Texas to be attacked by Military

The Feds never would have dared to invade Texas if Rick Perry was still governor


Yep.....he would've just said "OOPS"....
President Jeb Bush orders counter-insurgent military exercises in Baltimore, Detroit and Philadelphia.

Er, Jeb Bush has never been President......and one could expect those states to do so, but TEXAS? Texas is now being run by the asylum patients.

But if that does happen, will Libs just say it's another day at the office?

IF? I thought conservatives claimed in another thread that the military would take their side.......you would think they would welcome the military coming into the state, then.

Oh, so you're not OK with military exercises where Democrat Inner cities are considered hostile territory. wow

What are you talking about. Did you even read the OP? You don't seem to be connecting with it.

Well, I think he connects with the batshit crazy part of it.....
OMG! Texas Governor Greg Abbott thinks that Obama is secretly getting the military ready to attack and take over Texas. Certain conspiracy groups have stirred up suspicions that Texas is on target for a take over by the military....could conservatives really be this naive? Have some really gone stir crazy?

I thought Republican/conservatives loved the military.......why would the military agree to attack a Red state?

Paranoia catches Abbott’s attention: Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover

Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas Guard to monitor federal military exercises in Texas after some citizens have lit up the Internet saying the maneuvers are actually the prelude to martial law.

Called Jade Helm 15, the exercise is one of the largest training operations done by the military in response to what it calls the evolving nature of warfare. About 1,200 special operations personnel will be involved and move covertly among the public. They will use military equipment to travel between seven Southwestern states from Texas to California.

On Monday, command spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria attended a Bastrop County Commissioners Court meeting to answer community questions and was met with hostile fire. Lastoria, in response to some of the questions from the 150 who attended, sought to dispel fears that foreign fighters from the Islamic State were being brought in or that Texans’ guns would be confiscated, according to a report in the Austin American-Statesman.

Paranoia catches Abbott s attention Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover Dallas Morning News

Floyd: To ease takeover fears, Abbott needs to call crazy what it is

I believe the biggest concern should be the conditioning of the American people to such events - militarized police forces - military presence - this is what goes on in communist nations. Not America. That is what concerns me. It should not be happening at all.

If we didn't have so many incidents where racist cops kill black people, there wouldn't be any need for such. Some people just can't accept the fact that we're all people....
I believe the biggest concern should be the conditioning of the American people to such events - militarized police forces - military presence - this is what goes on in communist nations. Not America. That is what concerns me. It should not be happening at all.

I absolutely agree .:thup:

Tissue? ^^^^^
I believe the biggest concern should be the conditioning of the American people to such events - militarized police forces - military presence - this is what goes on in communist nations. Not America. That is what concerns me. It should not be happening at all.

I absolutely agree .:thup:

Tissue? ^^^^^

The only tears I weep are for the lost. Some lost people mock the LORD and think calling evil good and good evil is something they can get away with, Mertex. There is a day when every man and every women shall give an account for every idle word they have spoken, wrote, communicated - and by those words they shall be judged. It shall determine where they will go for all eternity - so if I were you I'd let my words few. Mocking people is not a wise thing to do.
I believe the biggest concern should be the conditioning of the American people to such events - militarized police forces - military presence - this is what goes on in communist nations. Not America. That is what concerns me. It should not be happening at all.

I absolutely agree .:thup:

Tissue? ^^^^^

The only tears I weep are for the lost. Some lost people mock the LORD and think calling evil good and good evil is something they can get away with, Mertex. There is a day when every man and every women shall give an account for every idle word they have spoken, wrote, communicated - and by those words they shall be judged. It shall determine where they will go for all eternity - so if I were you I'd let my words few. Mocking people is not a wise thing to do.

You are barking up the wrong tree....maybe you need to address your response to Skye, since she thought that my response to you deserved a snarky "tissue" from her. If my response deserves a "tissue" then surely her agreeing with your post deserves one too, since my response was addressing the fact that the reason we are having so many incidents where we need military presence is due to all the racist cops killing black people for petty reasons.

My words may be judged one day, but they won't send me to hell.....I've already been forgiven and know exactly where I'm going. Perhaps those that coddle racism are the ones that need to worry, because you can't be a Christian and embrace racism.
I never said anyone could be a Christian and embrace racism. If someone is a a racist they cannot say they love God. They're lost. When I read the OP and comments I didn't see anything about a military presence due to racist cops. I saw a discussion mocking people who were concerned about martial law and Jade Helm 15. That is what I saw and I didn't find it to be fair. Whether or not it is about martial law or infiltrating the communities to see if they can do their drills undetected - it is wrong. Because it is conditioning the American people to accept militarized police - military roaming about the community - it's something one would see in a Communist 3rd world nation. Not America. People have a reason to be concerned. These types of drills were unheard of before Obama took office. I find it quite unusual that such a thing should be called for and even more unusual to find Americans laughing with people from Europe (Stat) about it as if it were nothing. It is something and people ought to speak up about it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with people in the US voicing their concerns about military drills that go on for 2 months - military ops done in neighborhoods - airports and the like - because it is something that should not be happening.
OMG! Texas Governor Greg Abbott thinks that Obama is secretly getting the military ready to attack and take over Texas. Certain conspiracy groups have stirred up suspicions that Texas is on target for a take over by the military....could conservatives really be this naive? Have some really gone stir crazy?

I thought Republican/conservatives loved the military.......why would the military agree to attack a Red state?

Paranoia catches Abbott’s attention: Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover

Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas Guard to monitor federal military exercises in Texas after some citizens have lit up the Internet saying the maneuvers are actually the prelude to martial law.

Called Jade Helm 15, the exercise is one of the largest training operations done by the military in response to what it calls the evolving nature of warfare. About 1,200 special operations personnel will be involved and move covertly among the public. They will use military equipment to travel between seven Southwestern states from Texas to California.

On Monday, command spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria attended a Bastrop County Commissioners Court meeting to answer community questions and was met with hostile fire. Lastoria, in response to some of the questions from the 150 who attended, sought to dispel fears that foreign fighters from the Islamic State were being brought in or that Texans’ guns would be confiscated, according to a report in the Austin American-Statesman.

Paranoia catches Abbott s attention Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover Dallas Morning News

Floyd: To ease takeover fears, Abbott needs to call crazy what it is

I believe the biggest concern should be the conditioning of the American people to such events - militarized police forces - military presence - this is what goes on in communist nations. Not America. That is what concerns me. It should not be happening at all.

If we didn't have so many incidents where racist cops kill black people, there wouldn't be any need for such. Some people just can't accept the fact that we're all people....

This has nothing to do with Baltimore or Ferguson or race, Mertex. The military has never said these special ops were in regards to any racial trouble. It is a conditioning exercise. I expect their intention is to make such ops in civilian communities / towns / cities / the "new norm". It's wrong. It should not be happening. It's an over reach of power and the American people should demand it be stopped immediately.
OMG! Texas Governor Greg Abbott thinks that Obama is secretly getting the military ready to attack and take over Texas. Certain conspiracy groups have stirred up suspicions that Texas is on target for a take over by the military....could conservatives really be this naive? Have some really gone stir crazy?

I thought Republican/conservatives loved the military.......why would the military agree to attack a Red state?

Paranoia catches Abbott’s attention: Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover

Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas Guard to monitor federal military exercises in Texas after some citizens have lit up the Internet saying the maneuvers are actually the prelude to martial law.

Called Jade Helm 15, the exercise is one of the largest training operations done by the military in response to what it calls the evolving nature of warfare. About 1,200 special operations personnel will be involved and move covertly among the public. They will use military equipment to travel between seven Southwestern states from Texas to California.

On Monday, command spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria attended a Bastrop County Commissioners Court meeting to answer community questions and was met with hostile fire. Lastoria, in response to some of the questions from the 150 who attended, sought to dispel fears that foreign fighters from the Islamic State were being brought in or that Texans’ guns would be confiscated, according to a report in the Austin American-Statesman.

Paranoia catches Abbott s attention Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover Dallas Morning News

Floyd: To ease takeover fears, Abbott needs to call crazy what it is

I believe the biggest concern should be the conditioning of the American people to such events - militarized police forces - military presence - this is what goes on in communist nations. Not America. That is what concerns me. It should not be happening at all.

If we didn't have so many incidents where racist cops kill black people, there wouldn't be any need for such. Some people just can't accept the fact that we're all people....

This has nothing to do with Baltimore or Ferguson or race, Mertex. The military has never said these special ops were in regards to any racial trouble. It is a conditioning exercise. I expect their intention is to make such ops in civilian communities / towns / cities / the "new norm". It's wrong. It should not be happening. It's an over reach of power and the American people should demand it be stopped immediately.

It's paranoia to think that it is a prelude to martial law.........and especially the part about Obama taking over Texas.......geez........where does all that fear come from? Especially for people that are supposed to be trusting God.

I don't see anything wrong with our military being prepared at all times........especially with some of the stuff that is happening. If anyone needs to be paranoid it should be those of us that hear Republican/conservatives talking all the time about stocking up on weapons and ready to do battle........batshit crazy kind of stuff. But, I'm not one to panic that easily.
OMG! Texas Governor Greg Abbott thinks that Obama is secretly getting the military ready to attack and take over Texas. Certain conspiracy groups have stirred up suspicions that Texas is on target for a take over by the military....could conservatives really be this naive? Have some really gone stir crazy?

I thought Republican/conservatives loved the military.......why would the military agree to attack a Red state?

Paranoia catches Abbott’s attention: Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover

Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas Guard to monitor federal military exercises in Texas after some citizens have lit up the Internet saying the maneuvers are actually the prelude to martial law.

Called Jade Helm 15, the exercise is one of the largest training operations done by the military in response to what it calls the evolving nature of warfare. About 1,200 special operations personnel will be involved and move covertly among the public. They will use military equipment to travel between seven Southwestern states from Texas to California.

On Monday, command spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria attended a Bastrop County Commissioners Court meeting to answer community questions and was met with hostile fire. Lastoria, in response to some of the questions from the 150 who attended, sought to dispel fears that foreign fighters from the Islamic State were being brought in or that Texans’ guns would be confiscated, according to a report in the Austin American-Statesman.

Paranoia catches Abbott s attention Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover Dallas Morning News

Floyd: To ease takeover fears, Abbott needs to call crazy what it is

I believe the biggest concern should be the conditioning of the American people to such events - militarized police forces - military presence - this is what goes on in communist nations. Not America. That is what concerns me. It should not be happening at all.

If we didn't have so many incidents where racist cops kill black people, there wouldn't be any need for such. Some people just can't accept the fact that we're all people....

This has nothing to do with Baltimore or Ferguson or race, Mertex. The military has never said these special ops were in regards to any racial trouble. It is a conditioning exercise. I expect their intention is to make such ops in civilian communities / towns / cities / the "new norm". It's wrong. It should not be happening. It's an over reach of power and the American people should demand it be stopped immediately.

It's paranoia to think that it is a prelude to martial law.........and especially the part about Obama taking over Texas.......geez........where does all that fear come from? Especially for people that are supposed to be trusting God.

I don't see anything wrong with our military being prepared at all times........especially with some of the stuff that is happening. If anyone needs to be paranoid it should be those of us that hear Republican/conservatives talking all the time about stocking up on weapons and ready to do battle........batshit crazy kind of stuff. But, I'm not one to panic that easily.

Personally, I would not panic over it - I am not panicking over it - but I am not going to speak to whether others should be alarmed or not. I do find it alarming / something to be concerned over - because it appears to be an attempt to condition Americans to the presence of military on our streets - in our communities - and again - I must tell you that is what is done in 3rd world communist nations - not America. This has never been done prior to Obama being in office so why is it being done now? Military drills were never done within the civilian population. Why now? What for?
OMG! Texas Governor Greg Abbott thinks that Obama is secretly getting the military ready to attack and take over Texas. Certain conspiracy groups have stirred up suspicions that Texas is on target for a take over by the military....could conservatives really be this naive? Have some really gone stir crazy?

I thought Republican/conservatives loved the military.......why would the military agree to attack a Red state?

Paranoia catches Abbott’s attention: Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover

Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas Guard to monitor federal military exercises in Texas after some citizens have lit up the Internet saying the maneuvers are actually the prelude to martial law.

Called Jade Helm 15, the exercise is one of the largest training operations done by the military in response to what it calls the evolving nature of warfare. About 1,200 special operations personnel will be involved and move covertly among the public. They will use military equipment to travel between seven Southwestern states from Texas to California.

On Monday, command spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria attended a Bastrop County Commissioners Court meeting to answer community questions and was met with hostile fire. Lastoria, in response to some of the questions from the 150 who attended, sought to dispel fears that foreign fighters from the Islamic State were being brought in or that Texans’ guns would be confiscated, according to a report in the Austin American-Statesman.

Paranoia catches Abbott s attention Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover Dallas Morning News

Floyd: To ease takeover fears, Abbott needs to call crazy what it is
Should we raise the confederate national civil flag and ask them to "harass a Judge" for their Cause instead.
This is a Jade Helm 15 drill late night on the streets of Ft. Lauderdale. Have a look:

And here is a comment from someone who is not buying the excuses he's been given about why these drills are being done in American cities. Our military guys find it to be suspicious. How much more so should the American people?

he writes:

Jade Helm 15. It could be as SOCOM says it is. Nothing more than a training exercise. It could be like its many supporters say it is...a chance to get off base and "Master the Human Terrain".

American Mercenary could be right. I don't have the experience to make an informed decision (although the bastard is twisted to think that I have to have experience planning large scale exercises to be able to have an opinion on whether a training event needs to be conducted in civilian space when the US military has millions of acres of land to operate on).

One thing these apologists, staff weenies, SOCOM worshippers and fellow travelers all have in common is one thing.

They can't answer a simple question. Why is it essential for these forces to operate in US cities? We've seen an increase in this and no one can explain what benefit training in a US city brings when it comes to operating overseas.
The US is distinct. Its different. Even European cities are totally different from our own. British cities are different and they speak the same language. SO how can training in a US city prepare a team to operate in Kabul, Istanbul, Shanghai, or another foreign area?

People like American Mercenary can spin this all they want but until they answer why its necessary then many will look upon it with suspicious eyes.
Last edited:
As you can see by the video - anyone who was not aware of Jade Helm 15 and witnessed that scene - the helicopters flying low overhead, etc would have been very alarmed at such a sight. Indeed they were but it was kept out of the news for the most part. Now then. Let us examine this person comments. First of all he was told by a soldier using the s/n "American Mercenary" there is nothing to be concerned over. As the military leaders told their men - its a chance to get off base and Master the Human Terrain... That's quite a statement. You men are going to have an opportunity to get off base and "Master the Human Terrain"... really?! American mercenary was not capable of a reasonable explanation for the need to do these exercises in American cities. I'll tell you why. Look at the video? What is the reasonable explanation? There can be none! They are conditioning the American people to get used to such sights as you see in this video. It's out of line and completely unacceptable. The time for Americans to speak up is right now. They have millions of acres of land to do their exercises on (the Military). Let them use it. Not our public streets, highways and airways. No way!
I don't really care if Texas secedes, as long as America retains a corridor from Louisiana to New Mexico---sort of like we had to Berlin. Preferably, it should be routed through Austin and San Antonio. West Texas is, of course, one of the worst drives in the USA, but they have improved it somewhat by giving it an 80 MPH speed limit.
OMG! Texas Governor Greg Abbott thinks that Obama is secretly getting the military ready to attack and take over Texas. Certain conspiracy groups have stirred up suspicions that Texas is on target for a take over by the military....could conservatives really be this naive? Have some really gone stir crazy?

I thought Republican/conservatives loved the military.......why would the military agree to attack a Red state?

Paranoia catches Abbott’s attention: Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover

Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas Guard to monitor federal military exercises in Texas after some citizens have lit up the Internet saying the maneuvers are actually the prelude to martial law.

Called Jade Helm 15, the exercise is one of the largest training operations done by the military in response to what it calls the evolving nature of warfare. About 1,200 special operations personnel will be involved and move covertly among the public. They will use military equipment to travel between seven Southwestern states from Texas to California.

On Monday, command spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria attended a Bastrop County Commissioners Court meeting to answer community questions and was met with hostile fire. Lastoria, in response to some of the questions from the 150 who attended, sought to dispel fears that foreign fighters from the Islamic State were being brought in or that Texans’ guns would be confiscated, according to a report in the Austin American-Statesman.

Paranoia catches Abbott s attention Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover Dallas Morning News

Floyd: To ease takeover fears, Abbott needs to call crazy what it is

I believe the biggest concern should be the conditioning of the American people to such events - militarized police forces - military presence - this is what goes on in communist nations. Not America. That is what concerns me. It should not be happening at all.

If we didn't have so many incidents where racist cops kill black people, there wouldn't be any need for such. Some people just can't accept the fact that we're all people....

This has nothing to do with Baltimore or Ferguson or race, Mertex. The military has never said these special ops were in regards to any racial trouble. It is a conditioning exercise. I expect their intention is to make such ops in civilian communities / towns / cities / the "new norm". It's wrong. It should not be happening. It's an over reach of power and the American people should demand it be stopped immediately.

It's paranoia to think that it is a prelude to martial law.........and especially the part about Obama taking over Texas.......geez........where does all that fear come from? Especially for people that are supposed to be trusting God.

I don't see anything wrong with our military being prepared at all times........especially with some of the stuff that is happening. If anyone needs to be paranoid it should be those of us that hear Republican/conservatives talking all the time about stocking up on weapons and ready to do battle........batshit crazy kind of stuff. But, I'm not one to panic that easily.

Personally, I would not panic over it - I am not panicking over it - but I am not going to speak to whether others should be alarmed or not. I do find it alarming / something to be concerned over - because it appears to be an attempt to condition Americans to the presence of military on our streets - in our communities - and again - I must tell you that is what is done in 3rd world communist nations - not America. This has never been done prior to Obama being in office so why is it being done now? Military drills were never done within the civilian population. Why now? What for?

Well, like I told you in a previous post which you claim is not the reason for it.......lately we have been experiencing a lot of tension and uprising over the many incidents where cops are being exposed for killing blacks for petty reasons. The more unrest that occurs the more reason there might be for military intervention. I would think it would be more alarming to think that the military would not be prepared to handle it if need be.

We had not seen so many cases of police abuse and excessive force as we've seen within the past few months. I don't know what you expect to happen......of course the military may have to get involved to keep it under control. It can't just be ignored.

You're making too much of it......just like Abott and a bunch of over-zealous right-wingers who think that Obama is out to destroy the country. The country is in better shape then the way Bush left it. Why is it that right-wingers just don't want to accept that?
OMG! Texas Governor Greg Abbott thinks that Obama is secretly getting the military ready to attack and take over Texas. Certain conspiracy groups have stirred up suspicions that Texas is on target for a take over by the military....could conservatives really be this naive? Have some really gone stir crazy?

I thought Republican/conservatives loved the military.......why would the military agree to attack a Red state?

Paranoia catches Abbott’s attention: Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover

Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas Guard to monitor federal military exercises in Texas after some citizens have lit up the Internet saying the maneuvers are actually the prelude to martial law.

Called Jade Helm 15, the exercise is one of the largest training operations done by the military in response to what it calls the evolving nature of warfare. About 1,200 special operations personnel will be involved and move covertly among the public. They will use military equipment to travel between seven Southwestern states from Texas to California.

On Monday, command spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria attended a Bastrop County Commissioners Court meeting to answer community questions and was met with hostile fire. Lastoria, in response to some of the questions from the 150 who attended, sought to dispel fears that foreign fighters from the Islamic State were being brought in or that Texans’ guns would be confiscated, according to a report in the Austin American-Statesman.

Paranoia catches Abbott s attention Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover Dallas Morning News

Floyd: To ease takeover fears, Abbott needs to call crazy what it is
Should we raise the confederate national civil flag and ask them to "harass a Judge" for their Cause instead.

Your post doesn't make sense to me. Who is "them"? And many rw'ers do raise the confederate national civil flag......like if somehow the South won the civil war.
As you can see by the video - anyone who was not aware of Jade Helm 15 and witnessed that scene - the helicopters flying low overhead, etc would have been very alarmed at such a sight. Indeed they were but it was kept out of the news for the most part. Now then. Let us examine this person comments. First of all he was told by a soldier using the s/n "American Mercenary" there is nothing to be concerned over. As the military leaders told their men - its a chance to get off base and Master the Human Terrain... That's quite a statement. You men are going to have an opportunity to get off base and "Master the Human Terrain"... really?! American mercenary was not capable of a reasonable explanation for the need to do these exercises in American cities. I'll tell you why. Look at the video? What is the reasonable explanation? There can be none! They are conditioning the American people to get used to such sights as you see in this video. It's out of line and completely unacceptable. The time for Americans to speak up is right now. They have millions of acres of land to do their exercises on (the Military). Let them use it. Not our public streets, highways and airways. No way!

And this is an example of the extreme right-wing that has gone completely off the edge........sorry, but helicopters flying low overhead don't alarm me, unless I happen to be paranoid already. Most sensible people see Abbott as total loon to suggest that Obama is trying to overtake Texas.......geez, can't get more bat-shit crazy than that.
This just in: On hearing the news that the National Guard may be called up to defend Texas in the event that it may be invaded by the US military, Bush II had his jet fighter license renewed at the Texas DMV and rejoined the National Guard. Reporters tried to contact him for an interview, but he seems to have disappeared for parts unknown. His last contact seems to have come by mail from a golf country club in Florida in the form of a request for a credit to his flying hours records with the National Guard.

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