Texas Secession resolution passes GOP committee

I am going to try be serious for minute on this unserious thread.

I truly believe that if Hillary Clinton becomes president in 2017 that we will see a real secession movement, starting with Texas and Oklahoma and spreading to the southeastern and Midwestern states.

It happened to the soviet union and there is nothing to stop it from happening here.

Its not something that I want or advocate for, but the country is becoming very very divided on what the role of the federal government should be. Hillary would be a continuation of the failed Obama America-hating Marxist collectivist policies. Plus the woman is senile and angry. A country that would elect such a person does not deserve to remain whole.

This is a real danger people, do not ignore it.

Just shows how much you people hate America.

If you can't have your way you will leave.

How mature of you.

Democrats suffered through the reagan and first bush years. No one mentioned secession. We suffered through the bush boy years. No one mentioned secession. We liberals and democrats are mature people who love our nation. We will abide by what the citizens/voters of our nation choose.

Not so with you people. You can't have your way so you want to leave the union. You all sound like and behave like spoiled brat 2 year olds throwing a temper tantrum.

What are you going to do next? Hold your breath while you throw that temper tantrum?

Here's a suggestion, either get some candidates who can honestly win an election or shut up. Stop whining and grow up.

None of you people are real Americans. You only want to stay here if you have everything you want even though the majority of the people in our nation spoke at the ballot box and you lost.

You all are traitors to our nation and don't deserve to live here.

The problem is that the leaders of this country have ignored the constitution for too long and the people are fed up with it. Its not treason to expect our president and congress to follow the laws of the land. Its not treason to expect the federal government to live within its means and not put the country in staggering debt.

Its not treason to expect the president to admit who is killing us and who has declared war on us. Its not treason to speak up for our police and military. Its not treason to expect the government to enforce our borders and our immigration laws.

If you think these things are treason, then you are the ones who need to leave.
no, it's treason to try to unilaterally secede.
Yet the US REFUSED to try Jefferson Davis for that very thing....hmmmmm
I am going to try be serious for minute on this unserious thread.

I truly believe that if Hillary Clinton becomes president in 2017 that we will see a real secession movement, starting with Texas and Oklahoma and spreading to the southeastern and Midwestern states.

It happened to the soviet union and there is nothing to stop it from happening here.

Its not something that I want or advocate for, but the country is becoming very very divided on what the role of the federal government should be. Hillary would be a continuation of the failed Obama America-hating Marxist collectivist policies. Plus the woman is senile and angry. A country that would elect such a person does not deserve to remain whole.

This is a real danger people, do not ignore it.

Just shows how much you people hate America.

If you can't have your way you will leave.

How mature of you.

Democrats suffered through the reagan and first bush years. No one mentioned secession. We suffered through the bush boy years. No one mentioned secession. We liberals and democrats are mature people who love our nation. We will abide by what the citizens/voters of our nation choose.

Not so with you people. You can't have your way so you want to leave the union. You all sound like and behave like spoiled brat 2 year olds throwing a temper tantrum.

What are you going to do next? Hold your breath while you throw that temper tantrum?

Here's a suggestion, either get some candidates who can honestly win an election or shut up. Stop whining and grow up.

None of you people are real Americans. You only want to stay here if you have everything you want even though the majority of the people in our nation spoke at the ballot box and you lost.

You all are traitors to our nation and don't deserve to live here.

The problem is that the leaders of this country have ignored the constitution for too long and the people are fed up with it. Its not treason to expect our president and congress to follow the laws of the land. Its not treason to expect the federal government to live within its means and not put the country in staggering debt.

Its not treason to expect the president to admit who is killing us and who has declared war on us. Its not treason to speak up for our police and military. Its not treason to expect the government to enforce our borders and our immigration laws.

If you think these things are treason, then you are the ones who need to leave.
no, it's treason to try to unilaterally secede.
Yet the US REFUSED to try Jefferson Davis for that very thing....hmmmmm
imagine that. showing mercy to help heal the wounds of war inflicted on this country by the secessionists.
Never going to happen and I live in Texas.

The minority White Community that still hold onto it WASP vision of a nation will find out quickly the Minority-Majority would reject the idea, an leave the Tea Party nutter with their dick in their hand.

President Obama will leave office in almost a year, and a GOP will be sworn in, so this talk of leaving the Union will go away for nine years until the next Democrat is sworn in.
Yet Texas has a republican governor and tea party darling as Lt Gov. Hmm

Good . We can then invade Texas and enslave them all. Obamas plan is working perfectly ! Bwhahahhahaah!!
Would love to see the new Obama army try...faggots,men who think they are women,and literally women! Ah....nothing like a bloodbath to convince a tyrant to fuck off.
Your world is like a bad movie.
Not paying attention are you? There were already faggots in the military,there are transgenders as well maybe not as open....oh and they just announced ALL combat jobs will be opened to women in the military.
And that is a problem? Knuckle draggers will always find something to complain about.
I see. And what is your party, and who do you endorse for president?

Libertarian. I am partial to Paul but at the moment I am undecided.

rand paul is a republican.

So if you vote for him you're voting for a republican.

Why not vote for the libertarian candidate since you claim to be a libertarian?

Libertarians put a presidential candidate every 4 years. If you're honestly a libertarian then you would vote for that candidate.

You're not a real libertarian, you're a republican. As evidenced by your choice of candidates who is, always has been and always will be a republican.

I vote for candidates that mostly match my views, regardless of party. Gary Johnson fit that mold so I voted for him last election. I still don't know whom I am supporting this time around but it is very likely I'll go third party again.

Oh, and you don't get to decide what is or what isn't a real libertarian. :thup:

If you're a libertarian then you would vote for the libertarian candidate.

If you vote for a republican candidate then you really should choose to be an Independent.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I vote for the person who is closest to my views and I believe can win.

I don't claim any party then go out and support those candidates of that party while claiming to be a member of a different party.

You vote for whoever you want but your posts that I responded to clearly shows that you were a republican at one time and it was probably the bush boy who made you want to leave the party.

A lot of republicans left the party starting in 2008. They went to the libertarian and independent parties but their votes never changed. They continued to vote republican.

Just like you.


No, my posts never states, or even implies, that I was a Republican at one time. Not once. You're assigning that title to me b/c I stated I was to partial Paul. Frankly, I really don't care if you believe I am 'real libertarian' or not.

Your'e funny.

All your posts show is that you're a disgruntled republican who left the party but sill votes republican.

If you don't like claiming to be a part of the republican party then don't vote for republican candidates.

You're just another republican who doesn't want that label on them but wants to keep voting for the same people who you were disgusted with and made you want to leave the republican party.

Go for it. It's your vote and you can cast it anyway you want.

You're just lying about what party you're in.

The only person you're fooling is yourself.
that would be California

And Texas. Mexico had laid claim to southern Texian lands, and Texas was unable to control its border. Mexico's ultimate goal was the reconquest of Texas. When annexation was complete the United States had to immediately send in the military to attempt to hold the border. Instead, the Mexican-American war broke out.
A good way to get a value of roads is take what it actually cost to build it and maintain it then add a certain percentage for inflation.

Viola, you have a value put on a road.

Afraid it doesn't work like that. Let's take another example......

You have a computer. Let's say you bought it for $1200. You've had it for about seven years. You had to get a few things done to maintain it. You bought anti-virus software. You took it to the repair shop a couple times, including one time you got hit with a nasty particular virus that managed to get past your Norton or McAfee or whatever. You had to replace the cooling fan. All in all, it cost you $400 in maintenance costs. That brings you up to $1600.

One day, Comcast is in your home installing your new cable. The tech is a clumsy moron and knocks over your fish tank, which then spills water all over your computer. It's ruined. The company refuses to compensate you, so you sue. When you go to court, you say you want $1600 in compensation, with the above explanation as to why the computer is valued as such.

You won't get $1600 for your computer. Sure, you may have spend that much money on it, but that doesn't mean that is not the value of the computer at the time of the incident. You had the computer for seven years and you got seven years worth of use out of it. So the value of your loss is your purchase price minus the fair use you received. Which, after seven years worth of use is probably going to be pretty low.

Real estate has market values that can be reasonably estimated for resale purposes. The same is not the same for roads. Thus, trying to determine value of highways that were constructed before most of us were born becomes exceedingly complicated.

Sure it can work that way.

You said a value can't be put on roads.

I showed you a way to put a value on the roads.

Which is what it cost to build and maintain with adding in inflation to bring the old dollar values up to current dollar value rates.

If texas wants to leave let them. We're better off without those crazy people. I just want to make sure that any and all federally owned assets are paid for or given back to the federal government.

Most can't be given back so they need to pay us taxpayers for what they keep.
Libertarian. I am partial to Paul but at the moment I am undecided.

rand paul is a republican.

So if you vote for him you're voting for a republican.

Why not vote for the libertarian candidate since you claim to be a libertarian?

Libertarians put a presidential candidate every 4 years. If you're honestly a libertarian then you would vote for that candidate.

You're not a real libertarian, you're a republican. As evidenced by your choice of candidates who is, always has been and always will be a republican.

I vote for candidates that mostly match my views, regardless of party. Gary Johnson fit that mold so I voted for him last election. I still don't know whom I am supporting this time around but it is very likely I'll go third party again.

Oh, and you don't get to decide what is or what isn't a real libertarian. :thup:

If you're a libertarian then you would vote for the libertarian candidate.

If you vote for a republican candidate then you really should choose to be an Independent.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I vote for the person who is closest to my views and I believe can win.

I don't claim any party then go out and support those candidates of that party while claiming to be a member of a different party.

You vote for whoever you want but your posts that I responded to clearly shows that you were a republican at one time and it was probably the bush boy who made you want to leave the party.

A lot of republicans left the party starting in 2008. They went to the libertarian and independent parties but their votes never changed. They continued to vote republican.

Just like you.


No, my posts never states, or even implies, that I was a Republican at one time. Not once. You're assigning that title to me b/c I stated I was to partial Paul. Frankly, I really don't care if you believe I am 'real libertarian' or not.

Your'e funny.

All your posts show is that you're a disgruntled republican who left the party but sill votes republican.

If you don't like claiming to be a part of the republican party then don't vote for republican candidates.

You're just another republican who doesn't want that label on them but wants to keep voting for the same people who you were disgusted with and made you want to leave the republican party.

Go for it. It's your vote and you can cast it anyway you want.

You're just lying about what party you're in.

The only person you're fooling is yourself.

I fucking love it! I've got Kosh calling me a 'far left drone' and I've got you calling me
a 'disgruntled Republican' all in same thread. Watching two blindly partisan hacks trying to pigeonhole me is quite comical. lol
I am going to try be serious for minute on this unserious thread.

I truly believe that if Hillary Clinton becomes president in 2017 that we will see a real secession movement, starting with Texas and Oklahoma and spreading to the southeastern and Midwestern states.

It happened to the soviet union and there is nothing to stop it from happening here.

Its not something that I want or advocate for, but the country is becoming very very divided on what the role of the federal government should be. Hillary would be a continuation of the failed Obama America-hating Marxist collectivist policies. Plus the woman is senile and angry. A country that would elect such a person does not deserve to remain whole.

This is a real danger people, do not ignore it.

Just shows how much you people hate America.

If you can't have your way you will leave.

How mature of you.

Democrats suffered through the reagan and first bush years. No one mentioned secession. We suffered through the bush boy years. No one mentioned secession. We liberals and democrats are mature people who love our nation. We will abide by what the citizens/voters of our nation choose.

Not so with you people. You can't have your way so you want to leave the union. You all sound like and behave like spoiled brat 2 year olds throwing a temper tantrum.

What are you going to do next? Hold your breath while you throw that temper tantrum?

Here's a suggestion, either get some candidates who can honestly win an election or shut up. Stop whining and grow up.

None of you people are real Americans. You only want to stay here if you have everything you want even though the majority of the people in our nation spoke at the ballot box and you lost.

You all are traitors to our nation and don't deserve to live here.

The problem is that the leaders of this country have ignored the constitution for too long and the people are fed up with it. Its not treason to expect our president and congress to follow the laws of the land. Its not treason to expect the federal government to live within its means and not put the country in staggering debt.

Its not treason to expect the president to admit who is killing us and who has declared war on us. Its not treason to speak up for our police and military. Its not treason to expect the government to enforce our borders and our immigration laws.

If you think these things are treason, then you are the ones who need to leave.
no, it's treason to try to unilaterally secede.
Yet the US REFUSED to try Jefferson Davis for that very thing....hmmmmm
imagine that. showing mercy to help heal the wounds of war inflicted on this country by the secessionists.
Actually no. Following the War Between the States (1861-65), Jefferson Davis, President of the defeated Confederate States of America, was imprisoned with a view to his being tried for treason on account of his leadership role in the South’s effort to make of itself an independent nation. Two years later, however, he was released and went into exile in Montreal (in Catholic Quebec) and then wandered in Europe before returning to these shores to spend his final days in his home state of Mississippi. His release came after a finding by the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Salmon P. Chase, that there was nothing in the U.S. Constitution that prohibited the secession of states. If secession was not illegal, neither Davis nor any other Confederate leaders could be guilty of treason.[2][Emphasis added]

Salmon Chase was a RADICAL REPUBLICAN therefore was not even close to a Confederate sympathizer....
not projecting. secessionists hate their country. why else would they want to secede?

WHY is it that Liberals have the need to push their narrative by insisting they speak for others? You should really stick to saying what YOU believe, because you and other Liberals suck trying to speak for others....
WHY is it that Liberals have the need to push their narrative by insisting they speak for others?

That's what you were doing when you accused him of 'projecting.' Fine for you but not anybody else? What makes you so special? Other than some kind of stupid, that is?
Never going to happen and I live in Texas.

The minority White Community that still hold onto it WASP vision of a nation will find out quickly the Minority-Majority would reject the idea, an leave the Tea Party nutter with their dick in their hand.

President Obama will leave office in almost a year, and a GOP will be sworn in, so this talk of leaving the Union will go away for nine years until the next Democrat is sworn in.
Yet Texas has a republican governor and tea party darling as Lt Gov. Hmm

Good . We can then invade Texas and enslave them all. Obamas plan is working perfectly ! Bwhahahhahaah!!
Would love to see the new Obama army try...faggots,men who think they are women,and literally women! Ah....nothing like a bloodbath to convince a tyrant to fuck off.
Your world is like a bad movie.
Not paying attention are you? There were already faggots in the military,there are transgenders as well maybe not as open....oh and they just announced ALL combat jobs will be opened to women in the military.
And that is a problem? Knuckle draggers will always find something to complain about.
Missing my point numb nuts. Continue thinking with your ass cultural marxist.
A good way to get a value of roads is take what it actually cost to build it and maintain it then add a certain percentage for inflation.

Viola, you have a value put on a road.

Afraid it doesn't work like that. Let's take another example......

You have a computer. Let's say you bought it for $1200. You've had it for about seven years. You had to get a few things done to maintain it. You bought anti-virus software. You took it to the repair shop a couple times, including one time you got hit with a nasty particular virus that managed to get past your Norton or McAfee or whatever. You had to replace the cooling fan. All in all, it cost you $400 in maintenance costs. That brings you up to $1600.

One day, Comcast is in your home installing your new cable. The tech is a clumsy moron and knocks over your fish tank, which then spills water all over your computer. It's ruined. The company refuses to compensate you, so you sue. When you go to court, you say you want $1600 in compensation, with the above explanation as to why the computer is valued as such.

You won't get $1600 for your computer. Sure, you may have spend that much money on it, but that doesn't mean that is not the value of the computer at the time of the incident. You had the computer for seven years and you got seven years worth of use out of it. So the value of your loss is your purchase price minus the fair use you received. Which, after seven years worth of use is probably going to be pretty low.

Real estate has market values that can be reasonably estimated for resale purposes. The same is not the same for roads. Thus, trying to determine value of highways that were constructed before most of us were born becomes exceedingly complicated.

Sure it can work that way.

You said a value can't be put on roads.

I showed you a way to put a value on the roads.

Which is what it cost to build and maintain with adding in inflation to bring the old dollar values up to current dollar value rates.

If texas wants to leave let them. We're better off without those crazy people. I just want to make sure that any and all federally owned assets are paid for or given back to the federal government.

Most can't be given back so they need to pay us taxpayers for what they keep.

Federally owned assets? When did the US government PAY for those "Federally owned assets" that you are talking about?
That's what you were doing when you accused him of 'projecting.' Fine for you but not anybody else? What makes you so special? Other than some kind of stupid, that is?

Sorry, you're right. He was not 'projecting'...je was just trying to falsely speak for others. I apologize for offending...
That's what you were doing when you accused him of 'projecting.' Fine for you but not anybody else? What makes you so special? Other than some kind of stupid, that is?

Sorry, you're right. He was not 'projecting'...je was just trying to falsely speak for others. I apologize for offending...
So what other motivation is there for tearing apart the nation and abandoning the constitution, literally, if not hatred for the country and the Constitution
A good way to get a value of roads is take what it actually cost to build it and maintain it then add a certain percentage for inflation.

Viola, you have a value put on a road.

Afraid it doesn't work like that. Let's take another example......

You have a computer. Let's say you bought it for $1200. You've had it for about seven years. You had to get a few things done to maintain it. You bought anti-virus software. You took it to the repair shop a couple times, including one time you got hit with a nasty particular virus that managed to get past your Norton or McAfee or whatever. You had to replace the cooling fan. All in all, it cost you $400 in maintenance costs. That brings you up to $1600.

One day, Comcast is in your home installing your new cable. The tech is a clumsy moron and knocks over your fish tank, which then spills water all over your computer. It's ruined. The company refuses to compensate you, so you sue. When you go to court, you say you want $1600 in compensation, with the above explanation as to why the computer is valued as such.

You won't get $1600 for your computer. Sure, you may have spend that much money on it, but that doesn't mean that is not the value of the computer at the time of the incident. You had the computer for seven years and you got seven years worth of use out of it. So the value of your loss is your purchase price minus the fair use you received. Which, after seven years worth of use is probably going to be pretty low.

Real estate has market values that can be reasonably estimated for resale purposes. The same is not the same for roads. Thus, trying to determine value of highways that were constructed before most of us were born becomes exceedingly complicated.

Sure it can work that way.

You said a value can't be put on roads.

I showed you a way to put a value on the roads.

Which is what it cost to build and maintain with adding in inflation to bring the old dollar values up to current dollar value rates.

If texas wants to leave let them. We're better off without those crazy people. I just want to make sure that any and all federally owned assets are paid for or given back to the federal government.

Most can't be given back so they need to pay us taxpayers for what they keep.

Federally owned assets? When did the US government PAY for those "Federally owned assets" that you are talking about?

Who built them?
So what other motivation is there for tearing apart the nation and abandoning the constitution, literally, if not hatred for the country and the Constitution

Why don't you ask Obama? He has been doing most of that. In HIS case I would probably agree with you!

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