Texas teacher fired for Anne Frank

yes it is. she wrote that and it was added back in. you learn to read it the books. the comic was done after second release and that passage it in as replaced. so it is.
Why would that need to be added in it for school kids? Zero reason unless you are a pervert groomer. Now fuck off.
Why would that need to be added in it for school kids? Zero reason unless you are a pervert groomer. Now fuck off.
you fuck of sicko . et a life. nothing wrong diary of anne frank .,you morons have been bitching about it for years. first you dont like it because she wants to start her period and wear bra. now because she talk about puberty.. you people are screwed up. making you kids screwed of course. you have problem with young girls diary ./ but dont mine crt in your school and black racism. anyone has brother with her diary is the sicko and need therapy. i'm a conservative my self you dont deserve to be liberal in hiding.
There are two editions of Anne Franks Diary , Definitive Edition and the Refined Edition. The Definitive is the first edition were pages were removed. Parent s for years had issues with this edition because she talks about wanting to start her period and wear a braw. The Refined edition had the added pages back in. Which includes the part on her discovering her sexuality and how a lad works. The comic version is on the refined edition. Not pornography or a political thang as idiots are trying to make it out to be today. It has always been the same no matter the parents political thoughts. Scare chicken shit , shallow yellow belly parents who to ignorant to tell there kids about puberty. Why do you think the school nurses have showed videos in schools on it for years because of parents not doing there job. Kids right and talk about it because their parents dont tell them as they should. Stop acting like its the dark age and start educating you kids and puberty and their body changes like your supposed too.
Holy crap. :eek:

When Horselightning and I agree, be very afraid, people.

DOAYG is the most important book of the 20th century, and the film and graphic novel in question are also masterpieces.

Those who wish to censor or remove these works of art from access to 12+s are despicable.
There are two editions of Anne Franks Diary , Definitive Edition and the Refined Edition. The Definitive is the first edition were pages were removed. Parent s for years had issues with this edition because she talks about wanting to start her period and wear a braw. The Refined edition had the added pages back in. Which includes the part on her discovering her sexuality and how a lad works. The comic version is on the refined edition. Not pornography or a political thang as idiots are trying to make it out to be today. It has always been the same no matter the parents political thoughts. Scare chicken shit , shallow yellow belly parents who to ignorant to tell there kids about puberty.
I've never met, nor heard of, an actual parent who did not want their kid to know about puberty and periods before they went through them. The objection is to having non-health teachers leering and drooling while they give the kids their version of it.
Why do you think the school nurses have showed videos in schools on it for years because of parents not doing there job. (?)
That's fine in a health class, or a presentation by a school nurse. The story of Anne Frank is enough on it's own, for a history or literature class, without further harming that child by airing her private thoughts about her sexuality as a way to indoctrinate kids that they should be talking about sex with non-related, non-healthcare adults.

Kids right and talk about it because their parents dont tell them as they should. Stop acting like its the dark age and start educating you kids and puberty and their body changes like your supposed too.
You should ask whichever school you went to why they were too busy grooming you to teach you about spelling. And "righting."
I think she (the teacher) should have been more mindful, and might well have been seeking to stir controversy.

But I'm genuinely astonished - and moved - by your eloquent words about DOAYG. Thank you for posting them. :)
Additionally, if there was an issue the VP or Principal could have just said "hey, Karens have complained, just stick with the approved books." The incredible lack of support by admin for staff or just lack of common sense in how to handle this is breath taking.
I've never met, nor heard of, an actual parent who did not want their kid to know about puberty and periods before they went through them. The objection is to having non-health teachers leering and drooling while they give the kids their version of it.

That's fine in a health class, or a presentation by a school nurse. The story of Anne Frank is enough on it's own, for a history or literature class, without further harming that child by airing her private thoughts about her sexuality as a way to indoctrinate kids that they should be talking about sex with non-related, non-healthcare adults.

You should ask whichever school you went to why they were too busy grooming you to teach you about spelling. And "righting."
^ Lunatic spewing of deranged conservative fantasies.

The teacher may have shown poor judgment in the current climate of conservative Talibanism, but your unhinged rant displays the real danger we face.
The book is true to her diary talking about going through puberty. I am with the school and against the teacher on this one.


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