Texas SC rules state does NOT have to give benefits to homosexual "couples"

I could drop that thing in 5-6 pieces, I don't drop 80-lb logs from 90 feet in the air, that's retarded.

I'd fold that
thing down on itself in 5-6 pieces and be done.

Yeah, you're just not equipped to do what I do. I do that, and some. And more.
Yes, dear, I'm a "dyke", but you seem to get your image of lesbians from 50s pulp fiction. Wake up an smell the lipstick, darlin'. Us "dykes" don't have to "imitate men". We can be as feminine as we want. We can even {gasp} wear dresses sometimes.

And there is no such thing as a "mans work" or "womens work". There is just work.

You could never do what I do, not on the best day of your life. Don't feel bad, most men can't either.

Yeah, actually I probably could. I wouldn't want to, I'm sure. I'm quite happy in my chosen profession, but I'm confident I could do the job.

I know for a fact you couldn't.

So you're a gigolo? Does what you "do" involve peeing standing up? No? Then you don't "know for a fact"...well much of anything from what I can see.

I always pee standing up.

Do you really think you could do what I do?

How certain are you?
Ah....so that's the measure is it...that you can pee standing up.

I could drop that thing in 5-6 pieces, I don't drop 80-lb logs from 90 feet in the air, that's retarded.

I'd fold that
thing down on itself in 5-6 pieces and be done.

Yeah, you're just not equipped to do what I do. I do that, and some. And more.

My cousin and his son run a tree trimming business......I have helped in the past. As has his two daughters and his wife.
You could never do what I do, not on the best day of your life. Don't feel bad, most men can't either.

Yeah, actually I probably could. I wouldn't want to, I'm sure. I'm quite happy in my chosen profession, but I'm confident I could do the job.

I know for a fact you couldn't.

So you're a gigolo? Does what you "do" involve peeing standing up? No? Then you don't "know for a fact"...well much of anything from what I can see.

I always pee standing up.

Do you really think you could do what I do?

How certain are you?
Ah....so that's the measure is it...that you can pee standing up.

No , the measure is, when's the last time you did a man's job.

I could drop that thing in 5-6 pieces, I don't drop 80-lb logs from 90 feet in the air, that's retarded.

I'd fold that
thing down on itself in 5-6 pieces and be done.

Yeah, you're just not equipped to do what I do. I do that, and some. And more.

My cousin and his son run a tree trimming business......I have helped in the past. As has his two daughters and his wife.

Are you the man that makes it happen? No? Are you capable of making it happen? No?

STFU then.

You know what makes you the man Bodey? When you're the one that can make it happen no matter what.

That's me.

Not you.

^Keep that in mind because that's real.
Yeah, actually I probably could. I wouldn't want to, I'm sure. I'm quite happy in my chosen profession, but I'm confident I could do the job.

I know for a fact you couldn't.

So you're a gigolo? Does what you "do" involve peeing standing up? No? Then you don't "know for a fact"...well much of anything from what I can see.

I always pee standing up.

Do you really think you could do what I do?

How certain are you?
Ah....so that's the measure is it...that you can pee standing up.

No , the measure is, when's the last time you did a man's job.

What century were you born in?
The majority of CA voted for proposition 8. It passed.

And? They wouldn't now.

Obama was bound and determined to foist faggotry on the US.

No, that was us fags that did that. Primarily a woman named Edith Windsor and a man named Jim Obergefell. Obama had little or nothing to do with it. You'll have to use your other pejorative for him.

"Homosexuality isn't about sex, it's about domination."

-Quote from Dennis Hopper in Blue

I have yet to find a clip of that.

No actually, it's about emotional and sexual attraction. You're confusing rape with being gay much the way your "ilk" confuses polygamy, pedophila, bestiality, etc. with being gay. I think it may be the inbreeding that causes the confusion.

I get it, you're a dyke. Bodey is too.

The majority of CA voted for proposition 8. It passed.

And? They wouldn't now.

Obama was bound and determined to foist faggotry on the US.

No, that was us fags that did that. Primarily a woman named Edith Windsor and a man named Jim Obergefell. Obama had little or nothing to do with it. You'll have to use your other pejorative for him.

"Homosexuality isn't about sex, it's about domination."

-Quote from Dennis Hopper in Blue

I have yet to find a clip of that.

No actually, it's about emotional and sexual attraction. You're confusing rape with being gay much the way your "ilk" confuses polygamy, pedophila, bestiality, etc. with being gay. I think it may be the inbreeding that causes the confusion.

I get it, you're a dyke. Bodey is too.

Wow...you sussed that out all by yourself did you? You really have some super power there, bucko. Make sure you only use it for good!

You 2 can't do half the work I can in a day. I guarantee neither of you has done as much work as I have in an average day, even.

Stop trying to be something you're not.
Let's hear it....what do you do?

Both Seawytch and I are retired Navy....they don't keep slackers. (Maybe the Air Force does)

You 2 can't do half the work I can in a day. I guarantee neither of you has done as much work as I have in an average day, even.

Stop trying to be something you're not.

Did you respond in the correct thread? What you posted has zero to do with anything being discussed.

Or do you think being a mule is your super power and not your gaydar?


You 2 wanna be like men, right?


You said you were a dyke.. sup? Dykes want to imitate men.

You want to imitate a man, do a man's work sometime, if you can.

Yes, dear, I'm a "dyke", but you seem to get your image of lesbians from 50s pulp fiction. Wake up an smell the lipstick, darlin'. Us "dykes" don't have to "imitate men". We can be as feminine as we want. We can even {gasp} wear dresses sometimes.

And there is no such thing as a "mans work" or "womens work". There is just work.

I could drop that thing in 5-6 pieces, I don't drop 80-lb logs from 90 feet in the air, that's retarded.

I'd fold that
thing down on itself in 5-6 pieces and be done.

Yeah, you're just not equipped to do what I do. I do that, and some. And more.

My cousin and his son run a tree trimming business......I have helped in the past. As has his two daughters and his wife.

Embrace your femininity, girls. You're not men, nor will you ever be.

There is a difference.
Pure gibberish.
Thank you for ceding the point and the argument, by having nothing but Repeal.

you don't get to press the win button just because you string some words together to make yourself sound smart.

Now how about you devolve to your usual clue and cause bullshit?
How, Irrelevant as a argument. It really is worthless in the non-porn sector.

You have to be moral to ask for morality.

Should we ask a Pope for a Contingent of Subject Matter Specialists, to Inquire into the moral Rectitude of Persons alleging to have morals?

Otherwise, we have legal ethics.

More gibberish.
Much easier to just say that rather than actually WORK to accomplish change if you feel a change needs to be made by repealing what you perceive to be bad law.

I work for change by voting for people that will appoint judges that will fix things. Voting for people that would follow the law properly in NY is impossible.
Look, if you want marry a chicken knock yourself out. Just practice safe sex

But when you want the benefits associated with marriage, gfys

bullshit. Where in the constitution does it say you give up your rights if you want to make money?

no where does it say that


hopeful thinking from leftists
Bakers who are in it for profit are not in it for morals. It really is that simple. They should be legally required to be not-for-profit if they "want to engage in the socialism of morals over the pursuit of capital profit in public accommodations."

what a crock of shit
Nothing but emotionalism instead of a valid argument, right wingers. Even chics in the non-porn sector can be as equal, for pay purposes.

you are the one full of emotional and irrational thinking
But there is a right to free expression of religion, and that is where PA laws don't win out over something as insignificant as a wedding cake.
Making a cake is "free expression of religion"? Why not not following health laws or safety laws too if someone wants to make up more religious "expressions"?

That will be the argument in front of the SC next term.

Actually religion can override fire code, I got married in a hindu temple, and part of the ceremony is a fire of open flame, something not allowed in the NYC fire code, but an exemption is given for religious reasons.

Health codes can also be modified. Health departments have to allow for kosher or halal slaughter, even if they have codes that require different procedures.
An exemption. You did type that, right? An exemption. Which is something they applied for and got beforehand by explaining an already historically established religious tradition.......right?

Explain the historically established religious tradition in cake baking.

Or they just decided it was something not worth fighting and didn't try to make the fight.

It's not up to government to decide how a person practices their religion, so your attempted gotcha moment is a moot point.

Free exercise is free exercise, and unless the government can come up with a compelling reason due to an actual harm suffered by the other party, then they should just butt out.
Well, you know all about "not worth fighting" for. Easier to just whine.

It's called posting. If you don't like it maybe the Hello Kitty Message board is more to your liking.
What is "gibberish" about it?

You have to be moral to ask for morality.

Should we ask a Pope for a Contingent of Subject Matter Specialists, to Inquire into the moral Rectitude of Persons alleging to have morals?

Otherwise, we have legal ethics.

Be, specific.

Don't be, incompetent, dear.

In other words, it is to complicated for you. You need to explain why you, (emotionally) feel, it is "gibberish".

Nope, you don't get to "win" by typing words in a string and pretending you have a point.


Otherwise, you really are just clueless and Causeless, and have, "no morals" for insisting otherwise.

THERE is the clueless and causeless crap you are known for.

Gibberish on top of Gibberish.
This why else I don't take the right wing seriously about economics, to the extent it may require, the subjective value of morals.

if you were talking economics you might have a point.

I could drop that thing in 5-6 pieces, I don't drop 80-lb logs from 90 feet in the air, that's retarded.

I'd fold that
thing down on itself in 5-6 pieces and be done.

Yeah, you're just not equipped to do what I do. I do that, and some. And more.

My cousin and his son run a tree trimming business......I have helped in the past. As has his two daughters and his wife.

We have our own mill. We milled the beams for my house from trees we cut off our property. My wife, my son, my daughter my dad,and I split wood all summer long to have enough wood to last through the winter. Now we DO have a hydraulic splitter, but sometimes you gotta get the REALLY big ones down to a size you can roll over to the splitter. I love swinging that sucker! :D
And? They wouldn't now.

No, that was us fags that did that. Primarily a woman named Edith Windsor and a man named Jim Obergefell. Obama had little or nothing to do with it. You'll have to use your other pejorative for him.

No actually, it's about emotional and sexual attraction. You're confusing rape with being gay much the way your "ilk" confuses polygamy, pedophila, bestiality, etc. with being gay. I think it may be the inbreeding that causes the confusion.

I get it, you're a dyke. Bodey is too.

And? They wouldn't now.

No, that was us fags that did that. Primarily a woman named Edith Windsor and a man named Jim Obergefell. Obama had little or nothing to do with it. You'll have to use your other pejorative for him.

No actually, it's about emotional and sexual attraction. You're confusing rape with being gay much the way your "ilk" confuses polygamy, pedophila, bestiality, etc. with being gay. I think it may be the inbreeding that causes the confusion.

I get it, you're a dyke. Bodey is too.

Wow...you sussed that out all by yourself did you? You really have some super power there, bucko. Make sure you only use it for good!

You 2 can't do half the work I can in a day. I guarantee neither of you has done as much work as I have in an average day, even.

Stop trying to be something you're not.
Let's hear it....what do you do?

Both Seawytch and I are retired Navy....they don't keep slackers. (Maybe the Air Force does)

Did you respond in the correct thread? What you posted has zero to do with anything being discussed.

Or do you think being a mule is your super power and not your gaydar?


You 2 wanna be like men, right?


You said you were a dyke.. sup? Dykes want to imitate men.

You want to imitate a man, do a man's work sometime, if you can.

Yes, dear, I'm a "dyke", but you seem to get your image of lesbians from 50s pulp fiction. Wake up an smell the lipstick, darlin'. Us "dykes" don't have to "imitate men". We can be as feminine as we want. We can even {gasp} wear dresses sometimes.

And there is no such thing as a "mans work" or "womens work". There is just work.

I could drop that thing in 5-6 pieces, I don't drop 80-lb logs from 90 feet in the air, that's retarded.

I'd fold that
thing down on itself in 5-6 pieces and be done.

Yeah, you're just not equipped to do what I do. I do that, and some. And more.

My cousin and his son run a tree trimming business......I have helped in the past. As has his two daughters and his wife.

Embrace your femininity, girls. You're not men, nor will you ever be.

There is a difference.

We don't actually want to be. I love being a woman who loves women. My wife loves being a woman that loves women. We both wear makeup and we both shoot guns and split wood. It's paradise!

I could drop that thing in 5-6 pieces, I don't drop 80-lb logs from 90 feet in the air, that's retarded.

I'd fold that
thing down on itself in 5-6 pieces and be done.

Yeah, you're just not equipped to do what I do. I do that, and some. And more.

My cousin and his son run a tree trimming business......I have helped in the past. As has his two daughters and his wife.

Are you the man that makes it happen? No? Are you capable of making it happen? No?

STFU then.

You know what makes you the man Bodey? When you're the one that can make it happen no matter what.

That's me.

Not you.

^Keep that in mind because that's real.

Make it happen? as in climb a tree with a chain saw and cut? Sure I could make that happen. What's so hard about that when one takes their time and makes appropriate precautions? How about being a Hotshot? Women can do that, can you?
Making a cake is "free expression of religion"? Why not not following health laws or safety laws too if someone wants to make up more religious "expressions"?

That will be the argument in front of the SC next term.

Actually religion can override fire code, I got married in a hindu temple, and part of the ceremony is a fire of open flame, something not allowed in the NYC fire code, but an exemption is given for religious reasons.

Health codes can also be modified. Health departments have to allow for kosher or halal slaughter, even if they have codes that require different procedures.
An exemption. You did type that, right? An exemption. Which is something they applied for and got beforehand by explaining an already historically established religious tradition.......right?

Explain the historically established religious tradition in cake baking.

Or they just decided it was something not worth fighting and didn't try to make the fight.

It's not up to government to decide how a person practices their religion, so your attempted gotcha moment is a moot point.

Free exercise is free exercise, and unless the government can come up with a compelling reason due to an actual harm suffered by the other party, then they should just butt out.
Well, you know all about "not worth fighting" for. Easier to just whine.

It's called posting. If you don't like it maybe the Hello Kitty Message board is more to your liking.
I am totally aware it's called posting. Some people do more than that tho....it's called WORKING.
But there is a right to free expression of religion, and that is where PA laws don't win out over something as insignificant as a wedding cake.
Making a cake is "free expression of religion"? Why not not following health laws or safety laws too if someone wants to make up more religious "expressions"?

That will be the argument in front of the SC next term.

Actually religion can override fire code, I got married in a hindu temple, and part of the ceremony is a fire of open flame, something not allowed in the NYC fire code, but an exemption is given for religious reasons.

Health codes can also be modified. Health departments have to allow for kosher or halal slaughter, even if they have codes that require different procedures.
An exemption. You did type that, right? An exemption. Which is something they applied for and got beforehand by explaining an already historically established religious tradition.......right?

Explain the historically established religious tradition in cake baking.

Or they just decided it was something not worth fighting and didn't try to make the fight.

It's not up to government to decide how a person practices their religion, so your attempted gotcha moment is a moot point.

Free exercise is free exercise, and unless the government can come up with a compelling reason due to an actual harm suffered by the other party, then they should just butt out.

Nope, it isn't up to the government how someone worships. It is up to them how businesses are licensed and in some places that means you gotta serve the gays AND the blacks. Oh well!

No, it doesn't because the transaction I am talking about is not a true public accommodation. The right to be served is not absolute.
That will be the argument in front of the SC next term.

Actually religion can override fire code, I got married in a hindu temple, and part of the ceremony is a fire of open flame, something not allowed in the NYC fire code, but an exemption is given for religious reasons.

Health codes can also be modified. Health departments have to allow for kosher or halal slaughter, even if they have codes that require different procedures.
An exemption. You did type that, right? An exemption. Which is something they applied for and got beforehand by explaining an already historically established religious tradition.......right?

Explain the historically established religious tradition in cake baking.

Or they just decided it was something not worth fighting and didn't try to make the fight.

It's not up to government to decide how a person practices their religion, so your attempted gotcha moment is a moot point.

Free exercise is free exercise, and unless the government can come up with a compelling reason due to an actual harm suffered by the other party, then they should just butt out.
Well, you know all about "not worth fighting" for. Easier to just whine.

It's called posting. If you don't like it maybe the Hello Kitty Message board is more to your liking.
I am totally aware it's called posting. Some people do more than that tho....it's called WORKING.

I work at my job and other things, I post here to voice my opinion. You going with the tired" do something fuh fuh fuh" response means you don't want to argue the actual topic, because probably deep down you know ruining someone over a cake is idiotic.
An exemption. You did type that, right? An exemption. Which is something they applied for and got beforehand by explaining an already historically established religious tradition.......right?

Explain the historically established religious tradition in cake baking.

Or they just decided it was something not worth fighting and didn't try to make the fight.

It's not up to government to decide how a person practices their religion, so your attempted gotcha moment is a moot point.

Free exercise is free exercise, and unless the government can come up with a compelling reason due to an actual harm suffered by the other party, then they should just butt out.
Well, you know all about "not worth fighting" for. Easier to just whine.

It's called posting. If you don't like it maybe the Hello Kitty Message board is more to your liking.
I am totally aware it's called posting. Some people do more than that tho....it's called WORKING.

I work at my job and other things, I post here to voice my opinion. You going with the tired" do something fuh fuh fuh" response means you don't want to argue the actual topic, because probably deep down you know ruining someone over a cake is idiotic.
WORKING at changing laws you feel are wrong. What have you done to WORK for that change? Everytime I ask that you provide excuses and insults. Not constructive.
Thank you for ceding the point and the argument, by having nothing but Repeal.

you don't get to press the win button just because you string some words together to make yourself sound smart.

Now how about you devolve to your usual clue and cause bullshit?
How, Irrelevant as a argument. It really is worthless in the non-porn sector.

You have to be moral to ask for morality.

Should we ask a Pope for a Contingent of Subject Matter Specialists, to Inquire into the moral Rectitude of Persons alleging to have morals?

Otherwise, we have legal ethics.

More gibberish.
Much easier to just say that rather than actually WORK to accomplish change if you feel a change needs to be made by repealing what you perceive to be bad law.

I work for change by voting for people that will appoint judges that will fix things. Voting for people that would follow the law properly in NY is impossible.
Why is it impossible? Could it be that the majority does not agree with you? Is that the impossibility you refer to?

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