Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Clearly these kids are law abiding and never once, not once showed aggression toward anyone.....
and should hacebenn arrested for it. The ones resisted arrest (like the girl in the yellow bikini) should have been busted for that too. Those who charged at the officer should have had charges against them fo rthat too, as well as anyone interfering in the officer's work.



What makes you think the kids in the video were "trespassing"?

How do you know they didn't live in the complex, or have guest passes?

What do you think those "unhappy young men" were planning to do when they got to the cop and the girl?
Couldn't help but notice the 14yo black girl from teh video interviewed on CNN admitted she was hollering stuff about free speech while an officer tried subdueing and arresting her.

And before we get distracted by the video, it should b pointed out it took so long to subdue her precisely because the officer was trying not to hurt her. Could have easily overpowered her at the risk of breaking her arms doing so but using literal kid gloves with her shows his restraint.

When officers show up and start giving orders, you obey. Free to exercise your rights at arraignment and fully utilize your rights then. Try doing so on the street at your peril.
Uhmmm he grabbed her by her hair threw her down screamed obscenities shoved her face in to the dirt sat on her pinned her arms drew his gun on children.... little children.

Haha "children"? The two males who tried to swarm him hardly looked like elementary school kids.
tried to swarm him? ROFL those two looked like middle school kids did they scare you? They were black.. ooohhh scary.

Facts are..they were told to leave and they became combative.
What did you expect to happen?
"Combative?" ROFL with people like you using terms like "combative" to describe talking.. yeah I'd say I expected the cop to kill those kids for being too talkative for their own good.
He's fired. Show's over, nothing to see here. Except a lot of authoritarian sycophants wailing "yes Master, may I have another".

Always good to know who that element is. As in, who's got your back, and who will sell you out.
Looks like the guy who fired him, needs to be fired, followed by proper charges against all the criminals, including those who came back later, and kicked at peoples doors, and damaged cars.
The people were not pure little innocent victims. And the parents of these kids and their parents knew it. They were not complying with a lawful police request, and what else is there to say? Being youthful and black, no excuse. Not at all.
You don't "come to the aid" of someone who is being arrested, unless you want to be arrested yourself.

She wasn't being arrested. She was being assaulted.

If she were worthy of arrest, then it's odd that the now-unemployed :rock: Casebolt got up and left her for at least ten seconds -- as did two of his infantry -- during which time she went nowhere, until Casebolt (unemployed be his name) came back to continue assaulting her.

Doncha think?

What choice did he have with two young men rushing him to "aid" the girl he was handcuffing?

What do you think those "unhappy young men" were planning to do when they got to the cop and the girl?

What choice?
How 'bout "not assaulting a 14-year-old in the fucking first place? You know, the reason he's out of a job right now?

What I think they were trying to do is the same thing any of us would do -- stop an assault.
It did escalate quickly. The left desperately WANTS a war with white cops. Badly. They're just flaming this one up until the inevitable occurs....another video of a worse incident. And with 1, 000, 000 cops policing violent neighborhoods in a country of 340, 000, 000...all with easy access to guns and drugs...another contraversial video is inevitable.

But this will have to do for now.

Listen, black people are not animals, black people can respond to any situation when the situation is handled in a calm peaceful manner. But that is never the case with law enforcement. They come in with attitudes and only escalate situations...that is fact. Fact number 1...the law was called on black boys that was climbing the fence...who by the way was gone by the time they got there....so what does the cops do? FUCK WITH EVERYBODY OF COLOR BUT THE THUGS......NEST STUPID COMMENT?
Stop teaching your kids to be thugs if you don't like people seeing them as the thugs they were raised to be..... Cops didn't make them disrespectful and foul mouthed. Nope that would be you who forgive them for these actions that lead to jail time or worse

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Listen, I live among thuggy trashy black people, I get it. You white people ain't gotta school my black ass on trashy blacks, I live the shit. But in this case, all these kids are innocent and the only crime was being black on that day. Now please, stop with the black history lessons....cause nobody on this planet hates sorry ass n****,. than the n**** themselves.
They were trespassing. That is a crime. They were disturbing the peace and that is a crime then they added stupidity on to that and openly disrespected the police and two of the dumb fucks rushed the cops . they were lucky they were not shot. This isn't a black thing this is a culture thing and to many are teaching their kids to be stupid.

They should have all been arrested but the police let them go.... How racist of them!

Sent from my RCT6773W22 using Tapatalk
He's fired. Show's over, nothing to see here. Except a lot of authoritarian sycophants wailing "yes Master, may I have another".

Always good to know who that element is. As in, who's got your back, and who will sell you out.
Looks like the guy who fired him, needs to be fired, followed by proper charges against all the criminals, including those who came back later, and kicked at peoples doors, and damaged cars.
people were not pure little innocent victims. And the parents of these kids and their parents knew it. They were not complying with a lawful police request, and what else is there to say? Being youthful and black, no excuse. Not at all.

What the fuck is a "lawful police request"?

Any request is lawful. Orders -- not necessarily.
The only thing the cops did wrong, was not having enough of them there, and not arresting every one of those brats, and not beating the shit out of every one of them who resisted arrest. Other than that, they were OK.

Oh and you forgot to say, Hile Hitler!!
Hitler was a socialist thus would have been a Democrat

Sent from my RCT6773W22 using Tapatalk
She didnt get fucked over...she asked for it.White kids do get killed by cops unjustly.......more ignorance on parade you filthy racist

One more time you diaper wearing shit for brains lice infected fuck.....the guy is blue is paid to protect all citizens and serve them and if they can't do their jobs, they need to be serving burgers at McDonalds and I don't give a shit what color they are and I hurt more when any kid is murdered by these bastards, you racist lice ball!!

He was protecting the citizens. Not their fault they were protecting them from a bunch of out of control wanna be thugs who happen to be black.

He wasn't protecting shit...what? A bunch of kids???? Number one reason the coward had so much power....I'd love to see him pull that shit around a bunch of grown ass men, he'd get his white ass kicked before he set off his first bullet.

Grown men usually dont act like that.

Exactly. Which is why he's out of a job right now.

May you live in interesting times....
Clearly these kids are law abiding and never once, not once showed aggression toward anyone.....
and should hacebenn arrested for it. The ones resisted arrest (like the girl in the yellow bikini) should have been busted for that too. Those who charged at the officer should have had charges against them fo rthat too, as well as anyone interfering in the officer's work.



What makes you think the kids in the video were "trespassing"?

How do you know they didn't live in the complex, or have guest passes?

The party appears to be in violation of the Pool Rule. Here are the rules:


And here is a copy of the promotion that was put out on twitter. The DJ also widely promoted the party.


The Full Story of The McKinney Texas Pool Mob Inside The Craig Ranch Subdivision The Last Refuge
Seems he resigned.

Could be that both parties behaved like idiots.
None of the "reports" have said whether the kids in the video were trespassing or not.

I just GAVE IT TO YOU in Post # 1205 (and previously in 1163) Are you blind ?

No, you didn't. You provided a somewhat twisted narrative of the events. Nothing it your link implies whether or not the kids in the video had been officially invited or lived within the complex (in which case they would not be "trespassing", but guests).
Clearly these kids are law abiding and never once, not once showed aggression toward anyone.....
and should hacebenn arrested for it. The ones resisted arrest (like the girl in the yellow bikini) should have been busted for that too. Those who charged at the officer should have had charges against them fo rthat too, as well as anyone interfering in the officer's work.



What makes you think the kids in the video were "trespassing"?

How do you know they didn't live in the complex, or have guest passes?

The party appears to be in violation of the Pool Rule. Here are the rules:

View attachment 42329

And here is a copy of the promotion that was put out on twitter. The DJ also widely promoted the party.

View attachment 42330

The Full Story of The McKinney Texas Pool Mob Inside The Craig Ranch Subdivision The Last Refuge

The fact that the party itself may have violated the HOA does not make legitimately invited guests "trespassers".
>> CNN law enforcement analyst and former FBI assistant director Tom Fuentes watched the YouTube video and harshly criticized the officer who wrestled the girl.

The officer appeared to be "running around escalating" a situation that should have quickly calmed, he said. Fuentes said there appeared to be "no justification" for the way the juveniles, particularly the girl, were treated.

The fact that she was wearing a bikini indicated that she was "clearly not armed," he said.

The officer appeared to be "running around almost like a one-man band," he said, and other officers appeared to distance themselves from him. "The other officers that are there don't really come right to him to give him a hand. I'm wondering what's going through their minds, 'Get me away from this guy. He's out of control.'

"He's out of control. He clearly has no self-discipline. He lost control of his temper. Nothing good can happen at that point. Thankfully he didn't shoot somebody."
--- Texas Cop Caught On Camera Pulling Gun on Kids
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Chris rock had a monologue about this: Don't ignore cops. These kids were treating them like babysitters. This is a particular issue in black communities. Don't argue with the police or ignore them. But these kids? Respect. Two way street.
Couldn't help but notice the 14yo black girl from teh video interviewed on CNN admitted she was hollering stuff about free speech while an officer tried subdueing and arresting her.

And before we get distracted by the video, it should b pointed out it took so long to subdue her precisely because the officer was trying not to hurt her. Could have easily overpowered her at the risk of breaking her arms doing so but using literal kid gloves with her shows his restraint.

When officers show up and start giving orders, you obey. Free to exercise your rights at arraignment and fully utilize your rights then. Try doing so on the street at your peril.
Uhmmm he grabbed her by her hair threw her down screamed obscenities shoved her face in to the dirt sat on her pinned her arms drew his gun on children.... little children.

Haha "children"? The two males who tried to swarm him hardly looked like elementary school kids.
tried to swarm him? ROFL those two looked like middle school kids did they scare you? They were black.. ooohhh scary.

Facts are..they were told to leave and they became combative.
What did you expect to happen?
"Combative?" ROFL with people like you using terms like "combative" to describe talking.. yeah I'd say I expected the cop to kill those kids for being too talkative for their own good.

Meh...no sweat off my nuts. There's going to be dead thugs littering the streets come summer time. And of course a lot of innocents. Oh well....those innocents will be the same people crying about the cops enforcing laws so it's no great loss.
This is how We The People have set the system up to work.

We give our police the power to utilize force, when they are obstructed or resisted during the course of the exercise of their law enforcement duties.

okay. We also expect them to exercise i wisely. That means you don't take an unarmed child and push her face into the grass because she was crying for her mother.

She got her face pushed into the grass because she was repeatedly ordered to leave the area and repeatedly refused to obey the order and therefore earned herself a detaining exercise until the police could decide what to do with her.

When she resisted the detaining exercise she crossed a line which allowed the cop to do what he did.

Once you have multiple 'suspects' engaged in refusal to obey orders or actively antagonizing police or even making threatening moves (as those two boys did while the girl was being put down), the cops haven't got time for that touchy-feely shit... and if they make the wrong choice, they die.

We don't pay our police enough to die.
They make more than our soldiers who we do pay to sometimes die...
Yep. And that's a goddamned shame, too. We really should do something about that.

...Diplomacy works wonders as does common sense...
Nolo contendere.

...However, the impression that Blacks are just all violent welfare thugs is pervasive throughout the country. That stereotypical view is caused by media and race based proportional statistics...
Many stereotypes have at least some basis in truth - historical or otherwise - as distasteful as that is to say or to hear.

As to the underlying causes, they are myriad.. preexisting bias, Blacks' own behaviors in an inner-city ghetto-like context, etc., although I disagree that the media is feeding that stereotype; on the contrary, they seem to be going out of their way to avoid being seen in just that vein. Perhaps I'm wrong.

... So, when Black kids act like normal teens and sometimes get a little cocky or resentful of authority, the cop sees 'feral negroes" who need to be put down and taught respect, regardless of any constitutional freedoms they might be aware of and are standing up for..
That's a fine speech, and, I'm sure, there's a modicum of truth in there somewhere, but I seriously doubt that you have nailed THE primary cause here.

Until we start judging people by the context of the character vs the stereotypes, the shit is never gonna change. We are the only race in this country judged by all black people behavior. One ****** goes rouge, we're all held to his standards. Its not fair, and until anyone another race goes through our experience, you have no rights in my opinion to comment or judge how we react to things.
Clearly these kids are law abiding and never once, not once showed aggression toward anyone.....
and should hacebenn arrested for it. The ones resisted arrest (like the girl in the yellow bikini) should have been busted for that too. Those who charged at the officer should have had charges against them fo rthat too, as well as anyone interfering in the officer's work.



What makes you think the kids in the video were "trespassing"?

How do you know they didn't live in the complex, or have guest passes?

The party appears to be in violation of the Pool Rule. Here are the rules:

View attachment 42329

And here is a copy of the promotion that was put out on twitter. The DJ also widely promoted the party.

View attachment 42330

The Full Story of The McKinney Texas Pool Mob Inside The Craig Ranch Subdivision The Last Refuge

The fact that the party itself may have violated the HOA does not make legitimately invited guests "trespassers".

As the pool is private property and some of the "guests" were jumping the fence, it's reasonable to assume that some were trespassers.

I do think the police handled this very badly, but the proximate cause is the girl with the Party Planning business who abused her access to the pool facilities.
You don't "come to the aid" of someone who is being arrested, unless you want to be arrested yourself.

She wasn't being arrested. She was being assaulted.

If she were worthy of arrest, then it's odd that the now-unemployed :rock: Casebolt got up and left her for at least ten seconds -- as did two of his infantry -- during which time she went nowhere, until Casebolt (unemployed be his name) came back to continue assaulting her.

Doncha think?

What choice did he have with two young men rushing him to "aid" the girl he was handcuffing?

What do you think those "unhappy young men" were planning to do when they got to the cop and the girl?

What choice?
How 'bout "not assaulting a 14-year-old in the fucking first place? You know, the reason he's out of a job right now?

What I think they were trying to do is the same thing any of us would do -- stop an assault.

You asked why he left her alone. I answered. He had no choice.

What do you think those "unhappy young men" were planning to do when they got to the cop and the girl?
Chris rock had a monologue about this: Don't ignore cops. These kids were treating them like babysitters. This is a particular issue in black communities. Don't argue with the police or ignore them. But these kids? Respect. Two way street.

LOLOLOLOL....yaw will always see things through the lens of white america and that's why this country will NEVER EVER MOVE FORWARD ON RACE RELATIONS.....

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