Texas Trooper Who Arrested Sandra Bland Formally Fired


They STILL haven't said what he lied about. They haven't said what details he stated as fact...that were then proven false.

He's gonna win a lawsuit big enough to retire on.

These are liberals. They dont need any freaking evidence to know that the white cop lied and deserves to be gang raped, turned out in prison.

They just enjoy the thought of it.

Exactly right. Even I agree the cop was unprofessional.

But perjury??

What did he lie about?

The case details are this. The cop said he removed her from the car for safety reasons to continue his investigation. SCOTUS case Maryland vs Wilson says he can lawfully do this.

The grand jury simply said they didn't believe him. That they THINK he had so some other motive or some other mental intent....and they just don't believe him. Basically they thought "nah...that's too convenient...he just had to have been having racist thoughts when he did that lawful act"

SO....the job of the prosecutor is PROVE this cop was thinking something bad when he removed her. Prove what he was THINKING when he took a LAWFUL ACTION. To which the defense will say "We plead the 5th. Go ahead....proven what my clients brain was thinking."

This case obviously has absolutely no shot at being won by the prosecution. And if you libs wanna start charging cops in this fashion.....whew boy....look out....because crime is about to get fucking insane.

They STILL haven't said what he lied about. They haven't said what details he stated as fact...that were then proven false.

He's gonna win a lawsuit big enough to retire on.
You mean you've accurately second-guessed the DA's grand jury presentation? Good work.

They STILL haven't said what he lied about. They haven't said what details he stated as fact...that were then proven false.

He's gonna win a lawsuit big enough to retire on.

I'm pretty sure they don't have to have their decision approved by people on the interwebs. Your opinion wasn't needed.

They STILL haven't said what he lied about. They haven't said what details he stated as fact...that were then proven false.

He's gonna win a lawsuit big enough to retire on.

I'm pretty sure they don't have to have their decision approved by people on the interwebs. Your opinion wasn't needed.

No they dont. Tax payers will be paying his winnings in the wrongful termination lawsuit though.

They STILL haven't said what he lied about. They haven't said what details he stated as fact...that were then proven false.

He's gonna win a lawsuit big enough to retire on.
You mean you've accurately second-guessed the DA's grand jury presentation? Good work.

Maybe you can tell me. What did he factually lie about?
Exactly right. Even I agree the cop was unprofessional.

But perjury??

What did he lie about?

The case details are this. The cop said he removed her from the car for safety reasons to continue his investigation. SCOTUS case Maryland vs Wilson says he can lawfully do this.

The grand jury simply said they didn't believe him. That they THINK he had so some other motive or some other mental intent....and they just don't believe him. Basically they thought "nah...that's too convenient...he just had to have been having racist thoughts when he did that lawful act"

SO....the job of the prosecutor is PROVE this cop was thinking something bad when he removed her. Prove what he was THINKING when he took a LAWFUL ACTION. To which the defense will say "We plead the 5th. Go ahead....proven what my clients brain was thinking."
Have you read Encino's affidavit, which is the instrument the DA used to bring about the indictment? Or are you making assumptions?

This case obviously has absolutely no shot at being won by the prosecution.
The "libs" haven't charged Encino. The DA has done that by presenting facts which were determined by investigation. You may rest assured if there were any way those facts could be arranged and interpreted in Encino's favor they surely would have been.

The simple fact is Encino has over the years acquired some false notions about appropriate behavior toward car-stop subjects and the basic rights of citizens who are being cited. He manipulated a situation which resulted in an unnecessary arrest and I'm sure he lied in his report. I believe he was given the chance to re-submit his report under oath (affidavit) and as the result of acquired habit he paraphrased or directly repeated the lie(s).

And if you libs wanna start charging cops in this fashion.....whew boy....look out....because crime is about to get fucking insane.
I understand there is an active job action occurring nationwide in response to public dissatisfaction with the rise in police misconduct and excessive aggression. While this job action has resulted in decreased arrest and summons activity the overall effect has thus far produced a relatively moderate negative effect.

If the effect of this (informally) union-backed slowdown begins to produce serious consequences the public will not put up with it. Pressure will be applied to high-level politicians who will seek (and acquire) legal suspension of union protections. Internal Affairs activities will intensify. Punitive actions ranging from demotion of incompetent and ineffective superiors, rank-and-file transfers, reassignments, fines and unpaid suspensions to terminations and criminal charges will commence.

I think you know that once the shit hits the fan, the goodie bag is closed and a few major troublemakers are fired, the vast majority of good cops, who quietly understand the root problem is the result of misconduct by a few stupid, sadistic recalcitrants, will ignore the ill-advised job-action and begin playing by the rules.

This notion you have of spoiled, foot-stomping police looking the public in the eye and refusing to do the job they are paid to do is both naive and a bit childish.
Isn't it racist to joke that a fired White Trooper be "housed with a big black man"? Are "big black men" prone to assault or sodomy in the liberal mind?

When the cop is in the same cell for illegally arresting a black woman who later died in custody, that could make a large black guy a little horny.

You know this how? LMAO

Unlike you, I have actually talked to black people.

The conversation usually consists of, "Are you clean?", and, "How much do I owe you?"
Let the buc90 whining commence , maybe he will be housed with a big black man !!

The Texas Department of Public Safety trooper who arrested Sandra Bland — a 28-year-old black woman who later was found dead in the Waller County jail — has been formally fired, three months after a grand jury indicted him on a perjury charge related to the arrest. For the Class A misdemeanor, Brian Encina faces a maximum penalty of a $4,000 fine and up to a year in the same jail where Sandra Bland died.

Texas Trooper Who Arrested Sandra Bland Formally Fired
Awesome! Now you can go there and lynch him you fucking bigot!

They STILL haven't said what he lied about. They haven't said what details he stated as fact...that were then proven false.

He's gonna win a lawsuit big enough to retire on.
The LEO has the equivalent of the Police Union lawyers taking his case. The lawsuits have already been filed. The LEO is going to settle for a sum in the middle seven digits.
Think about 5 million give or take.
The assholes who fired him are all taking 'early retirement' this year.
The LEO has the equivalent of the Police Union lawyers taking his case. The lawsuits have already been filed

Wait a minute. There are staunch republicans on here who love and support LEO's.

But surely those same people don't support UNIONS?

All right wingers hate ALL unions. Wtf?
The LEO has the equivalent of the Police Union lawyers taking his case. The lawsuits have already been filed

Wait a minute. There are staunch republicans on here who love and support LEO's.

But surely those same people don't support UNIONS?

All right wingers hate ALL unions. Wtf?
I don't know of a single state in which police officers are represented by an organization which is legitimately called a union. The reason for this is there are few states, if any, wherein organizations that represent police officers are empowered by law to strike, which is the fundamental source of strength of any potent labor organization -- such as the Teamsters union.

Instead, organizations which are permitted by (most) states' laws to represent police are called benevolent or fraternal organizations, e.g., the Fraternal Order of Police, (F.O.P), or the NYPD Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, etc. Cops in such states are forbidden by law to strike, which means their "unions" effectiveness depends entirely on the willingness of governmental administration to negotiate with them. So if cops engage in any sort of activity that resembles a work stoppage ("job action") they can be summarily fired -- and their "unions" are powerless to defend them.

Most cops don't know this because their "unions" don't make a point of telling them. But if the hammer starts falling on cops who are found to be engaged in a work-stoppage or slowdown ("job action") and they are either fired or severely punished, those job actions will promptly cease and the locker-room lawyers will suddenly become mute.
Isn't it racist to joke that a fired White Trooper be "housed with a big black man"? Are "big black men" prone to assault or sodomy in the liberal mind?

When the cop is in the same cell for illegally arresting a black woman who later died in custody, that could make a large black guy a little horny.

You know this how? LMAO

Unlike you, I have actually talked to black people.

Sassy is scared of black people.
Let the buc90 whining commence , maybe he will be housed with a big black man !!

The Texas Department of Public Safety trooper who arrested Sandra Bland — a 28-year-old black woman who later was found dead in the Waller County jail — has been formally fired, three months after a grand jury indicted him on a perjury charge related to the arrest. For the Class A misdemeanor, Brian Encina faces a maximum penalty of a $4,000 fine and up to a year in the same jail where Sandra Bland died.

Texas Trooper Who Arrested Sandra Bland Formally Fired

He was indicted for perjury related to the arrest. So he grossly mishandled the arrest, and then he lied about his actions.

And the 'good' cops got rid of him. THIS is what has to take place across the country. Weed out the whackos who think a badge makes them god.
You don't know that he mishandled the arrest. Based on the video I think he showed great restraint dealing with a belligerent bitch. He could of been modifying his story because in this hyper PC environment he was afraid that he would be crucified. If this is the case then his plan obviously backfired.
Too little too late. The woman is dead.
You don't know that he mishandled the arrest. Based on the video I think he showed great restraint dealing with a belligerent bitch.

If you think Encino showed great restraint, at specifically what point in his transaction with her to you believe he should have responded to her belligerence?

Please specify what you regard as her belligerence. What did Bland say or do that you would classify as belligerence?

How do you think Encino should have responded to her belligerence?

How does the Texas state Code define belligerence toward a police officer? Tone of voice? Specific language (words)? Expressions of resentment and displeasure at being stopped and cited?

My impression of this incident is when Encino signaled Bland to pull over, she complied. And when he asked for her license and insurance card, she complied. Did she refuse any of his authorized instructions that I might have missed? Did she issue any personal insults or threats to Encino that I might have missed?

My impression is Encino had completed all the steps called for in issuing the appropriate traffic summons. All that was left for him to do was hand Bland the summons and be on his way. What specific cause, based on State law and traffic code, did Encino have for deciding to arrest Bland?

They STILL haven't said what he lied about. They haven't said what details he stated as fact...that were then proven false.

He's gonna win a lawsuit big enough to retire on.

He's gonna win a lawsuit big enough to retire on.

I doubt it. A bigger probability is that Sandra's mother will win her Federal lawsuit over the daughter's death in a Waller County jail cell. Testimony by Texas Department of Public Safety director Steve McCraw will weigh heavily in the Mother's favor. Added to the trooper's unprovoked angry escalation of the event as shown in the videotape his actions are going to end up costing Waller County mucho dinero.

"When asked Tuesday whether Sandra Bland was at all to blame for a heated exchange with a state trooper during a traffic stop last year, Texas Department of Public Safety director Steve McCraw said officers are responsible for escalations.
It’s always on the trooper,” McCraw told Texas Tribune CEO and Editor-in Chief Evan Smith. "We’re accountable for every stop. And the citizen has a right to be objectionable ......... we have an obligation not to react and be pulled into that. We’ve got to be professional, above that."

And the citizen has a right to be objectionable ......... we have an obligation not to react and be pulled into that. We’ve got to be professional, above that.
And therein lies the tale.

If you accept a job which requires you to pull drivers over and cite them for often petty offenses you'd better be prepared for expressions of anger and resentment. Your job is to inform the driver of the violation, issue the summons or warning and resume patrol. If a cited driver's attitude offends you beyond your level of tolerance -- you're in the wrong job.

Unfortunately for Trooper Encino he lost sight of this reality over the years, probably because of the imaginative boastings of locker-room lawyers and donut-shop badasses. He is now being harshly reminded of the facts.

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