Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Funny stuff, in those videos.

The police-hating spin-doctors working overtime to try to make something out of this, is even funnier.

Resist arrest and you're beggin' for a busted skull, or even a toe-tag.

Yeah, that nearly naked 14 year old girl looked really fucking dangerous.
Nope... not on her own... but as part of a dozen or more out-of-control youth? Yep.

Link to this dozen or more "out-of-control youth" is where?

All I got is a link to one out-of-control Rambo.
Re-view the video and you will see it for yourself.

I did that back when we started, yesterday.
That is in fact why I need to ask. My screen doesn't show it.
But then I'm only watching the video itself. I don't have the Imaginarium App.
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Nope... not on her own... but as part of a dozen or more out-of-control youth? Yep.

Is that what you see on that video. I don't see those kids being "out of control". I see a cop out of control. In fact, the people didn't get angry until he started brutalizing that girl.
I know. For a moment I thought I was watching a National Geographic special edition on chimpanzees. The hooting and screeching and carrying on made me wonder which one would be the first to fling feces.
NO, the contrast is between the teenagers, the boys that submitted, and kept quiet, and the girl that couldn't stop running her mouth and acting up.

You don't get to tell me what my own point is -- what the fuck is wrong with you?

*I* am drawing a contrast between two police, one at 40 seconds, the second at 48 seconds. One is doing it right, the second is doing it wrong. The first is acting to keep the peace, the second to disturb it.

Stop trying to hijack other people's words, Dipshit.

I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

I've asked maybe a dozen times now where this "run your mouth" law is.

How come I keep getting crickets?

Because you've got your head buried?

No 'run your mouth' law


Obstruction, inciting to riot, interfering with a policeman in the pursuit of his duties, a few others I can't name off the top of my head.

Good point. Eric Casebolt could certainly be charged with inciting to riot. Fortunately for him the locals didn't take his bait.

So if there's no "run your mouth" law, and clearly there's no obstruction, since HE went and pulled HER down, not the other way around ---- then what we have here is false arrest. That what you're saying?

"Good point. Eric Casebolt could certainly be charged with inciting to riot. Fortunately for him the locals didn't take his bait."

The 'locals', n the whole, are backing him.

Just watching CNN reporting on the incident, interviewing eyewitnesses. One, ( a white woman), felt he deserved a medal, and a black man is complaining that there is only 7 minutes of video out of the 30 of what was going on.

he's blaming 7 'knuckleheads' that dont' live in the area for being the cause of the problem.
He is also backing what he cops did.

It also appears that people backing the cops are getting death threats.
You don't get to tell me what my own point is -- what the fuck is wrong with you?

*I* am drawing a contrast between two police, one at 40 seconds, the second at 48 seconds. One is doing it right, the second is doing it wrong. The first is acting to keep the peace, the second to disturb it.

Stop trying to hijack other people's words, Dipshit.

I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

I've asked maybe a dozen times now where this "run your mouth" law is.

How come I keep getting crickets?

Because you've got your head buried?

No 'run your mouth' law


Obstruction, inciting to riot, interfering with a policeman in the pursuit of his duties, a few others I can't name off the top of my head.

Good point. Eric Casebolt could certainly be charged with inciting to riot. Fortunately for him the locals didn't take his bait.

So if there's no "run your mouth" law, and clearly there's no obstruction, since HE went and pulled HER down, not the other way around ---- then what we have here is false arrest. That what you're saying?

"Good point. Eric Casebolt could certainly be charged with inciting to riot. Fortunately for him the locals didn't take his bait."

The 'locals', n the whole, are backing him.

Just watching CNN reporting on the incident, interviewing eyewitnesses. One, ( a white woman), felt he deserved a medal, and a black man is complaining that there is only 7 minutes of video out of the 30 of what was going on.

he's blaming 7 'knuckleheads' that dont' live in the area for being the cause of the problem.
He is also backing what he cops did.

It also appears that people backing the cops are getting death threats.
I doubt these Texans are going to be overly intimidated by death threats.
You don't get to tell me what my own point is -- what the fuck is wrong with you?

*I* am drawing a contrast between two police, one at 40 seconds, the second at 48 seconds. One is doing it right, the second is doing it wrong. The first is acting to keep the peace, the second to disturb it.

Stop trying to hijack other people's words, Dipshit.

I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

I've asked maybe a dozen times now where this "run your mouth" law is.

How come I keep getting crickets?

Because you've got your head buried?

No 'run your mouth' law


Obstruction, inciting to riot, interfering with a policeman in the pursuit of his duties, a few others I can't name off the top of my head.

Good point. Eric Casebolt could certainly be charged with inciting to riot. Fortunately for him the locals didn't take his bait.

So if there's no "run your mouth" law, and clearly there's no obstruction, since HE went and pulled HER down, not the other way around ---- then what we have here is false arrest. That what you're saying?

"Good point. Eric Casebolt could certainly be charged with inciting to riot. Fortunately for him the locals didn't take his bait."

The 'locals', n the whole, are backing him.

Just watching CNN reporting on the incident, interviewing eyewitnesses. One, ( a white woman), felt he deserved a medal, and a black man is complaining that there is only 7 minutes of video out of the 30 of what was going on.

he's blaming 7 'knuckleheads' that dont' live in the area for being the cause of the problem.
He is also backing what he cops did.

It also appears that people backing the cops are getting death threats.

Yyyyyyyeah. Sure you did.

You can't even figure out a straightforward video; I doubt something as complex as a TV channel is within your reach.
You don't get to tell me what my own point is -- what the fuck is wrong with you?

*I* am drawing a contrast between two police, one at 40 seconds, the second at 48 seconds. One is doing it right, the second is doing it wrong. The first is acting to keep the peace, the second to disturb it.

Stop trying to hijack other people's words, Dipshit.

I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

I've asked maybe a dozen times now where this "run your mouth" law is.

How come I keep getting crickets?

Because you've got your head buried?

No 'run your mouth' law


Obstruction, inciting to riot, interfering with a policeman in the pursuit of his duties, a few others I can't name off the top of my head.

Good point. Eric Casebolt could certainly be charged with inciting to riot. Fortunately for him the locals didn't take his bait.

So if there's no "run your mouth" law, and clearly there's no obstruction, since HE went and pulled HER down, not the other way around ---- then what we have here is false arrest. That what you're saying?

"Good point. Eric Casebolt could certainly be charged with inciting to riot. Fortunately for him the locals didn't take his bait."

The 'locals', n the whole, are backing him.

Just watching CNN reporting on the incident, interviewing eyewitnesses. One, ( a white woman), felt he deserved a medal, and a black man is complaining that there is only 7 minutes of video out of the 30 of what was going on.

he's blaming 7 'knuckleheads' that dont' live in the area for being the cause of the problem.
He is also backing what he cops did.

It also appears that people backing the cops are getting death threats.


the interview

"Embry disagrees.

"Let me reiterate, the neighbors or the neighborhood did not call the police because this was an African-American party or whatever the situation is," he said. "This was not a racially motivated event -- at all. This whole thing is being blown completely out of proportion."

McKinney Police Chief Greg Conley told reporters Sunday that several callers described fighting at the pool. At least 12 officers responded. Someone shot a YouTube video of what happened after they arrived, including the officer who has been placed on administrative leave, running after teenagers and conducting himself in a way that Conley said "raised concerns."

"I may or may not agree with everything that the police officer did, but I do believe he was trying to establish order. I am thankful to God that nobody got hurt," Embry said, adding that it made him feel uncomfortable to see an officer kneel on a teenager in a bikini and wave his gun at other teens.

A mother who was at the party gave a similar account. She spoke with her back to CNN's camera and didn't want to be identified.

"Nobody said anything about race," she said. "It was not a problem."
I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

I've asked maybe a dozen times now where this "run your mouth" law is.

How come I keep getting crickets?

Because you've got your head buried?

No 'run your mouth' law


Obstruction, inciting to riot, interfering with a policeman in the pursuit of his duties, a few others I can't name off the top of my head.

Good point. Eric Casebolt could certainly be charged with inciting to riot. Fortunately for him the locals didn't take his bait.

So if there's no "run your mouth" law, and clearly there's no obstruction, since HE went and pulled HER down, not the other way around ---- then what we have here is false arrest. That what you're saying?

"Good point. Eric Casebolt could certainly be charged with inciting to riot. Fortunately for him the locals didn't take his bait."

The 'locals', n the whole, are backing him.

Just watching CNN reporting on the incident, interviewing eyewitnesses. One, ( a white woman), felt he deserved a medal, and a black man is complaining that there is only 7 minutes of video out of the 30 of what was going on.

he's blaming 7 'knuckleheads' that dont' live in the area for being the cause of the problem.
He is also backing what he cops did.

It also appears that people backing the cops are getting death threats.

Yyyyyyyeah. Sure you did.

You can't even figure out a straightforward video; I doubt something as complex as a TV channel is within your reach.

I didn't have a problem with the video at all.

You, on the other hand.....
Told ya the officer wouldn't be charged with anything. Too many witnesses.

The HOA will certainly take action to get Tatiana and her mother out though.
The problem I see is this world is so full of hate. The kids are nothing but a bunch of racists and bigots. They don't respect authority anymore and they won't listen to anyone.
Both sides need to remember that people are just people regardless of what color you are. These may be bad kids but it's only because they've been misled by that prick in the Whitehouse and black leaders. They've been lied to their entire lives. They need to be taught that whites aren't their enemies. Cops are just trying to do their jobs. Some cops are bad cops, but just about every kid is redeemable.

It's too easy to get carried away in these kinds of disturbances......which is why I would never want to be a cop.

Your name is as Mud as your brain. You cannot be a cop. Please don't. So we don't see another stupid cops running around like mr. Rambo. The only good thing I see in you is your post #703 which you showed exactly what stupid meant. That's for you and your post. This cop is the only one created the situation which almost turn to a riot. He is the one responsible for what had happened. He is telling everyone to obey his commands while this white guy just standing having a good time. Did he say anything? NO.
"Same thing" refers to the contrast between the two cops -- the one acting like a cop (at 0:40) and the one acting like a dickhead (at 0:48). The difference cannot possibly be more obvious, even for you Denialists.

So yes, the answer is "obviously not". Congratulations, you finally got one right.

NO, the contrast is between the teenagers, the boys that submitted, and kept quiet, and the girl that couldn't stop running her mouth and acting up.

You don't get to tell me what my own point is -- what the fuck is wrong with you?

*I* am drawing a contrast between two police, one at 40 seconds, the second at 48 seconds. One is doing it right, the second is doing it wrong. The first is acting to keep the peace, the second to disturb it.

Stop trying to hijack other people's words, Dipshit.

I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

I've asked maybe a dozen times now where this "run your mouth" law is.

How come I keep getting crickets?

Because you've got your head buried?

No 'run your mouth' law


Obstruction, inciting to riot, interfering with a policeman in the pursuit of his duties, a few others I can't name off the top of my head.
All which are figments of your imagination when it comes to this incident...what will you attempt to think of next???

Maybe she should be. If she broke the rules of the complex, there should be sanctions.

It still does not excuse what this one cop did.
From what has been said, Tatiana and her mother often have parties in the club's park and charge to attend. They make extra money. This was the first time the use of the pool was included with an increased admission of $15.00.
I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

The boys got up that pissed the cop off... then while he was yelling and cursing at them the girls started getting irate... then when he went over to yell and curse at the girls the boys started getting irate..

Maybe yelling, cursing, and escalating situations doesn't work so well.

Maybe...talking calmly to them and treating the kids like kids vs. hardened criminals that have been arrested before would work better.
Maybe if they started acting like law-abiding citizens instead of spoiled brats looking for trouble....the cops would leave them alone.

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