Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

You don't "come to the aid" of someone who is being arrested, unless you want to be arrested yourself.

They were kids you dumb donkey

With all respect, kids also have criminal behavior.

Yeah, but we're talking about THESE kids, not who can think of a case of ANY teens CAN have criminal behaviour
Foul language to police is criminal behavior... Now go away because people like you who wants no police protection for Blacks disgust me. You are the worst kind of racist

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Are you out of your mind?

"Foul language to police" is not a crime, and never has been in the US.
No, foul language to the police is not a crime, but most will arrest you for "disorderly conduct" or some similar convenient charge if you hurt their feelings. If you persist in calling them names or whatever, you will likely arrive at the local jail with an assortment of bruises along with an additional charge of resisting arrest!
There is no question that any of those juveniles who committed serious violations deserved to be arrested. The reason none of them were arrested is the situation was improperly handled by the police as a direct result of Ptl. Casebolt's wholly erratic and disruptive conduct.
This scenario would be valid if it weren't for the fact that Texas law contradicts it. The law pertaining to the attackers of Casebolt is >>

(a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally prevents or obstructs a person he knows is a peace officer or a person acting in a peace officer's presence and at his direction from effecting an arrest, search, or transportation of the actor or another by using force against the peace officer or another.
(b) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that the arrest or search was unlawful.

So even if Casebolt's actions were improper to the point of being unlawful, that still doesn't shield the perpetrators from responsibility for the crime of § 38.03. So the guy in the gray shirt and the chick in the white bikini should be in jail on a first degree felony charge, and looking at 5 to 99 years, state prison.

Nobody hit the cop. At all. They should have, and they'd have been justified, but they didn't.
It's on the video, blind boy. And the guy who hit the cop got arrested. 5 to 99 for them. I'd give them the 99. Send the message.

No one hit the cop in the video.

The sole person who was arrested was charged with interference with the duties of a police officer and evading arrest - not assault.

Do you have a link to support that the man in the video was the one arrested?
the problem is that blacks NEVER follow orders.

Some orders are unjust or ridiculous orders and it depends on who is giving them and why?
I just heard on the news the police in this video his is quitting the force. And his sergeant said his actions were indefensible. will this settle it? will the right wingers defend this police officer even when his own boss won't? Then I guess there's no arguing with them
There is no question that any of those juveniles who committed serious violations deserved to be arrested. The reason none of them were arrested is the situation was improperly handled by the police as a direct result of Ptl. Casebolt's wholly erratic and disruptive conduct.
This scenario would be valid if it weren't for the fact that Texas law contradicts it. The law pertaining to the attackers of Casebolt is >>

(a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally prevents or obstructs a person he knows is a peace officer or a person acting in a peace officer's presence and at his direction from effecting an arrest, search, or transportation of the actor or another by using force against the peace officer or another.
(b) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that the arrest or search was unlawful.

So even if Casebolt's actions were improper to the point of being unlawful, that still doesn't shield the perpetrators from responsibility for the crime of § 38.03. So the guy in the gray shirt and the chick in the white bikini should be in jail on a first degree felony charge, and looking at 5 to 99 years, state prison.
But they aren't facing arrest and imprisonment. That is because level and sane people are in control and able to put incidents and difficulties like this in perspective.
The officer wanted a reason to sexually molest an attractive underage teen. That part was obvious. He gropes her quite a bit in that video.

Of all the people he chooses to handle and grope, it's the most attractive girl present.

He's a pedophile.

He should have had his teeth kicked out.

So...Cpl Casebolt and his 10 years of experience and clean record said "Oh yeah? Go fuck yourselves. I quit." Good for him.
Are you sure that's how it happened?

Or do you think it could be he was graciously given the choice of resigning or being fired with loss of any residual benefits and imposition of assault charges?

Now...McKinneys crime rate will soar....as all McKinney cops know their career and freedom hinges on...well...how sensitive they are to brat teens.
Once the general public understands what is happening, and a few politicians and/or influential citizens are affected by crimes because the cops aren't taking calls, legislation will be passed in the interest of public safety that will render police unions powerless. Next a group of known participants in the job action will be summarily fired with loss of all benefits. That news will spread like wildfire, the job action will abruptly end, arrest and summons rates will skyrocket, and that will be that.

We're talking about cops, not brain surgeons. Very easy to replace -- especially during times of high unemployment and diminishing wage standards.
What choice did he have with two young men rushing him to "aid" the girl he was handcuffing?

What do you think those "unhappy young men" were planning to do when they got to the cop and the girl?
It appeared to me they were about to do nothing more than run their mouths, because they began to flee as soon as Casebolt went after them -- even before he drew his gun.
The officer wanted a reason to sexually molest an attractive underage teen. That part was obvious. He gropes her quite a bit in that video.

Of all the people he chooses to handle and grope, it's the most attractive girl present.

He's a pedophile.

He should have had his teeth kicked out.


r u gay?

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There is no question that any of those juveniles who committed serious violations deserved to be arrested. The reason none of them were arrested is the situation was improperly handled by the police as a direct result of Ptl. Casebolt's wholly erratic and disruptive conduct.
This scenario would be valid if it weren't for the fact that Texas law contradicts it. The law pertaining to the attackers of Casebolt is >>

(a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally prevents or obstructs a person he knows is a peace officer or a person acting in a peace officer's presence and at his direction from effecting an arrest, search, or transportation of the actor or another by using force against the peace officer or another.
(b) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that the arrest or search was unlawful.

So even if Casebolt's actions were improper to the point of being unlawful, that still doesn't shield the perpetrators from responsibility for the crime of § 38.03. So the guy in the gray shirt and the chick in the white bikini should be in jail on a first degree felony charge, and looking at 5 to 99 years, state prison.

Ah, you mean Jahda Bakari. Casebolt assaulted her too, punched her in the mouth and hit her with his nightstick. No doubt another part of the pending charges against him.
the problem is that blacks NEVER follow orders.
Strange, I worked in S2, Headquarters Battery 13th Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division, and half the battery was blacks. They seemed pretty good at giving and taking orders while defending this country. Post your name and address along with that statement and maybe some will visit you and explain why you are wrong. It could be a big help.

civilians. Visit me? lmao. Internet tough guy.
You're the one making the assertion. Why not call black veterans out on it? If you believe it, stand up for it. Don't be a pussy.
He didn't assault her so stop lying
What do you call what he did?

Because one is wearing a badge and a uniform does not mean they have unlimited license to slam anyone who does or says something they don't like on the ground, grind their face into the dirt or onto the filthy pavement, and press a knee onto their neck. When a police officer does that he needs to have a valid, lawful reason. The problem is the practice has become so commonplace that most ordinary people think it's just something cops do to people who don't follow their orders -- whether or not their orders are lawful.
the problem is that blacks NEVER follow orders.
Strange, I worked in S2, Headquarters Battery 13th Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division, and half the battery was blacks. They seemed pretty good at giving and taking orders while defending this country. Post your name and address along with that statement and maybe some will visit you and explain why you are wrong. It could be a big help.

civilians. Visit me? lmao. Internet tough guy.
You're the one making the assertion. Why not call black veterans out on it? If you believe it, stand up for it. Don't be a pussy.

wtf do black veterans have to do with this? I'm talking about feral blacks/criminals/punks/thugs/gangbangers dickhead. Why are over half the black men in jail?
Oh and you forgot to say, Hile Hitler!!
Hitler was a socialist thus would have been a Democrat
Hitler was a Socialist for politically expedient purposes -- until he became a Nazi.[/QUOTE]
Hitler was a fascist right from the beginning. He exalted white Aryan Germans over Jews and blacks.
See, this is why your kind should go to school. When you make such statements, everyone laughs at you and won't take you seriously, even when you make such ignorant statements in the future. They will just assume everything you say is ignorant shit and for they most part, they will be right. But you could end that nasty cycle if you actually spent time learning from a reputable source.

MikeK, I was responding to: Hitler was a socialist thus would have been a Democrat
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the problem is that blacks NEVER follow orders.
Strange, I worked in S2, Headquarters Battery 13th Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division, and half the battery was blacks. They seemed pretty good at giving and taking orders while defending this country. Post your name and address along with that statement and maybe some will visit you and explain why you are wrong. It could be a big help.

civilians. Visit me? lmao. Internet tough guy.
You're the one making the assertion. Why not call black veterans out on it? If you believe it, stand up for it. Don't be a pussy.

wtf do black veterans have to do with this? I'm talking about feral blacks/criminals/punks/thugs/gangbangers dickhead. Why are over half the black men in jail?

Do you really think that "over half" of the population of black men in America are in jail?
the problem is that blacks NEVER follow orders.
Strange, I worked in S2, Headquarters Battery 13th Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division, and half the battery was blacks. They seemed pretty good at giving and taking orders while defending this country. Post your name and address along with that statement and maybe some will visit you and explain why you are wrong. It could be a big help.

civilians. Visit me? lmao. Internet tough guy.
You're the one making the assertion. Why not call black veterans out on it? If you believe it, stand up for it. Don't be a pussy.

wtf do black veterans have to do with this? I'm talking about feral blacks/criminals/punks/thugs/gangbangers dickhead. Why are over half the black men in jail?
You said: the problem is that blacks NEVER follow orders.

You didn't qualify it with "some blacks" or "blacks you consider not the right kind". You would make a very good Nazi Fascist.

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