Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

I have no doubt he's already in Hollywood demonstrating his now-famous barrel-roll.
When I was stationed on Okinawa (back in the '50s) a buddy and I signed up for Judo lessons at a native dojo. The first lesson consisted of some defensive falls and rolls which enable fast recovery after being thrown by an opponent. That first lesson was my last lesson because I spent two hours having my ass kicked and tossed around like a sack.

Casebolt's now famous judo roll is what brought this memory to mind. I know what it's purpose is but I was (and still am) at a loss as to why he did it? At first I thought someone had hit him or tossed him because the clip is truncated. But all the commentary here suggests it was done spontaneously, which means that man clearly has a screw loose.

It's quite possible he stumbled while running and had the presence of mind to tuck and roll. Perhaps he took judo lessons too.
Meanwhile ... a bit more perspective:

>> The man who called 911 to complain about a group of black teenagers at a pool party in Texas, and defended the controversial police response as a “good amount of aggression”, is a convicted felon who spent time in jail for violent behaviour and torturing animals.

.... In November 1999, aged 18, Toon and three high school friends were arrested and expelled from school after vandalising the agricultural centre of a rival high school district and attacking animals housed there, many of which were owned and cared for by school children.

“Cows and pigs were cut and bruised, apparently beaten with wooden boards. And baby turkeys were slain, their limbs torn apart,” the Dallas Morning News reported at the time. Dale Gardner, a teacher in the school district’s agriscience and technology program, told the newspaper: “It was brutal. There’s no way to describe it. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

...In September 2000, Toon was charged in nearby Denton County with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, according to court records. After pleading guilty to an unspecified lesser charge, Toon was sentenced to 75 days in jail. <<​


Between the now-unemployed and pissed feral thug cop, the weirdo in the tan shirt who was just itching to kick that little girl, the meddling old women who were screaming racist crap at the kids and now this jerk - I hope those kids are safe tonight. Wouldn't surprise me at all to hear the white thugs went after some pay back for having been caught in the mess of their own making.
I have no doubt he's already in Hollywood demonstrating his now-famous barrel-roll.
When I was stationed on Okinawa (back in the '50s) a buddy and I signed up for Judo lessons at a native dojo. The first lesson consisted of some defensive falls and rolls which enable fast recovery after being thrown by an opponent. That first lesson was my last lesson because I spent two hours having my ass kicked and tossed around like a sack.

Casebolt's now famous judo roll is what brought this memory to mind. I know what it's purpose is but I was (and still am) at a loss as to why he did it? At first I thought someone had hit him or tossed him because the clip is truncated. But all the commentary here suggests it was done spontaneously, which means that man clearly has a screw loose.

It's quite possible he stumbled while running and had the presence of mind to tuck and roll. Perhaps he took judo lessons too.
You must have stumbled and bumped your head a lot as a child eating lead paint chips.
this is where ALL THIS BS is taking us. he just spoke what he saw and these BLACK ACTIVIST want his head on pole. people better start waking up to what's going on
VIDEO at the site

VIDEO=> Black McKinney Resident Blames Teens for Pool Fight – ACTIVISTS WANT HIM FIRED

June 8, 2015 by Jim Hoft 9 Comments

Benet Embry, a resident of McKinney, Texas, told Sean Hannity on Monday that the incident at the pool party “had nothing to do with race.”

“Let me be clear. The subdivision I live in is not a racist community. It is a diverse subdivision, black, white, Hispanic, East Indian, American Indian, all living together in friendship… Going back to the incident at the pool. It was a pool party out of control there. Out of 130 kids only seven caused a whole bunch of confusion.”

Via Hannity:

After Benet Embry spoke blamed the teens for the McKinney pool fight black activists called for him to be fired.

all of it here:
VIDEO Black McKinney Resident Blames Teens for Pool Fight - ACTIVISTS WANT HIM FIRED - The Gateway Pundit

Put it this way, any time you see a n**** on Fox, just get out the popcorn and watch Tommy make a white man happy!!
Thanks for proving you are the true racist here. Not just hate for the white people but for your own people.

Sent from my RCT6773W22 using Tapatalk

my own. what the hell are ranting and raving about? not only are you a nut but a nasty one at that

I haven't taken my meds......good bye forever
I have no doubt he's already in Hollywood demonstrating his now-famous barrel-roll.
When I was stationed on Okinawa (back in the '50s) a buddy and I signed up for Judo lessons at a native dojo. The first lesson consisted of some defensive falls and rolls which enable fast recovery after being thrown by an opponent. That first lesson was my last lesson because I spent two hours having my ass kicked and tossed around like a sack.

Casebolt's now famous judo roll is what brought this memory to mind. I know what it's purpose is but I was (and still am) at a loss as to why he did it? At first I thought someone had hit him or tossed him because the clip is truncated. But all the commentary here suggests it was done spontaneously, which means that man has a screw loose.

His whole performance was just that. He was putting on a show of being the big tough cop beating up on unarmed teens. Out of control grandstanding.
The part that struck me the most was early on when that other cop was talking calmly with a few boys about what was going on...they're all standing around talking with conversational tones, and this jackass comes barrelling in and starts grabbing the boys and yelling at them to get down and not move. Crazy.
The substance of this entire thread is the reason why the situation wasn't handled properly by the police. And that reason clearly is the irrationally disruptive conduct of Ptl. Casebolt.

Question 1, what was so "irrationally disruptive" ? I didn't see that.
You're talking like an ass. Casebolt was a victim, himself by being sent in to an out of control mob scene all alone.

Question 2 - LET'S SEE YOU DO THAT, and we'll take a look at how you manage that situation. What would YOU do if YOU were ONE COP arriving at a mob scene of what news reports said were 150 unruly teenagers and young adults acting criminally ? (trespassing, assaulting people, vandalizing, creating disturbances)

I will await your answers.

He wasn't "alone" at all. Twelve cops responded, and Casebolt wasn't the first. Unfortunately by some freak accident he was in charge, which makes it kind of miraculous that he didn't completely start a riot. The other cops, to the extent they can be seen, conduct themselves completely differently. So differently it almost looks like a Monty Python sketch. Again, check the cop in the video at 40 seconds, contrasted with Casebolt at 0:48 and see the contrast. What in the blue fuck is he DOING there? The other officers must have been thinking the same thing, as they gave him a wide berth, the way you'd let a whining toddler cry himself into exhaustion, until he completely flipped out and dred his gun when they finally stepped in to control him -- even though he outranks them.

Computer trouble - will finish post later

That's called Karma.
Utter nonsense. The whole gripe against Casebolt is just more anti-cop propaganda, part of the ongoing Obama and Sharpton anti-cop campaign to scour up more VOTES for Democrats. And YOU KNOW it.

I don't think 14-year-olds vote. This has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It has to do with the public being victimized by a paramilitary force that is far too often unaccountable. And sycophants like you that can't get on your knees fast enough to rhetorically fellate them.

I predicted way back on page 1 that some assclown would be in to somehow blame a rogue übercop in McKinney Texas, on O'bama. Amazingly, two other asshats beat you to it. Gotta be quick around here if you want to be taken seriously as an Asshat.
yes it's true we are seeing that the police have to be retrained they are too militant and it has to stop. the way they are interacting with the public is not working. and yes way too many bad cops have gotten away with way too much for way too long. just like I'm supervised train ed andresponsible to report to somebody what I've done every night in fact every minute I think police officers should be also held to the same standards in fact more because their job is way more important and serious than mine.

I have a teacher friend and ever since the Great Recession of 2007 and all the cutbacks and making sure that teachers are held accountable teachers jobs are no longer a cakewalk. they don't leave when the kids go home anymore and their principles micromanage them now. they don't like it they're not used to it and the police will not like it either but like the teachers though either get used to it or they'll quit and will replace the bad cops who are not willing to be retrained with new ones. I am a liberal and I defend unions but I do see teachers and police union employees are a little bit spoiled lazy arrogant and don't understand what it's like in the real world and since we're going broke we need to cut that s*** out
The monkey roll was a sign of dominance. He was trying to become the head simian. He made a serious faux pas. He forgot to slap the ground in anger and lost his bid to capture the top spot. In anger he took it out on a female.

Here come white people camp fire stories. "they were drinking and smoking and raping and robbing...sure no one was arrested for anything but ITS TRUUUUUUE"

Reminds me of the White people camp fire stories about the SuperDome in Louisiana....They're a raping and a killing everybody"

Then when the dust settles no one could find all those bodies. Oops.

I remember this one time at Band Camp.
Ah...Band Camp....more closets opened up there than anywhere else. :D
I have no doubt he's already in Hollywood demonstrating his now-famous barrel-roll.
When I was stationed on Okinawa (back in the '50s) a buddy and I signed up for Judo lessons at a native dojo. The first lesson consisted of some defensive falls and rolls which enable fast recovery after being thrown by an opponent. That first lesson was my last lesson because I spent two hours having my ass kicked and tossed around like a sack.

Casebolt's now famous judo roll is what brought this memory to mind. I know what it's purpose is but I was (and still am) at a loss as to why he did it? At first I thought someone had hit him or tossed him because the clip is truncated. But all the commentary here suggests it was done spontaneously, which means that man has a screw loose.

His whole performance was just that. He was putting on a show of being the big tough cop beating up on unarmed teens. Out of control grandstanding.
The part that struck me the most was early on when that other cop was talking calmly with a few boys about what was going on...they're all standing around talking with conversational tones, and this jackass comes barrelling in and starts grabbing the boys and yelling at them to get down and not move. Crazy.

Cops' job is to control a situation and he did the opposite. He was looking for an excuse to manhandle that little girl or maybe he just wanted to shoot someone.

NO reason, NO excuse for him to draw his gun and go chasing after kids.

I'm just glad none of the kids had squirt guns because he would have gunned them down.
I have no doubt he's already in Hollywood demonstrating his now-famous barrel-roll.
When I was stationed on Okinawa (back in the '50s) a buddy and I signed up for Judo lessons at a native dojo. The first lesson consisted of some defensive falls and rolls which enable fast recovery after being thrown by an opponent. That first lesson was my last lesson because I spent two hours having my ass kicked and tossed around like a sack.

Casebolt's now famous judo roll is what brought this memory to mind. I know what it's purpose is but I was (and still am) at a loss as to why he did it? At first I thought someone had hit him or tossed him because the clip is truncated. But all the commentary here suggests it was done spontaneously, which means that man has a screw loose.

His whole performance was just that. He was putting on a show of being the big tough cop beating up on unarmed teens. Out of control grandstanding.
The part that struck me the most was early on when that other cop was talking calmly with a few boys about what was going on...they're all standing around talking with conversational tones, and this jackass comes barrelling in and starts grabbing the boys and yelling at them to get down and not move. Crazy.

Cops' job is to control a situation and he did the opposite. He was looking for an excuse to manhandle that little girl or maybe he just wanted to shoot someone.

NO reason, NO excuse for him to draw his gun and go chasing after kids.

I'm just glad none of the kids had squirt guns because he would have gunned them down.
Now that you mention it, that would have been very scary.
The issue isn't a 'pool party'. It's as usual a bunch of negro simians doing what they do best. Trespass, behave violently, steal, vandalise. You're basic 'nigging'.

Whenever, wherever a group of them gather the result is always the same.

A convenience store, a mall, a party they were NOT invited to.
'Niggs nigg'.

It's no wonder the negro race worldwide is failing on every level of human existence except fucking.

They do not have the mental capacity to control themselves.
I am White and I do understand your feelings where a certain category of Blacks is concerned. They piss me off, too. But I have known some Black people who simply do not deserve to be included in that category.

As Chris Rock, the Black comedian, said; "I have no problem with Black people but I can't stand nigg3ers!"
Last edited:
Cpl Casebolt is the kind of cop you want in a mall shooting or when thugs are kicking your door in.
What I want when thugs are kicking my door in is exactly what I have -- a Remington 870, a pocketful of #00 buckshot, and a mop. That's all.

The problem with Cpl. Casebolt is he's misplaced. He doesn't belong in a civilian police department. He belongs in a Marine Recon unit.

It's as simple as that.
I have no doubt he's already in Hollywood demonstrating his now-famous barrel-roll.
When I was stationed on Okinawa (back in the '50s) a buddy and I signed up for Judo lessons at a native dojo. The first lesson consisted of some defensive falls and rolls which enable fast recovery after being thrown by an opponent. That first lesson was my last lesson because I spent two hours having my ass kicked and tossed around like a sack.

Casebolt's now famous judo roll is what brought this memory to mind. I know what it's purpose is but I was (and still am) at a loss as to why he did it? At first I thought someone had hit him or tossed him because the clip is truncated. But all the commentary here suggests it was done spontaneously, which means that man has a screw loose.

His whole performance was just that. He was putting on a show of being the big tough cop beating up on unarmed teens. Out of control grandstanding.
The part that struck me the most was early on when that other cop was talking calmly with a few boys about what was going on...they're all standing around talking with conversational tones, and this jackass comes barrelling in and starts grabbing the boys and yelling at them to get down and not move. Crazy.

Cops' job is to control a situation and he did the opposite. He was looking for an excuse to manhandle that little girl or maybe he just wanted to shoot someone.

NO reason, NO excuse for him to draw his gun and go chasing after kids.

I'm just glad none of the kids had squirt guns because he would have gunned them down.
Epic barrel roll entrance.
I thought it was a huge open invite type party.
If all those people crashed a semi private pool? that's messed up and they better be listening when the cops arrive.
Pushing that black girl to the ground was not cool. Especially after ignoring the 2 fighting white women...don't care if they were the ones who "called" they were brawling.
Someone posted and circled each step before the cop drew his gun. I never would have seen that just watching the video. Seems like the steps a cop would be trained to take in a confusing situation. Their own lives matter also.
I have no doubt he's already in Hollywood demonstrating his now-famous barrel-roll.
When I was stationed on Okinawa (back in the '50s) a buddy and I signed up for Judo lessons at a native dojo. The first lesson consisted of some defensive falls and rolls which enable fast recovery after being thrown by an opponent. That first lesson was my last lesson because I spent two hours having my ass kicked and tossed around like a sack.

Casebolt's now famous judo roll is what brought this memory to mind. I know what it's purpose is but I was (and still am) at a loss as to why he did it? At first I thought someone had hit him or tossed him because the clip is truncated. But all the commentary here suggests it was done spontaneously, which means that man has a screw loose.

His whole performance was just that. He was putting on a show of being the big tough cop beating up on unarmed teens. Out of control grandstanding.
The part that struck me the most was early on when that other cop was talking calmly with a few boys about what was going on...they're all standing around talking with conversational tones, and this jackass comes barrelling in and starts grabbing the boys and yelling at them to get down and not move. Crazy.

Cops' job is to control a situation and he did the opposite. He was looking for an excuse to manhandle that little girl or maybe he just wanted to shoot someone.

NO reason, NO excuse for him to draw his gun and go chasing after kids.

I'm just glad none of the kids had squirt guns because he would have gunned them down.
Epic barrel roll entrance.
More like a classic chimp roll before attacking.

It's quite possible he stumbled while running and had the presence of mind to tuck and roll. Perhaps he took judo lessons too.
No. I looked closely at that roll and he didn't trip. Either he was hit or tossed -- or he's nuts. But I'm quite sure he's had lessons.

Either way...no chance he just decided to do a roll to be cool. I mean...never. He either tripped while running or got shoved while running. Great textbook roll though.

News saying now he had just come from 2 suicide calls and went straight into a rowdy teen pool disturbance. Bad idea. Police command never lets officers wind down from tense calls. Its always IMMEDIATELY to the next call...no matter what. The human brain needs to wind down.

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