Texas rancher, water for "illegals"

ok. now what do you want us to do?

it's obvious you don't care about our borders and who comes over them

keep your wallets open and just let anyone in...

No, I understand repatriation is the only answer, unless citizens come forward with jobs, and assistance. You do need to understand the 2008 law, signed by Obama's predecessor in office, makes departing children difficult.

Okay, so have you come "forward" yet then ?

Just a donation to a church here in Florida. I could employ, but the cost of transportation from Texas to here, and housing, would be better spent in donations.

Presbyterian Border Ministry
No, I understand repatriation is the only answer, unless citizens come forward with jobs, and assistance. You do need to understand the 2008 law, signed by Obama's predecessor in office, makes departing children difficult.

Okay, so have you come "forward" yet then ?

Just a donation to a church here in Florida. I could employ, but the cost of transportation from Texas to here, and housing, would be better spent in donations.

Presbyterian Border Ministry

You need to fill your bedrooms, living room, den, buy their food, pay their utilities buy their clothes, food, medicine, when you've done that come back and preach.
Okay, so have you come "forward" yet then ?

Just a donation to a church here in Florida. I could employ, but the cost of transportation from Texas to here, and housing, would be better spent in donations.

Presbyterian Border Ministry

You need to fill your bedrooms, living room, den, buy their food, pay their utilities buy their clothes, food, medicine, when you've done that come back and preach.

No, I live in United States, we vote for representatives to govern, too bad some have their noses in liquor bottles when they should be WORKING:eusa_angel:
Just a donation to a church here in Florida. I could employ, but the cost of transportation from Texas to here, and housing, would be better spent in donations.

Presbyterian Border Ministry

You need to fill your bedrooms, living room, den, buy their food, pay their utilities buy their clothes, food, medicine, when you've done that come back and preach.

No, I live in United States, we vote for representatives to govern, too bad some have their noses in liquor bottles when they should be WORKING:eusa_ange


How many you gonna take now?
You need to fill your bedrooms, living room, den, buy their food, pay their utilities buy their clothes, food, medicine, when you've done that come back and preach.

No, I live in United States, we vote for representatives to govern, too bad some have their noses in liquor bottles when they should be WORKING:eusa_ange


How many you gonna take now?

Willow, what part of the word REPATRIATION do you have trouble with? I will continue to donate for the care of the children, do not plan to adopt. Now, is your church collecting?
No, I live in United States, we vote for representatives to govern, too bad some have their noses in liquor bottles when they should be WORKING:eusa_ange


How many you gonna take now?

Willow, what part of the word REPATRIATION do you have trouble with? I will continue to donate for the care of the children, do not plan to adopt. Now, is your church collecting?

Churches cannot raise enough to deal with coyote obama's invited guests. You need to take some. So, how many?
There's no reason why the federal government can't ask people to voluntarily take in an immigrant or two or three. They can't demand, but they can penalize you if you don't. Then of course once these people are your "guests" you have to take care of them. You have to feed them, take care of their medical needs, give them nice clothes. You can't abuse them. They are like members of your own family.
How many you gonna take now?

Willow, what part of the word REPATRIATION do you have trouble with? I will continue to donate for the care of the children, do not plan to adopt. Now, is your church collecting?

Churches cannot raise enough to deal with coyote obama's invited guests. You need to take some. So, how many?

Humans are not personal property, one does "give" nor "take" them.
I would call that "Aiding and Abetting".

I used to keep small bottles of water in the freezer and various kinds of quick traveling food, including dark chocolate, to give out. I also kept empty bottles for them to take with them. I kept whole orange juice (not from concentrate) in the refrigerate for the ones who were in really bad shape.

Its one human being holding out a helping hand to another and I did it dozens of times. If I still lived there, I would still be doing it.

Believe me, when you've got a family standing in front of and you know they are close to collapse, you simply do what needs to be done. That's not the time for politics or talk of deportation.

Like I said, its just one person helping another.
If you people don't understand why American citizens are upset over this INVASION being pushed on US

YOU never will..so carry on showing how compassionate you all are on THE INTERNET

Now that obama wants people to take them into private homes people will understand.

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