Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

You don't "come to the aid" of someone who is being arrested, unless you want to be arrested yourself.

She wasn't being arrested. She was being assaulted.

If she were worthy of arrest, then it's odd that the now-unemployed :rock: Casebolt got up and left her for at least ten seconds -- as did two of his infantry -- during which time she went nowhere, until Casebolt (unemployed be his name) came back to continue assaulting her.

Doncha think?
I saw one of the vids, the black kids involved in the altercation where being confrontational and weren't respecting lawful police orders. And the race card s getting old, you can't ignore police because you are black. Enough already.

He's fired. Show's over, nothing to see here. Except a lot of authoritarian sycophants wailing "yes Master, may I have another".

Always good to know who that element is. As in, who's got your back, and who will sell you out.
The show? what show is that? The sycophants here are the PC ass kissing moonbats that can't or won't question blacks with the same force they bash whites. What is up with you people, anyway? You people need a shrink.

Maybe you need a video player. You don't whip a 14-year old girl in a bathing suit into the pavement by her hair. You just don't.

Oh wait, this just in -- you don't do that if she's black either.
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You'd get your point across better without all the yelling, sparky. Seems to be the same condition that affects many, hence arrests, riots, mayhem.

Put it this way and I will say this as calmly as I can.....you and the rest of the white people here, come talk to me, when they start fucking over your damned children, murdering your white sons, lying to grand juries and never spending one damn day in jail...then we can talk. Please allow us the anger and get off this cum by ya bullshit you white people get to enjoy in this fuckin life.....be a black person someday and then lets fuckin talk!!
She didnt get fucked over...she asked for it.White kids do get killed by cops unjustly.......more ignorance on parade you filthy racist

One more time you diaper wearing shit for brains lice infected fuck.....the guy is blue is paid to protect all citizens and serve them and if they can't do their jobs, they need to be serving burgers at McDonalds and I don't give a shit what color they are and I hurt more when any kid is murdered by these bastards, you racist lice ball!!

He was protecting the citizens. Not their fault they were protecting them from a bunch of out of control wanna be thugs who happen to be black.

He wasn't protecting shit...what? A bunch of kids???? Number one reason the coward had so much power....I'd love to see him pull that shit around a bunch of grown ass men, he'd get his white ass kicked before he set off his first bullet.

Grown men usually dont act like that.

And probably not. Swarm me...and i drop the closest one. Keep coming...more drop. Glocks shoot fast.
You sure you got the right cop? One just resigned after getting a DUI.

Wow,he did resign!
What a dumb ass.

I suspect given the way he embarrassed the city he may have been offered a "choice".

Too bad that doesn't work on message boards.

Hunch correct:

McKINNEY — Eric Casebolt, the McKinney police officer whose actions at a pool party disturbance last Friday went viral in a YouTube video, has resigned from the force.

Casebolt's resignation was confirmed Tuesday by attorney Jane Bishkin, who told WFAA that the decision was made after a meeting with the department's internal affairs unit to review possible charges he could face.

.... Casebolt's attorney said she would have more to say about why her client resigned at a news conference on Wednesday afternoon. -- WFAA News

IIRC that news conference was scheduled for 17:30 Central time, about 10 minutes from now.
Charges for what ? Doing his job, without sufficient back-up ?

Thats right. The race hustlers have created an environment where if a cop does something they dont like...you have two choices:
1- Fire him and charge him
2- See us riot and burn your city

And mayors are picking #1....but allowing the officer to resign.

Its why American cops are standing down and we're about to see a crime wave like the 70s and 80s.

And cops now get the message: Arrest a black person...and your career and freedom are in jeopardy.

Lets get something clear, being a cop is a job. A job paid for by tax payers, if these wild wild west rednecks don't want to work for the city any more, than damit leave. Its just a damn job. I'm sick an tired of people like you justifying bad cop behavior and making it seem like if they can't kill a n*****, than they might as well stand down or quit....like who gives a fu***??? I'd rather have no cops at all than have a bunch of cowardly rednecks ready to kill my black ass along with the criminal that just robbed me.
You sure you got the right cop? One just resigned after getting a DUI.

Wow,he did resign!
What a dumb ass.

I suspect given the way he embarrassed the city he may have been offered a "choice".

Too bad that doesn't work on message boards.

Hunch correct:

McKINNEY — Eric Casebolt, the McKinney police officer whose actions at a pool party disturbance last Friday went viral in a YouTube video, has resigned from the force.

Casebolt's resignation was confirmed Tuesday by attorney Jane Bishkin, who told WFAA that the decision was made after a meeting with the department's internal affairs unit to review possible charges he could face.

.... Casebolt's attorney said she would have more to say about why her client resigned at a news conference on Wednesday afternoon. -- WFAA News

IIRC that news conference was scheduled for 17:30 Central time, about 10 minutes from now.
Charges for what ? Doing his job, without sufficient back-up ?

Thats right. The race hustlers have created an environment where if a cop does something they dont like...you have two choices:
1- Fire him and charge him
2- See us riot and burn your city

And mayors are picking #1....but allowing the officer to resign.

Its why American cops are standing down and we're about to see a crime wave like the 70s and 80s.

And cops now get the message: Arrest a black person...and your career and freedom are in jeopardy.

I don't think Casebolt even arrested that mouthy bitch he had on the ground, did he ? ALL those brats should have been arrested (see Post # 1163)
It did escalate quickly. The left desperately WANTS a war with white cops. Badly. They're just flaming this one up until the inevitable occurs....another video of a worse incident. And with 1, 000, 000 cops policing violent neighborhoods in a country of 340, 000, 000...all with easy access to guns and drugs...another contraversial video is inevitable.

But this will have to do for now.

Listen, black people are not animals, black people can respond to any situation when the situation is handled in a calm peaceful manner. But that is never the case with law enforcement. They come in with attitudes and only escalate situations...that is fact. Fact number 1...the law was called on black boys that was climbing the fence...who by the way was gone by the time they got there....so what does the cops do? FUCK WITH EVERYBODY OF COLOR BUT THE THUGS......NEST STUPID COMMENT?
Stop teaching your kids to be thugs if you don't like people seeing them as the thugs they were raised to be..... Cops didn't make them disrespectful and foul mouthed. Nope that would be you who forgive them for these actions that lead to jail time or worse

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Wow,he did resign!
What a dumb ass.

I suspect given the way he embarrassed the city he may have been offered a "choice".

Too bad that doesn't work on message boards.

Hunch correct:

McKINNEY — Eric Casebolt, the McKinney police officer whose actions at a pool party disturbance last Friday went viral in a YouTube video, has resigned from the force.

Casebolt's resignation was confirmed Tuesday by attorney Jane Bishkin, who told WFAA that the decision was made after a meeting with the department's internal affairs unit to review possible charges he could face.

.... Casebolt's attorney said she would have more to say about why her client resigned at a news conference on Wednesday afternoon. -- WFAA News

IIRC that news conference was scheduled for 17:30 Central time, about 10 minutes from now.
Charges for what ? Doing his job, without sufficient back-up ?

Thats right. The race hustlers have created an environment where if a cop does something they dont like...you have two choices:
1- Fire him and charge him
2- See us riot and burn your city

And mayors are picking #1....but allowing the officer to resign.

Its why American cops are standing down and we're about to see a crime wave like the 70s and 80s.

And cops now get the message: Arrest a black person...and your career and freedom are in jeopardy.

Lets get something clear, being a cop is a job. A job paid for by tax payers, if these wild wild west rednecks don't want to work for the city any more, than damit leave. Its just a damn job. I'm sick an tired of people like you justifying bad cop behavior and making it seem like if they can't kill a n*****, than they might as well stand down or quit....like who gives a fu***??? I'd rather have no cops at all than have a bunch of cowardly rednecks ready to kill my black ass along with the criminal that just robbed me.
Try reading Post # 1163 (including the link), rather than bursting in here and making an idiot out of yourself.
You don't "come to the aid" of someone who is being arrested, unless you want to be arrested yourself.

They were kids you dumb donkey
You don't charge at a policeman making an arrest, unless you want to get arrested yourself.

Are you saying these kids are too stupid to know that?

If so, it's the parents' fault.

No, what I am saying, had Barney the fool, come to the scene with an ounce of calm and collective rational, he could have handled these kids much better. Clearly these kids are law abiding and never once, not once showed aggression toward anyone.....
The only thing the cops did wrong, was not having enough of them there, and not arresting every one of those brats, and not beating the shit out of every one of them who resisted arrest. Other than that, they were OK.
Wow,he did resign!
What a dumb ass.

I suspect given the way he embarrassed the city he may have been offered a "choice".

Too bad that doesn't work on message boards.

Hunch correct:

McKINNEY — Eric Casebolt, the McKinney police officer whose actions at a pool party disturbance last Friday went viral in a YouTube video, has resigned from the force.

Casebolt's resignation was confirmed Tuesday by attorney Jane Bishkin, who told WFAA that the decision was made after a meeting with the department's internal affairs unit to review possible charges he could face.

.... Casebolt's attorney said she would have more to say about why her client resigned at a news conference on Wednesday afternoon. -- WFAA News

IIRC that news conference was scheduled for 17:30 Central time, about 10 minutes from now.
Charges for what ? Doing his job, without sufficient back-up ?

Thats right. The race hustlers have created an environment where if a cop does something they dont like...you have two choices:
1- Fire him and charge him
2- See us riot and burn your city

And mayors are picking #1....but allowing the officer to resign.

Its why American cops are standing down and we're about to see a crime wave like the 70s and 80s.

And cops now get the message: Arrest a black person...and your career and freedom are in jeopardy.

Lets get something clear, being a cop is a job. A job paid for by tax payers, if these wild wild west rednecks don't want to work for the city any more, than damit leave. Its just a damn job. I'm sick an tired of people like you justifying bad cop behavior and making it seem like if they can't kill a n*****, than they might as well stand down or quit....like who gives a fu***??? I'd rather have no cops at all than have a bunch of cowardly rednecks ready to kill my black ass along with the criminal that just robbed me.

Its not "just a job". You wouldnt understand that unless you've done the "job".

Two...your peers have bitched for a year about cops being too proactive. Too aggressive. Too mean.

Well motherfucker...good luck. The ONE thing keeping the true thugs and gangs (not these teens...I mean hard criminals)...from running roughshod over your neighborhood is the cops.

Majority will be hiding behind a warehouse sipping coffee and talking about football. When a call goes out....they're taking their sweet ass time. Make sure the offender is long gone first.

You all wanted it. You'll get it. Good luck!!
It did escalate quickly. The left desperately WANTS a war with white cops. Badly. They're just flaming this one up until the inevitable occurs....another video of a worse incident. And with 1, 000, 000 cops policing violent neighborhoods in a country of 340, 000, 000...all with easy access to guns and drugs...another contraversial video is inevitable.

But this will have to do for now.

Listen, black people are not animals, black people can respond to any situation when the situation is handled in a calm peaceful manner. But that is never the case with law enforcement. They come in with attitudes and only escalate situations...that is fact. Fact number 1...the law was called on black boys that was climbing the fence...who by the way was gone by the time they got there....so what does the cops do? FUCK WITH EVERYBODY OF COLOR BUT THE THUGS......NEST STUPID COMMENT?
Stop teaching your kids to be thugs if you don't like people seeing them as the thugs they were raised to be..... Cops didn't make them disrespectful and foul mouthed. Nope that would be you who forgive them for these actions that lead to jail time or worse

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Listen, I live among thuggy trashy black people, I get it. You white people ain't gotta school my black ass on trashy blacks, I live the shit. But in this case, all these kids are innocent and the only crime was being black on that day. Now please, stop with the black history lessons....cause nobody on this planet hates sorry ass n****,. than the n**** themselves.
The only thing the cops did wrong, was not having enough of them there, and not arresting every one of those brats, and not beating the shit out of every one of them who resisted arrest. Other than that, they were OK.

Oh and you forgot to say, Hile Hitler!!
You don't "come to the aid" of someone who is being arrested, unless you want to be arrested yourself.

They were kids you dumb donkey
You don't charge at a policeman making an arrest, unless you want to get arrested yourself.

Are you saying these kids are too stupid to know that?

If so, it's the parents' fault.

No, what I am saying, had Barney the fool, come to the scene with an ounce of calm and collective rational, he could have handled these kids much better. Clearly these kids are law abiding and never once, not once showed aggression toward anyone.....
Excuse me, but didn't someone say that these kids were "coming to the aid" of the girl who was getting arrested?

Just what does that mean?

It sounds like they were planning to jump the cop and do some harm to him.

What is your interpretation?
Put it this way and I will say this as calmly as I can.....you and the rest of the white people here, come talk to me, when they start fucking over your damned children, murdering your white sons, lying to grand juries and never spending one damn day in jail...then we can talk. Please allow us the anger and get off this cum by ya bullshit you white people get to enjoy in this fuckin life.....be a black person someday and then lets fuckin talk!!
She didnt get fucked over...she asked for it.White kids do get killed by cops unjustly.......more ignorance on parade you filthy racist

One more time you diaper wearing shit for brains lice infected fuck.....the guy is blue is paid to protect all citizens and serve them and if they can't do their jobs, they need to be serving burgers at McDonalds and I don't give a shit what color they are and I hurt more when any kid is murdered by these bastards, you racist lice ball!!

He was protecting the citizens. Not their fault they were protecting them from a bunch of out of control wanna be thugs who happen to be black.

He wasn't protecting shit...what? A bunch of kids???? Number one reason the coward had so much power....I'd love to see him pull that shit around a bunch of grown ass men, he'd get his white ass kicked before he set off his first bullet.

Grown men usually dont act like that.

Exactly. Which is why he's out of a job right now.
Clearly these kids are law abiding and never once, not once showed aggression toward anyone.....
and should have been arrested for it. The ones who resisted arrest (like the girl in the yellow bikini) should have been busted for that too. Those who charged at the officer should have had charges against them for that too, as well as anyone interfering in the officer's work. Both of these are Class A Misdemeanors adding up to 2 years JAIL TIME + $8,000 fine.



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