Texas rancher, water for "illegals"

There has got to be something fundamentally askew when a persons legal status dictates whether or not you regard them as a human and give them water. SMH

Are you trying to say Jews invaded Germany and demanded something from German's they weren't entitled to have?

Would you say the same thing if it was Russians or Chinese anchored off shore and landing on the beach in rafts?

The Nazi's, like you, felt that the Jews had invaded their country and took it over. Have you read about the Holocaust?

Your ad hominem aside, as long as the Russians and Chinese were not making military moves but were attempting to immigrate, yes I would give them water.

But you are human, thus, you cannot speak for those made of nothing but HATE.
So according the Obama admiration on the loyal far left programmed minions, the 2008 law that was passed by a far left Congress is being used to claim all these children are part of some huge Human trafficking ring..

Since when has Obama cared about the rule of Law?
The statement "the 2008 law that was passed by a far left Congress is being used to claim all these children are part of some huge Human trafficking ring" is an accusation without facts by the far right shit bird extremists.
The statement "the 2008 law that was passed by a far left Congress is being used to claim all these children are part of some huge Human trafficking ring" is an accusation without facts by the far right shit bird extremists.

Really since when did Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi became "far right shit bird extremists"?
I love threads like this

They show why Hispanics will never support the Republican Party. As long as the lunatic fringe of the party is allowed to get away with recommending that Mexican immigrants be allowed to die in the desert from thirst as "punishment" Republicans will forever lose the Hispanic vote

My wife wants all illegals rounded up and shot. So does one of the dudes I work with.

Both are Hispanic, both are immigrants, both are citizens. You are (still) dumb as rat shit.
I would call that "Aiding and Abetting".

I wouldn't. There is a difference between supplying life sustaining water and aiding and abetting someone. Ideally, you could then hold them for the border patrol to pick up, but in today's society, that get's you in jail and loses you your ranch. I have no qualms with people who set up water stations. My qualms is with the border patrol who claims they can't get there in time to arrest anyone. Why the hell not? Isn't that their job?

Because the border is 1500 miles and the BP is absolutely overwhelmed!
They don't want to be invaded. This has been going on for decades. Every illegal that dies in the desert is one that isn't going to threaten a citizen that lives along the border. The people that live down there live in a state of constant siege. They certainly won't stand by and have their homes overrun.
That's odd. I live down here by the border and do not feel like I am under siege.

I think it was katzendogs who said he/she/it had been to the Sonora desert and therefore knew all there was to know. He/she/it also got it wrong but -

For more than 25 years, I lived in the exact path they used and never felt that way either. Yes, they came to my door or I would find them drinking from the hose in my yard but not often. I would invite them in, feed them, let them get rested up before continuing. Sometimes I would drive them to where they would get a bus the rest of the way.

Oh and, there was never a problem with trash or their behavior. They were always very respectful of my property and always wanted to pay for any help I gave them.

There were groups that I saw every single year because they went back to the same jobs every year.

You are a traitor and should have been shot for it.
That's odd. I live down here by the border and do not feel like I am under siege.

I think it was katzendogs who said he/she/it had been to the Sonora desert and therefore knew all there was to know. He/she/it also got it wrong but -

For more than 25 years, I lived in the exact path they used and never felt that way either. Yes, they came to my door or I would find them drinking from the hose in my yard but not often. I would invite them in, feed them, let them get rested up before continuing. Sometimes I would drive them to where they would get a bus the rest of the way.

Oh and, there was never a problem with trash or their behavior. They were always very respectful of my property and always wanted to pay for any help I gave them.

There were groups that I saw every single year because they went back to the same jobs every year.

These are the same "illegals" that provide Americans the ability to consume a salad without paying $50 for it. To date I have not seen anyone volunteer to pick crops in their place.

Cut off the welfare for the layabouts...they can learn to work for a living, just like everyone else!
I think it was katzendogs who said he/she/it had been to the Sonora desert and therefore knew all there was to know. He/she/it also got it wrong but -

For more than 25 years, I lived in the exact path they used and never felt that way either. Yes, they came to my door or I would find them drinking from the hose in my yard but not often. I would invite them in, feed them, let them get rested up before continuing. Sometimes I would drive them to where they would get a bus the rest of the way.

Oh and, there was never a problem with trash or their behavior. They were always very respectful of my property and always wanted to pay for any help I gave them.

There were groups that I saw every single year because they went back to the same jobs every year.

These are the same "illegals" that provide Americans the ability to consume a salad without paying $50 for it. To date I have not seen anyone volunteer to pick crops in their place.

Yep, all that whining about how they take US jobs but you'll never see an American do the work those people do.

Outright lie!

When I still lived in the city of Tucson, there was a guy came to my door and said the only English phrase he seemed to know. He waved his hand to indicate my weedy front yard and said "Five dollar hour".

I said yes and his old rickety car exploded with his family. Everyone, from little kids on up, busted their butts in my yard.

They were done in something like two hours and no way could I give them $10 for all they had done so I gave $25 or $30. And, I always gave them sugary sodas, just to keep them going in that heat.

They came back about once every month for quite a while - until a neighbor told me she'd called Border Patrol. I warned them not to come back.

We had a really nice electric lawn mower we never used. I gave him that and a 25' orange extension cord. Never saw them again which ticked me off because they really did good work.

I'd love to find people like that where I live now. As it is, we can't find anyone who is willing to do a day's work for a days pay. Americans just don't want to work. They want everything given to them.

You are a poster child for punishing sheltering or hiring illegal aliens with gargantuan fines (in the $100,000,000+ range) and serious prison time. Say, 15 years hard labor walling off Mexico.
Rancher Lavoyger Durham Sets Up Water Stations to Reduce Border Deaths

A compassionate man, applause for him. Mr. Durham sounds like a good example, some of his fellow ranchers....not so much.

He's a criminal, he should be arrested.


The fact that dude was not SHREDDED by several hundred rounds of submachine gun fire was a very serious failure of the Secret Service agents protecting the President.
He's helping people enter illegally. Illegally mean illegal, as in not legal. He should be arrested.

Helping other humans simply survive can never be "illegal".

Helping people sneak into the country illegally is an arrestable offense.

And should be punished with gargantuan fines, long prison terms, and years at hard labor, working 16+ hours/day to wall off Mexico.
I wonder why it is that many humans who argue against abortion seem to support the deaths of illegal immigrants seeking entrance into our country.

And yet Liberals who support abortion/murder of babies do not support the death penalty for murderers. Makes you wonder.

But of course you LIED and in your statement. Typical Liberal. LOL

I didn't lie in my statement. I have also never claimed to be a liberal or a conservative.

I am most certainly pro abortion.

I am also pro death penalty. But I think it is too merciful, the way we do it now. I would have them burnt at the stake, like old times, but no witches. That, or build an American coliseum and have them fight each other to the death for my amusement. I would even have some crucified, or thoroughly impaled.

You need serious psychiatric help RIGHT NOW.
The statement "the 2008 law that was passed by a far left Congress is being used to claim all these children are part of some huge Human trafficking ring" is an accusation without facts by the far right shit bird extremists.

Really since when did Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi became "far right shit bird extremists"?

Your 7th grade education is showing again.

Those politicians aren't. The statement about why the law was intended is the statement of a shit bird extremist without any anything other than a hatred of self loathing driving it.
That's odd. I live down here by the border and do not feel like I am under siege.

I think it was katzendogs who said he/she/it had been to the Sonora desert and therefore knew all there was to know. He/she/it also got it wrong but -

For more than 25 years, I lived in the exact path they used and never felt that way either. Yes, they came to my door or I would find them drinking from the hose in my yard but not often. I would invite them in, feed them, let them get rested up before continuing. Sometimes I would drive them to where they would get a bus the rest of the way.

Oh and, there was never a problem with trash or their behavior. They were always very respectful of my property and always wanted to pay for any help I gave them.

There were groups that I saw every single year because they went back to the same jobs every year.

You are a traitor and should have been shot for it.

Very clearly we need the immigrants far more than the jarlaxles who deserve nothing.
I think it was katzendogs who said he/she/it had been to the Sonora desert and therefore knew all there was to know. He/she/it also got it wrong but -

For more than 25 years, I lived in the exact path they used and never felt that way either. Yes, they came to my door or I would find them drinking from the hose in my yard but not often. I would invite them in, feed them, let them get rested up before continuing. Sometimes I would drive them to where they would get a bus the rest of the way.

Oh and, there was never a problem with trash or their behavior. They were always very respectful of my property and always wanted to pay for any help I gave them.

There were groups that I saw every single year because they went back to the same jobs every year.

You are a traitor and should have been shot for it.

Very clearly we need the immigrants far more than the jarlaxles who deserve nothing.

I work for a living. They are, mostly, parasites. (This, of course, is why you support them, being a parasite yourself.)
I wouldn't begrudge a thirsty person water, legal or illegal. That person's life may depend on it. The issue is that this rancher shouldn't be put in this position in the first place.

We have to do something major now anyway. We can't keep having undocumented and unaccompanied children entering the country. We need to wall off that border and patrol it regularly. New recruits into the armed services can do that as their first assignment. Hell even set up boot camps along the border and train them there. You won't see any illegals flooding across the border if the Army,Navy, Air force, Marines and Coast guard are all massed and training on and in the waters around the border to Mexico. Nobody comes over, nobody dies of thirst, problem solved and the ranchers can get back to ranching.

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