Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

The video I saw had the mother being attacked and retreating. Perhaps you have another video of this girl who dindu nuffin?

There are now multiple videos out showing this group of "teens" acting violently(like when the "youths" attempted to charge the cop, forcing him to draw his weapon for example), which fits the pattern of why the residents called out the cops in the first place.

Link to this video that you saw?

OMG, is that two white women pulling each other's hair? What I reported back in 1045.

Seems police ignored them.

In fact, the whites there reported that as police ran through the crowd, they targeted only black children. White children fled, black children stayed to see what happened to their friends. Notice the girls around the child police attacked who was screaming for her mother?

No, that's the video of the black teen assaulting the white mother, even in the Slate article, they linked to the a tweet of the attack posted by these "youths", bragging about "beating her ass".

I don't see any white kids not cooperating with cops in that video, either disobeying cops or menacing them like those two black kids did when he was trying to detain the girl.

Was there a fight? Because the cops didnt talk to any white person at all. Maybe when they heard it was a fight between a black and a white they heard "2 blacks" and became confused

LOL at these names as well. Dajerria Benton :lol:. What a stupid fucking name :lol:

Ah :eusa_doh: --- we've been looking for the wrong thing. Here we are trying to find a "flapping your lips" law, a "running your mouth" law, an "Uppity Ordinance"..... when we should have been looking for a "Stupid Fucking Name" statute.

Thanks, well obviously Casebolt's just doing his job then. The Stupid Fucking Name law clearly states that offenders are to be whipped around by the hair and slammed into the ground.
Blacks can't even swim, which defeats the purpose of the pool party.

Its amazing how many racist cockroaches like you actually believe this.
They can't read cursive either...

You know what else is funny. This guy doesnt exist on Facebook LMAO.

Hoodwinked again
Yes. Because once you take your Facebook account down, you cease to exist :lol:
Found somebody asking the same questions I am about the unnamed fat fuck in the blue shorts and sneakers with no socks...

>> Casebolt yells at everyone to disperse. And after he yanks down the young lady in the bikini and jams her face into the grass, he keeps yelling at everyone to disperse.

Everyone, that is, except for the beefy white dude who seems to believe that the officer’s orders don’t apply to him. And while everyone else appears guilty of nothing more than abiding by the officer’s orders to “get your asses out of here,” this white guy doesn’t just disobey the officer’s orders, he takes it to the next level. He actually wraps his legs around the head of the bikini girl and appears to detain her physically.

So if there’s no racial element to this, why didn’t Casebolt slap that guy to the ground and cuff him for disobeying an officer’s orders or for assault of a minor?

In a separate video, several white guys are shown trying to block a person from taking video of the scene? Exactly who deputized them? What was their right to intervene in any way?

I’m amazed at people who see nothing strange in these videos. Just police officers doing their jobs. What I see is a case of selective enforcement, where at least one officer appears to act on rash assumptions far in excess of the level of action called for. By the time he had arrived, there was no fighting. He could see no crime in progress. What he could see was a lot of black kids standing around, not exactly breaking the law. <<


The world wants to know -- Who Is the Fat Fuck?
One might add, the Fat Fuck letting Casebolt do all the work and take the eventual heat, while getting his sadism jollies with all the subtlety and grace of a subway pervert copping feels....
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...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Do he think he's staring in an action movie?

I have wondered that to. I think he was running and tripped. Academy does teach how to fall. Fall forward you roll. Dont just face plant. I HIGHLY doubt he just decided to do a roll for no reason haha.

Cpl Casebolt is the kind of cop you want in a mall shooting or when thugs are kicking your door in.

But....cops like him are being pushed out. So when you dial 911....and the Pat character from SNL shows up....dont complain!

Casebolt is the kind of cop that will kill your family dog when he shows up to "protect" you 10 min after the bad guys leave.

Funny. He has a shining 10 year history of nothing but good police work.

That's not what I read. What I remember was that those details were "unavailable". Although he was sued for pulling a black man's pants down and "reaching into his private area" in a traffic stop...


-- but I have yet to see this legacy of "shining" ten year history.

Now...he'll be replaced by a whiny snot nosed liberal college grad with a degree in diversity studies.

McKinney just got a tad bit less safe.

That's an interesting whine ------------- since it's the exact OPPOSITE of what you were saying a few weeks ago about Asheville police standards.

Having it both ways, are we?

I already knew this feral had other issues long before this episode. I'm pretty sure a deep dive into his background will reveal more issues.
Found somebody asking the same questions I am about the unnamed fat fuck in the blue shorts and sneakers with no socks...

>> Casebolt yells at everyone to disperse. And after he yanks down the young lady in the bikini and jams her face into the grass, he keeps yelling at everyone to disperse.

Everyone, that is, except for the beefy white dude who seems to believe that the officer’s orders don’t apply to him. And while everyone else appears guilty of nothing more than abiding by the officer’s orders to “get your asses out of here,” this white guy doesn’t just disobey the officer’s orders, he takes it to the next level. He actually wraps his legs around the head of the bikini girl and appears to detain her physically.

So if there’s no racial element to this, why didn’t Casebolt slap that guy to the ground and cuff him for disobeying an officer’s orders or for assault of a minor?

In a separate video, several white guys are shown trying to block a person from taking video of the scene? Exactly who deputized them? What was their right to intervene in any way?

I’m amazed at people who see nothing strange in these videos. Just police officers doing their jobs. What I see is a case of selective enforcement, where at least one officer appears to act on rash assumptions far in excess of the level of action called for. By the time he had arrived, there was no fighting. He could see no crime in progress. What he could see was a lot of black kids standing around, not exactly breaking the law. <<
The world wants to know -- Who Is the Fat Fuck?
One might add, the Fat Fuck letting Casebolt do all the work and take the eventual heat, while getting his sadism jollies with all the subtlety and grace of a subway pervert copping feels....
Cognitive dissonance is the reason people can look at the video and not see something extremely wrong with the wild animal posing as a cops behavior.. Face it. These are the same type of people that would hang a enslaved pregnant female from a tree, cut the fetus from her stomach, and let it fall to the ground to discourage rebellion from others that were enslaved..
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you haven't dismissed the culpability of the people who interfered with Casebolt at all.

I thought you might have read the case precedent that addressed that but I guess you did not.
There was no culpability for coming to the aid of the victim of an unlawful arrest.
“One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).
you haven't dismissed the culpability of the people who interfered with Casebolt at all.

I thought you might have read the case precedent that addressed that but I guess you did not.
There was no culpability for coming to the aid of the victim of an unlawful arrest.
“One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).
Youre talking to an idiot. No matter what you do to educate him simians simply cannot be taught past a certain point.
The totally asinine and ignorant posts in this thread are unbelievable!

I sincerely hope the cop has a very lucrative job waiting for him somewhere as a result of this.
Wrong. Baltimore shows Andy Griffith policing doesnt work in most places.

Know what happens if all cops start responding how those 11 did? The trespassers dont leave. What then? What if they KNOW the cops cant...or wont...arrest them??? They just wont leave.

Eventually cops either have no authority. ..or...they're handcuffing 14 year olds in bikinis.

Twirps parents should have taught her not to trespass in pools where she doesn't belong. You just know her dad... Who is now crying about police brutality ... Would have been the first to sue if his idiot kid drowned there.

Now tell me about the Duggars and how the parents didnt teach their son to keep his hands out of his sisters vagina

As soon as you explain Lena Dunham's fascination with prying open her baby sisters vagina to fill it with rocks.
Actually 7 year old Dunham did not put the pebbles in her sister. The sister did it herself and Lena went and told her mommy. The incident is only known because Dunham wrote about it in her book.

Then why did she imply she did? And... Why are you changing the subject? Daddy suing if the brat drowned in a pool she broke into a touchy subject for you?

There's no evidence Dajeera Becton "broke in" to anything. She says she was there by invitation.
And in any case they're not anywhere near a pool when the shit goes down; they're on a public street. And she's already walking away when Casebolt -- who just told her to go -- runs and pulls her back toward the camera, on his way to the unemployment office.
this is where ALL THIS BS is taking us. he just spoke what he saw and these BLACK ACTIVIST want his head on pole. people better start waking up to what's going on
VIDEO at the site

VIDEO=> Black McKinney Resident Blames Teens for Pool Fight – ACTIVISTS WANT HIM FIRED

June 8, 2015 by Jim Hoft 9 Comments

Benet Embry, a resident of McKinney, Texas, told Sean Hannity on Monday that the incident at the pool party “had nothing to do with race.”

“Let me be clear. The subdivision I live in is not a racist community. It is a diverse subdivision, black, white, Hispanic, East Indian, American Indian, all living together in friendship… Going back to the incident at the pool. It was a pool party out of control there. Out of 130 kids only seven caused a whole bunch of confusion.”

Via Hannity:

After Benet Embry spoke blamed the teens for the McKinney pool fight black activists called for him to be fired.

all of it here:
VIDEO Black McKinney Resident Blames Teens for Pool Fight - ACTIVISTS WANT HIM FIRED - The Gateway Pundit

Put it this way, any time you see a n**** on Fox, just get out the popcorn and watch Tommy make a white man happy!!
Thanks for proving you are the true racist here. Not just hate for the white people but for your own people.

Sent from my RCT6773W22 using Tapatalk

my own. what the hell are ranting and raving about? not only are you a nut but a nasty one at that
Those arguing in favor of the Texas law are probably ignorant of the federal court case precedents. The McKinney Police Chief probably is aware of that federal civll protection against unlawful arrest. He must have passed that knowledge on to his subordinates. One, apparently, was sleeping when that topic was being discussed during his tenure at the police academy.

Other highlights of the link include:

“An arrest made with a defective warrant, or one issued without affidavit, or one that fails to allege a crime is within jurisdiction, and one who is being arrested, may resist arrest and break away. lf the arresting officer is killed by one who is so resisting, the killing will be no more than an involuntary manslaughter.” Housh v. People, 75 111. 491; reaffirmed and quoted in State v. Leach, 7 Conn. 452; State v. Gleason, 32 Kan. 245; Ballard v. State, 43 Ohio 349; State v Rousseau, 241 P. 2d 447; State v. Spaulding, 34 Minn. 3621.

One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).

One wonders why you are bothering to post all this, since there was nothing unlawful about what Casebolt was doing.

Secondly, you haven't dismissed the culpability of the people who interfered with Casebolt at all. Your own post here shows a federal law stating that those who interfere and kill an officer, would be charged with involuntary manslaughter. That is a crime that, in Texas, carries a punishment of

Computer trouble - will finish post later

Computer trouble or just the impact of realizing how much power the average citizen really has to defend him/herself against thugs in blue? In this case, the black girl in the bikini was not under arrest but was being assaulted by Casebolt. The precedent is detailed under the purview of” Housh v. People, 75 111 as shown in the first paragraph of the red text above. That being so, the black teens who started to rush Casebolt as he was assaulting the girl were entirely within their rights to do so.
One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).
had one of them shot the out of control thug, involuntary manslaughter is the most he could be charged with. But consider this. Charging is not the same as convicting even in Texas. A good lawyer would appeal any subsequent conviction and get it remanded to federal court where a "fairer" trial could be had. After being exonerated a black citizen might have to leave the state of Texas to prevent retaliation but so be it!
Just to finish my post # 1380 of a few hours ago >> Secondly, you haven't dismissed the culpability of the people who interfered with Casebolt at all. Your own post here shows a federal law stating that those who interfere and kill an officer, would be charged with involuntary manslaughter. That is a crime that, in Texas, carries a punishment of 2-20 years in prison + a $10,000 fine.

Texas Manslaughter Laws - FindLaw

So that applies to Fat Fuck too, right?
The substance of this entire thread is the reason why the situation wasn't handled properly by the police. And that reason clearly is the irrationally disruptive conduct of Ptl. Casebolt.

Question 1, what was so "irrationally disruptive" ? I didn't see that.
You're talking like an ass. Casebolt was a victim, himself by being sent in to an out of control mob scene all alone.

Question 2 - LET'S SEE YOU DO THAT, and we'll take a look at how you manage that situation. What would YOU do if YOU were ONE COP arriving at a mob scene of what news reports said were 150 unruly teenagers and young adults acting criminally ? (trespassing, assaulting people, vandalizing, creating disturbances)

I will await your answers.

He wasn't "alone" at all. Twelve cops responded, and Casebolt wasn't the first. Unfortunately by some freak accident he was in charge, which makes it kind of miraculous that he didn't completely start a riot. The other cops, to the extent they can be seen, conduct themselves completely differently. So differently it almost looks like a Monty Python sketch. Again, check the cop in the video at 40 seconds, contrasted with Casebolt at 0:48 and see the contrast. What in the blue fuck is he DOING there? The other officers must have been thinking the same thing, as they gave him a wide berth, the way you'd let a whining toddler cry himself into exhaustion, until he completely flipped out and dred his gun when they finally stepped in to control him -- even though he outranks them.

Computer trouble - will finish post later

That's called Karma.
Utter nonsense. The whole gripe against Casebolt is just more anti-cop propaganda, part of the ongoing Obama and Sharpton anti-cop campaign to scour up more VOTES for Democrats. And YOU KNOW it.

I don't think 14-year-olds vote. This has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It has to do with the public being victimized by a paramilitary force that is far too often unaccountable. And sycophants like you that can't get on your knees fast enough to rhetorically fellate them.

I predicted way back on page 1 that some assclown would be in to somehow blame a rogue übercop in McKinney Texas, on O'bama. Amazingly, two other asshats beat you to it. Gotta be quick around here if you want to be taken seriously as an Asshat.
The totally asinine and ignorant posts in this thread are unbelievable!

I sincerely hope the cop has a very lucrative job waiting for him somewhere as a result of this.
You shouldn't talk about PROTECTIONIST, and his host of friends like that!

Casegood's Employment Prospects:

Aww he'll probably take over Herman Cain's radio talk show. After all, he is far more qualified! :lol:
The totally asinine and ignorant posts in this thread are unbelievable!

I sincerely hope the cop has a very lucrative job waiting for him somewhere as a result of this.
You shouldn't talk about PROTECTIONIST, and his host of friends like that!

Casegood's Employment Prospects:

Aww he'll probably take over Herman Cain's radio talk show. After all, he is far more qualified! :lol:

I have no doubt he's already in Hollywood demonstrating his now-famous barrel-roll.
Meanwhile ... a bit more perspective:

>> The man who called 911 to complain about a group of black teenagers at a pool party in Texas, and defended the controversial police response as a “good amount of aggression”, is a convicted felon who spent time in jail for violent behaviour and torturing animals.

.... In November 1999, aged 18, Toon and three high school friends were arrested and expelled from school after vandalising the agricultural centre of a rival high school district and attacking animals housed there, many of which were owned and cared for by school children.

“Cows and pigs were cut and bruised, apparently beaten with wooden boards. And baby turkeys were slain, their limbs torn apart,” the Dallas Morning News reported at the time. Dale Gardner, a teacher in the school district’s agriscience and technology program, told the newspaper: “It was brutal. There’s no way to describe it. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

...In September 2000, Toon was charged in nearby Denton County with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, according to court records. After pleading guilty to an unspecified lesser charge, Toon was sentenced to 75 days in jail. <<​

I have no doubt he's already in Hollywood demonstrating his now-famous barrel-roll.
When I was stationed on Okinawa (back in the '50s) a buddy and I signed up for Judo lessons at a native dojo. The first lesson consisted of some defensive falls and rolls which enable fast recovery after being thrown by an opponent. That first lesson was my last lesson because I spent two hours having my ass kicked and tossed around like a sack.

Casebolt's now famous judo roll is what brought this memory to mind. I know what it's purpose is but I was (and still am) at a loss as to why he did it? At first I thought someone had hit him or tossed him because the clip is truncated. But all the commentary here suggests it was done spontaneously, which means that man clearly has a screw loose.
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I have no doubt he's already in Hollywood demonstrating his now-famous barrel-roll.
When I was stationed on Okinawa (back in the '50s) a buddy and I signed up for Judo lessons at a native dojo. The first lesson consisted of some defensive falls and rolls which enable fast recovery after being thrown by an opponent. That first lesson was my last lesson because I spent two hours having my ass kicked and tossed around like a sack.

Casebolt's now famous judo roll is what brought this memory to mind. I know what it's purpose is but I was (and still am) at a loss as to why he did it? At first I thought someone had hit him or tossed him because the clip is truncated. But all the commentary here suggests it was done spontaneously, which means that man has a screw loose.

His whole performance was just that. He was putting on a show of being the big tough cop beating up on unarmed teens. Out of control grandstanding.

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