Texas to be attacked by Military

I believe Judicial Activism that better promotes the common Defense and general Welfare of the State and of the United States may include support for fire crews during any fire season, by gun lovers who have presented themselves before the Judicature for breaches of the domestic Tranquility or security of our free States.

What State could be worse off with better aqueducts and better roads.

Such exercises may be invaluable to any State Militia.
I would like to make a motion to "Shanghai" our State elected representatives to probationary boot-camps in Colorado and Texas, should Texas decide to make use of some spare (Yankee) ingenuity (as a moral obligation on the part of some on the left in Alta California).
How do so many batshit crazy people find their way into RED State politics?

a. Red states are poor states.

b. Poor people turn to Religion for comfort.

c. Religion has always been used to control people and their politics.

d. Red State Conservative politicians used religion to manipulate and control their base.

Wingers Debate Why Obama Is Plotting Military Takeover of Texas

Texas residents were up in arms this week over a planned U.S. military training exercise that's been portrayed in right-wing conspiracy theory circles as everything from a ploy to confiscate Americans' guns to an excuse to abduct political dissidents.

The speculation reached such a fever pitch that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Tuesday asked the State Guard to monitor the exercise so that "that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed."

Residents' fears can be traced back to a "leaked" slideshow presentation that outlined the operation's goals and logistics and made the rounds on the fringe of the conservative blogosphere. The document was posted by the conspiracy theory website All News Pipeline to the document sharing site Scribd in March under the headline "Jade Helm Martial Law WW3 Prep Document 1." As of Thursday, it had been viewed more than 2.1 million times.

The document contained a map that labelled certain states, including Texas and Utah, as "hostile." So it comes as no surprise that rumors about a possible military takeover would run rampant among anti-federalists and conspiracy theorists.
OMG! Texas Governor Greg Abbott thinks that Obama is secretly getting the military ready to attack and take over Texas. Certain conspiracy groups have stirred up suspicions that Texas is on target for a take over by the military....could conservatives really be this naive? Have some really gone stir crazy?

I thought Republican/conservatives loved the military.......why would the military agree to attack a Red state?

Paranoia catches Abbott’s attention: Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover

Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas Guard to monitor federal military exercises in Texas after some citizens have lit up the Internet saying the maneuvers are actually the prelude to martial law.

Called Jade Helm 15, the exercise is one of the largest training operations done by the military in response to what it calls the evolving nature of warfare. About 1,200 special operations personnel will be involved and move covertly among the public. They will use military equipment to travel between seven Southwestern states from Texas to California.

On Monday, command spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria attended a Bastrop County Commissioners Court meeting to answer community questions and was met with hostile fire. Lastoria, in response to some of the questions from the 150 who attended, sought to dispel fears that foreign fighters from the Islamic State were being brought in or that Texans’ guns would be confiscated, according to a report in the Austin American-Statesman.

Paranoia catches Abbott s attention Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover Dallas Morning News

Floyd: To ease takeover fears, Abbott needs to call crazy what it is

I believe the biggest concern should be the conditioning of the American people to such events - militarized police forces - military presence - this is what goes on in communist nations. Not America. That is what concerns me. It should not be happening at all.

Did it concern you in the 1950s? Cuz it was going on then, too.

Has there ever been a time when the US military did not, er, uh, practice?
Should the State of Texas, State Militia have its own invasion and or insurrection drills?

If the governor of the state tell them to, I guess they could.

Red states have been paranoid for a long time now......if they really believed their own propaganda they would have done something already, they just stir up crap to get the Republican base all fired up and angry....but it doesn't equate to getting more votes. Most people can see through the crap and just roll their eyes.
Our Military needs to be prepared "just in case" Texas attacks us

I'm not saying they will take up arms against our country again, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared to kick their asses again if they do
Our Military needs to be prepared "just in case" Texas attacks us

I'm not saying they will take up arms against our country again, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared to kick their asses again if they do

Texas has been waging war on the USA ever since they managed to sneak their Manchurian Candidate into the Whitehouse in 2001.
Our Military needs to be prepared "just in case" Texas attacks us

I'm not saying they will take up arms against our country again, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared to kick their asses again if they do

Texas has been waging war on the USA ever since they managed to sneak their Manchurian Candidate into the Whitehouse in 2001.

I haven't trusted them since they killed Kennedy
This just in. Texas has recommissioned the Battleship "Texas, which has been landlocked in a canal near Houston for about 70 years. It was launched in 1912. However, after digging it out of the mud, someone remembered that it is a coal fired ship, and there is no coal in Texas. They have sent a delegation to PA in an effort to trade tacos for coal. Negotiations broke down when PA only agreed to trading tacos for gyros....

What would the conspiracy nutters say if the US military did not run training maneuvers and exercises?
Do you believe OJT would be more effective?
This just in. Texas has recommissioned the Battleship "Texas, which has been landlocked in a canal near Houston for about 70 years. It was launched in 1912. However, after digging it out of the mud, someone remembered that it is a coal fired ship, and there is no coal in Texas. They have sent a delegation to PA in an effort to trade tacos for coal. Negotiations broke down when PA only agreed to trading tacos for gyros....

Recommissioning the Texas would be a good start. Who thinks the US Navy would dare mess with the Texas?

They also need to start re fortifying the Alamo. Can't be sure the evil Gubmint wont attack
This just in. Texas has recommissioned the Battleship "Texas, which has been landlocked in a canal near Houston for about 70 years. It was launched in 1912. However, after digging it out of the mud, someone remembered that it is a coal fired ship, and there is no coal in Texas. They have sent a delegation to PA in an effort to trade tacos for coal. Negotiations broke down when PA only agreed to trading tacos for gyros....
Have to start somewhere. Maybe they can get some coal for some salsa?
I feel hurt that no republicans seem to be be interested in defending the Texas governor about his ordering the Texas guard to "monitor" the military exercises. This thread is a prefect flower bed for conspiracy nuts, and none have come to tell us what is REALLY going on in the Lone Star state...
I feel hurt that no republicans seem to be be interested in defending the Texas governor about his ordering the Texas guard to "monitor" the military exercises. This thread is a prefect flower bed for conspiracy nuts, and none have come to tell us what is REALLY going on in the Lone Star state...

Yes, where are all those brave, patriotic Texans??
I feel hurt that no republicans seem to be be interested in defending the Texas governor about his ordering the Texas guard to "monitor" the military exercises. This thread is a prefect flower bed for conspiracy nuts, and none have come to tell us what is REALLY going on in the Lone Star state...

Yes, where are all those brave, patriotic Texans??

Don't be fooled! Texas has rearmed and has been conducting military exercises of their own! Here is a video of them doing it!


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