Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Cops need to learn to apply good liberal principles in all situations.

They should just do what the Mayor of Baltimore said they should do:
Stand by and give them room to destroy.

Destroy what? The chlorine levels? Yo, you are killing it today!
I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

The boys got up that pissed the cop off... then while he was yelling and cursing at them the girls started getting irate... then when he went over to yell and curse at the girls the boys started getting irate..

Maybe yelling, cursing, and escalating situations doesn't work so well.

Maybe...talking calmly to them and treating the kids like kids vs. hardened criminals that have been arrested before would work better.
WASHINGTON -- When Miles Jai Thomas arrived at a party at the Craig Ranch North Community Pool in McKinney, Texas, on Friday night, the pool was open to everyone -- until a security guard showed up and removed black partygoers from the area.

“Then he started making up rules to keep us out,” Thomas, 15, told The Huffington Post.

A white woman at the pool started making racist comments, Thomas said, such as telling black teens at the party to get used to the bars outside the pool because that’s all they were going to see.

Grace Stone, 14, who is white, told BuzzFeed News that she and friends objected to an adult woman making racist comments to other teens at the party and that the woman turned violent.

This is when, according to Thomas, a 19-year-old black woman told the belligerent white woman to stop fighting with the teenagers. The white woman called the black woman a “young bitch,” then walked up to her. After the young woman said her age out loud, the older woman punched her in the face. Another unidentified white woman jumped in as well before Thomas, who was recording the incident, and his friends went to break it up.

When two teens went toward the cop to help the girl, they were accused of sneaking up on the cop to attack.

“So a cop yelled 'get those motherfuckers' and they chased [us] with guns out. That's why in the video I started running,” Thomas said.

"I was scared because all I could think was, 'Don't shoot me,'" he said.

So, some loud mouthed white women were unable to control their racism...how surprising.
No matter how people turn this up or down sideways. This is clear a police brutality. There were several cops there and only one going bezerk and out of order. That should be the big question here for those people that support this unlawful act of police officer. This cruelty is shown all over USA. Good luck with that career.
Yup......a cop can't lose his temper....and must show restraint regardless of how many times the perps swear at you or attack you.

Like I said before........I wouldn't answer the call again.

Let the little bastards kill each other.

Kill each other? From what? An intense round of Marco Polo?

You're on a roll today!

Oh.....that's what started it!!!

Well, thank God the cops got there in time.

Marco Polo has been known to cause cancer in adolescents.......along with a severe loss of self-esteem.
Cops need to learn to apply good liberal principles in all situations.

They should just do what the Mayor of Baltimore said they should do:
Stand by and give them room to destroy.

Destroy what? The chlorine levels? Yo, you are killing it today!
Obviously your jokes aren't.....frankly they suck.
Exactly -- that cannot be more obvious here. The first cop in the video, at around 35-40 seconds in, is demonstrating how it's done. Rational, levelheaded, friendly conversation in human terms, as equals. Then suddenly at 48 seconds, in comes Rambo Boy, arm wrestling some bystander screaming "I TOLD YOU TO STAY!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN ON THE GROUND!!"

I would

Profiles in contrast. Good cop: bad cop. It couldn't be more clear if it was scripted and filmed by actors.

And still we'll have the cop-pologists and racists oozing in with their awesome powers of self-delusion to pretend those two are the same thing.

Some o' yall are just sick fucks.

The same thing?

Obviously not.

What you are seeing is the difference between compliance, and non compliance.

But, you knew that, right?

"Same thing" refers to the contrast between the two cops -- the one acting like a cop (at 0:40) and the one acting like a dickhead (at 0:48). The difference cannot possibly be more obvious, even for you Denialists.

So yes, the answer is "obviously not". Congratulations, you finally got one right.

NO, the contrast is between the teenagers, the boys that submitted, and kept quiet, and the girl that couldn't stop running her mouth and acting up.

You don't get to tell me what my own point is -- what the fuck is wrong with you?

*I* am drawing a contrast between two police, one at 40 seconds, the second at 48 seconds. One is doing it right, the second is doing it wrong. The first is acting to keep the peace, the second to disturb it.

Stop trying to hijack other people's words, Dipshit.

I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

I've asked maybe a dozen times now where this "run your mouth" law is.

How come I keep getting crickets?
The same thing?

Obviously not.

What you are seeing is the difference between compliance, and non compliance.

But, you knew that, right?

"Same thing" refers to the contrast between the two cops -- the one acting like a cop (at 0:40) and the one acting like a dickhead (at 0:48). The difference cannot possibly be more obvious, even for you Denialists.

So yes, the answer is "obviously not". Congratulations, you finally got one right.

NO, the contrast is between the teenagers, the boys that submitted, and kept quiet, and the girl that couldn't stop running her mouth and acting up.

You don't get to tell me what my own point is -- what the fuck is wrong with you?

*I* am drawing a contrast between two police, one at 40 seconds, the second at 48 seconds. One is doing it right, the second is doing it wrong. The first is acting to keep the peace, the second to disturb it.

Stop trying to hijack other people's words, Dipshit.

I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

I've asked maybe a dozen times now where this "run your mouth" law is.

How come I keep getting crickets?

Because you've got your head buried?

No 'run your mouth' law


Obstruction, inciting to riot, interfering with a policeman in the pursuit of his duties, a few others I can't name off the top of my head.
The problem I see is this world is so full of hate. The kids are nothing but a bunch of racists and bigots. They don't respect authority anymore and they won't listen to anyone.
Both sides need to remember that people are just people regardless of what color you are. These may be bad kids but it's only because they've been misled by that prick in the Whitehouse and black leaders. They've been lied to their entire lives. They need to be taught that whites aren't their enemies. Cops are just trying to do their jobs. Some cops are bad cops, but just about every kid is redeemable.

Uh, guy... here's the thing. There were no arrests. None of these kids were doing anything bad enough to even get arrested over. They were just at a pool that some people thought htey shouldn't be at.

Given that these kids weren't breaking any laws AND were unarmed, the police officer- just the one who pulled the gun and pinned a 14 year old girl to the ground - was out of line. Completely.

And that's not Obama's fault. Obama is not hiding under your bed right now.
i wonder how long before al sharpton is at the scene and act like a crying 14 year old girl.
and when Al Gets To The Scene, he will request a 30 minute meeting with that hot black girl in his limousine.
Do you just refer to teenage girls as hot or do you actually believe they are hot? After Duggar and Hastert we have to keep our eyes out for the seemingly abundance of conservative child molesting and raping perverts running loose.
WASHINGTON -- When Miles Jai Thomas arrived at a party at the Craig Ranch North Community Pool in McKinney, Texas, on Friday night, the pool was open to everyone -- until a security guard showed up and removed black partygoers from the area.

“Then he started making up rules to keep us out,” Thomas, 15, told The Huffington Post.

A white woman at the pool started making racist comments, Thomas said, such as telling black teens at the party to get used to the bars outside the pool because that’s all they were going to see.

Grace Stone, 14, who is white, told BuzzFeed News that she and friends objected to an adult woman making racist comments to other teens at the party and that the woman turned violent.

This is when, according to Thomas, a 19-year-old black woman told the belligerent white woman to stop fighting with the teenagers. The white woman called the black woman a “young bitch,” then walked up to her. After the young woman said her age out loud, the older woman punched her in the face. Another unidentified white woman jumped in as well before Thomas, who was recording the incident, and his friends went to break it up.

When two teens went toward the cop to help the girl, they were accused of sneaking up on the cop to attack.

“So a cop yelled 'get those motherfuckers' and they chased [us] with guns out. That's why in the video I started running,” Thomas said.

"I was scared because all I could think was, 'Don't shoot me,'" he said.

So, some loud mouthed white women were unable to control their racism...how surprising.
No matter how people turn this up or down sideways. This is clear a police brutality. There were several cops there and only one going bezerk and out of order. That should be the big question here for those people that support this unlawful act of police officer. This cruelty is shown all over USA. Good luck with that career.
Yup......a cop can't lose his temper....and must show restraint regardless of how many times the perps swear at you or attack you.

Like I said before........I wouldn't answer the call again.

Let the little bastards kill each other.

Kill each other? From what? An intense round of Marco Polo?

You're on a roll today!

Oh.....that's what started it!!!

Well, thank God the cops got there in time.

Marco Polo has been known to cause cancer in adolescents.......along with a severe loss of self-esteem.

Yeah, it must've been the Marco Polo game and not the white lady for going all racist on a bunch of kids.

The white lady poked the bear then threw the stick and all you see is the angry bear, right? The black girl was fighting herself, I guess.

Keep it going, you're slaying 'em
Funny stuff, in those videos.

The police-hating spin-doctors working overtime to try to make something out of this, is even funnier.

Resist arrest and you're beggin' for a busted skull, or even a toe-tag.

Yeah, that nearly naked 14 year old girl looked really fucking dangerous.
Nope... not on her own... but as part of a dozen or more out-of-control youth? Yep.
After claiming the cop was calm in a few more posts Mud is going to claim that there were no whites even there!
This is how We The People have set the system up to work.

We give our police the power to utilize force, when they are obstructed or resisted during the course of the exercise of their law enforcement duties.

okay. We also expect them to exercise i wisely. That means you don't take an unarmed child and push her face into the grass because she was crying for her mother.

She got her face pushed into the grass because she was repeatedly ordered to leave the area and repeatedly refused to obey the order and therefore earned herself a detaining exercise until the police could decide what to do with her.

When she resisted the detaining exercise she crossed a line which allowed the cop to do what he did.

Once you have multiple 'suspects' engaged in refusal to obey orders or actively antagonizing police or even making threatening moves (as those two boys did while the girl was being put down), the cops haven't got time for that touchy-feely shit... and if they make the wrong choice, they die.

We don't pay our police enough to die.
This is how We The People have set the system up to work.

We give our police the power to utilize force, when they are obstructed or resisted during the course of the exercise of their law enforcement duties.

okay. We also expect them to exercise i wisely. That means you don't take an unarmed child and push her face into the grass because she was crying for her mother.

She got her face pushed into the grass because she was repeated ordered to leave the area and repeated refused to obey the order and therefore earned herself a detaining exercise until the police could decide what to do with her.

When she resisted the detaining exercise she crossed a line which allowed the cop to do what he did.

Once you have multiple 'suspects' engaged in refusal to obey orders or actively antagonizing police or even making threatening moves (as those two boys did while the girl was being put down), the cops haven't got time for that touchy-feely shit... and if they make the wrong choice, they die.

We don't pay our police enough to die.

Link to where a cop gets the authority to tell people where to stand?

How exactly is Rambo-Boy gonna "die" by dragging a teenager in a bikini into the sidewalk?
Oh, you mean from the riot he just created?
Funny stuff, in those videos.

The police-hating spin-doctors working overtime to try to make something out of this, is even funnier.

Resist arrest and you're beggin' for a busted skull, or even a toe-tag.

Yeah, that nearly naked 14 year old girl looked really fucking dangerous.
Nope... not on her own... but as part of a dozen or more out-of-control youth? Yep.

Link to this dozen or more "out-of-control youth" is where?

All I got is a link to one out-of-control Rambo.
Funny stuff, in those videos.

The police-hating spin-doctors working overtime to try to make something out of this, is even funnier.

Resist arrest and you're beggin' for a busted skull, or even a toe-tag.

Yeah, that nearly naked 14 year old girl looked really fucking dangerous.
Nope... not on her own... but as part of a dozen or more out-of-control youth? Yep.

Link to this dozen or more "out-of-control youth" is where?

All I got is a link to one out-of-control Rambo.
Re-view the video and you will see it for yourself.
"Same thing" refers to the contrast between the two cops -- the one acting like a cop (at 0:40) and the one acting like a dickhead (at 0:48). The difference cannot possibly be more obvious, even for you Denialists.

So yes, the answer is "obviously not". Congratulations, you finally got one right.

NO, the contrast is between the teenagers, the boys that submitted, and kept quiet, and the girl that couldn't stop running her mouth and acting up.

You don't get to tell me what my own point is -- what the fuck is wrong with you?

*I* am drawing a contrast between two police, one at 40 seconds, the second at 48 seconds. One is doing it right, the second is doing it wrong. The first is acting to keep the peace, the second to disturb it.

Stop trying to hijack other people's words, Dipshit.

I would, if you had a point.

The difference was in the teens.

Not the cops

The boys were calm, and did what the cop told them to do the first time. the girl continued to run her mouth, get in the cops face, and ignored what he was telling her to do.

I've asked maybe a dozen times now where this "run your mouth" law is.

How come I keep getting crickets?

Because you've got your head buried?

No 'run your mouth' law


Obstruction, inciting to riot, interfering with a policeman in the pursuit of his duties, a few others I can't name off the top of my head.

Good point. Eric Casebolt could certainly be charged with inciting to riot. Fortunately for him the locals didn't take his bait.

So if there's no "run your mouth" law, and clearly there's no obstruction, since HE went and pulled HER down, not the other way around ---- then what we have here is false arrest. That what you're saying?
So they say. Now how about all the other witnesses.

Isn't it funny how Tipsy will believe damn near any piece of speculative, conjectural trash, with no evidence whatsoever, she or anyone else comes up with, simply because it makes a hero out of a cop beating up on children, and/or makes villains out of black people. But when a witness tells the story, all of a sudden we need to hear more people.

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