Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Does he think he's staring in an action movie?

Everytime I see that term "barrel roll" or hear it on the radio, I laugh out loud for real.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I have wondered that to. I think he was running and tripped. Academy does teach how to fall. Fall forward you roll. Dont just face plant. I HIGHLY doubt he just decided to do a roll for no reason haha.

Cpl Casebolt is the kind of cop you want in a mall shooting or when thugs are kicking your door in.

But....cops like him are being pushed out. So when you dial 911....and the Pat character from SNL shows up....dont complain!
Casebolt is the kind of cop that will kill your family dog when he shows up to "protect" you 10 min after the bad guys leave.

Funny. He has a shining 10 year history of nothing but good police work.

Now...he'll be replaced by a whiny snot nosed liberal college grad with a degree in diversity studies.

McKinney just got a tad bit less safe.
Tell that to that girls family and friends. I'm not saying Casebolt can't be fixed... I'm just saying his actions were worthy of getting him fired. He showed himself as a barney fife, not as a sheriff andy. If he just really screwed up.. this "one" time.. if he sincerely apologized to the community and each kid individually.. if he received some severe punishment like a man.. if he did all these things... and retrained to treat citizens and children especially, with respect. Then I'd be good with giving him another chance. But I'd like to have a vid. camera on him for a while so he actions could be reviewed and managed. Police are our employees, they work for us, we pay their salaries. We deserve to be shown respect from the police, and they deserve our respect in kind for doing good work for us. I'm not paying cops to shove little girls faces into the dirt to teach them a lesson in authority.

That cop is being paid to protect that girl.. not to hurt her.

Harsh reality is...Andy Griffith policing doesnt work these days. Not in most cities.
We're not talking about Dallas or Houston, ironically we are talking about a city that is not much unlike mayberry... hell they even have a street and a park named mayberry there.

Mayberry is literally the tiny town Mt Airy, NC. McKinney is a suburb of Dallas. Not the same.
...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Does he think he's staring in an action movie?

Everytime I see that term "barrel roll" or hear it on the radio, I laugh out loud for real.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Monkey roll before he aped out.
Casebolt is the kind of cop that will kill your family dog when he shows up to "protect" you 10 min after the bad guys leave.

Funny. He has a shining 10 year history of nothing but good police work.

Now...he'll be replaced by a whiny snot nosed liberal college grad with a degree in diversity studies.

McKinney just got a tad bit less safe.
Tell that to that girls family and friends. I'm not saying Casebolt can't be fixed... I'm just saying his actions were worthy of getting him fired. He showed himself as a barney fife, not as a sheriff andy. If he just really screwed up.. this "one" time.. if he sincerely apologized to the community and each kid individually.. if he received some severe punishment like a man.. if he did all these things... and retrained to treat citizens and children especially, with respect. Then I'd be good with giving him another chance. But I'd like to have a vid. camera on him for a while so he actions could be reviewed and managed. Police are our employees, they work for us, we pay their salaries. We deserve to be shown respect from the police, and they deserve our respect in kind for doing good work for us. I'm not paying cops to shove little girls faces into the dirt to teach them a lesson in authority.

That cop is being paid to protect that girl.. not to hurt her.

Harsh reality is...Andy Griffith policing doesnt work these days. Not in most cities.

Yes it does...the 11 other cops there are proof that it does

Wrong. Baltimore shows Andy Griffith policing doesnt work in most places.

Know what happens if all cops start responding how those 11 did? The trespassers dont leave. What then? What if they KNOW the cops cant...or wont...arrest them??? They just wont leave.

Eventually cops either have no authority. ..or...they're handcuffing 14 year olds in bikinis.

Twirps parents should have taught her not to trespass in pools where she doesn't belong. You just know her dad... Who is now crying about police brutality ... Would have been the first to sue if his idiot kid drowned there.
Funny. He has a shining 10 year history of nothing but good police work.

Now...he'll be replaced by a whiny snot nosed liberal college grad with a degree in diversity studies.

McKinney just got a tad bit less safe.
Tell that to that girls family and friends. I'm not saying Casebolt can't be fixed... I'm just saying his actions were worthy of getting him fired. He showed himself as a barney fife, not as a sheriff andy. If he just really screwed up.. this "one" time.. if he sincerely apologized to the community and each kid individually.. if he received some severe punishment like a man.. if he did all these things... and retrained to treat citizens and children especially, with respect. Then I'd be good with giving him another chance. But I'd like to have a vid. camera on him for a while so he actions could be reviewed and managed. Police are our employees, they work for us, we pay their salaries. We deserve to be shown respect from the police, and they deserve our respect in kind for doing good work for us. I'm not paying cops to shove little girls faces into the dirt to teach them a lesson in authority.

That cop is being paid to protect that girl.. not to hurt her.

Harsh reality is...Andy Griffith policing doesnt work these days. Not in most cities.

Yes it does...the 11 other cops there are proof that it does

Wrong. Baltimore shows Andy Griffith policing doesnt work in most places.

Know what happens if all cops start responding how those 11 did? The trespassers dont leave. What then? What if they KNOW the cops cant...or wont...arrest them??? They just wont leave.

Eventually cops either have no authority. ..or...they're handcuffing 14 year olds in bikinis.

Twirps parents should have taught her not to trespass in pools where she doesn't belong. You just know her dad... Who is now crying about police brutality ... Would have been the first to sue if his idiot kid drowned there.

Now tell me about the Duggars and how the parents didnt teach their son to keep his hands out of his sisters vagina
...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Does he think he's staring in an action movie?

Comic relief?

cuz it really was pretty funny.

Did you hear that one person say..."what the hell?" LOL! Over a freaking pool party? Unbelievable! What's next, loud music?

They killed a black boy for pumping loud music at a gas station. The racist SOB pumped something like 8 bullets into a parked car full of black teenage boys. Unfortunately one was killed. This was shortly after Trayvon, and also in Florida. The bastard is in jail now, thank God.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The police chief made my point last night.

There were 11 cops there who didnt go all Lethal Weapon on everyone. 1 did.

He was wrong, ooooooooor all 11 other officers were wrong. lol

Neither was "wrong". Both were lawful responses. The chief threw an officer under the bus to prevent a riot. Just reality.

But...responding how the other 11 did....is why these unlawful fights and hooliganism will increase. Cops become less and less of a consequence to bad behavior.

Why have these mall riots and movie riots and McDonalds riots and sports game riots increased? Because cops are playing Mayberry most times.

Its the breakdown of law and order...and we are just in the early phases.
I live in a place where this kind of trespass at pool parties occurs almost every weekend. They aren't black suburban teenagers usually. They are 20 something year old white kids who are totally inebriated and out of control. The most frequent response they give to the cops is "do you know who my father is?". That gets followed by an explanation about how important dad is. Never seen a cop pull out his weapon at one of those things. Most of the time no one gets arrested. Everyone just gets calmed down and sent on their ways. Party over, cops back to work chasing down DUI's, thieves and drug dealers.
Thank you!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Tell that to that girls family and friends. I'm not saying Casebolt can't be fixed... I'm just saying his actions were worthy of getting him fired. He showed himself as a barney fife, not as a sheriff andy. If he just really screwed up.. this "one" time.. if he sincerely apologized to the community and each kid individually.. if he received some severe punishment like a man.. if he did all these things... and retrained to treat citizens and children especially, with respect. Then I'd be good with giving him another chance. But I'd like to have a vid. camera on him for a while so he actions could be reviewed and managed. Police are our employees, they work for us, we pay their salaries. We deserve to be shown respect from the police, and they deserve our respect in kind for doing good work for us. I'm not paying cops to shove little girls faces into the dirt to teach them a lesson in authority.

That cop is being paid to protect that girl.. not to hurt her.

Harsh reality is...Andy Griffith policing doesnt work these days. Not in most cities.

Yes it does...the 11 other cops there are proof that it does

Wrong. Baltimore shows Andy Griffith policing doesnt work in most places.

Know what happens if all cops start responding how those 11 did? The trespassers dont leave. What then? What if they KNOW the cops cant...or wont...arrest them??? They just wont leave.

Eventually cops either have no authority. ..or...they're handcuffing 14 year olds in bikinis.

Twirps parents should have taught her not to trespass in pools where she doesn't belong. You just know her dad... Who is now crying about police brutality ... Would have been the first to sue if his idiot kid drowned there.

Now tell me about the Duggars and how the parents didnt teach their son to keep his hands out of his sisters vagina

Thats right. They didnt. I believe in sex ed in schools by the way. Kids have to be taught how to act.
The police chief made my point last night.

There were 11 cops there who didnt go all Lethal Weapon on everyone. 1 did.

He was wrong, ooooooooor all 11 other officers were wrong. lol

Neither was "wrong". Both were lawful responses. The chief threw an officer under the bus to prevent a riot. Just reality.

But...responding how the other 11 did....is why these unlawful fights and hooliganism will increase. Cops become less and less of a consequence to bad behavior.

Why have these mall riots and movie riots and McDonalds riots and sports game riots increased? Because cops are playing Mayberry most times.

Its the breakdown of law and order...and we are just in the early phases.
I live in a place where this kind of trespass at pool parties occurs almost every weekend. They aren't black suburban teenagers usually. They are 20 something year old white kids who are totally inebriated and out of control. The most frequent response they give to the cops is "do you know who my father is?". That gets followed by an explanation about how important dad is. Never seen a cop pull out his weapon at one of those things. Most of the time no one gets arrested. Everyone just gets calmed down and sent on their ways. Party over, cops back to work chasing down DUI's, thieves and drug dealers.
Thank you!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Those kids ever run or resist??? No?
Tell that to that girls family and friends. I'm not saying Casebolt can't be fixed... I'm just saying his actions were worthy of getting him fired. He showed himself as a barney fife, not as a sheriff andy. If he just really screwed up.. this "one" time.. if he sincerely apologized to the community and each kid individually.. if he received some severe punishment like a man.. if he did all these things... and retrained to treat citizens and children especially, with respect. Then I'd be good with giving him another chance. But I'd like to have a vid. camera on him for a while so he actions could be reviewed and managed. Police are our employees, they work for us, we pay their salaries. We deserve to be shown respect from the police, and they deserve our respect in kind for doing good work for us. I'm not paying cops to shove little girls faces into the dirt to teach them a lesson in authority.

That cop is being paid to protect that girl.. not to hurt her.

Harsh reality is...Andy Griffith policing doesnt work these days. Not in most cities.

Yes it does...the 11 other cops there are proof that it does

Wrong. Baltimore shows Andy Griffith policing doesnt work in most places.

Know what happens if all cops start responding how those 11 did? The trespassers dont leave. What then? What if they KNOW the cops cant...or wont...arrest them??? They just wont leave.

Eventually cops either have no authority. ..or...they're handcuffing 14 year olds in bikinis.

Twirps parents should have taught her not to trespass in pools where she doesn't belong. You just know her dad... Who is now crying about police brutality ... Would have been the first to sue if his idiot kid drowned there.

Now tell me about the Duggars and how the parents didnt teach their son to keep his hands out of his sisters vagina

As soon as you explain Lena Dunham's fascination with prying open her baby sisters vagina to fill it with rocks.
Casebolt is the kind of cop that will kill your family dog when he shows up to "protect" you 10 min after the bad guys leave.

Funny. He has a shining 10 year history of nothing but good police work.

Now...he'll be replaced by a whiny snot nosed liberal college grad with a degree in diversity studies.

McKinney just got a tad bit less safe.
Tell that to that girls family and friends. I'm not saying Casebolt can't be fixed... I'm just saying his actions were worthy of getting him fired. He showed himself as a barney fife, not as a sheriff andy. If he just really screwed up.. this "one" time.. if he sincerely apologized to the community and each kid individually.. if he received some severe punishment like a man.. if he did all these things... and retrained to treat citizens and children especially, with respect. Then I'd be good with giving him another chance. But I'd like to have a vid. camera on him for a while so he actions could be reviewed and managed. Police are our employees, they work for us, we pay their salaries. We deserve to be shown respect from the police, and they deserve our respect in kind for doing good work for us. I'm not paying cops to shove little girls faces into the dirt to teach them a lesson in authority.

That cop is being paid to protect that girl.. not to hurt her.

Harsh reality is...Andy Griffith policing doesnt work these days. Not in most cities.
We're not talking about Dallas or Houston, ironically we are talking about a city that is not much unlike mayberry... hell they even have a street and a park named mayberry there.

Mayberry is literally the tiny town Mt Airy, NC. McKinney is a suburb of Dallas. Not the same.
lol... clearly you are not from TX. I've been to McKinney, have you?

Here's what main street looks like there:


Does that look like mayberry or a big city?

I have friends that live in McKinney do you?

McKinney really is just like the TV show Mayberry.. it really is just a quaint town.. sure they have lots of homes and 140k people but for texas it's one of the 3-5 communities that people commute from to work in Dallas.
Last edited:
Funny. He has a shining 10 year history of nothing but good police work.

Now...he'll be replaced by a whiny snot nosed liberal college grad with a degree in diversity studies.

McKinney just got a tad bit less safe.
Tell that to that girls family and friends. I'm not saying Casebolt can't be fixed... I'm just saying his actions were worthy of getting him fired. He showed himself as a barney fife, not as a sheriff andy. If he just really screwed up.. this "one" time.. if he sincerely apologized to the community and each kid individually.. if he received some severe punishment like a man.. if he did all these things... and retrained to treat citizens and children especially, with respect. Then I'd be good with giving him another chance. But I'd like to have a vid. camera on him for a while so he actions could be reviewed and managed. Police are our employees, they work for us, we pay their salaries. We deserve to be shown respect from the police, and they deserve our respect in kind for doing good work for us. I'm not paying cops to shove little girls faces into the dirt to teach them a lesson in authority.

That cop is being paid to protect that girl.. not to hurt her.

Harsh reality is...Andy Griffith policing doesnt work these days. Not in most cities.
We're not talking about Dallas or Houston, ironically we are talking about a city that is not much unlike mayberry... hell they even have a street and a park named mayberry there.

Mayberry is literally the tiny town Mt Airy, NC. McKinney is a suburb of Dallas. Not the same.
lol... clearly you are not from TX. I've been to McKinney, have you?

Here's what main street looks like there:


Does that look like mayberry or a big city?

Neither. Mayberry had 2 cops. Neither had loaded guns.

McKinney, TX has 155, 000 residents. Which would be the largest city in South Carolina.

Mayberry had...maybe 500 residents?
Tell that to that girls family and friends. I'm not saying Casebolt can't be fixed... I'm just saying his actions were worthy of getting him fired. He showed himself as a barney fife, not as a sheriff andy. If he just really screwed up.. this "one" time.. if he sincerely apologized to the community and each kid individually.. if he received some severe punishment like a man.. if he did all these things... and retrained to treat citizens and children especially, with respect. Then I'd be good with giving him another chance. But I'd like to have a vid. camera on him for a while so he actions could be reviewed and managed. Police are our employees, they work for us, we pay their salaries. We deserve to be shown respect from the police, and they deserve our respect in kind for doing good work for us. I'm not paying cops to shove little girls faces into the dirt to teach them a lesson in authority.

That cop is being paid to protect that girl.. not to hurt her.

Harsh reality is...Andy Griffith policing doesnt work these days. Not in most cities.
We're not talking about Dallas or Houston, ironically we are talking about a city that is not much unlike mayberry... hell they even have a street and a park named mayberry there.

Mayberry is literally the tiny town Mt Airy, NC. McKinney is a suburb of Dallas. Not the same.
lol... clearly you are not from TX. I've been to McKinney, have you?

Here's what main street looks like there:


Does that look like mayberry or a big city?

Neither. Mayberry had 2 cops. Neither had loaded guns.

McKinney, TX has 155, 000 residents. Which would be the largest city in South Carolina.

Mayberry had...maybe 500 residents?
We do things bigger in TX... but McKinney is still a "hometown" feel kind of place. It's not a big city.. and not a small city.. it's a medium sized city with a mayberry feel.
The police chief made my point last night.

There were 11 cops there who didnt go all Lethal Weapon on everyone. 1 did.

He was wrong, ooooooooor all 11 other officers were wrong. lol

Neither was "wrong". Both were lawful responses. The chief threw an officer under the bus to prevent a riot. Just reality.

But...responding how the other 11 did....is why these unlawful fights and hooliganism will increase. Cops become less and less of a consequence to bad behavior.

Why have these mall riots and movie riots and McDonalds riots and sports game riots increased? Because cops are playing Mayberry most times.

Its the breakdown of law and order...and we are just in the early phases.
I live in a place where this kind of trespass at pool parties occurs almost every weekend. They aren't black suburban teenagers usually. They are 20 something year old white kids who are totally inebriated and out of control. The most frequent response they give to the cops is "do you know who my father is?". That gets followed by an explanation about how important dad is. Never seen a cop pull out his weapon at one of those things. Most of the time no one gets arrested. Everyone just gets calmed down and sent on their ways. Party over, cops back to work chasing down DUI's, thieves and drug dealers.
Thank you!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Those kids ever run or resist??? No?
They usually do the same thing those kids at the pool party did. They listen and follow commands from the cops. The cops have the common sense to allow the situation to calm down on it's own and refrain from being antagonistic. Most of the times other party goes will calm down the rowdy ones within minutes. The cops just act like herders and confine the nit wits into a manageable area with calm a cool attitudes. No panic or jackassery is allowed by some rouge Rambo cop.
Harsh reality is...Andy Griffith policing doesnt work these days. Not in most cities.

Yes it does...the 11 other cops there are proof that it does

Wrong. Baltimore shows Andy Griffith policing doesnt work in most places.

Know what happens if all cops start responding how those 11 did? The trespassers dont leave. What then? What if they KNOW the cops cant...or wont...arrest them??? They just wont leave.

Eventually cops either have no authority. ..or...they're handcuffing 14 year olds in bikinis.

Twirps parents should have taught her not to trespass in pools where she doesn't belong. You just know her dad... Who is now crying about police brutality ... Would have been the first to sue if his idiot kid drowned there.

Now tell me about the Duggars and how the parents didnt teach their son to keep his hands out of his sisters vagina

As soon as you explain Lena Dunham's fascination with prying open her baby sisters vagina to fill it with rocks.
Actually 7 year old Dunham did not put the pebbles in her sister. The sister did it herself and Lena went and told her mommy. The incident is only known because Dunham wrote about it in her book.
Yes it does...the 11 other cops there are proof that it does

Wrong. Baltimore shows Andy Griffith policing doesnt work in most places.

Know what happens if all cops start responding how those 11 did? The trespassers dont leave. What then? What if they KNOW the cops cant...or wont...arrest them??? They just wont leave.

Eventually cops either have no authority. ..or...they're handcuffing 14 year olds in bikinis.

Twirps parents should have taught her not to trespass in pools where she doesn't belong. You just know her dad... Who is now crying about police brutality ... Would have been the first to sue if his idiot kid drowned there.

Now tell me about the Duggars and how the parents didnt teach their son to keep his hands out of his sisters vagina

As soon as you explain Lena Dunham's fascination with prying open her baby sisters vagina to fill it with rocks.
Actually 7 year old Dunham did not put the pebbles in her sister. The sister did it herself and Lena went and told her mommy. The incident is only known because Dunham wrote about it in her book.

Then why did she imply she did? And... Why are you changing the subject? Daddy suing if the brat drowned in a pool she broke into a touchy subject for you?

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