Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

It did escalate quickly. The left desperately WANTS a war with white cops. Badly. They're just flaming this one up until the inevitable occurs....another video of a worse incident. And with 1, 000, 000 cops policing violent neighborhoods in a country of 340, 000, 000...all with easy access to guns and drugs...another contraversial video is inevitable.

But this will have to do for now.

Listen, black people are not animals, black people can respond to any situation when the situation is handled in a calm peaceful manner. But that is never the case with law enforcement. They come in with attitudes and only escalate situations...that is fact. Fact number 1...the law was called on black boys that was climbing the fence...who by the way was gone by the time they got there....so what does the cops do? FUCK WITH EVERYBODY OF COLOR BUT THE THUGS......NEST STUPID COMMENT?
Stop teaching your kids to be thugs if you don't like people seeing them as the thugs they were raised to be..... Cops didn't make them disrespectful and foul mouthed. Nope that would be you who forgive them for these actions that lead to jail time or worse

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Listen, I live among thuggy trashy black people, I get it. You white people ain't gotta school my black ass on trashy blacks, I live the shit. But in this case, all these kids are innocent and the only crime was being black on that day. Now please, stop with the black history lessons....cause nobody on this planet hates sorry ass n****,. than the n**** themselves.
They were trespassing. That is a crime.

Sent from my RCT6773W22 using Tapatalk

How the fuck do you 'trespass" on a public street?

Sent from planet Earth using Logictalk
The fact that the party itself may have violated the HOA does not make legitimately invited guests "trespassers".
HA HA HA. Dude, What are you thinking here ? OF COURSE, violating the HOA rules makes the trespassers just that, when the 2 women who did the inviting, and set up the twitter ads, never got the right to do that in the first place.

You think anybody who feels like it, is "legitimate" in arranging for the housing complex to be turned into an F-bombing, "music" blasting, drunken, violent, criminal fiasco ? What's the matter ? You don't believe the words of the HOA people, and the residents who had to stomach this invasion ? Did you read the whole link ?
Clearly these kids are law abiding and never once, not once showed aggression toward anyone.....
and should hacebenn arrested for it. The ones resisted arrest (like the girl in the yellow bikini) should have been busted for that too. Those who charged at the officer should have had charges against them fo rthat too, as well as anyone interfering in the officer's work.



What makes you think the kids in the video were "trespassing"?

How do you know they didn't live in the complex, or have guest passes?

The party appears to be in violation of the Pool Rule. Here are the rules:

View attachment 42329

And here is a copy of the promotion that was put out on twitter. The DJ also widely promoted the party.

View attachment 42330

The Full Story of The McKinney Texas Pool Mob Inside The Craig Ranch Subdivision The Last Refuge

The fact that the party itself may have violated the HOA does not make legitimately invited guests "trespassers".

As the pool is private property and some of the "guests" were jumping the fence, it's reasonable to assume that some were trespassers.

I do think the police handled this very badly, but the proximate cause is the girl with the Party Planning business who abused her access to the pool facilities.

It is safe to say that many of the party goers may have crashed the party, and therefore technically were "trespassing". There is no reason the believe that any of the kids in the video were crashers rather than guests.

The "cause" is irrelevant, the actions of that one cop (the others were acting fine) is what I'm talking about.
You don't "come to the aid" of someone who is being arrested, unless you want to be arrested yourself.

She wasn't being arrested. She was being assaulted.

If she were worthy of arrest, then it's odd that the now-unemployed :rock: Casebolt got up and left her for at least ten seconds -- as did two of his infantry -- during which time she went nowhere, until Casebolt (unemployed be his name) came back to continue assaulting her.

Doncha think?

What choice did he have with two young men rushing him to "aid" the girl he was handcuffing?

What do you think those "unhappy young men" were planning to do when they got to the cop and the girl?

What choice?
How 'bout "not assaulting a 14-year-old in the fucking first place"? You know, the reason he's out of a job right now?

What I think they were trying to do is the same thing any of us would do -- stop an assault.

You asked why he left her alone. I answered. He had no choice.

What do you think those "unhappy young men" were planning to do when they got to the cop and the girl?

Are you reduced to parroting the same stupid question over and over expecting a different answer?
and should hacebenn arrested for it. The ones resisted arrest (like the girl in the yellow bikini) should have been busted for that too. Those who charged at the officer should have had charges against them fo rthat too, as well as anyone interfering in the officer's work.



What makes you think the kids in the video were "trespassing"?

How do you know they didn't live in the complex, or have guest passes?

The party appears to be in violation of the Pool Rule. Here are the rules:

View attachment 42329

And here is a copy of the promotion that was put out on twitter. The DJ also widely promoted the party.

View attachment 42330

The Full Story of The McKinney Texas Pool Mob Inside The Craig Ranch Subdivision The Last Refuge

The fact that the party itself may have violated the HOA does not make legitimately invited guests "trespassers".

As the pool is private property and some of the "guests" were jumping the fence, it's reasonable to assume that some were trespassers.

I do think the police handled this very badly, but the proximate cause is the girl with the Party Planning business who abused her access to the pool facilities.

It is safe to say that many of the party goers may have crashed the party, and therefore technically were "trespassing". There is no reason the believe that any of the kids in the video were crashers rather than guests.

The "cause" is irrelevant, the actions of that one cop (the others were acting fine) is what I'm talking about.

Scuze moi, but the Party Planner violated the pool rules from the beginning:

- No permit for $175
- No limit of 20 guests
- No respect for the rights of other HOA members to use the pool without being harassed

She started this atrocious incident with her Twitter promotion campaign.
It did escalate quickly. The left desperately WANTS a war with white cops. Badly. They're just flaming this one up until the inevitable occurs....another video of a worse incident. And with 1, 000, 000 cops policing violent neighborhoods in a country of 340, 000, 000...all with easy access to guns and drugs...another contraversial video is inevitable.

But this will have to do for now.

Listen, black people are not animals, black people can respond to any situation when the situation is handled in a calm peaceful manner. But that is never the case with law enforcement. They come in with attitudes and only escalate situations...that is fact. Fact number 1...the law was called on black boys that was climbing the fence...who by the way was gone by the time they got there....so what does the cops do? FUCK WITH EVERYBODY OF COLOR BUT THE THUGS......NEST STUPID COMMENT?
Stop teaching your kids to be thugs if you don't like people seeing them as the thugs they were raised to be..... Cops didn't make them disrespectful and foul mouthed. Nope that would be you who forgive them for these actions that lead to jail time or worse

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Listen, I live among thuggy trashy black people, I get it. You white people ain't gotta school my black ass on trashy blacks, I live the shit. But in this case, all these kids are innocent and the only crime was being black on that day. Now please, stop with the black history lessons....cause nobody on this planet hates sorry ass n****,. than the n**** themselves.
They were trespassing. That is a crime.

Sent from my RCT6773W22 using Tapatalk

How the fuck do you 'trespass" on a public street?

Sent from planet Earth using Logictalk
Dumbass. They jumped the fence and were on the property. They were at the pool, not just outside. Read the link.
You don't "come to the aid" of someone who is being arrested, unless you want to be arrested yourself.

She wasn't being arrested. She was being assaulted.

If she were worthy of arrest, then it's odd that the now-unemployed :rock: Casebolt got up and left her for at least ten seconds -- as did two of his infantry -- during which time she went nowhere, until Casebolt (unemployed be his name) came back to continue assaulting her.

Doncha think?

What choice did he have with two young men rushing him to "aid" the girl he was handcuffing?

What do you think those "unhappy young men" were planning to do when they got to the cop and the girl?

What choice?
How 'bout "not assaulting a 14-year-old in the fucking first place? You know, the reason he's out of a job right now?

What I think they were trying to do is the same thing any of us would do -- stop an assault.
He didn't assault her so stop lying

Sent from my RCT6773W22 using Tapatalk
Police were not attacking black teens. Black teens were causing a disturbance and ignoring police, so the onus is on the black teens. I saw the videos. All they had to do is comply, and things would be copasetic. What is wrong with that?
Scuze moi, but the Party Planner violated the pool rules from the beginning:

- No permit for $175
- No limit of 20 guests
- No respect for the rights of other HOA members to use the pool without being harassed

She started this atrocious incident with her Twitter promotion campaign.

THANK YOU!!! Nice to see that someone is observing the FACTS, and reporting correctly.
Listen, black people are not animals, black people can respond to any situation when the situation is handled in a calm peaceful manner. But that is never the case with law enforcement. They come in with attitudes and only escalate situations...that is fact. Fact number 1...the law was called on black boys that was climbing the fence...who by the way was gone by the time they got there....so what does the cops do? FUCK WITH EVERYBODY OF COLOR BUT THE THUGS......NEST STUPID COMMENT?
Stop teaching your kids to be thugs if you don't like people seeing them as the thugs they were raised to be..... Cops didn't make them disrespectful and foul mouthed. Nope that would be you who forgive them for these actions that lead to jail time or worse

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Listen, I live among thuggy trashy black people, I get it. You white people ain't gotta school my black ass on trashy blacks, I live the shit. But in this case, all these kids are innocent and the only crime was being black on that day. Now please, stop with the black history lessons....cause nobody on this planet hates sorry ass n****,. than the n**** themselves.
They were trespassing. That is a crime.

Sent from my RCT6773W22 using Tapatalk

How the fuck do you 'trespass" on a public street?

Sent from planet Earth using Logictalk
Dumbass. They jumped the fence and were on the property. They were at the pool, not just outside. Read the link.

Fences in the video .... zero
Pools in the video........ zero
Trespassers in the video.... zero

The good part:
Eric Casebolt's current employment.... zero

The People prevailed, like it or lump it.
Police were not attacking black teens. Black teens were causing a disturbance and ignoring police, so the onus is on the black teens. I saw the videos. All they had to do is comply, and things would be copasetic. What is wrong with that?

What's wrong with that?

Because Equality! Because White Privilege! Because Male Police Micro-Agressions!

Trigger Warning, Will Robinson! Trigger Warning!
Police were not attacking black teens. Black teens were causing a disturbance and ignoring police, so the onus is on the black teens. I saw the videos. All they had to do is comply, and things would be copasetic. What is wrong with that?
Nothing is wrong with it. You are talking to :bsflag:cop-hater idiots.
No, I highly doubt that they would have "attacked" the cop.

You just said that your instinctual response would be to protect your friend.

From a cop.

Why do you think these young men, who were rushing toward the cop would have different instincts?

It's perfectly clear that they had the same instincts.

But that doesn't mean they would have followed through with "attacking" the cop.


So, we agree, their intent was to attack the cop, until he looked up and noticed their approach.

Mmm, Errr, I wonder...

How do you think the cop would know that they were NOT going to follow though with their intended attack?

IF in some bizarre world, they did attack the cop, do you think that others in the crowd, operating from the Protective Instinct you describe, would join in?

You mean people didnt take kindly to the only officer being super aggressive. That's a shock

What you saw was....
1 officer doing his damn job and tried restoring order.
3-4 others thinking "Dizam...they're all black....fuck that...my ass aint ending up on MSNBC".

Soon all cops will act like that. And law and ordwr will break down.

I can't wait! Despite your assertion one cop yelled at people and 9 others kept the peace.

Sounds like, 9 people knew how to act and 1 didnt.

Good riddenance. And here here to more cops treating people like people!
Fences in the video .... zero
Pools in the video........ zero
Trespassers in the video.... zero

The good part:
Eric Casebolt's current employment.... zero

The People prevailed, like it or lump it.
The only ZERO is your ZERO :lame2:brain post :laugh:

And the trespasser CRIMINAL BRATS aren't "the people". The residents of the housing complex are the People, represented by the cops.
You just said that your instinctual response would be to protect your friend.

From a cop.

Why do you think these young men, who were rushing toward the cop would have different instincts?

It's perfectly clear that they had the same instincts.

But that doesn't mean they would have followed through with "attacking" the cop.


So, we agree, their intent was to attack the cop, until he looked up and noticed their approach.

Mmm, Errr, I wonder...

How do you think the cop would know that they were NOT going to follow though with their intended attack?

IF in some bizarre world, they did attack the cop, do you think that others in the crowd, operating from the Protective Instinct you describe, would join in?

You mean people didnt take kindly to the only officer being super aggressive. That's a shock

What you saw was....
1 officer doing his damn job and tried restoring order.
3-4 others thinking "Dizam...they're all black....fuck that...my ass aint ending up on MSNBC".

Soon all cops will act like that. And law and ordwr will break down.

I can't wait! Despite your assertion one cop yelled at people and 9 others kept the peace.

Sounds like, 9 people knew how to act and 1 didnt.

Good riddenance. And here here to more cops treating people like people!

What do you think those "unhappy young men" were planning to do when they got to the cop and the girl?
It did escalate quickly. The left desperately WANTS a war with white cops. Badly. They're just flaming this one up until the inevitable occurs....another video of a worse incident. And with 1, 000, 000 cops policing violent neighborhoods in a country of 340, 000, 000...all with easy access to guns and drugs...another contraversial video is inevitable.

But this will have to do for now.

Listen, black people are not animals, black people can respond to any situation when the situation is handled in a calm peaceful manner. But that is never the case with law enforcement. They come in with attitudes and only escalate situations...that is fact. Fact number 1...the law was called on black boys that was climbing the fence...who by the way was gone by the time they got there....so what does the cops do? FUCK WITH EVERYBODY OF COLOR BUT THE THUGS......NEST STUPID COMMENT?
Stop teaching your kids to be thugs if you don't like people seeing them as the thugs they were raised to be..... Cops didn't make them disrespectful and foul mouthed. Nope that would be you who forgive them for these actions that lead to jail time or worse

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Listen, I live among thuggy trashy black people, I get it. You white people ain't gotta school my black ass on trashy blacks, I live the shit. But in this case, all these kids are innocent and the only crime was being black on that day. Now please, stop with the black history lessons....cause nobody on this planet hates sorry ass n****,. than the n**** themselves.
They were trespassing. That is a crime.

Sent from my RCT6773W22 using Tapatalk

How the fuck do you 'trespass" on a public street?

Sent from planet Earth using Logictalk
You are a fucking idiot. Why don't you learn about the place before you speak .

Sent from my RCT6773W22 using Tapatalk

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