Texas SC rules state does NOT have to give benefits to homosexual "couples"

No, just live under God's will and you will be fine. God's will doesn't include the perversion of homosexuality.

So God didn't create gays? Who did?

Scene: The Heavenly Real Estate Office)

The Landlord is cheerily rounding up a covey of blazing comets that have skittered under Queen Cassiopeia’s chair. His business agent, Mr. Gabriel, enters, his Golden Trumpet in one hand and more reports from the tiny planet Earth in the other.

The Landlord: (to the comets) Come out from under there, you little scamps, before you set that whole galaxy on fire.

Gabriel: Excuse me, Sir, another batch of Prayergrams from your most devout Christians.

The Landlord: (waving a hand) Whatever they want, Gabriel. Now where did those frisky little devils get to?

Gabriel: Yes, sir, they want you to evict 10 percent of your tenants down there. (raising the Golden Trumpet) I’ve never attempted a partial eviction. Shall I try?

Landlord: (looking up) What 10 percent, Gabriel?

Gabriel: The Gays, sir. Your devout Christians say they’ve done their utmost to keep them out of their schools, their offices, their churches and their lives, but without success. So their Prayergrams ask you to remove them from the face of the Earth.

The Landlord: By Me, Gabriel? That doesn’t sound very Christian. I thought they were supposed to love their neighbors.

Gabriel: Oh, they do, sir, if their neighbors are of the same color, economic bracket and sexual orientation.

The Landlord: But what harm do these gay people do?

Gabriel: I’m afraid you’re not seeing the big picture, sir. Gays simply don’t fit into your grand design. You know, two by two, male and female? Generation after generation? The fact of the matter is that gays simply don’t procreate.

The Landlord: I thought there was enough procreation down there already.

Gabriel: And they commit unspeakable acts.

The Landlord: Murder? Torture? Paving over my mountain meadows?

Gabriel: Unspeakable sexual acts, sir.

The Landlord: Ah, you mean they express their love for each other in different ways.

Gabriel: (annoyed) Really, sir, if these people were automobiles, they’d be recalled in a nonce. They’re clearly defective.

The Landlord: (frowning) Defective, Gabriel?

Gabriel: Exactly, sir. Some essential part is missing, some vital drive is malfunctioning. Bungled wiring, a loose screw… Who knows?

The Landlord: But clearly they are examples of shoddy workmanship?

Gabriel: Oh definitely, sir. And they certainly don’t deserve to clutter up your little blue-green jewel of a planet a minute longer. (raising his trumpet again) Shall I evict them now?

The Landlord: (slowly) And who made these imperfect products, Gabriel?

Gabriel: Why, You did, of course – but… (he lowers the trumpet in sudden consternation) Good You, sir, I didn’t mean to blaspheme. You will forgive them then?

The Landlord: (smiling) A wise philosopher said long ago, Gabriel, that if I made these sinners, it is not I who should forgive them… but they who should forgive me.

Gabriel: Well, I’m sure the gays will be glad to hear of your tolerance and generosity, sir.

The Landlord: The gays? I was talking about my most devout Christians.

The landlord and the gays - Angels on Your Shoulder
The devil brought the perversions of the earth. If the earth started with homosexuality we wouldn't be here today. Therefore it's against humanity, but if it floats your boat, none of my business. Seems today you want to make it my business.

Why is the devil singling out 6-10% of the population randomly?

Actually, population control is the opposite of against humanity...it ensures it's continuation.
You choose to sin. Homosexuality if lived the way it's wrote out. It is population control. Two of the same sex cannot have children withowithout outside help.

Yes, I choose to act upon my attractions. Are you saying "the devil" makes all people attracted to members of the same gender, but only 6-10% act on it? Are you choosing not to act on same gender attractions?

Okay, homosexuality is population control... therefore having a place in the natural order.

Someone has to take care of the children you hets don't want.
The right wing cannot tell the difference. All they really know how to do well, is practice the abomination of hypocrisy.
What rights are missing in civil unions that are in marriage? Benefits packages?
Then why would Texas see it otherwise and why would that be good?
Because its not considered a civil union. The redefined marriage.
What's the difference between a civil union and a marriage?
Marriage was at one time it was a bond between a man and a woman. Now it's whatever, and to most Americans that union was under God.
Only Religious marriages are, "under a god".
So God didn't create gays? Who did?

Scene: The Heavenly Real Estate Office)

The Landlord is cheerily rounding up a covey of blazing comets that have skittered under Queen Cassiopeia’s chair. His business agent, Mr. Gabriel, enters, his Golden Trumpet in one hand and more reports from the tiny planet Earth in the other.

The Landlord: (to the comets) Come out from under there, you little scamps, before you set that whole galaxy on fire.

Gabriel: Excuse me, Sir, another batch of Prayergrams from your most devout Christians.

The Landlord: (waving a hand) Whatever they want, Gabriel. Now where did those frisky little devils get to?

Gabriel: Yes, sir, they want you to evict 10 percent of your tenants down there. (raising the Golden Trumpet) I’ve never attempted a partial eviction. Shall I try?

Landlord: (looking up) What 10 percent, Gabriel?

Gabriel: The Gays, sir. Your devout Christians say they’ve done their utmost to keep them out of their schools, their offices, their churches and their lives, but without success. So their Prayergrams ask you to remove them from the face of the Earth.

The Landlord: By Me, Gabriel? That doesn’t sound very Christian. I thought they were supposed to love their neighbors.

Gabriel: Oh, they do, sir, if their neighbors are of the same color, economic bracket and sexual orientation.

The Landlord: But what harm do these gay people do?

Gabriel: I’m afraid you’re not seeing the big picture, sir. Gays simply don’t fit into your grand design. You know, two by two, male and female? Generation after generation? The fact of the matter is that gays simply don’t procreate.

The Landlord: I thought there was enough procreation down there already.

Gabriel: And they commit unspeakable acts.

The Landlord: Murder? Torture? Paving over my mountain meadows?

Gabriel: Unspeakable sexual acts, sir.

The Landlord: Ah, you mean they express their love for each other in different ways.

Gabriel: (annoyed) Really, sir, if these people were automobiles, they’d be recalled in a nonce. They’re clearly defective.

The Landlord: (frowning) Defective, Gabriel?

Gabriel: Exactly, sir. Some essential part is missing, some vital drive is malfunctioning. Bungled wiring, a loose screw… Who knows?

The Landlord: But clearly they are examples of shoddy workmanship?

Gabriel: Oh definitely, sir. And they certainly don’t deserve to clutter up your little blue-green jewel of a planet a minute longer. (raising his trumpet again) Shall I evict them now?

The Landlord: (slowly) And who made these imperfect products, Gabriel?

Gabriel: Why, You did, of course – but… (he lowers the trumpet in sudden consternation) Good You, sir, I didn’t mean to blaspheme. You will forgive them then?

The Landlord: (smiling) A wise philosopher said long ago, Gabriel, that if I made these sinners, it is not I who should forgive them… but they who should forgive me.

Gabriel: Well, I’m sure the gays will be glad to hear of your tolerance and generosity, sir.

The Landlord: The gays? I was talking about my most devout Christians.

The landlord and the gays - Angels on Your Shoulder
The devil brought the perversions of the earth. If the earth started with homosexuality we wouldn't be here today. Therefore it's against humanity, but if it floats your boat, none of my business. Seems today you want to make it my business.

Why is the devil singling out 6-10% of the population randomly?

Actually, population control is the opposite of against humanity...it ensures it's continuation.
You choose to sin. Homosexuality if lived the way it's wrote out. It is population control. Two of the same sex cannot have children withowithout outside help.

Yes, I choose to act upon my attractions. Are you saying "the devil" makes all people attracted to members of the same gender, but only 6-10% act on it? Are you choosing not to act on same gender attractions?

Okay, homosexuality is population control... therefore having a place in the natural order.

Someone has to take care of the children you hets don't want.
Homosexuality is a sin, not created by God. Just like bestiality liberals are now working on normalizing.
The abomination of hypocrisy is always Bad. That does not stop the right wing from becoming very Good at it.
I just posted the timeline of the ruling. This is headed to the SCOTUS.

Again, there are no benefits gays got in addition to benefits straights received. This case was about timing, but bass ackward Texas Republicans want to make it bigger.

Instead, the Texas Supreme Court insisted, the trial court must settle the issue itself—keeping in mind that Obergefell “did not hold that states must provide the same publicly funded benefits to all married persons.”

This is headed to the SCOTUS.

this has already been to the federal supreme court stupid

what do you think the references to Obergefell v. Hodges is all about


like i said earlier you dont have a clue as to what happened

as for obergefell there are more cases headed that way

one is there currently

The goal of this case is to challenge Obergefell. It failed before, they exerted pressure and now are getting it to move forward under the premise that states and localities should still be able to deny equal benefits to married gay couples.

It's not going to win. No "reasonable" judge is going to rule that only some married couples are deserving of benefits.

so you say

leftards and their magic crystal ball

It failed before

you really dont know what you are rambling about do ya

The court initially declined to hear Pidgeon. But after being lobbied by many of the state's most influential conservatives, the justices surprised everyone and reinstated the case. That decision brought back memories from 2000, when two Republican justices on the Fourteenth Court of Appeals in Houston had the gall to find that the Texas sodomy statute violated the Texas Constitution, and a campaign was launched against them.

Can Texas conservatives put limits on gay marriage?

The court initially declined to hear Pidgeon. But after being lobbied by many of the state's most influential conservatives, the justices surprised everyone and reinstated the case. That decision brought back memories from 2000, when two Republican justices on the Fourteenth Court of Appeals in Houston had the gall to find that the Texas sodomy statute violated the Texas Constitution, and a campaign was launched against them.

yeah so what

the mayor took it to federal court

and the court rejected it

sending it back to the state

thanks for demonstrating

that you do not know what you are rambling about
Was the Texas Judicature on drugs and had to, "do it over again"?
Why is the devil singling out 6-10% of the population randomly?

Actually, population control is the opposite of against humanity...it ensures it's continuation.
You choose to sin. Homosexuality if lived the way it's wrote out. It is population control. Two of the same sex cannot have children withowithout outside help.

Yes, I choose to act upon my attractions. Are you saying "the devil" makes all people attracted to members of the same gender, but only 6-10% act on it? Are you choosing not to act on same gender attractions?

Okay, homosexuality is population control... therefore having a place in the natural order.

Someone has to take care of the children you hets don't want.
Homosexuality is a sin, not created by God. Just like bestiality liberals are now working on normalizing.
You're wrong on both points. God created mankind and the free will endowed therein. And no one is advocating legalization of bestiality. That's a ham handed propagandistic Hyper Conservative creation.
You support men in girls locker rooms?
StarShip Troopers did not have a problem with it; why should the Militia of the United States.
Why is the devil singling out 6-10% of the population randomly?

Actually, population control is the opposite of against humanity...it ensures it's continuation.
You choose to sin. Homosexuality if lived the way it's wrote out. It is population control. Two of the same sex cannot have children withowithout outside help.

Yes, I choose to act upon my attractions. Are you saying "the devil" makes all people attracted to members of the same gender, but only 6-10% act on it? Are you choosing not to act on same gender attractions?

Okay, homosexuality is population control... therefore having a place in the natural order.

Someone has to take care of the children you hets don't want.
Homosexuality is a sin, not created by God. Just like bestiality liberals are now working on normalizing.

You keep parroting the same line but not actually answering the questions I posed. No independent thought, just "gay = sin"?

Why was I given attractions for members of my same gender? We're you given them too and you choose not to "sin"?
Yes homosexuality is a sin, but I was taught to hate the sin and not the dinner.
The abomination of hypocrisy is a sin. I try to hate the sin and merely, "blame the right" for having no solutions for equal pay in the non-porn sector, and having Only repeal.
Not something everyone believes...nor are we required to.
Your right, but non believers will live eternity in hell. You have that choice.
Drop the pretense. Call them infidels.
No, just live under God's will and you will be fine. God's will doesn't include the perversion of homosexuality.
God's will also doesn't include the abomination of hypocrisy or false witness bearing.

That would be free will, God gave it to all of us. How we use it is how we will be judged
We also have a First Amendment in our supreme law of the land.
Amazing how many people support institutional discrimination. I would bet most of them bitch about it in other forms.
Is it the law? Was a law broken? Why conflate separate issues?

This was a dick move....agreed.

But with Trump.as head Dick, this is the kinda stuff we will have to expect.

Stop arguing the law is the law is the law and justify fining someone $149k for not baking a cake.

And Obama's admin was just as dickish, you just supported the dickery.
Our extra-Constitutional, War on Drugs may actually result in asset forfeiture and jail time. Thank goodness, those bakers could claim, "bakers morals" to get out of criminal proceedings.

They're claiming religious freedom, stop making shit up
Freedom to, "render unto Caesar that which pertains to him"? We have laws; public accommodation is for-profit in that case. That means, profit above morals. If y'all want morals over profit, go not-for-profit to prove you care less about lucre than you do morals.

not bright enough to discuss politics in the public domain? how, right wing of you, in the, non-porn sector.
Is it the law? Was a law broken? Why conflate separate issues?

This was a dick move....agreed.

But with Trump.as head Dick, this is the kinda stuff we will have to expect.

Stop arguing the law is the law is the law and justify fining someone $149k for not baking a cake.

And Obama's admin was just as dickish, you just supported the dickery.
Our extra-Constitutional, War on Drugs may actually result in asset forfeiture and jail time. Thank goodness, those bakers could claim, "bakers morals" to get out of criminal proceedings.

Separate issue.
Some people would rather get fined 149k, than have their assets forfeited and possibly face incarceration for several years.

Again, separate issues.

Try to stay on topic.
Yes, because Fining someone $149k for not baking a cake is not being assholes at all.....
Marriage is the natural environment for the natural union of a man and a woman, the purpose of which is to raise natural children in a natural world. People wanting to operate outside of that natural realm should establish their own definition for what they do and seek whatever protections they think just through the political system. Warping the natural world to fit their unnatural state is the wrong solution.
We subscribe to Constitutional law, not religious laws.
The constitution is based on Judeo Christian beliefs, Herb.
No, it isn't. It is a political evolution not a religious evolution. Our First Amendment was included, so we can, "blame the right wing" for simply being, clueless and Causeless, like usual.
Marriage is the natural environment for the natural union of a man and a woman, the purpose of which is to raise natural children in a natural world. People wanting to operate outside of that natural realm should establish their own definition for what they do and seek whatever protections they think just through the political system. Warping the natural world to fit their unnatural state is the wrong solution.

Homosexuality is found in nature....destroying your "unnatural" argument.
Assholes sound better? I can go with fucking assholes if you prefer.

Yes, because Fining someone $149k for not baking a cake is not being assholes at all.....

You support assholes on your own side, while I call a spade a spade.

This decision is actually terrible, and I can say that because I'm not a blind partisan hack.

Is it the law? Was a law broken? Why conflate separate issues?

This was a dick move....agreed.

But with Trump.as head Dick, this is the kinda stuff we will have to expect.

Stop arguing the law is the law is the law and justify fining someone $149k for not baking a cake.

And Obama's admin was just as dickish, you just supported the dickery.
Our extra-Constitutional, War on Drugs may actually result in asset forfeiture and jail time. Thank goodness, those bakers could claim, "bakers morals" to get out of criminal proceedings.

They're claiming religious freedom, stop making shit up

And you still haven't explained how it is religious freedom to deny the same benefits to legally married gay city employees that are granted legally married straight city employees.
It is about equal protection of the law.

Usually, it is the poor that, "get the shaft" more often. The rich can afford to simply, "purchase" better privileges and immunities under our form of Capitalism.
Assholes sound better? I can go with fucking assholes if you prefer.

Yes, because Fining someone $149k for not baking a cake is not being assholes at all.....

You support assholes on your own side, while I call a spade a spade.

This decision is actually terrible, and I can say that because I'm not a blind partisan hack.

Is it the law? Was a law broken? Why conflate separate issues?

This was a dick move....agreed.

But with Trump.as head Dick, this is the kinda stuff we will have to expect.

Stop arguing the law is the law is the law and justify fining someone $149k for not baking a cake.

And Obama's admin was just as dickish, you just supported the dickery.
Our extra-Constitutional, War on Drugs may actually result in asset forfeiture and jail time. Thank goodness, those bakers could claim, "bakers morals" to get out of criminal proceedings.

Separate issue.

So are Public Accommodation laws, but that didn't stop you...
Yes, because Fining someone $149k for not baking a cake is not being assholes at all.....

You support assholes on your own side, while I call a spade a spade.

This decision is actually terrible, and I can say that because I'm not a blind partisan hack.

Is it the law? Was a law broken? Why conflate separate issues?

This was a dick move....agreed.

But with Trump.as head Dick, this is the kinda stuff we will have to expect.

Stop arguing the law is the law is the law and justify fining someone $149k for not baking a cake.

And Obama's admin was just as dickish, you just supported the dickery.
Our extra-Constitutional, War on Drugs may actually result in asset forfeiture and jail time. Thank goodness, those bakers could claim, "bakers morals" to get out of criminal proceedings.

They're claiming religious freedom, stop making shit up

And you still haven't explained how it is religious freedom to deny the same benefits to legally married gay city employees that are granted legally married straight city employees.
The right wing is, "all vacuum of special pleading".
Marriage is the natural environment for the natural union of a man and a woman, the purpose of which is to raise natural children in a natural world. People wanting to operate outside of that natural realm should establish their own definition for what they do and seek whatever protections they think just through the political system. Warping the natural world to fit their unnatural state is the wrong solution.
Nothing but an opinionated appeal to ignorance. You don't get to decide what the purpose of marriage is. And by the way, gay people are parents and raise children. You also don't get to decide what "natural" is or that those children of gays are less valuable, and less deserving of the financial, legal, and social benefits of having married parents. You should read the Oberegfell decision. It is really about the kids as much as anything else.
Stop arguing the law is the law is the law and justify fining someone $149k for not baking a cake.

And Obama's admin was just as dickish, you just supported the dickery.
Our extra-Constitutional, War on Drugs may actually result in asset forfeiture and jail time. Thank goodness, those bakers could claim, "bakers morals" to get out of criminal proceedings.

Separate issue.
Some people would rather get fined 149k, than have their assets forfeited and possibly face incarceration for several years.

Again, separate issues.

Try to stay on topic.
Yes, because Fining someone $149k for not baking a cake is not being assholes at all.....

it is being an asshole. However civil asset forfeiture (which I disagree with) is a separate example of government overreach.
Yes, because Fining someone $149k for not baking a cake is not being assholes at all.....

You support assholes on your own side, while I call a spade a spade.

This decision is actually terrible, and I can say that because I'm not a blind partisan hack.

Is it the law? Was a law broken? Why conflate separate issues?

This was a dick move....agreed.

But with Trump.as head Dick, this is the kinda stuff we will have to expect.

Stop arguing the law is the law is the law and justify fining someone $149k for not baking a cake.

And Obama's admin was just as dickish, you just supported the dickery.
Our extra-Constitutional, War on Drugs may actually result in asset forfeiture and jail time. Thank goodness, those bakers could claim, "bakers morals" to get out of criminal proceedings.

Separate issue.

So are Public Accommodation laws, but that didn't stop you...

Actually they are more related because we are talking about the same groups being involved.


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