Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

What events make Texans want to secede?

The attack on basic civil liberties. The absorption of 1/6th of the economy by the federal government. The nationalizing and militarizing of police and law enforcement.

- Ending slavery

Yeah, it's 1856, fucktard....

- Giving Blacks Equal Civil Rights

A little late, the Republicans did that in 1956 - with howls of objection by you racist democrats.

- Electing a black president

I doubt many care that Obama is a quarter black. Him being 100% red is a bigger issue - you racist little fuck you..

Did I miss anything?

Any hint of integrity - but that's expected from you...
Texas will become a Conservative mecca

- No minimum wage
- No healthcare
- Barebones education
- No rights for gays
- Unfettered access to guns
- God based science in schools
- No environmental regulations

Get your applications in now
What events make Texans want to secede?

The attack on basic civil liberties. The absorption of 1/6th of the economy by the federal government. The nationalizing and militarizing of police and law enforcement.

- Ending slavery

Yeah, it's 1856, fucktard....

A little late, the Republicans did that in 1956 - with howls of objection by you racist democrats.

- Electing a black president

I doubt many care that Obama is a quarter black. Him being 100% red is a bigger issue - you racist little fuck you..

Did I miss anything?

Any hint of integrity - but that's expected from you...

Dude, get up on the wrong side of the gutter this morning?
What events make Texans want to secede?

The attack on basic civil liberties. The absorption of 1/6th of the economy by the federal government. The nationalizing and militarizing of police and law enforcement.

Yeah, it's 1856, fucktard....

A little late, the Republicans did that in 1956 - with howls of objection by you racist democrats.

I doubt many care that Obama is a quarter black. Him being 100% red is a bigger issue - you racist little fuck you..

Did I miss anything?

Any hint of integrity - but that's expected from you...

Dude, get up on the wrong side of the gutter this morning?

Uncensored is concerned about the loss of basic civil liberties like denying healthcare to the masses and persecuting gays

He longs for the civil liberties of old when you could lynch those who claimed to be your equal
There doesn't seem to be any shortage of loud mouthed, know-it-all Texans.

Why is that?
Everyone is jealous of the Dallas Cowboys. Now if they could only get rid of that beaner QB, Antonio Romo, maybe they'd win.
Theoretically Texas could divide into a near infinite number of states.

So what?

I'm not talking about theory, but the permission to divide the state up were given to it when they joined the United States.

So what? It would add 8 Senators, obviously.
Plenty of them are. Costa Rica is a very popular destination. I am more than happy to help that little investor make a move out of the US. When I see that empty store space. That little manufacturer that just went to Honduras and fired all 15 employees, it just makes me so damn happy. All you need to do is keep telling people to leave. I keep telling these guys that they aren't wanted and liberals intend to drive them out of the country . You do it. You tell them. Oh and tell them if they do try to stay they'll be dead.

To answer your question of why don't they do it. They are. It just hasn't gotten painful yet. Alter all it took quite a few years before liberals noticed that major companies were going off shore. Liberals are that stupid. Yes they are.

People have been retiring in Costa Rica since I was a kid and they did it to live where their money made them richer. It had nothing to do with politics. It's Russ Limpball saying he would move out of the country if Obamacare is passed and implemented 5 years later. Let's face it how would it effect him?

As far as any of you stinking conservatives go, move out of the country, but don't think you will have access to the American market once we get rid of you. That's something that has to change and we need to stop working our way back to becoming a third world country. You are the retards who made the rust belt with your stupid free trade policies to bust those union jobs.

Liberals didn't fuck up this country and they haven't even had numbers to have power for many years. What makes you think LBJ or JFK was a liberal? Even Carter isn't an extreme liberal and he came from Georgia with a family business in peanuts.

You assholes aren't going to start anything, because we don't live in your fantasyland and know you haven't even had a liberal agenda to deal with. Single payer health care, like Medicare for all was proposed by Republicans years ago. What makes you think saving all those businesses money is a liberal idea? You assholes are so far to the right that moderates are called communists. You start anything in this country and we're going to shoot you down like rabid dogs. Don't think we will play with fools of your kind going that far.

The unions were the first to speak out against outsourcing, so how couldn't liberals know about it? We watched the conservatives destroy our manufacturing industry and blame it on others. We don't have to buy any foreign made product or allow it to be sold in America. Get it? We can even tell a certain corporation they aren't going to be allowed to make sneakers in Vietnam, pay $2 in labor for a pair of sneakers and sell them on the American market. They can be told to either make those Nike sneakers here or they won't be allowed to sell them here. See how it works when you aren't blaming the American people for not being able to live on very few dollars a day?

Consumers destroyed the unions as they wanted the same product for a lower price.
All companies do is respond to and act on what consumers demand.
Consumers ran off the manufacturing.
Why else would companies move?
If consumers paid more for the same product made in USA not one company would have left.
You destroyed American manufacturing and all of us also.
We demanded it and got it.
Econ 101.
You fools believe every company out there is run by a Republican.

You Republican scum caused the Rust Belt and you supported free trade to do it. You did it to keep wages down in America and it worked.

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