Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

Texas won't secede because if they did, they'd have no one to hear them whine.
Texas won't secede because if they did, they'd have no one to hear them whine.


All I hear is a disgruntled lib echo chamber.


But please continue: is great fun to listen to how much of an impression the state has made upon liberal dems.

Once it starts, it'll continue until every working person joins the movement. Then the freeloaders will be fucked. This is why the libs get so pissed off when we talk about it, they're afraid they might have to start working for a living.

When the president’s second term comes to an end he will leave this Nation considerably better off than when he took office in 2009. Not just with regard to the economy but in other aspects as well. You may credit the president or not, it really makes no difference, it will be an indisputable fact, and how he will be remembered.

Long forgotten will be this ‘secession’ nonsense, as well as the partisan hacks who behaved like petulant children when they didn’t get their way last November.
Uncensored is concerned about the loss of basic civil liberties like denying healthcare to the masses and persecuting gays

I assume that your "profession" is pan handling for a bottle of Thunderbird each day. So, would it be fair to force you to pan handle on behalf of the drunks in the next ally over?

What you cannot seem to grasp is that you have no "right" to the professional effort of others. The fact that a person puts 16 years of advanced education into becoming a doctor does not make them your slave. You have no "right" to health care, nor a right to mechanical care for your Yugo.

He longs for the civil liberties of old when you could lynch those who claimed to be your equal

Lynching is a purely democratic act. You democrats with your slavery, your KKK, your Jim Crow, and your Affirmative Action. Racism defines you.
Uncensored is concerned about the loss of basic civil liberties like denying healthcare to the masses and persecuting gays

I assume that your "profession" is pan handling for a bottle of Thunderbird each day. So, would it be fair to force you to pan handle on behalf of the drunks in the next ally over?

What you cannot seem to grasp is that you have no "right" to the professional effort of others. The fact that a person puts 16 years of advanced education into becoming a doctor does not make them your slave. You have no "right" to health care, nor a right to mechanical care for your Yugo.

He longs for the civil liberties of old when you could lynch those who claimed to be your equal

Lynching is a purely democratic act. You democrats with your slavery, your KKK, your Jim Crow, and your Affirmative Action. Racism defines you.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

You have yet to establish a loss of civil liberties warranting secession
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

You have yet to establish a loss of civil liberties warranting secession


More weak logical fallacy from the left. (If I call for secession, then I may need to support it, sparky)

As for you Obamunists and your assault on civil liberty...

{The ACLU reported that between 2009 and 2011 the number of people subjected to telephone wiretapping had doubled in some cases and tripled in others. And when it comes to the government snooping through your e-mail, the ACLU reported that the number of authorizations the Justice Department received increased 361 percent between 2009 and 2011.}

{Though few will admit it, under Dubya liberals cared less about protecting civil liberties than they did about hating George W. Bush. Where are the angry "criminal" accusations we heard from the Left now that Obama makes his predecessor look like an ACLU lawyer?}
Obama's assault on civil liberties makes Bush look like an ACLU lawyer | Jack Hunter | Charleston City Paper

Here's a list from the far left hate site you usually depend on;

If and when Texas seceeds from The Union, and Mexico invades Texas militarily, should the US come to Texas' rescue?

Aren't we an ally of Mexico? Mexico hasn't been running their mouth since I've been born.

I say: "Remember the Alamo", but this time it will be the final battle.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

You have yet to establish a loss of civil liberties warranting secession


More weak logical fallacy from the left. (If I call for secession, then I may need to support it, sparky)

As for you Obamunists and your assault on civil liberty...

{The ACLU reported that between 2009 and 2011 the number of people subjected to telephone wiretapping had doubled in some cases and tripled in others. And when it comes to the government snooping through your e-mail, the ACLU reported that the number of authorizations the Justice Department received increased 361 percent between 2009 and 2011.}

{Though few will admit it, under Dubya liberals cared less about protecting civil liberties than they did about hating George W. Bush. Where are the angry "criminal" accusations we heard from the Left now that Obama makes his predecessor look like an ACLU lawyer?}
Obama's assault on civil liberties makes Bush look like an ACLU lawyer | Jack Hunter | Charleston City Paper

Here's a list from the far left hate site you usually depend on;


The best ya got huh?

I can feel the outrage
If and when Texas seceeds from The Union, and Mexico invades Texas militarily, should the US come to Texas' rescue?

I say we help the Mexicans. That's a lot of bullshit to move back across the Rio Grande.

SCOTUS says secession can't be done, so I say we start our movement and throw the bums out of the Union. SCOTUS never ruled on that.

I wouldn't let Texas stay even if they got on their knees and kissed Obama's ass.
If and when Texas seceeds from The Union, and Mexico invades Texas militarily, should the US come to Texas' rescue?

I say we help the Mexicans. That's a lot of bullshit to move back across the Rio Grande.

SCOTUS says secession can't be done, so I say we start our movement and throw the bums out of the Union. SCOTUS never ruled on that.

I wouldn't let Texas stay even if they got on their knees and kissed Obama's ass.

Those fuckers in Texas would be lost without their federal funds, federal defense contracts, federal hand out programs that those "rugged individualists" never refuse, federal this, that and the other. They got it soft and don't want to go to selling tacos on the street corner to survive, and they know it.

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