Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

The police chief made my point last night.

There were 11 cops there who didnt go all Lethal Weapon on everyone. 1 did.

He was wrong, ooooooooor all 11 other officers were wrong. lol

Neither was "wrong". Both were lawful responses. The chief threw an officer under the bus to prevent a riot. Just reality.

But...responding how the other 11 did....is why these unlawful fights and hooliganism will increase. Cops become less and less of a consequence to bad behavior.

Why have these mall riots and movie riots and McDonalds riots and sports game riots increased? Because cops are playing Mayberry most times.

Its the breakdown of law and order...and we are just in the early phases.
LOL at these names as well. Dajerria Benton :lol:. What a stupid fucking name :lol:

Ah :eusa_doh: --- we've been looking for the wrong thing. Here we are trying to find a "flapping your lips" law, a "running your mouth" law, an "Uppity Ordinance"..... when we should have been looking for a "Stupid Fucking Name" statute.

Thanks, well obviously Casebolt's just doing his job then. The Stupid Fucking Name law clearly states that offenders are to be whipped around by the hair and slammed into the ground.
Blacks can't even swim, which defeats the purpose of the pool party.

Its amazing how many racist cockroaches like you actually believe this.
...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Do he think he's staring in an action movie?

I have wondered that to. I think he was running and tripped. Academy does teach how to fall. Fall forward you roll. Dont just face plant. I HIGHLY doubt he just decided to do a roll for no reason haha.

Cpl Casebolt is the kind of cop you want in a mall shooting or when thugs are kicking your door in.

But....cops like him are being pushed out. So when you dial 911....and the Pat character from SNL shows up....dont complain!
...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Does he think he's staring in an action movie?

Comic relief?

cuz it really was pretty funny.
...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Do he think he's staring in an action movie?

I have wondered that to. I think he was running and tripped. Academy does teach how to fall. Fall forward you roll. Dont just face plant. I HIGHLY doubt he just decided to do a roll for no reason haha.

Cpl Casebolt is the kind of cop you want in a mall shooting or when thugs are kicking your door in.

But....cops like him are being pushed out. So when you dial 911....and the Pat character from SNL shows up....dont complain!

He was grandstanding from the very start. I certainly hope these nutters are being pushed out but I suspect they'll just be more careful.
...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Does he think he's staring in an action movie?

Comic relief?

cuz it really was pretty funny.

Did you hear that one person say..."what the hell?" LOL! Over a freaking pool party? Unbelievable! What's next, loud music?
this is where ALL THIS BS is taking us. he just spoke what he saw and these BLACK ACTIVIST want his head on pole. people better start waking up to what's going on
VIDEO at the site

VIDEO=> Black McKinney Resident Blames Teens for Pool Fight – ACTIVISTS WANT HIM FIRED

June 8, 2015 by Jim Hoft 9 Comments

Benet Embry, a resident of McKinney, Texas, told Sean Hannity on Monday that the incident at the pool party “had nothing to do with race.”

“Let me be clear. The subdivision I live in is not a racist community. It is a diverse subdivision, black, white, Hispanic, East Indian, American Indian, all living together in friendship… Going back to the incident at the pool. It was a pool party out of control there. Out of 130 kids only seven caused a whole bunch of confusion.”

Via Hannity:

After Benet Embry spoke blamed the teens for the McKinney pool fight black activists called for him to be fired.

all of it here:
VIDEO Black McKinney Resident Blames Teens for Pool Fight - ACTIVISTS WANT HIM FIRED - The Gateway Pundit

Put it this way, any time you see a n**** on Fox, just get out the popcorn and watch Tommy make a white man happy!!
Thanks for proving you are the true racist here. Not just hate for the white people but for your own people.

Sent from my RCT6773W22 using Tapatalk
The cop has resigned. With a resignation instead of a firing and absent criminal charges, he will be able to stay in law enforcement. He will pop up in another cop job in the near future. That is what many cops do when they get in trouble and have cooperative bosses.
I understand the cop who shot the 12 year-old boy who had a toy gun had been fired from another police department.
You understand wrong.....as usual.
The cop was one of an entire police force which was disbanded which had zero to do with the cop who shot the 'gang-banger-in-waiting' who was waving and pointing what looked like a real handgun at people walking past him.
The cops pulled up and ordered the little thug to put his hands in the air. The little tug instead moved his hand to his waistband where the gun was stuck. The cop shot the little thug center mass.
Like good fucking riddance.
Here is what cops and their employee's are beginning to understand and adjust to. A scattered support from a small faction of the public will no longer protect them from the misdeeds of the rotten apples in their ranks. Failure to respond to the bad cops will result in endless law suites and even assassinated cops. The cops and the towns and cities that employ them know that if they do not clean up and police their own, the public will. The cops and their employers can not win. Threats of work slow downs and such will be followed by firings, dismantling of police forces and replacing them with new cops who are willing to adjust to the policing demanded by the public.

Police need to realize that their employers are the very community they "serve" and behave accordingly.
The police chief made my point last night.

There were 11 cops there who didnt go all Lethal Weapon on everyone. 1 did.

He was wrong, ooooooooor all 11 other officers were wrong. lol

Neither was "wrong". Both were lawful responses. The chief threw an officer under the bus to prevent a riot. Just reality.

But...responding how the other 11 did....is why these unlawful fights and hooliganism will increase. Cops become less and less of a consequence to bad behavior.

Why have these mall riots and movie riots and McDonalds riots and sports game riots increased? Because cops are playing Mayberry most times.

Its the breakdown of law and order...and we are just in the early phases.
I live in a place where this kind of trespass at pool parties occurs almost every weekend. They aren't black suburban teenagers usually. They are 20 something year old white kids who are totally inebriated and out of control. The most frequent response they give to the cops is "do you know who my father is?". That gets followed by an explanation about how important dad is. Never seen a cop pull out his weapon at one of those things. Most of the time no one gets arrested. Everyone just gets calmed down and sent on their ways. Party over, cops back to work chasing down DUI's, thieves and drug dealers.
...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Do he think he's staring in an action movie?

I have wondered that to. I think he was running and tripped. Academy does teach how to fall. Fall forward you roll. Dont just face plant. I HIGHLY doubt he just decided to do a roll for no reason haha.

Cpl Casebolt is the kind of cop you want in a mall shooting or when thugs are kicking your door in.

But....cops like him are being pushed out. So when you dial 911....and the Pat character from SNL shows up....dont complain!

Maybe this cop can take over Pat's old security guard job. hee eee eee eee eeew

...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Does he think he's staring in an action movie?

Comic relief?

cuz it really was pretty funny.

Did you hear that one person say..."what the hell?" LOL! Over a freaking pool party? Unbelievable! What's next, loud music?

The issue isn't a 'pool party'. It's as usual a bunch of negro simians doing what they do best. Trespass, behave violently, steal, vandalise. You're basic 'nigging'.
Whenever, wherever a group of them gather the result is always the same.
A convenience store, a mall, a party they were NOT invited to.
'Niggs nigg'.
It's no wonder the negro race worldwide is failing on every level of human existence except fucking.
They do not have the mental capacity to control themselves.
This guy was a loose cannon. Maybe he was having problems with his wife. Maybe had had one too many cups of coffee. Maybe he is just mentally unstable. He is the kind of guy who should not even own a gun, much less be licensed to carry one around.
The Black Uncle Ruckus that said this was not racial needs his ass beat. How a Black man can allow a young Black girl to be mistreated like that shows me what a coward he is. If I would have been there they would have had to shoot me. No way I let that pig dare put his hands on her.
This guy was a loose cannon. Maybe he was having problems with his wife. Maybe had had one too many cups of coffee. Maybe he is just mentally unstable. He is the kind of guy who should not even own a gun, much less be licensed to carry one around.
When are you having your pool party? Put the time and place on FB. Let's see who turns up and climbs your fence to get in and start fights, vandalize and generally act like the feral simians they are.
...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Does he think he's staring in an action movie?

Comic relief?

cuz it really was pretty funny.

Did you hear that one person say..."what the hell?" LOL! Over a freaking pool party? Unbelievable! What's next, loud music?

The issue isn't a 'pool party'. It's as usual a bunch of negro simians doing what they do best. Trespass, behave violently, steal, vandalise. You're basic 'nigging'.
Whenever, wherever a group of them gather the result is always the same.
A convenience store, a mall, a party they were NOT invited to.
'Niggs nigg'.
It's no wonder the negro race worldwide is failing on every level of human existence except fucking.
They do not have the mental capacity to control themselves.

I don't have time for this kind of stupidity, I have to go to work.
This guy was a loose cannon. Maybe he was having problems with his wife. Maybe had had one too many cups of coffee. Maybe he is just mentally unstable. He is the kind of guy who should not even own a gun, much less be licensed to carry one around.
When are you having your pool party? Put the time and place on FB. Let's see who turns up and climbs your fence to get in and start fights, vandalize and generally act like the feral simians they are.
They were targeting the Black kids not the white ones. Feral simian.
...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Do he think he's staring in an action movie?

I have wondered that to. I think he was running and tripped. Academy does teach how to fall. Fall forward you roll. Dont just face plant. I HIGHLY doubt he just decided to do a roll for no reason haha.

Cpl Casebolt is the kind of cop you want in a mall shooting or when thugs are kicking your door in.

But....cops like him are being pushed out. So when you dial 911....and the Pat character from SNL shows up....dont complain!

Casebolt is the kind of cop that will kill your family dog when he shows up to "protect" you 10 min after the bad guys leave.

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