Texas teacher fired for Anne Frank

Sure: here are just a few off the top of my head: "TexMex sucks," "Dallas really is in Texas," "Californians can cook," "GM makes a good car."
Fired and escorted out by the Texas Rangers.
Find me the law.

Assigning something to class that tens of millions of kids have read?

Assigning something to class that tens of millions of kids have read?

Again, cite the law.

Jr. High Kids. Hey some are already screwing and have seen far worse.

You use that word "but I don't it means what you think it means."

Doctoral thesis? What voice are you talking to?
Jail? This isn't Afghanistan bro.
Wow thats a lot of issues on your part. Shwo us on this diary where they abused you.
I read the Diary of Anne Frank when I was 10 years old-----I have an annoying
trait----anything I read as a child---I tend to remember. There was no "sex" or allusion
thereto in the book---I WOULD HAVE REMEMBERED (I was not all that naive as a ten
year old)-----I read, later on, CRITICISMS of the book in which people called it a fraud---
because her father edited it a bit before publication----but all he took out were little
allusions to puberty issues and derogatory remarks about her mother-----the comic
that the teacher presented was a kind of SEXY SPOOF---on the level of BELUSHI
COMEDY----the crime is perversion of a published work----of a dead person --no less.
The next crime is presenting perversions of published works as ---nice and acceptable
fun to pubescent dumbells. IMO the comic is porn. The last I heard teaching kids porn
without parental permission is ILLEGAL and IMO---teaching them the glories of
perverting published works is utterly DISGUSTING
I read the Diary of Anne Frank when I was 10 years old-----I have an annoying
trait----anything I read as a child---I tend to remember. There was no "sex" or allusion
thereto in the book---I WOULD HAVE REMEMBERED (I was not all that naive as a ten
year old)-----I read, later on, CRITICISMS of the book in which people called it a fraud---
because her father edited it a bit before publication----but all he took out were little
allusions to puberty issues and derogatory remarks about her mother-----the comic
that the teacher presented was a kind of SEXY SPOOF---on the level of BELUSHI
COMEDY----the crime is perversion of a published work----of a dead person --no less.
The next crime is presenting perversions of published works as ---nice and acceptable
fun to pubescent dumbells. IMO the comic is porn. The last I heard teaching kids porn
without parental permission is ILLEGAL and IMO---teaching them the glories of
perverting published works is utterly DISGUSTING
What the hell? Did you send this by Western Telegram?
I read the Diary of Anne Frank when I was 10 years old-----I have an annoying
trait----anything I read as a child---I tend to remember. There was no "sex" or allusion
thereto in the book---I WOULD HAVE REMEMBERED (I was not all that naive as a ten
year old)-----I read, later on, CRITICISMS of the book in which people called it a fraud---
because her father edited it a bit before publication----but all he took out were little
allusions to puberty issues and derogatory remarks about her mother-----the comic
that the teacher presented was a kind of SEXY SPOOF---on the level of BELUSHI
COMEDY----the crime is perversion of a published work----of a dead person --no less.
The next crime is presenting perversions of published works as ---nice and acceptable
fun to pubescent dumbells. IMO the comic is porn. The last I heard teaching kids porn
without parental permission is ILLEGAL and IMO---teaching them the glories of
perverting published works is utterly DISGUSTING
i read both versions nothing wrong with either of them. though i dont read these comic versions of anything its lazy reading.
No. It's a cartoon version that includes some private stuff that her father and publishers withheld because it was the private, intimate musings of a very young girl in her diary (maybe. I am dubious). Regardless, just because it exists doesn't mean it's supposed to be part of the original book.
And just because it exists doesn't make it appropriate. I don't want anybody reading Biden's daughter's diary to young girls, either. Because that is sick, just as this is.
her father with held nothing the publisher did. nothing wrong with either verison of the book. only wimpy parents think so.,
--oh C'MON--the teacher breached law, ethics and decency from TOP TO BOTTOM.
She introduced a writing which IN ITSELF is a crime---She taught little pubescent kids
that RE WRTING a published work and making it OBSCENE is a fine thing to do--perfectly
acceptable----remember that when you do your Doctoral Thesis----she should be
i read both versions nothing wrong with either of them. though i dont read these comic versions of anything its lazy reading.
I have read MANY CLASSIC COMICS versions of classical works-----as a kid---
My brothers used them for "book reports" in school----(they actually managed to
ace high school courses that way) The classic comics are a fun read and NOT
I have read MANY CLASSIC COMICS versions of classical works-----as a kid---
My brothers used them for "book reports" in school----(they actually managed to
ace high school courses that way) The classic comics are a fun read and NOT
just chicken shit parents who dont have the balls to teacher there kids n the facts of life.
her father with held nothing the publisher did. nothing wrong with either verison of the book. only wimpy parents think so.,

her father with held nothing the publisher did. nothing wrong with either verison of the book. only wimpy parents think so.,
Wimpy parents are sick of pedo teachers and others hijacking the schools to push their garbage. That includes altering the tale of Anne Frank to make it an explicit cartoon with none of the actual literary value of the original...and pushing it as if it's the equal of the other publication.
Are you arguing the teacher was trying to groom the kids to be heterosexuals?
I think the teacher probably got her jollies just reading explicit stuff to the kids and then pointing to the genitalia. Which is why she got fired. Apparently others thought so as well.
There is nothing "sick" in her diary. That came after getting sent to the camp.
That garbage isn't her diary. It's a perverted and illiterate substitution for the real thing that excites the weirdoes that think it's cute and funny to groom our kids.
I think the teacher probably got her jollies just reading explicit stuff to the kids and then pointing to the genitalia. Which is why she got fired. Apparently others thought so as well.
It amazes me that anyone could possibly think that the lousy knock off
of Anne's Diary is a lesson in "THE FACTS OF LIFE"
Wimpy parents are sick of pedo teachers and others hijacking the schools to push their garbage. That includes altering the tale of Anne Frank to make it an explicit cartoon with none of the actual literary value of the original...and pushing it as if it's the equal of the other publication.

bull its not altered. were you in the class?

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