Texas Secession resolution passes GOP committee

I am all for secession of any state upon their request to do so, provided that they immediately pay a portion of the public debt equivalent to the proportion of the state's population to the overall US population.
Texas leaving, devastating effect on this country's economy, since the economy is already in the toilet...

It's a drain to get rid of tons of illegals and minimum wage jobs? Let Texas go if they want, with the only condition that they pay off their portion of the public debt. Let them take it upon themselves to secure their border with Mexico. One less problem we have to deal with.

I wouldn't stop at their public debt.

I would also require them to pay for any federally owned and paid for property/infrastructure by public tax dollars to be paid for in full by Texas.

If they keep federally paid for property they owe America a fair market value of that property.

They would have to buy The Alamo

It is owned by the Federal Government. I am sure we could give them a good price

No, it is not owned by the Federal Government. Nice try though.
Texas....you still here? Go already.

Yet Liberals say they are NOT divisive and don't want to offend anyone (and by 'anyone' they continue to demonstrate they mean 'Muslims / Islamic Extremists')...
They produce a lot of food and energy

They also consume alot of food and energy.

Do you really want to argue that this country would be helpless without Texas? Let's be serious. The things Texas are best at creating are minimum wage jobs, teen pregnancies, STDs, uneducated slobs, and fat people.
Maybe spilt up the country this way??

We don't vote based on empty land....we vote based on population.
What waste of time and taxpayers' duckets.

Liberals only care about so-called waste when it goes against their agenda.

Good for them. I am opposed to waste regardless of what party is pissing away of dollars.

I see. And what is your party, and who do you endorse for president?

Libertarian. I am partial to Paul but at the moment I am undecided.

rand paul is a republican.

So if you vote for him you're voting for a republican.

Why not vote for the libertarian candidate since you claim to be a libertarian?

Libertarians put a presidential candidate every 4 years. If you're honestly a libertarian then you would vote for that candidate.

You're not a real libertarian, you're a republican. As evidenced by your choice of candidates who is, always has been and always will be a republican.
Texas....you still here? Go already.

Yet Liberals say they are NOT divisive and don't want to offend anyone (and by 'anyone' they continue to demonstrate they mean 'Muslims / Islamic Extremists')...
We're not at all divisive. We are simply stating that if Texas wants to secede, they should do it. They want to leave...we see no problem with that. A win/win.
What waste of time and taxpayers' duckets.

Liberals only care about so-called waste when it goes against their agenda.

Good for them. I am opposed to waste regardless of what party is pissing away of dollars.

I see. And what is your party, and who do you endorse for president?

Libertarian. I am partial to Paul but at the moment I am undecided.

rand paul is a republican.

So if you vote for him you're voting for a republican.

Why not vote for the libertarian candidate since you claim to be a libertarian?

Libertarians put a presidential candidate every 4 years. If you're honestly a libertarian then you would vote for that candidate.

You're not a real libertarian, you're a republican. As evidenced by your choice of candidates who is, always has been and always will be a republican.

I vote for candidates that mostly match my views, regardless of party. Gary Johnson fit that mold so I voted for him last election. I still don't know whom I am supporting this time around but it is very likely I'll go third party again.

Oh, and you don't get to decide what is or what isn't a real libertarian. :thup:
I wouldn't stop at their public debt.

I would also require them to pay for any federally owned and paid for property/infrastructure by public tax dollars to be paid for in full by Texas.

If they keep federally paid for property they owe America a fair market value of that property.

Property, yes. Federally owned buildings and lands should be paid for. But federally funded infrastructure basically comes down to interstate highways, and that is getting too complicated. The highways are there. They are currently maintained by federal funding, and that would end of course. But trying to fix a fair value for the purchase of a long extant highway is probably next to impossible.
I am all for secession of any state upon their request to do so, provided that they immediately pay a portion of the public debt equivalent to the proportion of the state's population to the overall US population.
You don't understand the process...when states secede, they aren't asking the government's permission...patriots and southerners don't care what you think.

States have no right to secede. Secession is only possible through revolution, or through the consent of the several states. Or what you call "permission."

Which brings us back to what I said. I support the granting of secession to any state that wishes to do so. States should not generally be prevented from withdrawing from the Union if that is their wish. If Texas voted to secede I would urge my Senators and Congressperson to vote 'yes.' The only qualification I believe to be fair or appropriate is for the state seeking secession to pay their share of the US federal debt. That 'share' being determined as that proportion of the public debt that is equal to that proportion of the state's population to the whole of the United States.
I agree...and if they want the land that U.S. Military installations are on, they should pay the going market rate for it.
rand paul is a republican.

So if you vote for him you're voting for a republican.

Why not vote for the libertarian candidate since you claim to be a libertarian?

Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist Party Member, not a Democrat. If the Democratic Party believes Bernie Sanders represents them why don't they just change their name officially to the Socialist Party?
I am going to try be serious for minute on this unserious thread.

I truly believe that if Hillary Clinton becomes president in 2017 that we will see a real secession movement, starting with Texas and Oklahoma and spreading to the southeastern and Midwestern states.

It happened to the soviet union and there is nothing to stop it from happening here.

Its not something that I want or advocate for, but the country is becoming very very divided on what the role of the federal government should be. Hillary would be a continuation of the failed Obama America-hating Marxist collectivist policies. Plus the woman is senile and angry. A country that would elect such a person does not deserve to remain whole.

This is a real danger people, do not ignore it.

Just shows how much you people hate America.

If you can't have your way you will leave.

How mature of you.

Democrats suffered through the reagan and first bush years. No one mentioned secession. We suffered through the bush boy years. No one mentioned secession. We liberals and democrats are mature people who love our nation. We will abide by what the citizens/voters of our nation choose.

Not so with you people. You can't have your way so you want to leave the union. You all sound like and behave like spoiled 2 year old brats throwing a temper tantrum because they can't get their way.

What are you going to do next? Hold your breath while you throw that temper tantrum?

Here's a suggestion, either get some candidates who can honestly win an election or shut up. Stop whining and grow up.

None of you people are real Americans. You only want to stay here if you have everything you want even though the majority of the people in our nation spoke at the ballot box and you lost.

You all are traitors to our nation and don't deserve to live here.
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Texas....you still here? Go already.

Yet Liberals say they are NOT divisive and don't want to offend anyone (and by 'anyone' they continue to demonstrate they mean 'Muslims / Islamic Extremists')...
We're not at all divisive. We are simply stating that if Texas wants to secede, they should do it. They want to leave...we see no problem with that. A win/win.
Obama and Liberals would have a MAJOR problem with that...to the point of being willing to send troops and fight Texas to keep them in the US...
yes...the last time "states" seceded from the union was before the north invaded during the war of northern aggression...

the colonies seceded from england...and just like the lying POS lincoln did, king george invaded..
like I said...read some history...
And you support those southern traitors and the fit they threw over slavery.

the war of northern aggression wasn't fought to preserve or abolish slavery...read some history.

But no matter if you want to be a dumbass and support thise traitors and their illegal actions "last time" had nothing to do with England

"traitors"?..for wanting freedom of association and self determination? why does that bother you so, comrade? You against people having the right of self determination? why?

..and there was nothing "illegal" about secession then...or now...read some history, son...

here's what lincoln said..but of course the lying POS HAD to have his war so he invaded the south...and southern patriots did what all patriots do when their sovereign nation is invaded by hostile foreigners...they fought to repel the invaders;

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the
right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that
suits them better. This is a most valuable, a most sacred right – a right which
we hope and believe is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases
in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it.
Any portion of such people, that can, may revolutionize, and make their own of
so much of the territory as they inhabit."


Listen, you live in the United States of America. It is the greatest country in the world. If you would prefer to live somewhere else, you are free to do so. In fact, I encourage you to do so. Fucking disloyal scum like you are a tax upon our grand society.

We tried to withdraw peacefully once and got invaded by the north for it...next time it might be a lot different. Maybe we'll get to see.

Not peacefully...your side shot at a U.S. Federal Installation, starting a war.
Never going to happen and I live in Texas.

The minority White Community that still hold onto it WASP vision of a nation will find out quickly the Minority-Majority would reject the idea, an leave the Tea Party nutter with their dick in their hand.

President Obama will leave office in almost a year, and a GOP will be sworn in, so this talk of leaving the Union will go away for nine years until the next Democrat is sworn in.
Yet Texas has a republican governor and tea party darling as Lt Gov. Hmm

Good . We can then invade Texas and enslave them all. Obamas plan is working perfectly ! Bwhahahhahaah!!
Would love to see the new Obama army try...faggots,men who think they are women,and literally women! Ah....nothing like a bloodbath to convince a tyrant to fuck off.
Your world is like a bad movie.
Not paying attention are you? There were already faggots in the military,there are transgenders as well maybe not as open....oh and they just announced ALL combat jobs will be opened to women in the military.
I agree...and if they want the land that U.S. Military installations are on, they should pay the going market rate for it.

Either that, or agree to an ongoing US military presence. Sure they'd love that. :D
They get no help from the federal government on border security, how that working for them??

So with no federal revenue at all, they can shunt all their revenue into building the Wall and rounding up immigrants instead of educating their kids and maintaining their infrastructure. Within 10 years they'll be a Third World country begging to be taken back in.
Like after 10 years of being a Republic they begged to be annexed to the US because they were broke.
I am going to try be serious for minute on this unserious thread.

I truly believe that if Hillary Clinton becomes president in 2017 that we will see a real secession movement, starting with Texas and Oklahoma and spreading to the southeastern and Midwestern states.

It happened to the soviet union and there is nothing to stop it from happening here.

Its not something that I want or advocate for, but the country is becoming very very divided on what the role of the federal government should be. Hillary would be a continuation of the failed Obama America-hating Marxist collectivist policies. Plus the woman is senile and angry. A country that would elect such a person does not deserve to remain whole.

This is a real danger people, do not ignore it.

For those of you who think this if funny, watch what happens if another liberal democrat socialist is elected president.
I am going to try be serious for minute on this unserious thread.

I truly believe that if Hillary Clinton becomes president in 2017 that we will see a real secession movement, starting with Texas and Oklahoma and spreading to the southeastern and Midwestern states.

It happened to the soviet union and there is nothing to stop it from happening here.

Its not something that I want or advocate for, but the country is becoming very very divided on what the role of the federal government should be. Hillary would be a continuation of the failed Obama America-hating Marxist collectivist policies. Plus the woman is senile and angry. A country that would elect such a person does not deserve to remain whole.

This is a real danger people, do not ignore it.

For those of you who think this if funny, watch what happens if another liberal democrat socialist is elected president.
more economic growth and a falling unemployment rate?
I am going to try be serious for minute on this unserious thread.

I truly believe that if Hillary Clinton becomes president in 2017 that we will see a real secession movement, starting with Texas and Oklahoma and spreading to the southeastern and Midwestern states.

It happened to the soviet union and there is nothing to stop it from happening here.

Its not something that I want or advocate for, but the country is becoming very very divided on what the role of the federal government should be. Hillary would be a continuation of the failed Obama America-hating Marxist collectivist policies. Plus the woman is senile and angry. A country that would elect such a person does not deserve to remain whole.

This is a real danger people, do not ignore it.
So...RWrs, unable to convince people to vote for them, would pout and try to break this country apart. Goes to show who the real traitors are.
Just shows how much you people hate America.

No, it shows how much people hate the admitted Communist-tutored, Socialist-studied, racist hate-spewing anti-American pastor-mentored, domestic terrorist-befriending, Mexican Drug Cartel/Islamic Extremist-arming/aiding, lying President and the historically documented / proven lying, un-ethical, self-serving, national-security jeopardizing, failed Hillary Clinton. It shows the recognition of their lies, corruption, anti-American, failed political acts that have been detrimental to this country and has failed to prevent repeated successful terrorist attacks on this nation's soil and the ability to keep Americans safe. It shows they do not share the same view as you, and it shows your intolerance for anyone with a different view with you.

When your own government blames a film maker for what they KNOW is / was a terrorist attack and threatens to arrest him for exercising his Constitutional Right to Freedom of Speech instead of going after (instead protecting) the terrorists who did it... When your government comes out and threatens American citizens with being arrested and jailed for exercising their Constitutional Rights to free speech after a terrorist attack to protect Islam and Muslim Extremists WHILE praising and ignoring a racist hate group's call for the murder of all white people and cops....

...and YOU attack the people who are pointing this out and pondering what to do about it by declaring THEY hate their country?! You just might have things backwards....it seems - SEEMS - you may be protecting / defending the people who really do hate this country.

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