Texas teacher fired for Anne Frank


Oxford English Dictionary


Middle English: from Old French holocauste, via late Latin from Greek holokauston, from holos ‘whole’ + kaustos ‘burnt’ (from kaiein ‘burn’).

Do you ever get tired of being wrong of do you just lean into it?
Burnt whole because it was an offering.
Burnt whole because it was an offering.

If I burn a whole log down to ash in my fireplace, to whom and I offering it?

The gods of ComEd?

It's one thing to make up stuff for your Hitlerjugend meetings ... but the rest of us can read, write, and will call you out for your rubbish.
I try and let things largely roll of my back but holy cow they are getting absolutely crazy in Texas.

Fired for assigning Anne Frank?

Texas teacher fired for reading Diary of Anne Frank to class

These are middle school students so they are roughly equal in age to Anne Frank when she wrote her diary.
Of course you would defend a teacher that is using a “graphic novel” adaptation of Anne Frank, that of course focuses on a section about sex organs.

Does anyone need to learn about that from Anne Frank? No.

It’s just another example of some leftard teacher trying to foist the LGBTQ crap onto kids in a classroom.
I try and let things largely roll of my back but holy cow they are getting absolutely crazy in Texas.

Fired for assigning Anne Frank?

Texas teacher fired for reading Diary of Anne Frank to class

These are middle school students so they are roughly equal in age to Anne Frank when she wrote her diary.
That particular edition is a masterpiece (based on a masterpiece).

But the teacher should have known better than to read certain passages aloud; sounds like they were looking for this outcome.
It was written by a teen girl writing down thoughts very much the same as the vast majority of teen girls.

You are the one with problems in thinking it's all "dirty".
More proof the history books were better when only men were in the business.
It goes to show how she was a normal teenage girl. Try and argue differently if you wish but hers were the same thoughts you had as a teenage girl.

It simply makes her more relatable as an actual teenage girl.

What a window into your thinking--all teen girls think exactly the same.

It wasn’t Anne Frank’s diary, it was some stupid shit lib “graphic novel” that included sexual shit. Learn to fucking read the article.
yes it is. she wrote that and it was added back in. you learn to read it the books. the comic was done after second release and that passage it in as replaced. so it is.

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