Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

I have watched the video several times and have yet to find a reason that the police officer in question felt a need to subdue the girl. I didn't see her doing anything that necessitated being treated so brutally. And if any of those teens had used the language that officer was using, they likely would have been handcuffed immediately. Several of the teens even asked the officer not to curse at them. I think the fact that he fell down due to his own clumsiness early on in the video is likely why he got so irate with these kids. I suspect he doesn't have any of his own. If he does, I'd hate to be his son.

Bingo and that's why these black men always end up dead.....today's law enforced officers do not want to run, do not want to wrestle their victims, they want you to be fearful and obedient. Otherwise, ol gun'er is comeing out
Well, I can understand not wanting to wrestle with a suspect for fear of losing your gun and having it turned on you. However, when the suspect is running away, there is no need to even put your hand on the butt of the weapon!

Yeah, but we are talking about a skinny 14 year old girl. And we all know what a huge threat skinny teen aged girls are to overweight law enforcement officers.
It's not a matter of threat.

It's a matter of mouth.

It's obvious she was asking for it. Went out of her way to cause the cop to lose his temper.

Like I said before.....I'd stop answering calls. Just turn down the volume when somebody calls in a 211 or a Domestic Disturbance in a black neighborhood.

Er.. Isn't not responding to black neighborhoods already standard policy? The reason they responded to this incident is because IT IS IN A WHITE NEIGHBORHOOD and the voice on the phone was a WHITE ONE. Is that so hard to understand?
This is going to be Mike Brown in a bikini. Too many witnesses. Same thing with a civil case. Too many witnesses. The girl may get a couple of thou just to make her feel better. In a blocked account that she can't touch until she's 18.
Oh......so all they have to do is detain them now to get attacked.

I guess the cops should stop answering calls for a few months.

Or maybe they could just, yanno, stop acting like Rambo against 14 year olds as a start
He sure didn't look like Rambo.

He was more like Barney Fife. He was trying to nip it in the bud.
Well, no, he looked more like Barney Frank with a gun!
Tonight, witness's come forward on MSNBC and tell the whole story.....What breaks my heart is to see GROWN ASS black men standing around helpless because the white bitch on the back of the black kid is white and has a badge. That is the shit, that eats at the heart of black people in this country. Kneeling on the back of this girl, completely detached from the pain and urgency of his arrest.....just mulling around stressing over how many more ******* can he harrass before this is all over. AND ANY WHITE FUCK THAT THINK THIS IS OKAY, THE HELL WITH YOU!!
Tonight, witness's come forward on MSNBC and tell the whole story.....What breaks my heart is to see GROWN ASS black men standing around helpless because the white bitch on the back of the black kid is white and has a badge. That is the shit, that eats at the heart of black people in this country. Kneeling on the back of this girl, completely detached from the pain and urgency of his arrest.....just mulling around stressing over how many more ******* can he harrass before this is all over. AND ANY WHITE FUCK THAT THINK THIS IS OKAY, THE HELL WITH YOU!!
right back at ya duumbass
Tonight witness said and I repeat......the black kids not only lived in the area, but had every damned right to be there. The witness said and I repeat.....they were being harrassed by the pool management about passes. They learned that only 2 passes were allowed per host. The kids, then asked that not only should they show their passes, but the whites should show thier's also. The black males jumping the fence, did so on their own. Most of the kids didn't know these males and because they were black, the men were black it became an issue.
This is going to be Mike Brown in a bikini. Too many witnesses. Same thing with a civil case. Too many witnesses. The girl may get a couple of thou just to make her feel better. In a blocked account that she can't touch until she's 18.
Oh......so all they have to do is detain them now to get attacked.

I guess the cops should stop answering calls for a few months.

Or maybe they could just, yanno, stop acting like Rambo against 14 year olds as a start
Or better yet the 14 year olds stop acting like they don't have to do what a cop tells them to do.
They can consider themselves lucky they don't live in a country where they lock people up for six months for doing less, like Mexico.

Well sure, I guess it's reasonable to ask 14 year olds to all act a certain way, but I think a police policy would be more effective and reasonable since they are the adults
I think it all begins with kids that act like bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a white man.....much less a cop.

Are White kids bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a black man... much less a cop? I think you are putting too much emphasis on race here. Teenagers are naturally rebellious no matter what race. Remember James Dean in rebel Without a Cause?
Tonight, witness's come forward on MSNBC and tell the whole story.....What breaks my heart is to see GROWN ASS black men standing around helpless because the white bitch on the back of the black kid is white and has a badge. That is the shit, that eats at the heart of black people in this country. Kneeling on the back of this girl, completely detached from the pain and urgency of his arrest.....just mulling around stressing over how many more ******* can he harrass before this is all over. AND ANY WHITE FUCK THAT THINK THIS IS OKAY, THE HELL WITH YOU!!
right back at ya duumbass

Coming from you, simp....I'll take it as a compliment. Understand this, since when does anything coming from you, matters to me? Find a dime and tell somebody that gives a shit!!
Seems to me like a party when one group started to in the local public pool or whatever - cops came in the middle of it which explains why the video is modified, why some people are calm and some freaks out yelling, I guess some of the local toy gangsters probably had some drugs or alcohol so when the cops came they tried to take off..

not even close to reality.

nice try bigot.
Oh......so all they have to do is detain them now to get attacked.

I guess the cops should stop answering calls for a few months.

Or maybe they could just, yanno, stop acting like Rambo against 14 year olds as a start
Or better yet the 14 year olds stop acting like they don't have to do what a cop tells them to do.
They can consider themselves lucky they don't live in a country where they lock people up for six months for doing less, like Mexico.

Well sure, I guess it's reasonable to ask 14 year olds to all act a certain way, but I think a police policy would be more effective and reasonable since they are the adults
I think it all begins with kids that act like bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a white man.....much less a cop.

Are White kids bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a black man... much less a cop? I think you are putting too much emphasis on race here. Teenagers are naturally rebellious no matter what race. Remember James Dean in rebel Without a Cause?

James Dean never got a gun pulled on him.....his little friend did, however.
Tonight, witness's come forward on MSNBC and tell the whole story.....What breaks my heart is to see GROWN ASS black men standing around helpless because the white bitch on the back of the black kid is white and has a badge. That is the shit, that eats at the heart of black people in this country. Kneeling on the back of this girl, completely detached from the pain and urgency of his arrest.....just mulling around stressing over how many more ******* can he harrass before this is all over. AND ANY WHITE FUCK THAT THINK THIS IS OKAY, THE HELL WITH YOU!!
right back at ya duumbass

Coming from you, simp....I'll take it as a compliment. Understand this, since when does anything coming from you, matters to me? Find a dime and tell somebody that gives a shit!!

back at dumbass......

Now see how calm and rational she is? And she lives there. And they were all her guests apparently.

Now...when cops arrived...had she walked up and spoken to them exactly how she did in this video...this incident probably never happens.

Actually that girl's friend she refers to, 14-year-old Grace Stone, did exactly that. From the BuzzFeed page:

Stone told BuzzFeed News that when she approached the officers to explain what had happened in the pool the cop featured in the video ordered that she be handcuffed. “I asked why I was in handcuffs and he wouldn’t tell me,” she said, adding that she was the only white person handcuffed.

Stone’s father, Donnie, soon arrived on scene and was also not given a reason as to why his 14-year-old daughter was in handcuffs. “All they would say is that she’s not arrested,” he said. “I was fixing to get really irate. I thought they were going to put me in handcuffs. I was shaking. It was very aggravating.”
--- So what's your excuse now? You try to explain the situation, you get handcuffed? What the FUCK?

ONCE AGAIN....how many times do we have to say it....when cops arrive....be calm...be peaceful...and just wait for your turn to be heard. Its so god damn simple.

And once AGAIN -- that's exactly what everybody in the video is clearly doing. Everybody that is, except Eric Casebolt.

The girl was told several times to move along, she stayed and argued with the cop thus hindering the police officer. He then ordered her to the ground and she resisted so he PUT her on the ground. In cases like these where the cops are greatly outnumbered the more need for them to gain control, handcuffing and seating people is for their own safety and the safety of the cops. The girl should have walked away when told to.

Watch the video you moron, the girl, along with a group WAS WALKING AWAY.....PAY THE EFF ATTENTION OR GO TO BED!!
Tonight, witness's come forward on MSNBC and tell the whole story.....What breaks my heart is to see GROWN ASS black men standing around helpless because the white bitch on the back of the black kid is white and has a badge. That is the shit, that eats at the heart of black people in this country. Kneeling on the back of this girl, completely detached from the pain and urgency of his arrest.....just mulling around stressing over how many more ******* can he harrass before this is all over. AND ANY WHITE FUCK THAT THINK THIS IS OKAY, THE HELL WITH YOU!!
right back at ya duumbass

Coming from you, simp....I'll take it as a compliment. Understand this, since when does anything coming from you, matters to me? Find a dime and tell somebody that gives a shit!!

back at dumbass......

If I'm so dumb, you vomit slurping maggot, than ignore me!!

Now see how calm and rational she is? And she lives there. And they were all her guests apparently.

Now...when cops arrived...had she walked up and spoken to them exactly how she did in this video...this incident probably never happens.

Actually that girl's friend she refers to, 14-year-old Grace Stone, did exactly that. From the BuzzFeed page:

Stone told BuzzFeed News that when she approached the officers to explain what had happened in the pool the cop featured in the video ordered that she be handcuffed. “I asked why I was in handcuffs and he wouldn’t tell me,” she said, adding that she was the only white person handcuffed.

Stone’s father, Donnie, soon arrived on scene and was also not given a reason as to why his 14-year-old daughter was in handcuffs. “All they would say is that she’s not arrested,” he said. “I was fixing to get really irate. I thought they were going to put me in handcuffs. I was shaking. It was very aggravating.”
--- So what's your excuse now? You try to explain the situation, you get handcuffed? What the FUCK?

ONCE AGAIN....how many times do we have to say it....when cops arrive....be calm...be peaceful...and just wait for your turn to be heard. Its so god damn simple.

And once AGAIN -- that's exactly what everybody in the video is clearly doing. Everybody that is, except Eric Casebolt.

The girl was told several times to move along, she stayed and argued with the cop thus hindering the police officer. He then ordered her to the ground and she resisted so he PUT her on the ground. In cases like these where the cops are greatly outnumbered the more need for them to gain control, handcuffing and seating people is for their own safety and the safety of the cops. The girl should have walked away when told to.

Watch the video you moron, the girl, along with a group WAS WALKING AWAY.....PAY THE EFF ATTENTION OR GO TO BED!!

You'd get your point across better without all the yelling, sparky. Seems to be the same condition that affects many, hence arrests, riots, mayhem.
Tonight, witness's come forward on MSNBC and tell the whole story.....What breaks my heart is to see GROWN ASS black men standing around helpless because the white bitch on the back of the black kid is white and has a badge. That is the shit, that eats at the heart of black people in this country. Kneeling on the back of this girl, completely detached from the pain and urgency of his arrest.....just mulling around stressing over how many more ******* can he harrass before this is all over. AND ANY WHITE FUCK THAT THINK THIS IS OKAY, THE HELL WITH YOU!!
right back at ya duumbass

Coming from you, simp....I'll take it as a compliment. Understand this, since when does anything coming from you, matters to me? Find a dime and tell somebody that gives a shit!!

back at dumbass......

If I'm so dumb, you vomit slurping maggot, than ignore me!!
What a great idea! Bye.
Texas police officer suspended after chaotic pool party incident

Guess a white person actually had a problem with the Black Kids being INVITED to the pool...

Nah,only the uninvited one's who wouldnt leave when asked by the security guard.

And yet another link that says absolutely NOTHING about any "security guard" or "trespassers".

But that's OK, it's a "facts optional" story with you people, right?

Here ya go,since you seem to be Google impaired.

He said three officers responded after residents and a private security officer called police to complain that several teenagers did not have permission to use the pool and had refused to leave. The homeowners association limits pool use to Craig Ranch residents and two guests per household. Several people complained that the teenagers had started fighting.

It's all here. Let me know if you need help reading it.
McKinney police officer on leave after video shows him pushing teen to the ground Friday night Dallas Morning News

If that is the case, Perry Mason, than arrests should have been made and all should be well in Mayberry, correct? Instead, what we all saw were innocent teens being harrassed by a lazy good for nothing redneck Texas fuck.
Tonight, witness's come forward on MSNBC and tell the whole story.....What breaks my heart is to see GROWN ASS black men standing around helpless because the white bitch on the back of the black kid is white and has a badge. That is the shit, that eats at the heart of black people in this country. Kneeling on the back of this girl, completely detached from the pain and urgency of his arrest.....just mulling around stressing over how many more ******* can he harrass before this is all over. AND ANY WHITE FUCK THAT THINK THIS IS OKAY, THE HELL WITH YOU!!
right back at ya duumbass

Coming from you, simp....I'll take it as a compliment. Understand this, since when does anything coming from you, matters to me? Find a dime and tell somebody that gives a shit!!

back at dumbass......

If I'm so dumb, you vomit slurping maggot, than ignore me!!
More fun to highlite your hate, racism and ignorance

Now see how calm and rational she is? And she lives there. And they were all her guests apparently.

Now...when cops arrived...had she walked up and spoken to them exactly how she did in this video...this incident probably never happens.

Actually that girl's friend she refers to, 14-year-old Grace Stone, did exactly that. From the BuzzFeed page:

Stone told BuzzFeed News that when she approached the officers to explain what had happened in the pool the cop featured in the video ordered that she be handcuffed. “I asked why I was in handcuffs and he wouldn’t tell me,” she said, adding that she was the only white person handcuffed.

Stone’s father, Donnie, soon arrived on scene and was also not given a reason as to why his 14-year-old daughter was in handcuffs. “All they would say is that she’s not arrested,” he said. “I was fixing to get really irate. I thought they were going to put me in handcuffs. I was shaking. It was very aggravating.”
--- So what's your excuse now? You try to explain the situation, you get handcuffed? What the FUCK?

ONCE AGAIN....how many times do we have to say it....when cops arrive....be calm...be peaceful...and just wait for your turn to be heard. Its so god damn simple.

And once AGAIN -- that's exactly what everybody in the video is clearly doing. Everybody that is, except Eric Casebolt.

The girl was told several times to move along, she stayed and argued with the cop thus hindering the police officer. He then ordered her to the ground and she resisted so he PUT her on the ground. In cases like these where the cops are greatly outnumbered the more need for them to gain control, handcuffing and seating people is for their own safety and the safety of the cops. The girl should have walked away when told to.

Watch the video you moron, the girl, along with a group WAS WALKING AWAY.....PAY THE EFF ATTENTION OR GO TO BED!!

You'd get your point across better without all the yelling, sparky. Seems to be the same condition that affects many, hence arrests, riots, mayhem.

Put it this way and I will say this as calmly as I can.....you and the rest of the white people here, come talk to me, when they start fucking over your damned children, murdering your white sons, lying to grand juries and never spending one damn day in jail...then we can talk. Please allow us the anger and get off this cum by ya bullshit you white people get to enjoy in this fuckin life.....be a black person someday and then lets fuckin talk!!

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