Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

It is safe to say that many of the party goers may have crashed the party, and therefore technically were "trespassing". There is no reason the believe that any of the kids in the video were crashers rather than guests.

The "cause" is irrelevant, the actions of that one cop (the others were acting fine) is what I'm talking about.

Scuze moi, but the Party Planner violated the pool rules from the beginning:

- No permit for $175
- No limit of 20 guests
- No respect for the rights of other HOA members to use the pool without being harassed

She started this atrocious incident with her Twitter promotion campaign.

Who cares who started it?

Do the actions of the "Party Planner" justify the actions of the officer in question?

I already said that I think the police handled this badly.

But there would have been no incident in the first place if the Party Planner had not instigating the entire mess.

Of course, but it's still irrelevant to the topic at hand - which is about the cop's behavior.

Too funny. Apologists such as yourself constantly blame behavior on third parties when convenient to your agenda.

No, what's funny is watching you trying to change the topic away from what the cop did and onto what the scary black party planner did.
Scuze moi, but the Party Planner violated the pool rules from the beginning:

- No permit for $175
- No limit of 20 guests
- No respect for the rights of other HOA members to use the pool without being harassed

She started this atrocious incident with her Twitter promotion campaign.

Who cares who started it?

Do the actions of the "Party Planner" justify the actions of the officer in question?

I already said that I think the police handled this badly.

But there would have been no incident in the first place if the Party Planner had not instigating the entire mess.

Of course, but it's still irrelevant to the topic at hand - which is about the cop's behavior.

Too funny. Apologists such as yourself constantly blame behavior on third parties when convenient to your agenda.

No, what's funny is watching you trying to change the topic away from what the cop did and onto what the scary black party planner did.

Telling of you to play the race card. You Lose.
Who cares who started it?

Do the actions of the "Party Planner" justify the actions of the officer in question?

I already said that I think the police handled this badly.

But there would have been no incident in the first place if the Party Planner had not instigating the entire mess.

Of course, but it's still irrelevant to the topic at hand - which is about the cop's behavior.

Too funny. Apologists such as yourself constantly blame behavior on third parties when convenient to your agenda.

No, what's funny is watching you trying to change the topic away from what the cop did and onto what the scary black party planner did.

Telling of you to play the race card. You Lose.


The race card card. Never fails as an escape for any conservative losing an argument.
This is how We The People have set the system up to work.

We give our police the power to utilize force, when they are obstructed or resisted during the course of the exercise of their law enforcement duties.

okay. We also expect them to exercise i wisely. That means you don't take an unarmed child and push her face into the grass because she was crying for her mother.

She got her face pushed into the grass because she was repeatedly ordered to leave the area and repeatedly refused to obey the order and therefore earned herself a detaining exercise until the police could decide what to do with her.

When she resisted the detaining exercise she crossed a line which allowed the cop to do what he did.

Once you have multiple 'suspects' engaged in refusal to obey orders or actively antagonizing police or even making threatening moves (as those two boys did while the girl was being put down), the cops haven't got time for that touchy-feely shit... and if they make the wrong choice, they die.

We don't pay our police enough to die.
They make more than our soldiers who we do pay to sometimes die. Diplomacy works wonders as does common sense.
However, the impression that Blacks are just all violent welfare thugs is pervasive throughout the country. That stereotypical view is caused by media and race based proportional statistics. So, when Black kids act like normal teens and sometimes get a little cocky or resentful of authority, the cop sees 'feral negroes" who need to be put down and taught respect, regardless of any constitutional freedoms they might be aware of and are standing up for..
Normal "teen" things, like crashing a private community pool to set up an unauthorized party, attacking women, cussing in front of children, and doing drugs in public.

Better give these youths room to destroy and do typical youth things.

Here come white people camp fire stories. "they were drinking and smoking and raping and robbing...sure no one was arrested for anything but ITS TRUUUUUUE"

Reminds me of the White people camp fire stories about the SuperDome in Louisiana....They're a raping and a killing everybody"

Then when the dust settles no one could find all those bodies. Oops.
Yup, its all a white racist conspiracy by the people in McKinney. I am sure the video of the black girls attacking the white mother of three is fabricated as well.

Are you going to tell us next that WTC 7 was brought down by demolition or something?

The video I saw showed an adult woman attacking the girls.
The video I saw had the mother being attacked and retreating. Perhaps you have another video of this girl who dindu nuffin?

There are now multiple videos out showing this group of "teens" acting violently(like when the "youths" attempted to charge the cop, forcing him to draw his weapon for example), which fits the pattern of why the residents called out the cops in the first place.
this is where ALL THIS BS is taking us. he just spoke what he saw and these BLACK ACTIVIST want his head on pole. people better start waking up to what's going on
VIDEO at the site

VIDEO=> Black McKinney Resident Blames Teens for Pool Fight – ACTIVISTS WANT HIM FIRED

June 8, 2015 by Jim Hoft 9 Comments

Benet Embry, a resident of McKinney, Texas, told Sean Hannity on Monday that the incident at the pool party “had nothing to do with race.”

“Let me be clear. The subdivision I live in is not a racist community. It is a diverse subdivision, black, white, Hispanic, East Indian, American Indian, all living together in friendship… Going back to the incident at the pool. It was a pool party out of control there. Out of 130 kids only seven caused a whole bunch of confusion.”

Via Hannity:

After Benet Embry spoke blamed the teens for the McKinney pool fight black activists called for him to be fired.

all of it here:
VIDEO Black McKinney Resident Blames Teens for Pool Fight - ACTIVISTS WANT HIM FIRED - The Gateway Pundit

Put it this way, any time you see a n**** on Fox, just get out the popcorn and watch Tommy make a white man happy!!
okay. We also expect them to exercise i wisely. That means you don't take an unarmed child and push her face into the grass because she was crying for her mother.

She got her face pushed into the grass because she was repeatedly ordered to leave the area and repeatedly refused to obey the order and therefore earned herself a detaining exercise until the police could decide what to do with her.

When she resisted the detaining exercise she crossed a line which allowed the cop to do what he did.

Once you have multiple 'suspects' engaged in refusal to obey orders or actively antagonizing police or even making threatening moves (as those two boys did while the girl was being put down), the cops haven't got time for that touchy-feely shit... and if they make the wrong choice, they die.

We don't pay our police enough to die.
They make more than our soldiers who we do pay to sometimes die. Diplomacy works wonders as does common sense.
However, the impression that Blacks are just all violent welfare thugs is pervasive throughout the country. That stereotypical view is caused by media and race based proportional statistics. So, when Black kids act like normal teens and sometimes get a little cocky or resentful of authority, the cop sees 'feral negroes" who need to be put down and taught respect, regardless of any constitutional freedoms they might be aware of and are standing up for..
Normal "teen" things, like crashing a private community pool to set up an unauthorized party, attacking women, cussing in front of children, and doing drugs in public.

Better give these youths room to destroy and do typical youth things.

Here come white people camp fire stories. "they were drinking and smoking and raping and robbing...sure no one was arrested for anything but ITS TRUUUUUUE"

Reminds me of the White people camp fire stories about the SuperDome in Louisiana....They're a raping and a killing everybody"

Then when the dust settles no one could find all those bodies. Oops.
Yup, its all a white racist conspiracy by the people in McKinney. I am sure the video of the black girls attacking the white mother of three is fabricated as well.

Are you going to tell us next that WTC 7 was brought down by demolition or something?

The video I saw showed an adult woman attacking the girls.
The video I saw had the mother being attacked and retreating. Perhaps you have another video of this girl who dindu nuffin?

There are now multiple videos out showing this group of "teens" acting violently(like when the "youths" attempted to charge the cop, forcing him to draw his weapon for example), which fits the pattern of why the residents called out the cops in the first place.

Link to this video that you saw?
You don't "come to the aid" of someone who is being arrested, unless you want to be arrested yourself.

They were kids you dumb donkey

With all respect, kids also have criminal behavior.

Yeah, but we're talking about THESE kids, not who can think of a case of ANY teens CAN have criminal behaviour
Foul language to police is criminal behavior... Now go away because people like you who wants no police protection for Blacks disgust me. You are the worst kind of racist

Sent from my RCT6773W22 using Tapatalk
pot meet kettle
FTA: The wrong mindset, on the other hand, can exacerbate a tense encounter, produce resistance, and lead to entirely avoidable violence. It can, and has, caused longterm damage to police/community relations. We shouldn’t be surprised that the kids Corporal Casebolt was yelling at weren’t eager to do what he was ordering them to do—no one likes being cursed at and disrespected in front of their peers, and people of all ages, especially teenagers, resent being treated unjustly. That resentment can lead to resistance, and Police Warriors—taught to exercise unquestioned command over a scene—overcome resistance by using force.

I think what this former cop is saying is.....well you get it

You mean kids who have never been disciplined in their lives...dont respect someone of authority using hard language to tell them what to do? Shocker.

So the answer is....back off and just kinda let people do whatever they want? Hey....worked in Baltimore.

What should officers do in similar situations? For starters, they must realize that the public—even a group of non-compliant teenagers—are not an enemy to be vanquished, but civilians to be protected, to the extent possible, from indignity and harm. A Guardian mindset encourages officers to be “procedurally just,” to ensure that their encounters with civilians are empowering, fair, respectful and considerate. Research of police and military encounters strongly suggests that officers are most effective at fostering goodwill and reducing antagonism when they approach each encounter with the goal of building civilian trust.

Officers should also look out for each other, protecting their colleagues not just from harm, but also from lashing out in anger or frustration. Policing can be intensely stressful, and officers should be trained and encouraged to help their peers deal with stressful situations. When an officer is losing his cool, another officer will often be able to intervene, giving the first a chance to collect himself. That type of peer support isn’t part of modern police culture—particularly not when the officer losing his temper is a supervisor and union official like Corporal Casebolt—but it should be.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Imagine that... a public servant actually working with the public rather than against it. Boggles the mind.

I found an interesting article on this, from the perspective of a former cop.

A Former Cop On What Went Wrong In McKinney

The two officers in this brief video represent two different policing styles, two different mindsets that officers use as they interact with civilians: the Guardian and the Warrior. As a former police officer and current policing scholar, I know that an officer’s mindset has tremendous impact on police/civilian encounters. I’ve described the Guardian and Warrior mindsets at some length here and here; for now, suffice to say that the right mindset can de-escalate tense situations, induce compliance, and increase community trust over the long-term. The kids interacting with the first officer were excited, but not upset; they remained cooperative. Had they gone home at that moment, they’d have a story for their friends and family, but it would be a story that happened to have the police in it rather than being a story about the police.

This is the crux of the matter right here. I couldn't help noticing while traveling in Ireland, an entirely different mindset as regards the police. They don't carry guns and they don't walk around looking for trouble and pushing their proverbial weight around. Because of that they're seen by the general public as a positive, not a negative.

The difference between, "oh good, here come the police" and "oh shit, here come the police".

It's representative of this primitive American mindset that the way to deal with every situation is to blow it up, obliterate it, overpower it, imprison it, vanquish it --- instead of grokking its nature and working from that point. But no, we can't do that. Too much like thought. And that's what fills up prisons with pot smokers.
Yes well.. two of the cops appeared to be sane and the other guy... well he's famous now for plowing a little girl's face into the dirt.
This is how We The People have set the system up to work.

We give our police the power to utilize force, when they are obstructed or resisted during the course of the exercise of their law enforcement duties.

okay. We also expect them to exercise i wisely. That means you don't take an unarmed child and push her face into the grass because she was crying for her mother.

She got her face pushed into the grass because she was repeatedly ordered to leave the area and repeatedly refused to obey the order and therefore earned herself a detaining exercise until the police could decide what to do with her.

When she resisted the detaining exercise she crossed a line which allowed the cop to do what he did.

Once you have multiple 'suspects' engaged in refusal to obey orders or actively antagonizing police or even making threatening moves (as those two boys did while the girl was being put down), the cops haven't got time for that touchy-feely shit... and if they make the wrong choice, they die.

We don't pay our police enough to die.
They make more than our soldiers who we do pay to sometimes die. Diplomacy works wonders as does common sense.
However, the impression that Blacks are just all violent welfare thugs is pervasive throughout the country. That stereotypical view is caused by media and race based proportional statistics. So, when Black kids act like normal teens and sometimes get a little cocky or resentful of authority, the cop sees 'feral negroes" who need to be put down and taught respect, regardless of any constitutional freedoms they might be aware of and are standing up for..
Normal "teen" things, like crashing a private community pool to set up an unauthorized party, attacking women, cussing in front of children, and doing drugs in public.

Better give these youths room to destroy and do typical youth things.

Here come white people camp fire stories. "they were drinking and smoking and raping and robbing...sure no one was arrested for anything but ITS TRUUUUUUE"

Reminds me of the White people camp fire stories about the SuperDome in Louisiana....They're a raping and a killing everybody"

Then when the dust settles no one could find all those bodies. Oops.
Yup, its all a white racist conspiracy by the people in McKinney. I am sure the video of the black girl attacking the white mother of three is fabricated as well.

Are you going to tell us next that WTC 7 was brought down by demolition or something?

No its just a story from one guy. No one else say drinking and smoking. And all the paraphernalia disappeared?....maybe the bottles ran too!

You don't need paraphernalia to smoke. Do you even smoke weed? You don't even know what you are talking about.

These pieces of shit from outside the neighborhood crash a community pool to have some DJ, blasting gangster rap music, harassing locals, attacking a mom, and menacing a police officer, and some idiots think they are the poor victims.

But yea, I am sure all these evil neighbors corroborating the story that these "youths" created a disturbance are just lying and part of an evil conspiracy, and the videos are all doctored. Just like how Darren Wilson killed Mike Brown when said "hands up, don't shoot!" :lol:
Scuze moi, but the Party Planner violated the pool rules from the beginning:

- No permit for $175
- No limit of 20 guests
- No respect for the rights of other HOA members to use the pool without being harassed

She started this atrocious incident with her Twitter promotion campaign.

Who cares who started it?

Do the actions of the "Party Planner" justify the actions of the officer in question?

I already said that I think the police handled this badly.

But there would have been no incident in the first place if the Party Planner had not instigating the entire mess.

Of course, but it's still irrelevant to the topic at hand - which is about the cop's behavior.

Too funny. Apologists such as yourself constantly blame behavior on third parties when convenient to your agenda.

No, what's funny is watching you trying to change the topic away from what the cop did and onto what the scary black party planner did.
They have no right to crash a community pool for some gangster rap dj party that no one in the neighborhood cleared.

She got her face pushed into the grass because she was repeatedly ordered to leave the area and repeatedly refused to obey the order and therefore earned herself a detaining exercise until the police could decide what to do with her.

When she resisted the detaining exercise she crossed a line which allowed the cop to do what he did.

Once you have multiple 'suspects' engaged in refusal to obey orders or actively antagonizing police or even making threatening moves (as those two boys did while the girl was being put down), the cops haven't got time for that touchy-feely shit... and if they make the wrong choice, they die.

We don't pay our police enough to die.
They make more than our soldiers who we do pay to sometimes die. Diplomacy works wonders as does common sense.
However, the impression that Blacks are just all violent welfare thugs is pervasive throughout the country. That stereotypical view is caused by media and race based proportional statistics. So, when Black kids act like normal teens and sometimes get a little cocky or resentful of authority, the cop sees 'feral negroes" who need to be put down and taught respect, regardless of any constitutional freedoms they might be aware of and are standing up for..
Normal "teen" things, like crashing a private community pool to set up an unauthorized party, attacking women, cussing in front of children, and doing drugs in public.

Better give these youths room to destroy and do typical youth things.

Here come white people camp fire stories. "they were drinking and smoking and raping and robbing...sure no one was arrested for anything but ITS TRUUUUUUE"

Reminds me of the White people camp fire stories about the SuperDome in Louisiana....They're a raping and a killing everybody"

Then when the dust settles no one could find all those bodies. Oops.
Yup, its all a white racist conspiracy by the people in McKinney. I am sure the video of the black girls attacking the white mother of three is fabricated as well.

Are you going to tell us next that WTC 7 was brought down by demolition or something?

The video I saw showed an adult woman attacking the girls.
The video I saw had the mother being attacked and retreating. Perhaps you have another video of this girl who dindu nuffin?

There are now multiple videos out showing this group of "teens" acting violently(like when the "youths" attempted to charge the cop, forcing him to draw his weapon for example), which fits the pattern of why the residents called out the cops in the first place.

Link to this video that you saw?
LOL at these names as well. Dajerria Benton :lol:. What a stupid fucking name :lol:

Ah :eusa_doh: --- we've been looking for the wrong thing. Here we are trying to find a "flapping your lips" law, a "running your mouth" law, an "Uppity Ordinance"..... when we should have been looking for a "Stupid Fucking Name" statute.

Thanks, well obviously Casebolt's just doing his job then. The Stupid Fucking Name law clearly states that offenders are to be whipped around by the hair and slammed into the ground.
They make more than our soldiers who we do pay to sometimes die. Diplomacy works wonders as does common sense.
However, the impression that Blacks are just all violent welfare thugs is pervasive throughout the country. That stereotypical view is caused by media and race based proportional statistics. So, when Black kids act like normal teens and sometimes get a little cocky or resentful of authority, the cop sees 'feral negroes" who need to be put down and taught respect, regardless of any constitutional freedoms they might be aware of and are standing up for..
Normal "teen" things, like crashing a private community pool to set up an unauthorized party, attacking women, cussing in front of children, and doing drugs in public.

Better give these youths room to destroy and do typical youth things.
Here come white people camp fire stories. "they were drinking and smoking and raping and robbing...sure no one was arrested for anything but ITS TRUUUUUUE"

Reminds me of the White people camp fire stories about the SuperDome in Louisiana....They're a raping and a killing everybody"

Then when the dust settles no one could find all those bodies. Oops.
Yup, its all a white racist conspiracy by the people in McKinney. I am sure the video of the black girls attacking the white mother of three is fabricated as well.

Are you going to tell us next that WTC 7 was brought down by demolition or something?

The video I saw showed an adult woman attacking the girls.
The video I saw had the mother being attacked and retreating. Perhaps you have another video of this girl who dindu nuffin?

There are now multiple videos out showing this group of "teens" acting violently(like when the "youths" attempted to charge the cop, forcing him to draw his weapon for example), which fits the pattern of why the residents called out the cops in the first place.

Link to this video that you saw?

Yeah, that's the video that I saw, too - and it's completely unclear who started the altercation.

The black girl says the lady slapped her, I haven't heard anything that contradicts her story.
It is safe to say that many of the party goers may have crashed the party, and therefore technically were "trespassing". There is no reason the believe that any of the kids in the video were crashers rather than guests.

The "cause" is irrelevant, the actions of that one cop (the others were acting fine) is what I'm talking about.
Other than a few curse words (a minor offense done all the time by officers everywhere), I did not see a damn thing wrong with Casebolt's actions. He did what he was supposed to do, and he was charged by a number of these criminal brats who are guilty IN THE VIDEO of resisting arrest, by charging at the officer as they did. I proivided the law here in this thread . Read it.

And the guy in the gray shirt not only charged the officer, he struck him with his hand (or a weapon). It is then that the officer drew his gun, PROPERLY.

I sent an email to the McKinney Fraternal Order of Police asking Casebolt to come to Tampa and work with one of our police departments here, where he will have a mayor and police chief who will back him up and not cave in to the loudmouth, race hustler mobs.

As for your talk about trespassing and other crimes , here is the McKinney FOP statement on it >>

""Information is being provided to the McKinney FOP that certain details of this incident are being inaccurately broadcasted by media outlets to the public in the McKinney area and across the nation. The subjects involved were a mixture of teens and adults who were trespassing not in a community pool but a private property pool regulated and maintained by this particular Home Owners Association. Vandalism and active fighting was reported in the same area involving this group of teens and adults."

McKinney mayor fraternal order of police issue statements on weekend pool party incident - Star Local News

McKinney FOP Lodge 107
.Thanks, well obviously Casebolt's just doing his job then. The Stupid Fucking Name law clearly states that offenders are to be whipped around by the hair and slammed into the ground.
Of course they are, when they are committing the Class A misdemeanor of resisting arrest. What did you expect the cop to do with a criminal committing a crime ? Play ping pong with her ?
Thanks, well obviously Casebolt's just doing his job then. The Stupid Fucking Name law clearly states that offenders are to be whipped around by the hair and slammed into the ground.
Of course they are, when they are committing the Class A misdemeanor of resisting arrest. What did you expect the cop to do with a criminal committing a crime ? Play ping pong with her ?

How can anyone resist arrest if no one was arrested?
The only thing the cops did wrong, was not having enough of them there, and not arresting every one of those brats, and not beating the shit out of every one of them who resisted arrest. Other than that, they were OK.

Yep. But apparently. ..the IA folks told him what charges he could "possibly" face. Translation: If they riot and burn McKinney. ..we may have charge you to appease them.

So...Cpl Casebolt and his 10 years of experience and clean record said "Oh yeah? Go fuck yourselves. I quit." Good for him.

Now...McKinneys crime rate will soar....as all McKinney cops know their career and freedom hinges on...well...how sensitive they are to brat teens.
not to mention all the death threats.....
They make more than our soldiers who we do pay to sometimes die. Diplomacy works wonders as does common sense.
However, the impression that Blacks are just all violent welfare thugs is pervasive throughout the country. That stereotypical view is caused by media and race based proportional statistics. So, when Black kids act like normal teens and sometimes get a little cocky or resentful of authority, the cop sees 'feral negroes" who need to be put down and taught respect, regardless of any constitutional freedoms they might be aware of and are standing up for..
Normal "teen" things, like crashing a private community pool to set up an unauthorized party, attacking women, cussing in front of children, and doing drugs in public.

Better give these youths room to destroy and do typical youth things.
Here come white people camp fire stories. "they were drinking and smoking and raping and robbing...sure no one was arrested for anything but ITS TRUUUUUUE"

Reminds me of the White people camp fire stories about the SuperDome in Louisiana....They're a raping and a killing everybody"

Then when the dust settles no one could find all those bodies. Oops.
Yup, its all a white racist conspiracy by the people in McKinney. I am sure the video of the black girls attacking the white mother of three is fabricated as well.

Are you going to tell us next that WTC 7 was brought down by demolition or something?

The video I saw showed an adult woman attacking the girls.
The video I saw had the mother being attacked and retreating. Perhaps you have another video of this girl who dindu nuffin?

There are now multiple videos out showing this group of "teens" acting violently(like when the "youths" attempted to charge the cop, forcing him to draw his weapon for example), which fits the pattern of why the residents called out the cops in the first place.

Link to this video that you saw?

OMG, is that two white women pulling each other's hair? What I reported back in 1045.

Seems police ignored them.

In fact, the whites there reported that as police ran through the crowd, they targeted only black children. White children fled, black children stayed to see what happened to their friends. Notice the girls around the child police attacked who was screaming for her mother?

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