Texas Secession resolution passes GOP committee

They get no help from the federal government on border security, how that working for them??

So with no federal revenue at all, they can shunt all their revenue into building the Wall and rounding up immigrants instead of educating their kids and maintaining their infrastructure. Within 10 years they'll be a Third World country begging to be taken back in.
The neo-confederates don't read the Cornerstone Speech.

If they did, they would sneak away in shame.
the south seceded by vote of the various legislatures.

Not so much. But here's a consolation prize for you....


If Texas does secede...can we build a wall to keep them from sneaking in?
If Texas does secede...can we build a wall to keep them from sneaking in?
The Mexicans failed to keep the dixiebacks out in the 1820s and 1830s (they kept swimming over the Red and Sabine Rivers), so I doubt it.
states can do whatever they want...secession can occur just like it did last time...by a vote of the people of the state...and "your" congressmen/senators don't have any say in it...it's not up to them to approve or disapprove...

Never in the history of this country has secession occurred by a vote of the people. There have only been two attempts at secession in our history. Both resulted in war. One was successful and gave birth to the United States of America. Another was unsuccessful, and thus the United States of America were preserved.

the south seceded by vote of the various legislatures...the REPRESENTATIVES OF the people..you imply the people didn't know about it? LMAO
and the ONLY reason there were WARS over it was because the other party INVADED.
You can't invade your own country
Far right reactionaries only care about so-called waste when it can't be used for their own their agenda.
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Do we need any more proof that Republicans hate America than their willingness to abandon this great country?

No Texas Democrats voted to secede

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