviewed on CNN admitted she was hollering stuff about free speech while an officer tried subdueing and arresting her.

And before we get distracted by the video, it should b pointed out it took so long to subdue her precisely because the officer was trying not to hurt her. Could have easily overpowered her at the risk of breaking her arms doing so but using literal kid gloves with her shows his restraint.

When officers show up and start giving orders, you obey. Free to exercise your rights at arraignment and fully utilize your rights then. Try doing so on the street at your peril.
Uhmmm he grabbed her by her hair threw her down screamed obscenities shoved her face in to the dirt sat on her pinned her arms drew his gun on children.... little children.

Haha "children"? The two males who tried to swarm him hardly looked like elementary school kids.
GUESS who it helps for all this whipped UP chaos, rioting, lootings, mayhem brought down on us?

WHO is the President right now? guess what party they belong to? who was Eric Holder back in the 60s? (research it)

we need to be PREPARED.
It did escalate quickly. The left desperately WANTS a war with white cops. Badly. They're just flaming this one up until the inevitable occurs....another video of a worse incident. And with 1, 000, 000 cops policing violent neighborhoods in a country of 340, 000, 000...all with easy access to guns and drugs...another contraversial video is inevitable.

But this will have to do for now.
yeah well this was not a violent neighborhood... this was a cop out of control...

Nope..it was a bunch of trespassing punks out of control.
They were told to leave and they refused. What would you expect to happen?
out of control.. ? What did they do "swim" uncontrollably?

Have you been sleeping through this whole incident?
It did escalate quickly. The left desperately WANTS a war with white cops. Badly. They're just flaming this one up until the inevitable occurs....another video of a worse incident. And with 1, 000, 000 cops policing violent neighborhoods in a country of 340, 000, 000...all with easy access to guns and drugs...another contraversial video is inevitable.

But this will have to do for now.
yeah well this was not a violent neighborhood... this was a cop out of control...

Nope..it was a bunch of trespassing punks out of control.
They were told to leave and they refused. What would you expect to happen?
out of control.. ? What did they do "swim" uncontrollably?

Fighting. Running from cops. Confronting cops. Swarming over cops as they try to detain someone. The girl resisting being handcuffed.

Not to mention mass trespassing at an HOA owned pool without permission.
This incident is so petty in the big picture...but the fact that its national news says so many things. One...the media wants a race war. Makes for good ratings. And ignorant liberals are willing pawns eating it all up. Two...cops are standing down in massive numbers. People are gonna be fending for themselves more and more often. Get ready for THOUSANDS of George Zimmerman type incidents in the future.

The left wants it. Because their race war amplifies when white civilians kill black criminals even more than when cops do.

How do spark that? Get cops to stand down (check). Embolden black criminals (check). Anger white property owners (check). Now...wait for inevitable confrontations. ...which are about to begin.

ISIS? Pshhh. The American left wing is a far greater threat to this country.
Couldn't help but notice the 14yo black girl from teh video interviewed on CNN admitted she was hollering stuff about free speech while an officer tried subdueing and arresting her.

And before we get distracted by the video, it should b pointed out it took so long to subdue her precisely because the officer was trying not to hurt her. Could have easily overpowered her at the risk of breaking her arms doing so but using literal kid gloves with her shows his restraint.

When officers show up and start giving orders, you obey. Free to exercise your rights at arraignment and fully utilize your rights then. Try doing so on the street at your peril.
Uhmmm he grabbed her by her hair threw her down screamed obscenities shoved her face in to the dirt sat on her pinned her arms drew his gun on children.... little children.

Haha "children"? The two males who tried to swarm him hardly looked like elementary school kids.
tried to swarm him? ROFL those two looked like middle school kids did they scare you? They were black.. ooohhh scary.
It did escalate quickly. The left desperately WANTS a war with white cops. Badly. They're just flaming this one up until the inevitable occurs....another video of a worse incident. And with 1, 000, 000 cops policing violent neighborhoods in a country of 340, 000, 000...all with easy access to guns and drugs...another contraversial video is inevitable.

But this will have to do for now.
yeah well this was not a violent neighborhood... this was a cop out of control...

Nope..it was a bunch of trespassing punks out of control.
They were told to leave and they refused. What would you expect to happen?
out of control.. ? What did they do "swim" uncontrollably?

Fighting. Running from cops. Confronting cops. Swarming over cops as they try to detain someone. The girl resisting being handcuffed.

Not to mention mass trespassing at an HOA owned pool without permission.

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