Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Those arguing in favor of the Texas law are probably ignorant of the federal court case precedents. The McKinney Police Chief probably is aware of that federal civll protection against unlawful arrest. He must have passed that knowledge on to his subordinates. One, apparently, was sleeping when that topic was being discussed during his tenure at the police academy.

Other highlights of the link include:

“An arrest made with a defective warrant, or one issued without affidavit, or one that fails to allege a crime is within jurisdiction, and one who is being arrested, may resist arrest and break away. lf the arresting officer is killed by one who is so resisting, the killing will be no more than an involuntary manslaughter.” Housh v. People, 75 111. 491; reaffirmed and quoted in State v. Leach, 7 Conn. 452; State v. Gleason, 32 Kan. 245; Ballard v. State, 43 Ohio 349; State v Rousseau, 241 P. 2d 447; State v. Spaulding, 34 Minn. 3621.

One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).
One wonders why you are bothering to post all this, since there was nothing unlawful about what Casebolt was doing.

Secondly, you haven't dismissed the culpability of the people who interfered with Casebolt at all. Your own post here shows a federal law stating that those who interfere and kill an officer, would be charged with involuntary manslaughter. That is a crime that, in Texas, carries a punishment of

Computer trouble - will finish post later
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Two positive things I've seen -

One is that many whites rallied and protested right alongside the Blacks.
Two, the crazy, out of control cop has resigned.
Nationwide....today and all summer....cops will recieve 911 calls. Many will involve 2 or more blacks acting unlawfully.

Now....cops are gonna think "fuck that. Im not messing with it."

All these massive mall fights and McDonalds fights....cops arent coming.

Good luck America.
So much drama.


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Two positive things I've seen -

One is that many whites rallied and protested right alongside the Blacks.
Two, the crazy, out of control cop has resigned.
There's nothing to protest about. 150 screwballs ju, trespassedmped a fence

Sorry - computer trouble. I'll be off the computer for a while.
It is safe to say that many of the party goers may have crashed the party, and therefore technically were "trespassing". There is no reason the believe that any of the kids in the video were crashers rather than guests.

The "cause" is irrelevant, the actions of that one cop (the others were acting fine) is what I'm talking about.
Other than a few curse words (a minor offense done all the time by officers everywhere), I did not see a damn thing wrong with Casebolt's actions. He did what he was supposed to do, and he was charged by a number of these criminal brats who are guilty IN THE VIDEO of resisting arrest, by charging at the officer as they did. I proivided the law here in this thread . Read it.

And the guy in the gray shirt not only charged the officer, he struck him with his hand (or a weapon). It is then that the officer drew his gun, PROPERLY.

I sent an email to the McKinney Fraternal Order of Police asking Casebolt to come to Tampa and work with one of our police departments here, where he will have a mayor and police chief who will back him up and not cave in to the loudmouth, race hustler mobs.

As for your talk about trespassing and other crimes , here is the McKinney FOP statement on it >>

""Information is being provided to the McKinney FOP that certain details of this incident are being inaccurately broadcasted by media outlets to the public in the McKinney area and across the nation. The subjects involved were a mixture of teens and adults who were trespassing not in a community pool but a private property pool regulated and maintained by this particular Home Owners Association. Vandalism and active fighting was reported in the same area involving this group of teens and adults."

McKinney mayor fraternal order of police issue statements on weekend pool party incident - Star Local News

McKinney FOP Lodge 107
If a parent, teacher, or anyone else had done that shit to that little girl, they would be in jail. Cop does it... and people like you pat him on the back and say job well done, yeah throw that little girl around, shove her face into the dirt, pin her and take a squat on her, pull your gun on them, show everyone what AUTHORITAY IS ABOUT.
The officer wanted a reason to sexually molest an attractive underage teen. That part was obvious. He gropes her quite a bit in that video.

Of all the people he chooses to handle and grope, it's the most attractive girl present.

He's a pedophile.

He should have had his teeth kicked out.
I wouldn't call a negro hippo in a yellow bikini "attractive". Just the opposite.
the problem is that blacks NEVER follow orders.
Strange, I worked in S2, Headquarters Battery 13th Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division, and half the battery was blacks. They seemed pretty good at giving and taking orders while defending this country. Post your name and address along with that statement and maybe some will visit you and explain why you are wrong. It could be a big help.

civilians. Visit me? lmao. Internet tough guy.
You're the one making the assertion. Why not call black veterans out on it? If you believe it, stand up for it. Don't be a pussy.

wtf do black veterans have to do with this? I'm talking about feral blacks/criminals/punks/thugs/gangbangers dickhead. Why are over half the black men in jail?

Why are you ranting about feral blacks/criminals/punks/thugs/gangbangers dickhead? These were children attending a birthday party.
The male negroes climbing over the fence were not invited asshole.
What would you do if you were having a private invitation only party and a bunch of feral young negro men started climbed your fence to crash your party? Call the cops?
Just like what someone did?
Wise up fool.
Wow! The haters are hating and the authoritarians are defending an obvious
police overreach. Big surprise.

What I find interesting is in the Duggar threads, I read all about how 14 year olds can't or shouldn't be held responsible for their actions. Now I'm reading about why it's not only ok for 14 year olds to be held responsible but be brutalized as well.

Apologies If anyone already covered this.
The cop has resigned. With a resignation instead of a firing and absent criminal charges, he will be able to stay in law enforcement. He will pop up in another cop job in the near future. That is what many cops do when they get in trouble and have cooperative bosses.
I understand the cop who shot the 12 year-old boy who had a toy gun had been fired from another police department.
You understand wrong.....as usual.
The cop was one of an entire police force which was disbanded which had zero to do with the cop who shot the 'gang-banger-in-waiting' who was waving and pointing what looked like a real handgun at people walking past him.
The cops pulled up and ordered the little thug to put his hands in the air. The little tug instead moved his hand to his waistband where the gun was stuck. The cop shot the little thug center mass.
Like good fucking riddance.
LOL at these names as well. Dajerria Benton :lol:. What a stupid fucking name :lol:

Ah :eusa_doh: --- we've been looking for the wrong thing. Here we are trying to find a "flapping your lips" law, a "running your mouth" law, an "Uppity Ordinance"..... when we should have been looking for a "Stupid Fucking Name" statute.

Thanks, well obviously Casebolt's just doing his job then. The Stupid Fucking Name law clearly states that offenders are to be whipped around by the hair and slammed into the ground.
Blacks can't even swim, which defeats the purpose of the pool party.

It was a pool party not a swim meet
The video I saw showed an adult woman attacking the girls.
The video I saw had the mother being attacked and retreating. Perhaps you have another video of this girl who dindu nuffin?

There are now multiple videos out showing this group of "teens" acting violently(like when the "youths" attempted to charge the cop, forcing him to draw his weapon for example), which fits the pattern of why the residents called out the cops in the first place.

Link to this video that you saw?

OMG, is that two white women pulling each other's hair? What I reported back in 1045.

Seems police ignored them.

In fact, the whites there reported that as police ran through the crowd, they targeted only black children. White children fled, black children stayed to see what happened to their friends. Notice the girls around the child police attacked who was screaming for her mother?

No, that's the video of the black teen assaulting the white mother, even in the Slate article, they linked to the a tweet of the attack posted by these "youths", bragging about "beating her ass".

I don't see any white kids not cooperating with cops in that video, either disobeying cops or menacing them like those two black kids did when he was trying to detain the girl.

Was there a fight? Because the cops didnt talk to any white person at all. Maybe when they heard it was a fight between a black and a white they heard "2 blacks" and became confused
The police chief made my point last night.

There were 11 cops there who didnt go all Lethal Weapon on everyone. 1 did.

He was wrong, ooooooooor all 11 other officers were wrong. lol
Strange, I worked in S2, Headquarters Battery 13th Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division, and half the battery was blacks. They seemed pretty good at giving and taking orders while defending this country. Post your name and address along with that statement and maybe some will visit you and explain why you are wrong. It could be a big help.

civilians. Visit me? lmao. Internet tough guy.
You're the one making the assertion. Why not call black veterans out on it? If you believe it, stand up for it. Don't be a pussy.

wtf do black veterans have to do with this? I'm talking about feral blacks/criminals/punks/thugs/gangbangers dickhead. Why are over half the black men in jail?

Why are you ranting about feral blacks/criminals/punks/thugs/gangbangers dickhead? These were children attending a birthday party.
The male negroes climbing over the fence were not invited asshole.
What would you do if you were having a private invitation only party and a bunch of feral young negro men started climbed your fence to crash your party? Call the cops?
Just like what someone did?
Wise up fool.

The fact that a few teenagers jumped a swimming pool fence does not give a rogue cop carte blanche to assault a teen age girl who wasn't among those who jumped the fence.
The cop has resigned. With a resignation instead of a firing and absent criminal charges, he will be able to stay in law enforcement. He will pop up in another cop job in the near future. That is what many cops do when they get in trouble and have cooperative bosses.
I understand the cop who shot the 12 year-old boy who had a toy gun had been fired from another police department.
You understand wrong.....as usual.
The cop was one of an entire police force which was disbanded which had zero to do with the cop who shot the 'gang-banger-in-waiting' who was waving and pointing what looked like a real handgun at people walking past him.
The cops pulled up and ordered the little thug to put his hands in the air. The little tug instead moved his hand to his waistband where the gun was stuck. The cop shot the little thug center mass.
Like good fucking riddance.
Here is what cops and their employee's are beginning to understand and adjust to. A scattered support from a small faction of the public will no longer protect them from the misdeeds of the rotten apples in their ranks. Failure to respond to the bad cops will result in endless law suites and even assassinated cops. The cops and the towns and cities that employ them know that if they do not clean up and police their own, the public will. The cops and their employers can not win. Threats of work slow downs and such will be followed by firings, dismantling of police forces and replacing them with new cops who are willing to adjust to the policing demanded by the public.
Wow! The haters are hating and the authoritarians are defending an obvious
police overreach. Big surprise.

What I find interesting is in the Duggar threads, I read all about how 14 year olds can't or shouldn't be held responsible for their actions. Now I'm reading about why it's not only ok for 14 year olds to be held responsible but be brutalized as well.

Apologies If anyone already covered this.

You made the mistake everyone does. Duggar is white and white kids are allowed to make mistakes and be treated as children EVEN WHEN the 14 year old white kid is touching his own sisters (with an S) hoo ha's. Even then he gets sympathy and phrases like "youthful indiscretion" gets thrown around.

But a black 14 year old girl who didnt molest anyone or comit any crime is automatically a criminal.

These fucktards would really like to treat both kids the same....as kids except, yanno, Obama wont let them
Two positive things I've seen -

One is that many whites rallied and protested right alongside the Blacks.
Two, the crazy, out of control cop has resigned.
There's nothing to protest about. 150 screwballs ju, trespassedmped a fence

Sorry - computer trouble. I'll be off the computer for a while.

One of the other racist RW nutters said it was 128, then changed it to 130. Now you say 150.

Well, at least this got the haters off the duggers

another week another outraging...whoa
The rabid RWs are so predictable.

They defend drunk Palins who crash a party and beat up the guests but Black kids crashing a pool party are "feral".

Josh Duggar gets a pass for repeatedly molesting 4 year olds because he was 14 but Black kids should be punished for doing what most kids do - crash parties.
...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Does he think he's staring in an action movie?
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...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Do he think he's staring in an action movie?

rolling out is better than face planting... that might've sent his mind and body into fight mode.. Some folks don't think clearly or calmly when the adrenaline is flowing.

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