Texas teacher fired for Anne Frank

It's fiction, it's graphic and unacceptable for children. If the marxist child molesters want something they spawn to revel in it, they're welcome to pick it up on amazon. But the children of Texas will not be subjected to a soulless, satanic, fictional version of a desperate young girl hiding from democrats and discussing her pussy.

Yeah, no. We don't do kiddie porn here. Try oregon?
bull its not altered. were you in the class?
Er...yes, it is altered. I have read Anne Frank, and I looked at the "graphic re-telling of a classic tale" that you all are pretending is the original. It's a cartoon book with bubbles that are NOT the literature from the book. It's a "re-imagined" telling..and by "re-imagined" they mean it looks nothing like the original. Not the original language, not the original anything. It's cartoons with captions like "Anne talking to her teacher".
An honest to goodness Holocaust Denier. So rare to see one in the wild.
Holocaust literally means burnt offering. There was no holocaust because there was no burnt offering. The word holocaust was chosen to create a religious connotation where there was none. The 6 million number also has hagiological significance. It has nothing to do with history.
Anne Frank's diary isn't banned.
The fake explicit porn version is.

Never mind the facts.

They're more interested in the genitals, and they will fight you tooth and nail to talk to your kids about them..........and the possibility to remove them.
Holocaust literally means burnt offering. There was no holocaust because there was no burnt offering. The word holocaust was chosen to create a religious connotation where there was none. The 6 million number also has hagiological significance. It has nothing to do with history.

The only good Nazi, white supremecist, authoritarian, dictator, and religious zealot, that harms for political reasons.

Are dead ones.

You don't negotiate with any of them. And especially not in a Democracy like the US.

It's what my family did in Europe in the 1940's, and they were justified in their killing.
If you haven't read it then how do you know you got enough bits and pieces? Sounds like you got bits and pieces without any context.
I got plenty of CONTEXT-----from early childhood---I lived in an area of the USA recognized
as a pro-nazi enclave
Holocaust literally means burnt offering. There was no holocaust because there was no burnt offering. The word holocaust was chosen to create a religious connotation where there was none. The 6 million number also has hagiological significance. It has nothing to do with history.


Oxford English Dictionary


Middle English: from Old French holocauste, via late Latin from Greek holokauston, from holos ‘whole’ + kaustos ‘burnt’ (from kaiein ‘burn’).

Do you ever get tired of being wrong of do you just lean into it?
I got plenty of CONTEXT-----from early childhood---I lived in an area of the USA recognized
as a pro-nazi enclave
That's not context. That's like reading bits and pieces of the Old Testament and supply context by listening to a televangelist.

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