Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Normal "teen" things, like crashing a private community pool to set up an unauthorized party, attacking women, cussing in front of children, and doing drugs in public.

Better give these youths room to destroy and do typical youth things.
Yup, its all a white racist conspiracy by the people in McKinney. I am sure the video of the black girls attacking the white mother of three is fabricated as well.

Are you going to tell us next that WTC 7 was brought down by demolition or something?

The video I saw showed an adult woman attacking the girls.
The video I saw had the mother being attacked and retreating. Perhaps you have another video of this girl who dindu nuffin?

There are now multiple videos out showing this group of "teens" acting violently(like when the "youths" attempted to charge the cop, forcing him to draw his weapon for example), which fits the pattern of why the residents called out the cops in the first place.

Link to this video that you saw?

OMG, is that two white women pulling each other's hair? What I reported back in 1045.

Seems police ignored them.

In fact, the whites there reported that as police ran through the crowd, they targeted only black children. White children fled, black children stayed to see what happened to their friends. Notice the girls around the child police attacked who was screaming for her mother?

No, that's the video of the black teen assaulting the white mother, even in the Slate article, they linked to the a tweet of the attack posted by these "youths", bragging about "beating her ass".

I don't see any white kids not cooperating with cops in that video, either disobeying cops or menacing them like those two black kids did when he was trying to detain the girl.
the problem is that blacks NEVER follow orders.
Strange, I worked in S2, Headquarters Battery 13th Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division, and half the battery was blacks. They seemed pretty good at giving and taking orders while defending this country. Post your name and address along with that statement and maybe some will visit you and explain why you are wrong. It could be a big help.
I viewed a thread where the truth of the thug teens was pointed out and some old hag shut it down. Truth destroys the libtard argument.
the problem is that blacks NEVER follow orders.
Strange, I worked in S2, Headquarters Battery 13th Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division, and half the battery was blacks. They seemed pretty good at giving and taking orders while defending this country. Post your name and address along with that statement and maybe some will visit you and explain why you are wrong. It could be a big help.

civilians. Visit me? lmao. Internet tough guy.
the problem is that blacks NEVER follow orders.
Strange, I worked in S2, Headquarters Battery 13th Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division, and half the battery was blacks. They seemed pretty good at giving and taking orders while defending this country. Post your name and address along with that statement and maybe some will visit you and explain why you are wrong. It could be a big help.

civilians. Visit me? lmao. Internet tough guy.

Ironic from a dweeb who just posted a blatantly racist quip:

the problem is that blacks NEVER follow orders.
i read these black kids were trespassing in this gated community?
You are reading the wrong stuff and it don't make a difference anyhow. All the cops knew how to react despite the crazy cop who went mental. Cops had everything under control. They just didn't have the jackass in their own ranks under control. Now they do. He is gone.
None of the other cops were acting that way. They seemed calm and cool headed, but the one cop was just freakin' out and yelling & cursing at everyone and everything. He was TRIPPIN​
What I'd like to know is, who is this fat fuck in the blue shorts with no socks keeping people back so Casebolt can work her over? He needs to be charged as an accomplice.
NO. He should be given a medal for helping the police. Or a cash award.

The ones that should be charged are the guy in the gray shirt, who charged at the cop and hit him, and the fat black chick in the white bikini who did the same.

These ignorant morons, who have no idea what they just did, committed an aggravated assault on a police officer, which in Texas is a first degree felony, punishable by 5 to 99 years in a state prison.

None of the other cops were acting that way. They seemed calm and cool headed, but the one cop was just freakin' out and yelling & cursing at everyone and everything. He was TRIPPIN​
Doesn't matter that he was yelling. And cursing, although not good, is commonly done by cops and suspects both. Big deal.
You are reading the wrong stuff and it don't make a difference anyhow. All the cops knew how to react despite the crazy cop who went mental. Cops had everything under control. They just didn't have the jackass in their own ranks under control. Now they do. He is gone.
Are you really so stupid as to not know this is just political to avoid riots ? Give us a break!
What I'd like to know is, who is this fat fuck in the blue shorts with no socks keeping people back so Casebolt can work her over? He needs to be charged as an accomplice.
NO. He should be given a medal for helping the police. Or a cash award.

The ones that should be charged are the guy in the gray shirt, who charged at the cop and hit him, and the fat black chick in the white bikini who did the same.

These ignorant morons, who have no idea what they just did, committed an aggravated assault on a police officer, which in Texas is a first degree felony, punishable by 5 to 99 years in a state prison.


Nobody hit the cop. At all. They should have, and they'd have been justified, but they didn't.
The kid who the NOW UNEMPLOYED :rock: Casebolt threatened with a gun was arrested, but then charges were dropped.

So you and your authoritarian Nazi jackboot fetish mentality can go fuck yourself.
Actually he was presented with a list of charges he'd face if he didn't quit.
His Chief publicly called his actions "indefensible".
Are you calling the Chief of Police a liar?
Again.......... good riddance to bad garbage. This is EXACTLY the element that gives cops the bad name you're always whining about. And you want him back??
I'm calling the Chief of Police a LIAR, A PHONY, A WIMP, A COWARD, and a SUCK-UP to his pussy mayor who like others in other cities, cave in to the race hustlers, and attack their own police officers, rather than risk rioting from the mad dog race idiots. And YOU KNOW this, since you just had it told to you, so I guess you're a liar too

Me too. Yes. The chief is a liar who threw his officer under a bus.

They didnt want McKinney to burn. So like Baltimore. ..they fed the mob a low ranking officer.

And McKinney crime is gonna soar.
CORRECT. Down goes another town to the Obama/Sharpton race hustler campaign.
Nobody hit the cop. At all. They should have, and they'd have been justified, but they didn't.
It's on the video, blind boy. And the guy who hit the cop got arrested. 5 to 99 for them. I'd give them the 99. Send the message.
the problem is that blacks NEVER follow orders.
Strange, I worked in S2, Headquarters Battery 13th Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division, and half the battery was blacks. They seemed pretty good at giving and taking orders while defending this country. Post your name and address along with that statement and maybe some will visit you and explain why you are wrong. It could be a big help.
>> “Our policy, our training, our practices do not support these actions,” McKinney Police Chief Greg Conley told reporters at a televised news conference, calling Casebolt’s actions “indefensible.”

He came to the call out of control,” Conley said. “I had 12 officers on the scene, and 11 of them performed according to their training.”

.... With Casebolt's resignation, the internal investigation comes to an end, Conley said, and Casebolt will keep his pension and benefits. The chief added that a criminal investigation was ongoing and would take “a matter of time to work through.” << -- Casebolt Resigns
I don't think Casebolt even arrested that mouthy bitch he had on the ground, did he ? ALL those brats should have been arrested (see Post # 1163)
There is no question that any of those juveniles who committed serious violations deserved to be arrested. The reason none of them were arrested is the situation was improperly handled by the police as a direct result of Ptl. Casebolt's wholly erratic and disruptive conduct. In fact, Casebolt's behavior was so bizarre it wouldn't surprise me to learn he is using some kind of hyper-energizing steroid or an amphetamine.

Dealing with that kind of situation calls for a substantial show of appropriately capable force which was not yet present. Once there are enough cops present to impose order in a methodically professional manner the next step is to identify and isolate specific offenders and arrest them in a competent and orderly manner. Instead, Casebolt arrived on the scene like Captain Marvel and began acting out some unnecessarily strenuous super-cop fantasy.
That charge has already been dropped.
It's what you do when you fuck up.
Got a link to support that ? Or are we just supposed to take what you say on faith ? And clean up your language, bad boy. Where do you think you are ? In a prison ? Come to think of it, that probably is EXACTLY where you are, and that's why you hate the police so much. They arrested you and put you there.

So what are you in for ? Arson ? Looting ? Felonious assult on a police officer ? Child molestation ? Terrorism against the USA ? Come on, let's hear it.


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