Texas rancher, water for "illegals"

Rancher Lavoyger Durham Sets Up Water Stations to Reduce Border Deaths

A compassionate man, applause for him. Mr. Durham sounds like a good example, some of his fellow ranchers....not so much.

He's a criminal, he should be arrested.

No, a true PATRIOT. He exemplifies what is good in America.

He exemplifies the kind of clueless do gooder who keeps enticing illegals to cross deserts and littering it with bodies.
These are the same "illegals" that provide Americans the ability to consume a salad without paying $50 for it. To date I have not seen anyone volunteer to pick crops in their place.

lol that old BS still floating around? You clearly know squat about ag economics. Very few crops are picked by hand anymore, and paying workers a couple of bucks more an hour to hire American citizens wouldn't raise a blip in retail prices. The 'labor shortage' is a myth, and always has been. Any labor savings from hiring criminal illegal aliens are never passed on to consumers. Neither are the savings from hiring H1-A's.

Here's an article from a well known and notorious racist right wing bigot magazine, for the Peanut Gallery's edification on just what is so attractive about illegals and H1-A's:

Silence in the Fields | Mother Jones

Articles and stats dont mean anything when you see it with your own eyes. I only rely on things like that when I dont have first hand experience. Where I live there are plenty of illegals running around picking, sorting, and loading vegetables and fruit. The police pretty much look the other way unless they need a news story.
Rancher Lavoyger Durham Sets Up Water Stations to Reduce Border Deaths

A compassionate man, applause for him. Mr. Durham sounds like a good example, some of his fellow ranchers....not so much.

He's a criminal, he should be arrested.


I can never get enough of watching that video ! :lol:
There's no reason why the federal government can't ask people to voluntarily take in an immigrant or two or three. They can't demand, but they can penalize you if you don't. Then of course once these people are your "guests" you have to take care of them. You have to feed them, take care of their medical needs, give them nice clothes. You can't abuse them. They are like members of your own family.

My parent's did that, back in the 50's, when my dad was stationed in England, my mom went down to the airport and picked out a couple of Hungarians who fled Hungary when the communists took over. They lived with us for more than a year and became great friends. Still, no matter what my dad and mom tried, they couldn't get them into this country legally, they lived out their lives in Canada.

Why on earth do you or anyone believe that illegals should get to stay when our family friends were denied that privilege?
I wonder why it is that many humans who argue against abortion seem to support the deaths of illegal immigrants seeking entrance into our country.

And yet Liberals who support abortion/murder of babies do not support the death penalty for murderers. Makes you wonder.

But of course you LIED and in your statement. Typical Liberal. LOL
I wonder why it is that many humans who argue against abortion seem to support the deaths of illegal immigrants seeking entrance into our country.

And yet Liberals who support abortion/murder of babies do not support the death penalty for murderers. Makes you wonder.

But of course you LIED and in your statement. Typical Liberal. LOL

I support both.
I wonder why it is that many humans who argue against abortion seem to support the deaths of illegal immigrants seeking entrance into our country.

And yet Liberals who support abortion/murder of babies do not support the death penalty for murderers. Makes you wonder.

But of course you LIED and in your statement. Typical Liberal. LOL

I didn't lie in my statement. I have also never claimed to be a liberal or a conservative.

I am most certainly pro abortion.

I am also pro death penalty. But I think it is too merciful, the way we do it now. I would have them burnt at the stake, like old times, but no witches. That, or build an American coliseum and have them fight each other to the death for my amusement. I would even have some crucified, or thoroughly impaled.
Texans let in beaners to raise the average IQ of the state.

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