Texas still talking about seceding.. Ted Cruz and others comment

well, TX could form its own army

Will Texas suddenly whip up its own nuclear weapons program? Will Texas overnight design and erect mass defense contractor factories to build main battle tanks, mobile artillery pieces, fifth generation fighters and bombers, stealth bombers? Not a chance. Without air, artillery, air to ground support and a nuclear arsenal Texas would stand no chance of survival in the long run as an independent nation. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking: Afghanistan, right? Nations like Afghanistan have survived for eons, loosely speaking, without nuclear arsenals or all of that pesky military infrastructure support for its guerilla armies. Hell, Afghan fighters have literally defeated some of the most powerful armies in the world with bolt action rifles, right? Yes, but geographically speaking Afghanistan is the perfect combination of terrain and territory great empires of the world can "live" without. Texas on the other hand is right in the middle of literally everything empires covet, geographically. That's just for starters. Texas would be the shortest lived sovereign nation in world history, at best guess.
Will Texas suddenly whip up its own nuclear weapons program? Will Texas overnight design and erect mass defense contractor factories to build main battle tanks, mobile artillery pieces, fifth generation fighters and bombers, stealth bombers? Not a chance. Without air, artillery, air to ground support and a nuclear arsenal Texas would stand no chance of survival in the long run as an independent nation. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking: Afghanistan, right? Nations like Afghanistan have survived for eons, loosely speaking, without nuclear arsenals or all of that pesky military infrastructure support for its guerilla armies. Hell, Afghan fighters have literally defeated some of the most powerful armies in the world with bolt action rifles, right? Yes, but geographically speaking Afghanistan is the perfect combination of terrain and territory great empires of the world can "live" without. Texas on the other hand is right in the middle of literally everything empires covet, geographically. That's just for starters. Texas would be the shortest lived sovereign nation in world history, at best guess.
I don't know... it could be done..

esp if nearby states want to join with them (I wouldn't count on liberal CO but...)
I don't know... it could be done..

esp if nearby states want to join with them (I wouldn't count on liberal CO but...)

I'm giving you a hard time, sure. That being said, I lived in Texas for three years and loved it. All I'm getting at is Texans should give the whole independence idea a real long, careful walk around before going there for real. What else can one say? Remember how the Alamo turned out . . . perhaps?
Militarily speaking, prior to any hypothetical Texan secession, the United States department of defense would withdraw all US military bases and units, manpower and weaponry from the state. The so-called Republic of Texas would be left without a military of any kind, totally defenseless to any other sovereign nation who chose to attack or invade it. Even the paltry Mexican navy could blockade Texan ports and the smallest, weakest Central or South American nation could place and enforce sanctions and embargos on the budding new Republic. The people of Texas would suffer much greater tribulations than they currently do under the federal US government. My best guess is we'd see a mass refugee exodus from Texas the new sovereign nation into surrounding US states. In short, secession would be a living nightmare for Texans.
I'm giving you a hard time, sure. That being said, I lived in Texas for three years and loved it. All I'm getting at is Texans should give the whole independence idea a real long, careful walk around before going there for real. What else can one say? Remember how the Alamo turned out . . . perhaps?
i think every big decision made by just anyone should be done thoughtfully. Of course.. me, I tend to over-think things so that's not always so great either.. These days I may be over-praying things... but at least I care what God thinks about my decisions..When I was younger that was not the case much... and I paid for that..
Plenty of nations possibly. The US? Are you fucking joking?
Nope. Not joking. Money is no laughing matter. And the only thing the US government is loyal to is money. If they can profit from it, they’ll trade with it.
Nope. Not joking. Money is no laughing matter. And the only thing the US government is loyal to is money. If they can profit from it, they’ll trade with it.
I agree with that statement. But, we'll never get to know that because when it comes time to secede, well, that time will never come.
Militarily speaking, prior to any hypothetical Texan secession, the United States department of defense would withdraw all US military bases and units, manpower and weaponry from the state. The so-called Republic of Texas would be left without a military of any kind, totally defenseless to any other sovereign nation who chose to attack or invade it. Even the paltry Mexican navy could blockade Texan ports and the smallest, weakest Central or South American nation could place and enforce sanctions and embargos on the budding new Republic. The people of Texas would suffer much greater tribulations than they currently do under the federal US government. My best guess is we'd see a mass refugee exodus from Texas the new sovereign nation into surrounding US states. In short, secession would be a living nightmare for Texans.
Not even close to what would happen.
Lincoln settled it. About 2.5% of America's population died during the Civil War. Most of the civilians were killed in the South. Texas Secession is a fantasy but it beats talking about the real invasion.
Not even close to what would happen.

The first part would happen for sure. Every base would be closed and all military personnel and their families and all DOD personnel and their families would be pulled from the state along with the other 140,000 or so Fed employees and their families.

This is an interesting topic... For one, I never thought I would say this but I tend to disagree w/ the late Justice Antonin Scalia whom I normally agreed with on virtually everything.. He says the Civil War decided that there is no right to secede. I beg to differ. All the states were separate until the Constitution was ratified. If the states can vote to be part of the Union, I fail to see why they cannot vote to disengage therefrom. There may be no right to secede in the Constitution (I don't know... not a Constitutional lawyers) but from best info, there is no right NOT to either...

Well, it's a power thing. If you want to secede you'll need to fight for it. But most people won't fight for anything.

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