Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party






City was willing to throw him to the wolves if he didnt quit. Fuck em. McKinney cops will respond accordingly...with a stand down. Like NYPD and Baltimore.

All cops are going to. And weak people like you will be among those pleading to 911 as criminals victimize you one day. Good luck.
Will this job action include police ignoring the ordinary citizen who starts carrying a gun to protect him/her self? Or will the cops only arrest that category of offender?

Or are you simply assuming there are no ordinary citizens who are ready, willing and able to defend themselves, their homes and families?

Have you considered the possibility that the only thing preventing a lot of decent citizens from taking the Law into their own hands and addressing the conspicuous criminal element is the prohibitive presence of cops who are eager to arrest them for blowing aggressive criminals away?

All civilians are not helpless old ladies.
Wrong. Baltimore shows Andy Griffith policing doesnt work in most places.

Know what happens if all cops start responding how those 11 did? The trespassers dont leave. What then? What if they KNOW the cops cant...or wont...arrest them??? They just wont leave.

Eventually cops either have no authority. ..or...they're handcuffing 14 year olds in bikinis.

Twirps parents should have taught her not to trespass in pools where she doesn't belong. You just know her dad... Who is now crying about police brutality ... Would have been the first to sue if his idiot kid drowned there.

Now tell me about the Duggars and how the parents didnt teach their son to keep his hands out of his sisters vagina

As soon as you explain Lena Dunham's fascination with prying open her baby sisters vagina to fill it with rocks.
Actually 7 year old Dunham did not put the pebbles in her sister. The sister did it herself and Lena went and told her mommy. The incident is only known because Dunham wrote about it in her book.

Then why did she imply she did? And... Why are you changing the subject? Daddy suing if the brat drowned in a pool she broke into a touchy subject for you?
She did not imply that she did. Your comment made me curious since I know nothing about the Lena Dunham person. I found a book review that quoted the relevant section and read the page where the incident was described by Dunham. You made a comment that was untrue and inaccurate. I thought if I would be involved in the discussion I should at least try to be a bit informed about it. It is a practice I follow. Some of your comment is a bit incoherent. I will refrain from responding to those parts unless you are able to clarify what you are trying to express.
Twirps parents should have taught her not to trespass in pools where she doesn't belong. You just know her dad... Who is now crying about police brutality ... Would have been the first to sue if his idiot kid drowned there.

Now tell me about the Duggars and how the parents didnt teach their son to keep his hands out of his sisters vagina

As soon as you explain Lena Dunham's fascination with prying open her baby sisters vagina to fill it with rocks.
Actually 7 year old Dunham did not put the pebbles in her sister. The sister did it herself and Lena went and told her mommy. The incident is only known because Dunham wrote about it in her book.

Then why did she imply she did? And... Why are you changing the subject? Daddy suing if the brat drowned in a pool she broke into a touchy subject for you?
She did not imply that she did. Your comment made me curious since I know nothing about the Lena Dunham person. I found a book review that quoted the relevant section and read the page where the incident was described by Dunham. You made a comment that was untrue and inaccurate. I thought if I would be involved in the discussion I should at least try to be a bit informed about it. It is a practice I follow. Some of your comment is a bit incoherent. I will refrain from responding to those parts unless you are able to clarify what you are trying to express.

Yes she did. She said she opened her sisters vagina ( why would she do that in the first place?).Told her mom her sister had rocks up in it. Then said all smarmy....Something like... It never occurred to her to ask how they got there. But that's the kinda stuff I did.

Now... Why did you change the subject away from the brat trespassing ?
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City was willing to throw him to the wolves if he didnt quit. Fuck em. McKinney cops will respond accordingly...with a stand down. Like NYPD and Baltimore.

All cops are going to. And weak people like you will be among those pleading to 911 as criminals victimize you one day. Good luck.
Will this job action include police ignoring the ordinary citizen who starts carrying a gun to protect him/her self? Or will the cops only arrest that category of offender?

Or are you simply assuming there are no ordinary citizens who are ready, willing and able to defend themselves, their homes and families?

Have you considered the possibility that the only thing preventing a lot of decent citizens from taking the Law into their own hands and addressing the conspicuous criminal element is the prohibitive presence of cops who are eager to arrest them for blowing aggressive criminals away?

All civilians are not helpless old ladies.

It sounds like what he's saying is that police as a unit don't have the integrity to serve their profession and instead engage in an endless litany of no-questions-asked coverups.

And he claims to be an ex-cop. And he may be right in general, although I still refuse to believe any cross section of a profession thinks as a unit like that. They're trained to think like military instead of police, as if it's the everyday grand match of Duh Police versus Duh World. That mentality needs to die.
Those arguing in favor of the Texas law are probably ignorant of the federal court case precedents. The McKinney Police Chief probably is aware of that federal civll protection against unlawful arrest. He must have passed that knowledge on to his subordinates. One, apparently, was sleeping when that topic was being discussed during his tenure at the police academy.

Other highlights of the link include:

“An arrest made with a defective warrant, or one issued without affidavit, or one that fails to allege a crime is within jurisdiction, and one who is being arrested, may resist arrest and break away. lf the arresting officer is killed by one who is so resisting, the killing will be no more than an involuntary manslaughter.” Housh v. People, 75 111. 491; reaffirmed and quoted in State v. Leach, 7 Conn. 452; State v. Gleason, 32 Kan. 245; Ballard v. State, 43 Ohio 349; State v Rousseau, 241 P. 2d 447; State v. Spaulding, 34 Minn. 3621.

One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).

One wonders why you are bothering to post all this, since there was nothing unlawful about what Casebolt was doing.

Secondly, you haven't dismissed the culpability of the people who interfered with Casebolt at all. Your own post here shows a federal law stating that those who interfere and kill an officer, would be charged with involuntary manslaughter. That is a crime that, in Texas, carries a punishment of

Computer trouble - will finish post later

Computer trouble or just the impact of realizing how much power the average citizen really has to defend him/herself against thugs in blue? In this case, the black girl in the bikini was not under arrest but was being assaulted by Casebolt. The precedent is detailed under the purview of” Housh v. People, 75 111 as shown in the first paragraph of the red text above. That being so, the black teens who started to rush Casebolt as he was assaulting the girl were entirely within their rights to do so.
One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).
had one of them shot the out of control thug, involuntary manslaughter is the most he could be charged with. But consider this. Charging is not the same as convicting even in Texas. A good lawyer would appeal any subsequent conviction and get it remanded to federal court where a "fairer" trial could be had. After being exonerated a black citizen might have to leave the state of Texas to prevent retaliation but so be it!
Nationwide....today and all summer....cops will recieve 911 calls. Many will involve 2 or more blacks acting unlawfully.
Now....cops are gonna think "fuck that. Im not messing with it."
All these massive mall fights and McDonalds fights....cops arent coming.
Good luck America.
I'm surprised they haven't all quit, and handed the whole thing over to us CCW citizens.

They wont quit. They'll still respond to murder and rape and traffic accidents.

But calls for social disorder....especially involving minorities? Fuck no. Society is on its own with that.

Easy to see why you're not a cop any more. Who the fuck would want that attitude around undermining what they're doing?
The substance of this entire thread is the reason why the situation wasn't handled properly by the police. And that reason clearly is the irrationally disruptive conduct of Ptl. Casebolt.

Question 1, what was so "irrationally disruptive" ? I didn't see that.
You're talking like an ass. Casebolt was a victim, himself by being sent in to an out of control mob scene all alone.

Question 2 - LET'S SEE YOU DO THAT, and we'll take a look at how you manage that situation. What would YOU do if YOU were ONE COP arriving at a mob scene of what news reports said were 150 unruly teenagers and young adults acting criminally ? (trespassing, assaulting people, vandalizing, creating disturbances)

I will await your answers.

He wasn't "alone" at all. Twelve cops responded, and Casebolt wasn't the first. Unfortunately by some freak accident he was in charge, which makes it kind of miraculous that he didn't completely start a riot. The other cops, to the extent they can be seen, conduct themselves completely differently. So differently it almost looks like a Monty Python sketch. Again, check the cop in the video at 40 seconds, contrasted with Casebolt at 0:48 and see the contrast. What in the blue fuck is he DOING there? The other officers must have been thinking the same thing, as they gave him a wide berth, the way you'd let a whining toddler cry himself into exhaustion, until he completely flipped out and drew his gun when they finally stepped in to control him -- even though he outranks them.

Computer trouble - will finish post later

That's called Karma.
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Those arguing in favor of the Texas law are probably ignorant of the federal court case precedents. The McKinney Police Chief probably is aware of that federal civll protection against unlawful arrest. He must have passed that knowledge on to his subordinates. One, apparently, was sleeping when that topic was being discussed during his tenure at the police academy.

Other highlights of the link include:

“An arrest made with a defective warrant, or one issued without affidavit, or one that fails to allege a crime is within jurisdiction, and one who is being arrested, may resist arrest and break away. lf the arresting officer is killed by one who is so resisting, the killing will be no more than an involuntary manslaughter.” Housh v. People, 75 111. 491; reaffirmed and quoted in State v. Leach, 7 Conn. 452; State v. Gleason, 32 Kan. 245; Ballard v. State, 43 Ohio 349; State v Rousseau, 241 P. 2d 447; State v. Spaulding, 34 Minn. 3621.

One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).

One wonders why you are bothering to post all this, since there was nothing unlawful about what Casebolt was doing.

Secondly, you haven't dismissed the culpability of the people who interfered with Casebolt at all. Your own post here shows a federal law stating that those who interfere and kill an officer, would be charged with involuntary manslaughter. That is a crime that, in Texas, carries a punishment of

Computer trouble - will finish post later

Computer trouble or just the impact of realizing how much power the average citizen really has to defend him/herself against thugs in blue? In this case, the black girl in the bikini was not under arrest but was being assaulted by Casebolt. The precedent is detailed under the purview of” Housh v. People, 75 111 as shown in the first paragraph of the red text above. That being so, the black teens who started to rush Casebolt as he was assaulting the girl were entirely within their rights to do so.
One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).
had one of them shot the out of control thug, involuntary manslaughter is the most he could be charged with. But consider this. Charging is not the same as convicting even in Texas. A good lawyer would appeal any subsequent conviction and get it remanded to federal court where a "fairer" trial could be had. After being exonerated a black citizen might have to leave the state of Texas to prevent retaliation but so be it!
Just to finish my post # 1380 of a few hours ago >> Secondly, you haven't dismissed the culpability of the people who interfered with Casebolt at all. Your own post here shows a federal law stating that those who interfere and kill an officer, would be charged with involuntary manslaughter. That is a crime that, in Texas, carries a punishment of 2-20 years in prison + a $10,000 fine.

Texas Manslaughter Laws - FindLaw
The substance of this entire thread is the reason why the situation wasn't handled properly by the police. And that reason clearly is the irrationally disruptive conduct of Ptl. Casebolt.

Question 1, what was so "irrationally disruptive" ? I didn't see that.
You're talking like an ass. Casebolt was a victim, himself by being sent in to an out of control mob scene all alone.

Question 2 - LET'S SEE YOU DO THAT, and we'll take a look at how you manage that situation. What would YOU do if YOU were ONE COP arriving at a mob scene of what news reports said were 150 unruly teenagers and young adults acting criminally ? (trespassing, assaulting people, vandalizing, creating disturbances)

I will await your answers.

He wasn't "alone" at all. Twelve cops responded, and Casebolt wasn't the first. Unfortunately by some freak accident he was in charge, which makes it kind of miraculous that he didn't completely start a riot. The other cops, to the extent they can be seen, conduct themselves completely differently. So differently it almost looks like a Monty Python sketch. Again, check the cop in the video at 40 seconds, contrasted with Casebolt at 0:48 and see the contrast. What in the blue fuck is he DOING there? The other officers must have been thinking the same thing, as they gave him a wide berth, the way you'd let a whining toddler cry himself into exhaustion, until he completely flipped out and dred his gun when they finally stepped in to control him -- even though he outranks them.

Computer trouble - will finish post later

That's called Karma.
Utter nonsense. The whole gripe against Casebolt is just more anti-cop propaganda, part of the ongoing Obama and Sharpton anti-cop campaign to scour up more VOTES for Democrats. And YOU KNOW it.
Two positive things I've seen -

One is that many whites rallied and protested right alongside the Blacks.
Two, the crazy, out of control cop has resigned.

And three, he may still have charges and/or lawsuits filed against him.

It's understandable that whites and blacks would be united, since this isn't nearly as much a race issue as a rogue-cop-out-of-control issue.
Now tell me about the Duggars and how the parents didnt teach their son to keep his hands out of his sisters vagina

As soon as you explain Lena Dunham's fascination with prying open her baby sisters vagina to fill it with rocks.
Actually 7 year old Dunham did not put the pebbles in her sister. The sister did it herself and Lena went and told her mommy. The incident is only known because Dunham wrote about it in her book.

Then why did she imply she did? And... Why are you changing the subject? Daddy suing if the brat drowned in a pool she broke into a touchy subject for you?
She did not imply that she did. Your comment made me curious since I know nothing about the Lena Dunham person. I found a book review that quoted the relevant section and read the page where the incident was described by Dunham. You made a comment that was untrue and inaccurate. I thought if I would be involved in the discussion I should at least try to be a bit informed about it. It is a practice I follow. Some of your comment is a bit incoherent. I will refrain from responding to those parts unless you are able to clarify what you are trying to express.

Yes she did. She said she opened her sisters vagina ( why would she do that in the first place?).Told her mom her sister had rocks up in it. Then said all smarmy....Something like... It never occurred to her to ask how they got there. But that's the kinda stuff I did.

Now... Why did you change the subject away from the brat trespassing ?
You have completely misinterpreted what this person wrote. Not only have you taken what she said out of context, you have changed her quote to fit your agenda. Very dishonest of you. You are comparing a 7 year old who admitted to being a curious child during the normal "play doctor stage" of childhood development to the actions of a 15 year old actually committing a series of sexual assaults on small children. Normal parents know how to respond to the natural and normal curiosities displayed in that "playing doctor" stage and take appropriate action to make sure it does not continue beyond that childhood stage and into puberty. And small children of the toddler age will stuff all kind of stuff into there orifices. Noses and ears are more common than vigina's, but the vagina should come as no surprise.
The substance of this entire thread is the reason why the situation wasn't handled properly by the police. And that reason clearly is the irrationally disruptive conduct of Ptl. Casebolt.

Question 1, what was so "irrationally disruptive" ? I didn't see that.
You're talking like an ass. Casebolt was a victim, himself by being sent in to an out of control mob scene all alone.

Question 2 - LET'S SEE YOU DO THAT, and we'll take a look at how you manage that situation. What would YOU do if YOU were ONE COP arriving at a mob scene of what news reports said were 150 unruly teenagers and young adults acting criminally ? (trespassing, assaulting people, vandalizing, creating disturbances)

I will await your answers.

He wasn't "alone" at all. Twelve cops responded, and Casebolt wasn't the first. Unfortunately by some freak accident he was in charge, which makes it kind of miraculous that he didn't completely start a riot. The other cops, to the extent they can be seen, conduct themselves completely differently. So differently it almost looks like a Monty Python sketch. Again, check the cop in the video at 40 seconds, contrasted with Casebolt at 0:48 and see the contrast. What in the blue fuck is he DOING there? The other officers must have been thinking the same thing, as they gave him a wide berth, the way you'd let a whining toddler cry himself into exhaustion, until he completely flipped out and dred his gun when they finally stepped in to control him -- even though he outranks them.

Computer trouble - will finish post later

That's called Karma.
Utter nonsense. The whole gripe against Casebolt is just more anti-cop propaganda, part of the ongoing Obama and Sharpton anti-cop campaign to scour up more VOTES for Democrats. And YOU KNOW it.
Well his monkey ass is no longer a cop so chalk up a win for the people.
Two positive things I've seen -

One is that many whites rallied and protested right alongside the Blacks.
Two, the crazy, out of control cop has resigned.
There's nothing to protest about. 150 screwballs ju, trespassedmped a fence

Sorry - computer trouble. I'll be off the computer for a while.

One of the other racist RW nutters said it was 128, then changed it to 130. Now you say 150.


Let's just go with a Carl Sagan "billions and billions" and cut to the chase. :rolleyes:

City was willing to throw him to the wolves if he didnt quit. Fuck em. McKinney cops will respond accordingly...with a stand down. Like NYPD and Baltimore.

All cops are going to. And weak people like you will be among those pleading to 911 as criminals victimize you one day. Good luck.
Will this job action include police ignoring the ordinary citizen who starts carrying a gun to protect him/her self? Or will the cops only arrest that category of offender?

Or are you simply assuming there are no ordinary citizens who are ready, willing and able to defend themselves, their homes and families?

Have you considered the possibility that the only thing preventing a lot of decent citizens from taking the Law into their own hands and addressing the conspicuous criminal element is the prohibitive presence of cops who are eager to arrest them for blowing aggressive criminals away?

All civilians are not helpless old ladies.
Another bizarre thing is that if people defend themselves, but don't shoot to kill their attacker, they can end up in prison: Man found guilty in intruder s shooting
PORTLAND – A man who shot an intruder outside his Dunkirk home was found guilty of a felony charge Thursday by a Jay County jury.

David McLaughlin, 32, was charged with criminal recklessness resulting in serious bodily injury, a Class D felony carrying a standard 18-month prison term.

A Jay Superior Court jury returned the guilty verdict Thursday afternoon after deliberating for about an hour.
In these cases, the police actually go after people who are only protecting themselves and their families.

If someone invades your property, then shoot to kill, as otherwise they can take you to court with police help, and put in you prison.
...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Does he think he's staring in an action movie?

He does look like he's completely playing to the camera, right from the start.
Maybe that was his whole purpose. Maybe he isn't hating on anybody -- he just wanted to be a YouTube star. Now everybody knows his name.

That's a good thing. It will follow him around. We should make it a verb.

Casebolt (v.) -- "to bounce around like a pinball assaulting 14-year-olds in bikinis while everyone else is calm"
The police chief made my point last night.

There were 11 cops there who didnt go all Lethal Weapon on everyone. 1 did.

He was wrong, ooooooooor all 11 other officers were wrong. lol

Neither was "wrong". Both were lawful responses. The chief threw an officer under the bus to prevent a riot. Just reality.

But...responding how the other 11 did....is why these unlawful fights and hooliganism will increase. Cops become less and less of a consequence to bad behavior.

Why have these mall riots and movie riots and McDonalds riots and sports game riots increased? Because cops are playing Mayberry most times.

Its the breakdown of law and order...and we are just in the early phases.

So you're saying treating people as human beings -- like the first officer having the calm conversation -- is a BAD thing?

This just in : Fuck you.
...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Do he think he's staring in an action movie?

I have wondered that to. I think he was running and tripped. Academy does teach how to fall. Fall forward you roll. Dont just face plant. I HIGHLY doubt he just decided to do a roll for no reason haha.

Cpl Casebolt is the kind of cop you want in a mall shooting or when thugs are kicking your door in.

But....cops like him are being pushed out. So when you dial 911....and the Pat character from SNL shows up....dont complain!

Casebolt is the kind of cop that will kill your family dog when he shows up to "protect" you 10 min after the bad guys leave.

Funny. He has a shining 10 year history of nothing but good police work.

That's not what I read. What I remember was that those details were "unavailable". Although he was sued for pulling a black man's pants down and "reaching into his private area" in a traffic stop...


-- but I have yet to see this legacy of "shining" ten year history.

Now...he'll be replaced by a whiny snot nosed liberal college grad with a degree in diversity studies.

McKinney just got a tad bit less safe.

That's an interesting whine ------------- since it's the exact OPPOSITE of what you were saying a few weeks ago about Asheville police standards.

Having it both ways, are we?
What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Do he think he's staring in an action movie?

I have wondered that to. I think he was running and tripped. Academy does teach how to fall. Fall forward you roll. Dont just face plant. I HIGHLY doubt he just decided to do a roll for no reason haha.

Cpl Casebolt is the kind of cop you want in a mall shooting or when thugs are kicking your door in.

But....cops like him are being pushed out. So when you dial 911....and the Pat character from SNL shows up....dont complain!
Casebolt is the kind of cop that will kill your family dog when he shows up to "protect" you 10 min after the bad guys leave.

Funny. He has a shining 10 year history of nothing but good police work.

Now...he'll be replaced by a whiny snot nosed liberal college grad with a degree in diversity studies.

McKinney just got a tad bit less safe.
Tell that to that girls family and friends. I'm not saying Casebolt can't be fixed... I'm just saying his actions were worthy of getting him fired. He showed himself as a barney fife, not as a sheriff andy. If he just really screwed up.. this "one" time.. if he sincerely apologized to the community and each kid individually.. if he received some severe punishment like a man.. if he did all these things... and retrained to treat citizens and children especially, with respect. Then I'd be good with giving him another chance. But I'd like to have a vid. camera on him for a while so he actions could be reviewed and managed.

Tell what to her parents?? Sorry you teen was taken to the grass during her resisting the officer? If her parent cared about her...they would've taught her better than to resist police.

Apparently "resisting" is the new word for "uppity".
We actually converted an adjective into a gerund. :disbelief:
Those arguing in favor of the Texas law are probably ignorant of the federal court case precedents. The McKinney Police Chief probably is aware of that federal civll protection against unlawful arrest. He must have passed that knowledge on to his subordinates. One, apparently, was sleeping when that topic was being discussed during his tenure at the police academy.

Other highlights of the link include:

“An arrest made with a defective warrant, or one issued without affidavit, or one that fails to allege a crime is within jurisdiction, and one who is being arrested, may resist arrest and break away. lf the arresting officer is killed by one who is so resisting, the killing will be no more than an involuntary manslaughter.” Housh v. People, 75 111. 491; reaffirmed and quoted in State v. Leach, 7 Conn. 452; State v. Gleason, 32 Kan. 245; Ballard v. State, 43 Ohio 349; State v Rousseau, 241 P. 2d 447; State v. Spaulding, 34 Minn. 3621.

One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).

One wonders why you are bothering to post all this, since there was nothing unlawful about what Casebolt was doing.

Secondly, you haven't dismissed the culpability of the people who interfered with Casebolt at all. Your own post here shows a federal law stating that those who interfere and kill an officer, would be charged with involuntary manslaughter. That is a crime that, in Texas, carries a punishment of

Computer trouble - will finish post later

Computer trouble or just the impact of realizing how much power the average citizen really has to defend him/herself against thugs in blue? In this case, the black girl in the bikini was not under arrest but was being assaulted by Casebolt. The precedent is detailed under the purview of” Housh v. People, 75 111 as shown in the first paragraph of the red text above. That being so, the black teens who started to rush Casebolt as he was assaulting the girl were entirely within their rights to do so.
One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).
had one of them shot the out of control thug, involuntary manslaughter is the most he could be charged with. But consider this. Charging is not the same as convicting even in Texas. A good lawyer would appeal any subsequent conviction and get it remanded to federal court where a "fairer" trial could be had. After being exonerated a black citizen might have to leave the state of Texas to prevent retaliation but so be it!
Just to finish my post # 1380 of a few hours ago >> Secondly, you haven't dismissed the culpability of the people who interfered with Casebolt at all. Your own post here shows a federal law stating that those who interfere and kill an officer, would be charged with involuntary manslaughter. That is a crime that, in Texas, carries a punishment of 2-20 years in prison + a $10,000 fine.

Texas Manslaughter Laws - FindLaw

You are as out of control as Casebolt was! Your obsession to see the black teen in the Bikini as a criminal trumps everything else. She was the victim and Casebolt was the culprit. You are so resolute in your wrongheadedness that you even see things in the video that didn't happen. Now, in a bizarre reversal, you seem to agree that Casebolt initiated an unlawful arrest. I base that conclusion in the context of your reference to "involuntary manslaughter" rather than murder. You do see my point, don't you?

But, even with that small admission, signs that your rationale is dissipating rapidly are mushrooming.

You are so sure that any cop killing, justified or not, would be dealt with severely by Texas justice. Involuntary manslaughter, you say, carries a punishment of 2-20 years in prison + a $10,000 fine in Texas.
If a black person finds himself being the defendant in such a case, I wonder if he can expect that all pertinent circumstances and evidence available to exonerate him would be considered without bias.
In that situation it would be time to call Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP and any other advocates of black civil liberties to intervene. Eric Holder would be instrumental in seeing that due process according to FEDERAL precedent is carried out fairly with an eye towards the protection of the defendants civil rights.

BTW, given a fair assessment of the facts by a fair minded jury, the defendant may not serve any time at all nor pay a fine.

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