Texas Secession resolution passes GOP committee

I am going to try be serious for minute on this unserious thread.

I truly believe that if Hillary Clinton becomes president in 2017 that we will see a real secession movement, starting with Texas and Oklahoma and spreading to the southeastern and Midwestern states.

It happened to the soviet union and there is nothing to stop it from happening here.

Its not something that I want or advocate for, but the country is becoming very very divided on what the role of the federal government should be. Hillary would be a continuation of the failed Obama America-hating Marxist collectivist policies. Plus the woman is senile and angry. A country that would elect such a person does not deserve to remain whole.

This is a real danger people, do not ignore it.
It seems Obama did not go far enough with Jade Helm
I am going to try be serious for minute on this unserious thread.

I truly believe that if Hillary Clinton becomes president in 2017 that we will see a real secession movement, starting with Texas and Oklahoma and spreading to the southeastern and Midwestern states.

It happened to the soviet union and there is nothing to stop it from happening here.

Its not something that I want or advocate for, but the country is becoming very very divided on what the role of the federal government should be. Hillary would be a continuation of the failed Obama America-hating Marxist collectivist policies. Plus the woman is senile and angry. A country that would elect such a person does not deserve to remain whole.

This is a real danger people, do not ignore it.
Obviously you've failed at your attempt to be serious.
Is it that important that we are united? I like the division. A nation united is a nation of robots.
I am all for secession of any state upon their request to do so, provided that they immediately pay a portion of the public debt equivalent to the proportion of the state's population to the overall US population.

And of course also the citizens should relinquish SS and Medicare and SSDI and any protection or services of the FBI, CDC, NHI etc etc.
I am going to try be serious for minute on this unserious thread.

I truly believe that if Hillary Clinton becomes president in 2017 that we will see a real secession movement, starting with Texas and Oklahoma and spreading to the southeastern and Midwestern states.

It happened to the soviet union and there is nothing to stop it from happening here.

Its not something that I want or advocate for, but the country is becoming very very divided on what the role of the federal government should be. Hillary would be a continuation of the failed Obama America-hating Marxist collectivist policies. Plus the woman is senile and angry. A country that would elect such a person does not deserve to remain whole.

This is a real danger people, do not ignore it.

Good. The red states are the ones who eat up the most in aid and pay back the least in taxes.
I am all for secession of any state upon their request to do so, provided that they immediately pay a portion of the public debt equivalent to the proportion of the state's population to the overall US population.

And of course also the citizens should relinquish SS and Medicare and SSDI and any protection or services of the FBI, CDC, NHI etc etc.
You don't think Texans can take care of themselves and with the jobs in the state of Texas they won't need SS,Medicare or SSDI. Send ALL illegals back to their country of origin,knock off the caps on oil in the gulf,invite companies there with low corporate rates...shit Texas would be the envy of the world.
You don't think Texans can take care of themselves and with the jobs in the state of Texas they won't need SS,Medicare or SSDI. Send ALL illegals back to their country of origin,knock off the caps on oil in the gulf,invite companies there with low corporate rates...shit Texas would be the envy of the world.

Texas is full of minimum wage jobs and illegal aliens. Envy of the world? :lmao:
You don't think Texans can take care of themselves and with the jobs in the state of Texas they won't need SS,Medicare or SSDI. Send ALL illegals back to their country of origin,knock off the caps on oil in the gulf,invite companies there with low corporate rates...shit Texas would be the envy of the world.

Texas is full of minimum wage jobs and illegal aliens. Envy of the world? :lmao:

And oil at $40 BBL.
What waste of time and taxpayers' duckets.

Liberals only care about so-called waste when it goes against their agenda.

Good for them. I am opposed to waste regardless of what party is pissing away of dollars.

I see. And what is your party, and who do you endorse for president?

Libertarian. I am partial to Paul but at the moment I am undecided.

I never would've guessed. But then again, I don't follow your political posts closely. I assume you're speaking of Rand. Had Trump not came along, he may have garnered enough support to be a serious contender.
What waste of time and taxpayers' duckets.

Liberals only care about so-called waste when it goes against their agenda.

Good for them. I am opposed to waste regardless of what party is pissing away of dollars.

I see. And what is your party, and who do you endorse for president?

Libertarian. I am partial to Paul but at the moment I am undecided.

I never would've guessed. But then again, I don't follow your political posts closely. I assume you're speaking of Rand. Had Trump not came along, he may have garnered enough support to be a serious contender.

Yeah, I really like Rand but sadly, Trump is stealing his thunder. I don't mind his father either. Ron Paul gets major points for being born and raised in my region. lol.
Liberals only care about so-called waste when it goes against their agenda.

Good for them. I am opposed to waste regardless of what party is pissing away of dollars.

I see. And what is your party, and who do you endorse for president?

Libertarian. I am partial to Paul but at the moment I am undecided.

I never would've guessed. But then again, I don't follow your political posts closely. I assume you're speaking of Rand. Had Trump not came along, he may have garnered enough support to be a serious contender.

Yeah, I really like Rand but sadly, Trump is stealing his thunder. I don't mind his father either. Ron Paul gets major points for being born and raised in my region. lol.

I wanted Ron Paul especially in 12. Repubs are soft Dems in general though.
Never going to happen and I live in Texas.

The minority White Community that still hold onto it WASP vision of a nation will find out quickly the Minority-Majority would reject the idea, an leave the Tea Party nutter with their dick in their hand.

President Obama will leave office in almost a year, and a GOP will be sworn in, so this talk of leaving the Union will go away for nine years until the next Democrat is sworn in.
Good for them. I am opposed to waste regardless of what party is pissing away of dollars.

I see. And what is your party, and who do you endorse for president?

Libertarian. I am partial to Paul but at the moment I am undecided.

I never would've guessed. But then again, I don't follow your political posts closely. I assume you're speaking of Rand. Had Trump not came along, he may have garnered enough support to be a serious contender.

Yeah, I really like Rand but sadly, Trump is stealing his thunder. I don't mind his father either. Ron Paul gets major points for being born and raised in my region. lol.

I wanted Ron Paul especially in 12. Repubs are soft Dems in general though.

Sadly, Ron Paul had far too many enemies in the establishment to make a serious challenge.

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