Texas supreme court just made the dumbest move possible politically.

If the fabulous fits, wear it sparkles..

There he is, another liberal from a former site that knows me well. He's STILL spittin out teeth.

Hey, skews, remember this one...?

teacher 3.5.png

Same $h!t, Different Day, eh? You know all about a horse thread.

I know you remember this one...

die of suspension 1.1.png

skews knows me cause at another site I was admin and he was one of my liberal moderators. I used to have his back like a good admin should when he was fair and just which was most the time. But then when I was admin I would tell the entire site the inner workings of us mods and he hated that. I was totally transparent and he wanted that $h!t secret. Like we were the Gestapo or sumpin.

Yet, skews, you should PM Billo_Really, I used to beat him up at a DP.com long before I beat you up at LF.org. Ya'll could get together and powwow on how maybe between the two(2) of you geniuses ya'll could make it look like I'm beating ya'll slightly less at this site which ya'll could never do so maybe figure out how to ignore me without the two(2) of you looking like the defeated liberal puzzies you are.

Memory is a mutha fu(ka, huh? Me showing up at this site with a horse thread must seem like some recurring nightmare to you, eh?

You should start PMing all your liberal pals at this site and splain to them that their best bet is to ignore me, ignore me like you you been doing to me here cause the best all you liberal fu(ks can do is don't engage me and cut your losses.

What a dilemma, eh? Ya'll can either pretend I don't exist and look like the political puzzies you are or engage me a politically die at this next site.

You know the answer here.

teacher who? Doesn't ring a bell.

You know that when kfools ended LF.org I was 14k views away from a million views?

This screen shot was some time before that but I think it makes the case...

I fu(ked sumpin up with the images. I gots to end this post and quickly start on the next post cause I ain't done giving you the bidness. Hang on!


  • numbers 5.3.png
    numbers 5.3.png
    6.1 KB · Views: 3
Ngl the abortion ruling did more damage to Republicans than I expected.

Its one of the primary reasons why the red wave didn't happen in 2022.
This ruling makes EVERY pregnancy in Texas dangerous.
It's typical for conholes to double down on issues that don't work for them. Every survey tells you that the majority is in favor of abortion rights. But voila, in Ohio they are charging a woman for flushing her miscarriage down the toilet.
This ruling makes EVERY pregnancy in Texas dangerous.
It's typical for conholes to double down on issues that don't work for them. Every survey tells you that the majority is in favor of abortion rights. But voila, in Ohio they are charging a woman for flushing her miscarriage down the toilet.

A lot of conservative boomers don’t realize America, as a whole, has gotten much more racially diverse and irreligious than the 80s and 90s. Generation Z and Millenials are against Abortion bans.

The first realization of this change was when the pro-Palestine protests started taking place in colleges and cities.
A lot of conservative boomers don’t realize America, as a whole, has gotten much more racially diverse and irreligious than the 80s and 90s. Generation Z and Millenials are against Abortion bans.

The first realization of this change was when the pro-Palestine protests started taking place in colleges and cities.
The good ol days are gone and if you can't switch gears, get a tax free gas oven
Remember that the NAZIs were pushing women to have lots of babies and made abortion illegal too.
Yup. The KKK got their inspiration from Hitler.
Küche, Kinder, Kirche which translates to kitchen, children and church
Can't say I'm down with this. The state has no authority to interfere with anyone's medical issues, and that includes Covid, the Schedules, and abortion.

But, it's Texas - and not being a Texan I have no say in the matter.
Where was I? Screen shot...

numbers 5.3.png

I say kfools, Andrew Wilson, I ain't doxing, he's out there cause he went on to be a big shot podcaster, it's called The Crucible...

Andrew is far right wing, the woman should stay at home and like it, idiot that could not have LF.org out there cause then he would have to defend his $h!t and also couldn't let folks see me destroy a site owner like I was eating ice cream and skipping. That podcast is horrible, he's stupid but his "guests" are stupider and he considers that a win. He HAD to hide me. That's the fu(k that ended LF.org and that's why I say LF.org ended. Andrew thought he would buy the site and be Lord and Master and all would worship him but a thing got in the way. Me. Now you know. he thought he could bluster and bully his way to that site's top dog. You know if you have a massive ego like me you gots to defend that $h!t day in and day out with nary the loss. I only know one(1) mutha fu(ka that can pull that off. So do you. We should bring this back to you. You su(k. You must hate that I'm here. You understand that I can, at my whim, find anything you ever fu(kin say and turn you inside out, liberal. Probably at this point the best thing you can do is get on the PM horn and tell all your pals that the best that can be done is pretend I don't exist. But after I get cranked up and do to this site the same as all the other sites, as you've seen before the best you can do is warn fu(ks and hide.

I have a horse thread, you more betterer than most know what that means and what's coming. Just today I started in on the "hello, I'm teacher, time for you stupid liberal fu(ks can do but suffer my wrath which is terrible to behold." Far as I can tell there is nuttin this site can do about me that is within the sites rules/TOS. But then that never stopped liberal fu(ks from summarily banning me. Remember LF.org? That kinda $h!t never happened on my watch. I had to keep liberal fu(k moderators, like you in check and you hated me like poison for it. I know more about how to rule a site with text and images, how to deal with fu(k moderators, how to get the most views, how to beat any dumb fu(k member into the ground, any conceivable thing that can happen here I've been there, done that, got the mutha fu(kin t-shirt.

teacher 4.8.png

Run along now, little liberal boy and tell 'em what's coming.

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