Texas Trooper Who Arrested Sandra Bland Is Indicted on Perjury Charge

You think you have an "objective perception" of the police? Now THAT is some funny shit!
It's funny to you because you really don't know the difference between subjective and objective in this example. You probably are a textbook authoritarian/submissive.

Do whips, ball-gags, leather underwear and Gestapo uniforms play a part in your sexual fantasies? (Serious question.)
You think you have an "objective perception" of the police? Now THAT is some funny shit!
It's funny to you because you really don't know the difference between subjective and objective in this example. You probably are a textbook authoritarian/submissive.

Do whips, ball-gags, leather underwear and Gestapo uniforms play a part in your sexual fantasies? (Serious question.)

Stupid question actually...

What I've come to expect from you however so I'm not surprised...
You think you have an "objective perception" of the police? Now THAT is some funny shit!
It's funny to you because you really don't know the difference between subjective and objective in this example. You probably are a textbook authoritarian/submissive.

Do whips, ball-gags, leather underwear and Gestapo uniforms play a part in your sexual fantasies? (Serious question.)

Stupid question actually...

What I've come to expect from you however so I'm not surprised...
Stupid question?

Have a look at some of this stuff. Give it some thought and you won't think it's so stupid. Police Costumes for Kids & Adults - Sexy Cop Costumes for Women - Party City

You might have a fetish you're not consciously aware of.
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Cop haters like Mike have either broken the law and had to deal with LE in the past. Or they are currently in trouble with LE. Or they know that sooner or later they will be caught doing something illegal and have to deal with LE.
No law abiding citizen is a 'cop hater'.
Cop haters?

Hatred is the emperor of human emotion. It is more compelling than even love. So please don't flatter yourself with the assumption that I might hate you. Try contempt in your personal example.

There are some good cops. I've known a few and I sometimes come across one while perusing the tv COPS documentary. They are the minority faction but I do harbor sincere respect and admiration for them -- and some of them are Black.

The majority, however, are nothing but self-exalted, costumed goons who would do that job for nothing if they could afford to. They love asking questions (interrogative), giving orders and asserting themselves on people. And some of them derive obvious pleasure from arresting (hurting) people for the most absurdly pointless and unnecessary reasons (minor drug infractions). These time-wasting, casually sadistic, useless sonsabitches are the cops I have contempt for.

And then there are are the Encinias, the vanDykes, the Casebolts, and many, many more who quite obviously are in that job because it affords them a perfect platform from which to exercise their personal perversions. Unfortunately it takes too long for a behaviorist to positively identify these psychologically defective individuals as candidates, so with very few exceptions they slip right past the standard Wechsler/Bellvue interview.

If you want to see them in action, episode after episode, watch COPS.
So now strong armed robbery is "petty crime"? Assaulting a police officer is as well? Get a clue, Joey!

Oh, so because the cop is only in intensive care...riddled with bullets...it's no big deal because he didn't die? You're about as moronic as they come, Joey! You wonder why police "over react" but then when one of them gets shot for absolutely no reason you can't seem to grasp why the police in general are on edge!

He was shot for a reason.

We live in a society where its' too easy for crazy people to get guns.

That's a reason.

we aren't going to fix that, so cops shouldnt use that as excuse to shoot shoplifters and kids playing in the park because they are all scared and stuff.
On this issue we strongly disagree.

While my thoughts are not based on approval of the cop's actions the simple fact is Michael Brown was clearly shown to be a bullying punk who undoubtedly would have gone through a lifetime of hurting other people. So I find no fault with Patrolman Darren Wilson's killing of that vicious bastard. Michael Brown got exactly what he deserved.

Except there's no indication that Brown was any better or worse than any other 18 year old. In fact, other than that altercation at the store (one the store owner didn't even report, someone else did) there's no record he had ever hurt or bullied anyone before.

The point was, when the FATAL shot hit him, he was 100 feet away, wounded, and not an immediate threat. He might have even had his hands up.
Except there's no indication that Brown was any better or worse than any other 18 year old. In fact, other than that altercation at the store (one the store owner didn't even report, someone else did) there's no record he had ever hurt or bullied anyone before.
Michael Brown's actions in that store clearly revealed who and what he was and with that orientation he was destined to harm a lot of people during his lifetime, which fortunately was ended -- as a direct consequence of his own actions.

I have absolutely no sympathy for "Big Mike" Brown. I believe Wilson did the world a favor.

The point was, when the FATAL shot hit him, he was 100 feet away, wounded, and not an immediate threat. He might have even had his hands up.
All of this has been examined and Wilson was cleared of any malfeasance. If there was any deliberate oversight on the investigators' part I have no problem with it in this example. In spite of what some might believe I am confident that racism played no part in this killing. (It would have been redundant.)
So now strong armed robbery is "petty crime"? Assaulting a police officer is as well? Get a clue, Joey!

Oh, so because the cop is only in intensive care...riddled with bullets...it's no big deal because he didn't die? You're about as moronic as they come, Joey! You wonder why police "over react" but then when one of them gets shot for absolutely no reason you can't seem to grasp why the police in general are on edge!

He was shot for a reason.

We live in a society where its' too easy for crazy people to get guns.

That's a reason.

we aren't going to fix that, so cops shouldnt use that as excuse to shoot shoplifters and kids playing in the park because they are all scared and stuff.

Michael Brown was not a "shoplifter"...he committed strong armed robbery...a teen brandishing an air pistol that he's altered to look like a real pistol isn't "playing" when he's pointing that at other people in a public park!

Do you know where the "crazy" person who shot the policeman got his weapon? It was a police handgun stolen from a policeman's house. So if you want to take a crack at explaining how tougher gun laws is going to prevent THAT from happening...I'm dying to hear what law will achieve that!
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On this issue we strongly disagree.

While my thoughts are not based on approval of the cop's actions the simple fact is Michael Brown was clearly shown to be a bullying punk who undoubtedly would have gone through a lifetime of hurting other people. So I find no fault with Patrolman Darren Wilson's killing of that vicious bastard. Michael Brown got exactly what he deserved.

Except there's no indication that Brown was any better or worse than any other 18 year old. In fact, other than that altercation at the store (one the store owner didn't even report, someone else did) there's no record he had ever hurt or bullied anyone before.

The point was, when the FATAL shot hit him, he was 100 feet away, wounded, and not an immediate threat. He might have even had his hands up.

You know as little about the Brown shooting as you do about most things Joe! He wasn't 100 feet away...he was an estimated 35 feet away and had turned and started advancing on the police officer when he was fatally shot. He didn't have his hands up...that was contradicted by the Coroner's report. This is after Brown had already reached into Wilson's squad car, punching the officer in the face and attempting to take his weapon.

You can see what type of person Brown was simply from watching the video tape from the convenience store. You think the store owner not reporting the theft by Brown means that Brown was a good kid? It's more likely that the store owner was scared to death of your good kid because Brown had no problem knocking him around. That wasn't an "altercation" at the store...that was a cut and dry robbery! Mike Brown robbed that store and when the store's owner tried to stop him, Brown physically assaulted him...a man who looks to be about half the size of Brown.
All of this has been examined and Wilson was cleared of any malfeasance. If there was any deliberate oversight on the investigators' part I have no problem with it in this example. In spite of what some might believe I am confident that racism played no part in this killing. (It would have been redundant.)

Yeah, maybe you should read Wilson's self-serving testimony. Or his New Yorker interview.

New Interview With Officer Darren Wilson Proves He Was Racist All Along - Counter Current News
You know as little about the Brown shooting as you do about most things Joe! He wasn't 100 feet away...he was an estimated 35 feet away and had turned and started advancing on the police officer when he was fatally shot. He didn't have his hands up...that was contradicted by the Coroner's report. This is after Brown had already reached into Wilson's squad car, punching the officer in the face and attempting to take his weapon.

again, guy, the whole PD and Coroner's office and DA were pretty much all hands on deck trying to cover Officer Klansman's ass, so I really take anything they say with a grain of salt.

But oddly, Brown needed to be shot for stealing cigars. Dylan Roof who just killed 9 people got taken to Burger King.

Silly Darkies, Rights are For White People.

You can see what type of person Brown was simply from watching the video tape from the convenience store. You think the store owner not reporting the theft by Brown means that Brown was a good kid? It's more likely that the store owner was scared to death of your good kid because Brown had no problem knocking him around. That wasn't an "altercation" at the store...that was a cut and dry robbery! Mike Brown robbed that store and when the store's owner tried to stop him, Brown physically assaulted him...a man who looks to be about half the size of Brown.

Yeah, so Apu wet his pants when one of his customers got sick of being ripped off. You do realize that these immigrant owned businesses that routinely rip off the neighborhood are largely hated. The point is, we have no sound on that video, so we have no idea what they were fighting about. Maybe Apu called the kid the N-word so he pushed him. We really just don't know, do we?

again, "Grand Theft Cigar" shouldn't get you shot when shooting six black folks gets you taken to Burger King.
Michael Brown was not a "shoplifter"...he committed strong armed robbery...a teen brandishing an air pistol that he's altered to look like a real pistol isn't "playing" when he's pointing that at other people in a public park!

Ammon Bundy is a grown man who has been brandishing REAL guns at Federal Agents for a week now, and no one has shot that piece of shit yet.

(oh, yeah, 12 years old isn't a teenager!)

Silly Darkie. Rights are for White People!!!

Do you know where the "crazy" person who shot the policeman got his weapon? It was a police handgun stolen from a policeman's house. So if you want to take a crack at explaining how tougher gun laws is going to prevent THAT from happening...I'm dying to hear what law will achieve that!

You know British Police don't even carry guns, right? Japanese police only unholster their guns on very rare occassions.
Michael Brown was not a "shoplifter"...he committed strong armed robbery...a teen brandishing an air pistol that he's altered to look like a real pistol isn't "playing" when he's pointing that at other people in a public park!

Ammon Bundy is a grown man who has been brandishing REAL guns at Federal Agents for a week now, and no one has shot that piece of shit yet.

(oh, yeah, 12 years old isn't a teenager!)

Silly Darkie. Rights are for White People!!!

Do you know where the "crazy" person who shot the policeman got his weapon? It was a police handgun stolen from a policeman's house. So if you want to take a crack at explaining how tougher gun laws is going to prevent THAT from happening...I'm dying to hear what law will achieve that!

You know British Police don't even carry guns, right? Japanese police only unholster their guns on very rare occassions.
most US cops never draw their weapons in their career and many of the few who do never fire their weapon in their career
Calling American Police officers "Cossacks" is laughable! The average American cop does what they do because they want to make their community a safer place for their families and for yours!
Hokey nonsense. Most do it for a paycheck and the benefits. Some do it for the paycheck, the benefits, and the perverse pleasure they derive from asserting their superimposed authority on the civilian population. This latter category are the cause of presently increasing public resentment of the police

Unfortunately for them...they have to deal with assholes like Sandra Bland who make a habit of breaking the law and then accuse anyone who calls them on it of being a racist.
They don't "have to deal with assholes like Sandra Bland." There are many jobs which involve no contact with the public. But if one wishes to make a living by issuing traffic summonses to other citizens one should be prepared to live with the naturally expected reaction -- which is not going to be polite.

If you commit traffic offenses you have no RIGHT to respond angrily towards the police officer who's job it is to enforce the traffic laws that politicians have decided should exist.
Yes, you do! And this issue has been officially settled many times in many courts. You don't have a right to assault the cop, or to personally abuse him, but you are not expected to react politely or pleasantly. And you absolutely have a right to express your feelings about the experience.

If you have a problem with police writing you a ticket for speeding then get your local politician to change the speed limits. Stop blaming the people who get stuck enforcing all of the laws that the people you elected passed!
It's not the speeding summonses that anger the vast majority of recipients, because speeding is dangerous. Most people know this and when they get caught they understand the necessity of the punishment they are facing. It's the little bullshit money-maker summonses that anger recipients -- like Sandra Bland.

Bland wasn't speeding. She was in the passing lane and when she saw Encinias patrol car behind her she crossed into a right lane to let him pass. Instead of passing he followed her, stopped her, and rather than consider her explanation he became aggressive when she expressed annoyance -- ordering her to put her cigarette out, which he had no justifiable reason to do. His purpose was to issue a summons and be on his way.

There is a psychological phenomenon known to behaviorists as the authoritarian/submissive personality, one very prominent manifestation of which is virtual worship of uniformed authority figures. You should understand that everyone does not manifest this behavioral characteristic but instead harbor a purely objective perception of police authority (not to be confused with criminal types who hate police for obvious reasons).

Here is an article that might be of interest to you: The Authoritarian Personality by Erich Fromm 1957
You poor baby. You have a SERIOUS problem with authority figures.
Normal well adjusted peaceful law abiding people do not. They understand that in our society there are times and places were authority figures like LEOs and judges are vital tp protect themselves from criminals who prey on innocent people for whatever reasons.
You are obviously either just out of prison, about to go to prison or know you be soon caught then be sentenced to prison........again.
'Authority figures' keep asshole predators like you away from ordinary peace loving people. And YOU don't like it!
Hope you enjoy the fucking cat food sandwiches in prison.
You constantly referenced watching some fucking TV show about cops.
The life of a LEO isn't summed up on the fucking TV show you're obsessing on.
Your fixation is obviously a serious emotional issue.
You might consider getting some mental health treatment.
I'm guessing someone in a uniform who was a authority figure touched your 'pee-pee' when you were little.
Could have been a member of the clergy, and Boy Scout leader.
Were you ever a Boy Scout? A choir boy?
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You know as little about the Brown shooting as you do about most things Joe! He wasn't 100 feet away...he was an estimated 35 feet away and had turned and started advancing on the police officer when he was fatally shot. He didn't have his hands up...that was contradicted by the Coroner's report. This is after Brown had already reached into Wilson's squad car, punching the officer in the face and attempting to take his weapon.

again, guy, the whole PD and Coroner's office and DA were pretty much all hands on deck trying to cover Officer Klansman's ass, so I really take anything they say with a grain of salt.

But oddly, Brown needed to be shot for stealing cigars. Dylan Roof who just killed 9 people got taken to Burger King.

Silly Darkies, Rights are For White People.

You can see what type of person Brown was simply from watching the video tape from the convenience store. You think the store owner not reporting the theft by Brown means that Brown was a good kid? It's more likely that the store owner was scared to death of your good kid because Brown had no problem knocking him around. That wasn't an "altercation" at the store...that was a cut and dry robbery! Mike Brown robbed that store and when the store's owner tried to stop him, Brown physically assaulted him...a man who looks to be about half the size of Brown.

Yeah, so Apu wet his pants when one of his customers got sick of being ripped off. You do realize that these immigrant owned businesses that routinely rip off the neighborhood are largely hated. The point is, we have no sound on that video, so we have no idea what they were fighting about. Maybe Apu called the kid the N-word so he pushed him. We really just don't know, do we?

again, "Grand Theft Cigar" shouldn't get you shot when shooting six black folks gets you taken to Burger King.
You're unbelievable! You actually think the store owner DESERVED to be robbed because he's an immigrant? That Michael Brown only did so because the store owner was a racist?

Yeah, I'm sure that tiny store owner called Michael Brown "******"! That's what you do to 300 pound giant black men in a mostly black neighborhood! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
And robbing the store isn't what got Brown shot...assaulting a police officer is what made that happen! I suppose you think Wilson called Michael Brown the "N" word as well? Admit it, Joey...you excuse anything bad that a black man does because someone somewhere might have called them a bad name! At the same time you call the store owner "Apu"? You're the racist and you're too stupid to realize it!
Good -


The charge stemmed from a one-page affidavit that Trooper Encinia filed with jail officials justifying the arrest of Ms. Bland, who was pulled over in a routine traffic stop in Prairie View, northwest of Houston, for failing to use her turn signal. Ms. Bland, 28, who was black, was returning to Texas in July to take a job at her alma mater, Prairie View A&M.

The trooper wrote that he removed Ms. Bland from her car in order to conduct a safe traffic investigation, but “the grand jury found that statement to be false,” a special prosecutor, Shawn McDonald, said.


good. let him get his day in court.
You're unbelievable! You actually think the store owner DESERVED to be robbed because he's an immigrant? That Michael Brown only did so because the store owner was a racist?

Yeah, I'm sure that tiny store owner called Michael Brown "******"! That's what you do to 300 pound giant black men in a mostly black neighborhood!

I think when you are selling over priced food with the expiration dates changed, you kind of don't have a good relationship with the neighborhood... which is why those places were the first ones that got burned down in the inevitable riot that followed the coverup.

But I'm sure you spend most of your life being scared of 300 pound giant black men.
And robbing the store isn't what got Brown shot...assaulting a police officer is what made that happen! I suppose you think Wilson called Michael Brown the "N" word as well? Admit it, Joey...you excuse anything bad that a black man does because someone somewhere might have called them a bad name! At the same time you call the store owner "Apu"? You're the racist and you're too stupid to realize it!

Wilson can't hide his racism. Even with his lawyer sitting right next to him, he couldn't help but blurt it out. Read the New Yorker interview, where he complains about bad black mothers but forgets his own mom was convicted of passing bad checks.

Point was, the kid was 35 feet away from Wilson, probably with his hands up, when he was shot SIX TIMES. There was just no excuse for that, no matter how much whitewash the white DA put on it.

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