Texas to be attacked by Military

I believe the biggest concern should be the conditioning of the American people to such events - militarized police forces - military presence - this is what goes on in communist nations. Not America. That is what concerns me. It should not be happening at all.

I absolutely agree .:thup:
Just for the record. I'm with these two. I am not saying it should not be happening but I am saying, well, let's just say I'm not saying anything.
I believe the biggest concern should be the conditioning of the American people to such events - militarized police forces - military presence - this is what goes on in communist nations. Not America. That is what concerns me. It should not be happening at all.

I absolutely agree .:thup:
Just for the record. I'm with these two. I am not saying it should not be happening but I am saying, well, let's just say I'm not saying anything.

Well sure.......there's no telling how many people drank the KoolAid.
I believe the biggest concern should be the conditioning of the American people to such events - militarized police forces - military presence - this is what goes on in communist nations. Not America. That is what concerns me. It should not be happening at all.

I absolutely agree .:thup:
Just for the record. I'm with these two. I am not saying it should not be happening but I am saying, well, let's just say I'm not saying anything.

Well sure.......there's no telling how many people drank the KoolAid.
As long as no one starts hoarding Pepsi it is all good to me. Did you see that 'military exercise' video that was in one of the earlier posts? That sure is some fancy flying, mighty impressive.
I believe the biggest concern should be the conditioning of the American people to such events - militarized police forces - military presence - this is what goes on in communist nations. Not America. That is what concerns me. It should not be happening at all.

I absolutely agree .:thup:
Just for the record. I'm with these two. I am not saying it should not be happening but I am saying, well, let's just say I'm not saying anything.

Well sure.......there's no telling how many people drank the KoolAid.
As long as no one starts hoarding Pepsi it is all good to me. Did you see that 'military exercise' video that was in one of the earlier posts? That sure is some fancy flying, mighty impressive.

Well, someone as gullible as that should be careful about Pepsi...........just sayin........

Does Pepsi Really Use Cells from Aborted Fetuses to Test Its Products Stem Cells Gone Wild Common Sense Conspiracy
I believe the biggest concern should be the conditioning of the American people to such events - militarized police forces - military presence - this is what goes on in communist nations. Not America. That is what concerns me. It should not be happening at all.

I absolutely agree .:thup:
Just for the record. I'm with these two. I am not saying it should not be happening but I am saying, well, let's just say I'm not saying anything.

Well sure.......there's no telling how many people drank the KoolAid.
As long as no one starts hoarding Pepsi it is all good to me. Did you see that 'military exercise' video that was in one of the earlier posts? That sure is some fancy flying, mighty impressive.

Well, someone as gullible as that should be careful about Pepsi...........just sayin........

Does Pepsi Really Use Cells from Aborted Fetuses to Test Its Products Stem Cells Gone Wild Common Sense Conspiracy
You're the one whose crazy you think I am clicking on that link. My religious fanaticism has made me give up just about everything. My Pepsi is my last vice, that and coffee. ( I have probably said too much already. ;) )
I absolutely agree .:thup:
Just for the record. I'm with these two. I am not saying it should not be happening but I am saying, well, let's just say I'm not saying anything.

Well sure.......there's no telling how many people drank the KoolAid.
As long as no one starts hoarding Pepsi it is all good to me. Did you see that 'military exercise' video that was in one of the earlier posts? That sure is some fancy flying, mighty impressive.

Well, someone as gullible as that should be careful about Pepsi...........just sayin........

Does Pepsi Really Use Cells from Aborted Fetuses to Test Its Products Stem Cells Gone Wild Common Sense Conspiracy
You're the one whose crazy you think I am clicking on that link. My religious fanaticism has made me give up just about everything. My Pepsi is my last vice, that and coffee. ( I have probably said too much already. ;) )

While I do believe that Jade Helm 15 is just some massive military exercise, some of the things that the military has said does ring a bit odd.
1. This massive exercise is supposedly to mimic how the troops would function with local populaces in overseas environments.
Unless the U.S. were to invade, Canada, (excluding Quebec), England, the Rock of Gibraltor, the Faulkland Islands, Northern Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia, all other nations don't speak a great deal of english and thus they're not mimicking anything with that regard.
2. The footage of the exercise going on in Florida has the populace that agreed to be "detainees," shouting "I'm a soverign citizen."
This says to me that, yes....they are merely conducting a training exercise, however, that exercise is aimed squarely at the United States and its populace, not for any overseas activities.
Add to this, that Obama replaced Generals that would not agree to shoot at our citizens if ordered to do so. To me, that reminds me somewhat of what happened in Turkey. The pro-secular generals were accused by the government's new Islamist leader, of plotting to overthrow him and replaced by pro-Islamist military officers
So....are we seeing a trial run for federal martial law? I don't know. Only time will tell.
While I do believe that Jade Helm 15 is just some massive military exercise, some of the things that the military has said does ring a bit odd.
1. This massive exercise is supposedly to mimic how the troops would function with local populaces in overseas environments.
Unless the U.S. were to invade, Canada, (excluding Quebec), England, the Rock of Gibraltor, the Faulkland Islands, Northern Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia, all other nations don't speak a great deal of english and thus they're not mimicking anything with that regard.
2. The footage of the exercise going on in Florida has the populace that agreed to be "detainees," shouting "I'm a soverign citizen."
This says to me that, yes....they are merely conducting a training exercise, however, that exercise is aimed squarely at the United States and its populace, not for any overseas activities.
Add to this, that Obama replaced Generals that would not agree to shoot at our citizens if ordered to do so. To me, that reminds me somewhat of what happened in Turkey. The pro-secular generals were accused by the government's new Islamist leader, of plotting to overthrow him and replaced by pro-Islamist military officers
So....are we seeing a trial run for federal martial law? I don't know. Only time will tell.

FEMA shock troops

The first wave will round up people in Texas and place them in to Obama indoctrination camps
These are some of the FEMA coffins that Obama is stockpiling for his planned invasion of Texas


Hope he has enough
If I were Texas, I'd start treating Obama better

Just for the record. I'm with these two. I am not saying it should not be happening but I am saying, well, let's just say I'm not saying anything.

Well sure.......there's no telling how many people drank the KoolAid.
As long as no one starts hoarding Pepsi it is all good to me. Did you see that 'military exercise' video that was in one of the earlier posts? That sure is some fancy flying, mighty impressive.

Well, someone as gullible as that should be careful about Pepsi...........just sayin........

Does Pepsi Really Use Cells from Aborted Fetuses to Test Its Products Stem Cells Gone Wild Common Sense Conspiracy
You're the one whose crazy you think I am clicking on that link. My religious fanaticism has made me give up just about everything. My Pepsi is my last vice, that and coffee. ( I have probably said too much already. ;) )

Say what you will but when I mention the term "fear God" to some Christians they say, "Oh, did you know fear actually mean "awe"? You are to be in awe of God." Maybe to them but I fear, as in being afraid of, God. Yesterday he threw a stick at me, literally, because I was not listening. (He was just trying to get my attention.) I reworded my post not because I was in 'awe' of God. ;)
One thing is for sure. The feds are not going to invade Texas from SW New mexico. Anyone who has driven past the El Paso stock yards on I-10 knows that only a native Texan could stand the smell for for than 15 minutes.
Well sure.......there's no telling how many people drank the KoolAid.
As long as no one starts hoarding Pepsi it is all good to me. Did you see that 'military exercise' video that was in one of the earlier posts? That sure is some fancy flying, mighty impressive.

Well, someone as gullible as that should be careful about Pepsi...........just sayin........

Does Pepsi Really Use Cells from Aborted Fetuses to Test Its Products Stem Cells Gone Wild Common Sense Conspiracy
You're the one whose crazy you think I am clicking on that link. My religious fanaticism has made me give up just about everything. My Pepsi is my last vice, that and coffee. ( I have probably said too much already. ;) )

Say what you will but when I mention the term "fear God" to some Christians they say, "Oh, did you know fear actually mean "awe"? You are to be in awe of God." Maybe to them but I fear, as in being afraid of, God. Yesterday he threw a stick at me, literally, because I was not listening. (He was just trying to get my attention.) I reworded my post not because I was in 'awe' of God. ;)

God got really angry with me back in 2005 when I was living in New Orleans. Suffice to say that I had to learn how to swim very quickly. Since then, I have been hiding in AZ. Don't tip him off.....
While I do believe that Jade Helm 15 is just some massive military exercise, some of the things that the military has said does ring a bit odd.
1. This massive exercise is supposedly to mimic how the troops would function with local populaces in overseas environments.
Unless the U.S. were to invade, Canada, (excluding Quebec), England, the Rock of Gibraltor, the Faulkland Islands, Northern Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia, all other nations don't speak a great deal of english and thus they're not mimicking anything with that regard.
2. The footage of the exercise going on in Florida has the populace that agreed to be "detainees," shouting "I'm a soverign citizen."
This says to me that, yes....they are merely conducting a training exercise, however, that exercise is aimed squarely at the United States and its populace, not for any overseas activities.
Add to this, that Obama replaced Generals that would not agree to shoot at our citizens if ordered to do so. To me, that reminds me somewhat of what happened in Turkey. The pro-secular generals were accused by the government's new Islamist leader, of plotting to overthrow him and replaced by pro-Islamist military officers
So....are we seeing a trial run for federal martial law? I don't know. Only time will tell.
There are many scientist who are being flatly honest with people when they say it is not a question if certain really bad things are going to happen, it is a question of when. If something were to happen and the system got overloaded and some kook decided to start his own militia the military would have exactly this kind of situation on their hands. One might say, "Well, why such a big exercise?" Because it is impossible to tell who be in what roles in a potential disaster situation. The military is not going to come out and say, "We are preparing for the end of the world." Not that I am saying they are. It would be very short-sighted not prepare for some level of extensive damage to our infrastructure however. I think the primary aspect to realise is that this is defensive training. The military is training to react, not initiate. Texas can stand down its counter offensive, or should I say counter defensive. :D
As long as no one starts hoarding Pepsi it is all good to me. Did you see that 'military exercise' video that was in one of the earlier posts? That sure is some fancy flying, mighty impressive.

Well, someone as gullible as that should be careful about Pepsi...........just sayin........

Does Pepsi Really Use Cells from Aborted Fetuses to Test Its Products Stem Cells Gone Wild Common Sense Conspiracy
You're the one whose crazy you think I am clicking on that link. My religious fanaticism has made me give up just about everything. My Pepsi is my last vice, that and coffee. ( I have probably said too much already. ;) )

Say what you will but when I mention the term "fear God" to some Christians they say, "Oh, did you know fear actually mean "awe"? You are to be in awe of God." Maybe to them but I fear, as in being afraid of, God. Yesterday he threw a stick at me, literally, because I was not listening. (He was just trying to get my attention.) I reworded my post not because I was in 'awe' of God. ;)

God got really angry with me back in 2005 when I was living in New Orleans. Suffice to say that I had to learn how to swim very quickly. Since then, I have been hiding in AZ. Don't tip him off.....
Too late. He can read my mind. I will get a warning and I will say, "What? I didn't say anything." "You were thinking it." Doh!

And about that little thing you are responsible for in New Orleans, all is forgiven, but not forgotten. Sleep with your heart open and a Bible under your pillow. :eusa_shifty:
Well sure.......there's no telling how many people drank the KoolAid.
As long as no one starts hoarding Pepsi it is all good to me. Did you see that 'military exercise' video that was in one of the earlier posts? That sure is some fancy flying, mighty impressive.

Well, someone as gullible as that should be careful about Pepsi...........just sayin........

Does Pepsi Really Use Cells from Aborted Fetuses to Test Its Products Stem Cells Gone Wild Common Sense Conspiracy
You're the one whose crazy you think I am clicking on that link. My religious fanaticism has made me give up just about everything. My Pepsi is my last vice, that and coffee. ( I have probably said too much already. ;) )

Say what you will but when I mention the term "fear God" to some Christians they say, "Oh, did you know fear actually mean "awe"? You are to be in awe of God." Maybe to them but I fear, as in being afraid of, God. Yesterday he threw a stick at me, literally, because I was not listening. (He was just trying to get my attention.) I reworded my post not because I was in 'awe' of God. ;)

Well, "Fear of God" actually means to be so reverent of Him that we don't want to do the opposite of what He says. God is a loving God, no need to "fear" the one that loves you and protects you. But, to fear that Obama is going to take over Texas when Texas is already part of the US and Obama rules over the US, is pretty ignorant. I don't know what God has to do with that assumed "fear" and why you're even bringing that up. If you are one to "fear" God, then you would not be afraid of anyone else or anything else.

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