Texas rancher, water for "illegals"

It happens every day. It's what they do down there. It's not "some" its most. Those water stations don't last ten minutes.

How can most, then, be so inhuman?

They don't want to be invaded. This has been going on for decades. Every illegal that dies in the desert is one that isn't going to threaten a citizen that lives along the border. The people that live down there live in a state of constant siege. They certainly won't stand by and have their homes overrun.
That's odd. I live down here by the border and do not feel like I am under siege.
Humans have died of dehydration and heat stroke, who laughs at that?:(

Subhumans and simians.

Well yes, but what human could?

We read their words here every day.

And a lot of them are pounding on a bible.

Those who foolishly say we should take them into our homes are ignoring some facts -

One is that we already pay taxes that are allotted for this use. Instead, those taxes are being used to hold phony Benghazi hearings, phony repeal ACA votes, phony law suits/impeachments and Boehner's green's fees.

Two is there are people in the US who are inviting illegals to come her and RWs support that.

Three is that nothing will change the fact that the children are refugees - not illegals.

Four, you want tax free status for your club houses (churches) and its time you stfu and earned it. Quit pretending to be christians while behaving like human slime.

As long as neither Repubs are unwilling to do their jobs, they need to stfu and get out of the way.
How can most, then, be so inhuman?

They don't want to be invaded. This has been going on for decades. Every illegal that dies in the desert is one that isn't going to threaten a citizen that lives along the border. The people that live down there live in a state of constant siege. They certainly won't stand by and have their homes overrun.
That's odd. I live down here by the border and do not feel like I am under siege.

I think it was katzendogs who said he/she/it had been to the Sonora desert and therefore knew all there was to know. He/she/it also got it wrong but -

For more than 25 years, I lived in the exact path they used and never felt that way either. Yes, they came to my door or I would find them drinking from the hose in my yard but not often. I would invite them in, feed them, let them get rested up before continuing. Sometimes I would drive them to where they would get a bus the rest of the way.

Oh and, there was never a problem with trash or their behavior. They were always very respectful of my property and always wanted to pay for any help I gave them.

There were groups that I saw every single year because they went back to the same jobs every year.
There's mucho water in the rio grande.

Um, no. The Rio Grande often runs dry these days. Too much water being sucked out of it on both sides of the border, mostly for agriculture, combined with a drier climate. That means there's rarely any need for border-crossers to swim. At worst, it just takes some wading.
BTW, in Tcsn/Pima county, it was illegal to help them. There was a Lutheran church who put up water stations and always had a running battle with the law because of it.

There were a few times when they were in my car and I'd see the green and white Border Patrol or the county sheriff making their rounds and just hope they didn't pull me over.
They don't want to be invaded. This has been going on for decades. Every illegal that dies in the desert is one that isn't going to threaten a citizen that lives along the border. The people that live down there live in a state of constant siege. They certainly won't stand by and have their homes overrun.
That's odd. I live down here by the border and do not feel like I am under siege.

I think it was katzendogs who said he/she/it had been to the Sonora desert and therefore knew all there was to know. He/she/it also got it wrong but -

For more than 25 years, I lived in the exact path they used and never felt that way either. Yes, they came to my door or I would find them drinking from the hose in my yard but not often. I would invite them in, feed them, let them get rested up before continuing. Sometimes I would drive them to where they would get a bus the rest of the way.

Oh and, there was never a problem with trash or their behavior. They were always very respectful of my property and always wanted to pay for any help I gave them.

There were groups that I saw every single year because they went back to the same jobs every year.

These are the same "illegals" that provide Americans the ability to consume a salad without paying $50 for it. To date I have not seen anyone volunteer to pick crops in their place.
There is an operation called "Operation Rescue" that sends out volunteers in cars every morning at sunrise, looking for those in the desert that need help, or want to give up. They carry medical supplies, shoes, food and water. They are not allowed to transport them anywhere, but the may give away the things they carry in the car. The have a radio to call the border patrol with coordinates to pick up those that give up.

It is true that you could be arrested and charged for knowingly transporting an illegal alien. I would not do that, myself.
That's odd. I live down here by the border and do not feel like I am under siege.

I think it was katzendogs who said he/she/it had been to the Sonora desert and therefore knew all there was to know. He/she/it also got it wrong but -

For more than 25 years, I lived in the exact path they used and never felt that way either. Yes, they came to my door or I would find them drinking from the hose in my yard but not often. I would invite them in, feed them, let them get rested up before continuing. Sometimes I would drive them to where they would get a bus the rest of the way.

Oh and, there was never a problem with trash or their behavior. They were always very respectful of my property and always wanted to pay for any help I gave them.

There were groups that I saw every single year because they went back to the same jobs every year.

These are the same "illegals" that provide Americans the ability to consume a salad without paying $50 for it. To date I have not seen anyone volunteer to pick crops in their place.

Yep, all that whining about how they take US jobs but you'll never see an American do the work those people do.

When I still lived in the city of Tucson, there was a guy came to my door and said the only English phrase he seemed to know. He waved his hand to indicate my weedy front yard and said "Five dollar hour".

I said yes and his old rickety car exploded with his family. Everyone, from little kids on up, busted their butts in my yard.

They were done in something like two hours and no way could I give them $10 for all they had done so I gave $25 or $30. And, I always gave them sugary sodas, just to keep them going in that heat.

They came back about once every month for quite a while - until a neighbor told me she'd called Border Patrol. I warned them not to come back.

We had a really nice electric lawn mower we never used. I gave him that and a 25' orange extension cord. Never saw them again which ticked me off because they really did good work.

I'd love to find people like that where I live now. As it is, we can't find anyone who is willing to do a day's work for a days pay. Americans just don't want to work. They want everything given to them.
Rancher Lavoyger Durham Sets Up Water Stations to Reduce Border Deaths

A compassionate man, applause for him. Mr. Durham sounds like a good example.

He should be arrested for aiding criminals.

some of his fellow ranchers....not so much
His fellow ranchers have to deal with dead livestock, property damage and disgarded trash all over their properties. Pretty hard to show compassion when you have to deal with all that.

As I said, in more than 25 years of having them on my property, there was never trash.

We had more trouble from hunters who would burn fires, leave beer cans, leave trash and shoot right next to our house than we ever had with illegals.

Illegals always showed respect for our property and for us. Always wanted to pay for our help and for food we gave them. Hunters treated our land like it was a trash heap.

Even at that, I'd rather deal with trash than dead bodies.

I have seen these people when I was truly afraid they were gonna die, right there on my porch.
That's odd. I live down here by the border and do not feel like I am under siege.

I think it was katzendogs who said he/she/it had been to the Sonora desert and therefore knew all there was to know. He/she/it also got it wrong but -

For more than 25 years, I lived in the exact path they used and never felt that way either. Yes, they came to my door or I would find them drinking from the hose in my yard but not often. I would invite them in, feed them, let them get rested up before continuing. Sometimes I would drive them to where they would get a bus the rest of the way.

Oh and, there was never a problem with trash or their behavior. They were always very respectful of my property and always wanted to pay for any help I gave them.

There were groups that I saw every single year because they went back to the same jobs every year.

These are the same "illegals" that provide Americans the ability to consume a salad without paying $50 for it. To date I have not seen anyone volunteer to pick crops in their place.

There is an operation called "Operation Rescue" that sends out volunteers in cars every morning at sunrise, looking for those in the desert that need help, or want to give up. They carry medical supplies, shoes, food and water. They are not allowed to transport them anywhere, but the may give away the things they carry in the car. The have a radio to call the border patrol with coordinates to pick up those that give up.

It is true that you could be arrested and charged for knowingly transporting an illegal alien. I would not do that, myself.

I would, only IF were there a medical emergency, I'd notify authorities promptly. Thank you for that information. As for those that blithely suggest humans drink from the Rio Grande, my pity on you.
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Rancher Lavoyger Durham Sets Up Water Stations to Reduce Border Deaths

A compassionate man, applause for him. Mr. Durham sounds like a good example.

He should be arrested for aiding criminals.

some of his fellow ranchers....not so much
His fellow ranchers have to deal with dead livestock, property damage and disgarded trash all over their properties. Pretty hard to show compassion when you have to deal with all that.

As I said, in more than 25 years of having them on my property, there was never trash.

We had more trouble from hunters who would burn fires, leave beer cans, leave trash and shoot right next to our house than we ever had with illegals.

Illegals always showed respect for our property and for us. Always wanted to pay for our help and for food we gave them. Hunters treated our land like it was a trash heap.

Even at that, I'd rather deal with trash than dead bodies.

I have seen these people when I was truly afraid they were gonna die, right there on my porch.

Hunters in my area usually respect boundaries, I have only had a couple encounters with 'suspected' illegal immigrants, they shied away from me.
How many you gonna take now?

Willow, what part of the word REPATRIATION do you have trouble with? I will continue to donate for the care of the children, do not plan to adopt. Now, is your church collecting?

Churches cannot raise enough to deal with coyote obama's invited guests. You need to take some. So, how many?

That's why we need taxpayers to help. Charities can never fill the void.

I'm kind of shocked that you are lying your ass off over who is at fault.
Willow, what part of the word REPATRIATION do you have trouble with? I will continue to donate for the care of the children, do not plan to adopt. Now, is your church collecting?

Churches cannot raise enough to deal with coyote obama's invited guests. You need to take some. So, how many?

That's why we need taxpayers to help. Charities can never fill the void.

I'm kind of shocked that you are lying your ass off over who is at fault.

But private charities have a place also, though you are correct; compassion cannot be legislated.
Rancher Lavoyger Durham Sets Up Water Stations to Reduce Border Deaths

A compassionate man, applause for him. Mr. Durham sounds like a good example, some of his fellow ranchers....not so much.

He's a criminal, he should be arrested.

If you people don't understand why American citizens are upset over this INVASION being pushed on US

YOU never will..so carry on showing how compassionate you all are on THE INTERNET

Well, all these people who are so concerned are free to sponsor immigrants. It's kind of confusing why they don't, if they're truly interested in helping them. My guess is they're just hypocrites, and merely spouting PC fashion and patting themselves on the back for being so wonderful, then running off to blow some money on crack pipes or pot.

If anybody is interested in really helping these children, the U.S. government has information on web pages to get you all started on the road to sponsorship of these people. Surely La Raza has more than enough members to absorb a mere 40,000 kids. and rescue them for the Aztlan Cause. Somehow I have the feeling they won't do squat but use them for propaganda and then disappear, leaving them to rot after the media gets bored and moves on to other 'news', like maybe Myley Cyrus eating a pizza somewhere.
These are the same "illegals" that provide Americans the ability to consume a salad without paying $50 for it. To date I have not seen anyone volunteer to pick crops in their place.

lol that old BS still floating around? You clearly know squat about ag economics. Very few crops are picked by hand anymore, and paying workers a couple of bucks more an hour to hire American citizens wouldn't raise a blip in retail prices. The 'labor shortage' is a myth, and always has been. Any labor savings from hiring criminal illegal aliens are never passed on to consumers. Neither are the savings from hiring H1-A's.

Here's an article from a well known and notorious racist right wing bigot magazine, for the Peanut Gallery's edification on just what is so attractive about illegals and H1-A's:

Silence in the Fields | Mother Jones

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